Chapter 17
"I asked how you're holding up? With, you know..." Todoroki asked gently.
"O-oh, I'm f-fine." He stuttered in response, finally realizing how close they were. He could feel Todoroki's breath on his face as he turned a deep shade of red. Ironically, it smelt like peppermint.
"You sure?" He pressed. He didn't want Izuku to suffer by himself. Break ups are hard and he wouldn't be opposed to being a rebound.
"I-I-" Izuku was very distracted with the very small amount of space between them.
Todoroki chuckled, knowing that he was affecting the smaller boy and making him flustered. He decided to push it, seeing as he had never gotten this close to him without him pulling back. He placed a hand on his cheek, softly cupping it. "You look a little red Mido, are you feeling okay?" He asked with a smirk.
That's when Izuku realized what he was doing and looked away. Todoroki was a bit disappointed, but knew the boy needed time. This time, he was willing to give it to him.
Izuku mentally berated himself. Why was he suddenly just okay with Todoroki touching him like that? He knew he still didn't like him as anything more than a friends, but for some reason he had just gone with it. Maybe he was just... lonely.
He looked up, catching the eye of Kaminari. He was glaring at him from across the room, holding a crushed can that was leaking pop. Izuku scrunched up his eyebrows while trying to figure out what happened. When Kaminari's gaze flicked to the left of him, Izuku looked to.
He was now glaring at Todoroki. What? Why is he- Oh. Oh.
He's jealous!
It was now Izuku's turn to be mad and glare at him. He had no right to be mad. He was the one that didn't love him back. He couldn't just get jealous for no reason! That was completely unfair to Izuku, who had to try and get over someone who doesn't love him back.
Izuku, feeling mad and petty, decided to throw caution to the wind. He shifted closer to Todoroki, so their sides were flush together, and placed his chin on his shoulder.
Todoroki was surprised for a second, before looking over at Kaminari and noticing his glare. The puzzle pieces clicked and he realized Izuku was using him to make the blonde jealous.
It didn't bother Todoroki. If Izuku wanted to use him, he'd play right along. After all, it was his plan to piss off Kaminari. Now he just had Izuku in on it, making it that much easier.
"Yes Izu?" Todoroki asked, his smirk back in place.
Izuku went bright red at the nickname, causing Todoroki to chuckle at how easy it was to make him blush. "Do you... maybe... wanna hang out after school?" Izuku asked hesitantly. He definitely knew that it was a terrible idea, but his hurt heart wouldn't listen to his brain.
"Of course." He answered, lightly kissing his nose and smiling when Izuku squealed and hid hid face behind his hands.
Once he was over the embarrassment, He moved his hands and laid his head on the taller boy's shoulder, a small smile on his face. Why hadn't he accepted Todoroki's feelings before? He was a good guy, attractive, smart, had a bright future, he was the whole package.
But deep down, Izuku couldn't stop the memories of Kaminari from playing on a loop.
Kaminari stormed out of the cafeteria. He couldn't take it. It didn't matter if it was for the best, it fucking hurt. He couldn't just sit there and watch Todoroki swoop in and pick up the mess he made of Izuku.
Once he was out of the suffocating room, he slammed his hand into a locker, denting it. He took deep, labored breaths, trying to calm down.
The sound of footsteps and the cafeteria door opening, made him turn his head. Kirishima was looking at him in shock.
"What the hell did you do?" He asked, grabbing his bruising hand and inspecting it.
Kaminari ripped his hand back, not caring if he injured himself. He needed to punch something. It was just too bad it hadn't been Todoroki's face.
"What's your problem?" Kirishima asked him.
"I don't have a problem." Kaminari responded.
The red head took a deep breath. He knew he had to be patient with his friend. He was hurting and anyone could see that. "Look, I know for the past three years, you were just pretending to be my friend, but-"
Kaminari cut him off. "I didn't pretend to be your friend, or anyone else's! None of that was fake. The only thing I even lied about was my quirk control and my intelligence. I never faked being your best friend Kiri." He nearly shouted. He was just fed up with everything at that point. He was so upset he just wanted to scream.
Kirishima took in the information. "Okay, so you didn't fake it, got it. Then we're best friends Denks, just talk to me. I know what happened with Midoriya." He said. He just wanted to help his friend. Both of them.
"Nothing happened. We weren't even really dating. Then he fell in love and I ended it." He said quickly. He didn't want to admit to anyone that he cried after Izuku left his room. That he was hurting just as bad as him. That he loved him.
Kirishima sighed, knowing this was going to be harder than he had originally thought. "C'mon Denki, it's me. I know you. You broke up with him because you're scared he's gonna get hurt. It was noble, but stupid. You're just hurting the both of you even more now." He said slowly. He didn't want to upset him, but he needed to hear the truth coming from someone else, or else he'd never listen to reason.
"I broke up with him because he loved me, and I didn't love him. Simple as that." He insisted. The sound of the door closing once again, drew their attention.
Izuku stood in the hallway, looking to be on the verge of tears. He had known the other boy didn't love him, but he had never said it outright before. It hurt. Worse than a broken bone.
"I'm going back to class." Kaminari mumbled, before turning and making his way back to their classroom.
He couldn't stand to look at how much pain he was causing Izuku.
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