; preparation
quite an ordinary week followed. there's nothing really interesting to say, up until the dreaded day.
let's just say, the white witches call it the biggest thing to happen in a century or for short, disaster day. now, that isn't exactly positive sounding. i'll just cut to the chase; black witches aren't good people and enjoy killing others for fun.
yoongi's feet felt like they were slowly sinking into the stone under him when heechul broke the news to him.
"the village has been attacked. we need all of our soldiers on watch, increase the defences, we must not let anybody into this castle," heechul spoke to a nearby knight, sending him to announce his orders to the majority of the castle. he ran off without another word, abnormally quick for a human being. it's what you get for being able to shapeshift into a cheetah. "yoongi-ah, i didn't want to be the one to tell you this, but we believe your mother may be in danger."
his heart seemed to cave in on him, sending a wheeze out through his mouth in an attempt to speak. it was difficult but he stood his ground, preventing himself from dropping onto his knees in sheer shock.
"can i do anything to help?" he forced out, running a shaking hand through his hair and causing it to stick up, sweat slicking it down onto his head.
"we don't want you leaving the castleㅡ" heechul began, an obvious frown painted on his lips.
"in all due respect, it's my mother, your highness. i really think i should go," yoongi's voice was desperate, and he finally let himself drop to his knees in front of the king. "i know i should stay and protect hoseok, but i don't know what i'd do without her."
"yoongi, please stand up," heechul reached forward and pulled the younger up by the forearms, holding them gently once he was upright. "we...we can protect hoseok. you're right, she's your mother and it would be cruel to keep you from seeing her. take the time that you need, but take some recourses. my gift from me to you."
"thank you, your majesty. you won't regret doing this, you really won't!" yoongi shot away from the king after bowing down at a ninety degree angle, skidding through corridors and almost bumping into multiple maids. he practically fell through his doorway to his bedroom, his hands going for more laid-back clothing, out of his robes and into simple and modern clothes. a black jacket and some dark jeans would do.
"hyung? are you going somewhere?" an astonished voice spoke as yoongi shoved a spare shirt into his backpack, spinning to be faced with hoseok. "you said you wouldn't leave..."
"i know i did, but this is extremely important, hoseokie." yoongi frowned when he saw the disapproving pout on the others face, ushering him over.
"you said you wouldn't leave." hoseok repeated quietly when he came close enough, leaning into yoongi's hand which had cupped his cheeks gently.
"i need to know if my mother is okay," yoongi whispered, pulling hoseok close enough that their foreheads were hovering extremely close. "i'm coming back. i'll die trying if i must."
"please don't say that," hoseok muttered, moving forward so their foreheads pressed together, a temporarily painful move but an effective one nonetheless. "don't say you'll die. i don't know if i'll be okay without you."
"i'll try my hardest to come back, okay?" yoongi smiled, contemplating his next words for a few seconds before speaking. "i wouldn't leave my property unattended."
"your property?" hoseok spoke with a smile on his face, it slowly becoming overrun with the shade of red yoongi loved.
"my property. are you okay with being mine?" yoongi managed to push his face forward slightly, now having their noses brushing in a way that send shivers down to hoseok's toes.
"i think i've been yours for about a week now, hyung." hoseok giggled before finally pulling yoongi back against his lips, sending a spark of something new through the both of them. it didn't last long, ten seconds at most, but it left an everlasting effect.
"i really have to pack, hoseokie. i need to leave as soon as possible." yoongi forced himself away and out of hoseok's reach, spinning back around to continue shoving everything into his bag at a rapid pace.
"do you have any idea how long you'll be gone for?" hoseok dropped down onto yoongi's bed, picking up a few of the essentials yoongi had mindlessly thrown across his duvet, unzipping a smaller compartment and placing them in, zipping it back up and sighing gently, playing with the zip between his finger and thumb.
"if nothing goes astray, perhaps a few days. if something happens and i get sidetracked, it may be a week or so," yoongi picked up his now full backpack and flung it over his shoulder, picking up the other strap and putting that around his other shoulder. "i'll get back as soon as i can, okay?"
hoseok decided to move from the bed and wrap his arms around yoongi's neck gently, letting a defeated and deflated sigh escape from his lips. "i really don't want you to go, hyung."
"i won't be gone for long, i promise," yoongi brought up his hands to rest against his hips, holding him in place just in case he fell through his fingers. "it'll be like i was never gone, take care of yourself, okay?"
"i can't do that without you here." hoseok complained, moving forward to that their bodies were pressed together and hoseok was clinging for dear life, his cheek against his hair and tickling his face slightly.
"you're a whole lot stronger than you let on, sweetheart," yoongi smiled a smile that made hoseok's head spin, having now pulled away to listen to the older male. "you don't need my protecting."
"i want your protecting."
"you'll get it, once i return. my mother needs me, hoseok-ah. i won't be gone for long. i hope you take care of yourself." yoongi pressed a final kiss to both of hoseok's cheeks and one to his forehead, and with a final bid of farewell, he left to meet up with the king yet again.
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