❦ Chapter ❷ : Suffering Feeling
Alexandra's POV
⚝ Memories ⚝
⚝ I remember that day like any other it was a wednesday I was only 5 years old I was waking up to my parents fighting again....... It was always about me being a mistake but I had gotten used to them cursing me and mistreating me but the afternoon was different . ⚝
⚝ They seemed happy to have me as a daughter they didn't hurt me or mistreat me but then there was a knock on the door a fat old men that seemed very rich came in he greeted my parents and he asked them where the "package" was . I had no idea what they were talking about but then they called me over and he said "She's perfect , here" he said handing them a envelope with money in it. ⚝
⚝ The fat guy then grabbed me by my arm and started dragging me to his car I tried to fight him and screamed for my parents but they just smiled creepily at me then they closed the door . The guy threw me in the car he looked at me and said "We're gonna have so much fun" that was the day my suffering began ...... ⚝
⚝ Memory Ends ⚝
❖There I see Ava being hold by a men that I have never seen before and 4 other other men that seemed to be cosplayers .Just what on earth was going on though!?
❖I guess Ava saw me because her screaming intensified, I move a little so I couldn't be seen then I pulled out my phone to see a male with white hair spawn right in front of me "Guys there's another human here". I quickly took action and pushed him back and ran to the kitchen I was about to pull out a knife when I was grabbed by that same white haired male .
❖I tried to resist as much as possible but it was impossible to get out of his grip with a body as fragile as mine I was only getting more hurt , although I was strong my body had a lot of injuries in it so his grip was very painful but I contained my tears.
❖"There's another human ?"a boy with salmon pink hair said, the ther males turned to look at me but I kept a poker face although I was in pain . "Maybe their allies with this human" one of them said .I could see Ava was terrified and was still screaming her lungs out ."Ugh this human is so annoying let's just kill it"a guy with black says as he turns to look at Ava.
❖As soon as the guy with black hair said that I tried my best to get of the grip of the men ignoring the pain it was causing . I wasn't gonna let them hurt Ava "Looks like this one got agitated " . I then had the smart idea to head-bud the guy and then his grip loosened enough for me to be set free.
❖ I ran up to Ava as I tackled the guy that was holding her of course I wouldn't been able to do that if it hadn't been a surprise attack I then hold her close to me in protective manner and glare at the men that were surrounding us . They all seemed very surprised "This human must be a powerful warrior" a guy with blue horns said . "What do you guys want"I say in a very enraged state .
❖Then the one with black hair makes a fireball emerge in his hand as he says "Tell us about your world or-"but he was cut off by the male with dark blue horns "Your majesty" as in a way of telling him not to . "Wait so that fire magic stuff I saw before was real?" Ava says with a surprised expression . So they weren't from this world at least it didn't seem like it they could use magic and had horns.
❖"Yes allow me to explain we are from another world and we go by the name daemos"the "smart guy" explains but of course Ava wasn't the brightest little girl and said "Your name is daemos?" , "No we are daemos" this stupid conversation went on for a while until I told Ava to be quiet. After Ava became quiet the smart guy started talking again "We are from another world " way to state the obvious genius " our home is being.. threatened by uh a horrible monster who threatens to engulf everything we care about"
❖His constant pausing between words made me know that he was lying but I wouldn't say anything until I knew what they were hiding exactly so I kept on hearing . "What?" Ava on the other hand didn't seem to understand him or actually believed in him which was disappointing "That's right so we've come eurf " boi did he really just say eurf " to learn about it to discover if this world is suitable for us to move our people here " "Move your people here?" I knew it Ava did believe their lies I mentally facepalm .
❖"Wait that's not-"a boy was saying before being stopped by another daemos who told him "Shsh just go with it" Bingo, I was correct these guys are liars it's true that they may be from another world but their intentions aren't the ones being told. "We truly have no idea were we are in this world or how to begin living it , so please can a powerful sorcerer such as yourself help us " then all the guys kneeled to Ava even Johnny except for the guy who seemed to be royalty and why the hell did they call Ava a sorceress?
❖"Hehehe Hold on one second" I could see Ava was extremely red and not gonna lie it was very embarrassing to see this , Ava starts heading to the restroom as I slowly follow behind her , we both walk in and close the doors behind us.
✭ No One's POV ✭
✭Ava starts washing her face as Alexandra just stares into space with so many questions.
✭Ava : "This is uh dream right?"she looks at Alex worriedly
✭Alex : "Ava do you really think this is some kind of sexy dream your having?"
✭Ava:"And is stupidly weird and informative "
✭Alex:"Ava why would be having a dream together?"
✭Ava:"Maybe your just a dream version of Alex trying to make me think that this isn't a dream"she shrugs
✭Alex:"Really Ava?"she says as she pinches Ava
✭Ava:"Ow what th- , oh okay point taken"she says looking down
✭Alex:"Don't worry Ava i'm sure we'll be alright"
✭Ava:"Do you think they're from another world?"
✭Alex:"I want to say yes but it's hard to believe"
✭Ava:"Alright let's think smart here , we are outnumbered andd my phone has gone off somewhere what about yours?"
✭Alex:"It fell when I ran away from one of them"
✭Ava:"There is no way they are real demons they're probably some optical illusion on us , maybe they're even drones!"Alex just stares at Ava with a sarcastic "really" face
✭Ava:"Wait I got it!"
✭Alex:"What is it?"
To Be Continued ↬
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