❦ Chapter ❼ : Shy Feeling
✭No One's POV✭
✭Ava:"That's kinda harsh"
✭Lorelai:"Ava how about after this we go to the con together?"
✭Ava:"Yeah about that see I can't because I uhh I'm sick I cuff cuff "
✭Lorelai:"Did you just verbally cough?"
✭Lorelai:"Hmmmmmmm , uhh i'm sorry you aren't feeling better "
✭Lorelai:"You know next time you totally need to come with me and my friends we'd love to have you around and-"
✭Asch:"Enough chatter we must-"
✭Lorelai:"Your hot"
✭Asch:"Ugh what?"
✭Lorelai:"And your costume !"
✭Ava:"Oh no here we-"
✭Lorelai:"EEE your costume is so cool ee also cool ,Ava are these your friends "
✭Ava:"I mean yeah I uh guess you could say that "
✭Lorelai:"Wow I didn't realize you had friends and you're going out with them that's amazing!!"
☚Location Change☛
Alexandra's POV
❖Holy frick I almost got caught . I had finally gotten to the apartment I quickly ran up open the door and slammed it closed."Whew, I'm sa-" . "Mr.Alex?"Rhys said as he turned over the corner . "Oh hi"I say walking over to him ."Where is everyone else?"he asked curiously."I uhhh , came early" totally wasn't running away from someone . "Oh I -"I cut him off as I fell into his arms , look I feel like I just ran a marathon within a minute I was very tired. "Mr.Alex are you alright?"he said holding me up to him ."I'm just tired i'm sor-"he then holds me bridal style "Would you like me to take you into your chambers?".
❖I felt a light blush appear in my skin but it quickly faded when someone knocked at the door we both turned around . "Alex, I know your in their "someone said through the door , ho-ly-sh-*t it was my boss's son .I quickly jumped at the sound of his voice."They found me"I whisper ,Rhys looks at me worriedly "Mr.Alex are you in trouble?"I turn over to him and cover his mouth in hope that he doesn't hear us ."Alex Lorelai texted me that you ran home we she saw you so I know your in their" I tense up , then I sigh in defeat .
❖"Fine~"I pout , "Rhys could you uh let me down?" , he holds on to me "Are you gonna be alright?"he ask , "No, no I'm not but I don't have a choice I've been caught"I say as I try to get off then he holds me harder to the point it actually hurt "Rhyss y-your hurting me"I say as I look up to him his eyes widen "I'm so sorry "he then lets go of me.
❖"I'm coming Noah(Boss's Child Name) just give me a minute or two"I look over to Rhys "If I don't come back tell Ava im at the con"he looks at me worriedly "Where ar-"then Leif comes out of nowhere "Hey Rhys what- wait why is prisoner Alex here?"."She seems to be in trouble so she came back here but they followed and their taking her to a place called the con"Rhys responded "Your making it seem deadlier then it really is but I have to go like right now"I say as I walk to the front door .
❖"Can we go with you?"Leif said with shiny eyes, if they would come they'd see me in a maid costume , oh hell no that won't happen "NO , you can't come so don't follow me , just stay"I say as I open the door and quickly close it behind me. "Who were you talking to?"Noah asks "Oh some friends of mine" I say with a smile ."Oh okay you look exhausted let me give you a ride"he said with a light blush. "Oh sure I would love that, but why do you have torture me by doing this"I say as we both go into the elevator he looks at me and laughs a little " I mean it is your job I don't know why your complaining?". "It's because we were finally gonna have a break"I say as I look down .
☚Location Change☛
✭No One's POV✭
✭Lorelai:"Sorry it was so short , I gotta run but Ava do give me a call sometime I would love to hang "she then walks away
✭Ava:"Oh yeah for sure, not"
✭Noi:"Should we have spoken to that other female sorcerer who just left?"
✭Asch:"No this human female we already have is annoying as is , I don't wanna keep another "
✭Ava:"Huh that's right I gotta go get food!"
꧁Time Skip ꧂
ꕥ After she bought the food (At the Apartment)ꕥ
✭Ava:"Finally home "
✭Rhys:"Oh Miss Ava "
✭Rhys:"Miss Alex wanted me to tell you that she's at the con she seemed to have been captured by a men"
✭Asch:"Wait they took our prisoner , how could you let this happen!?"
✭Ava:"Shoot , I have to go save her"
✭Leif:"Can we go?"
✭Ava's Mind:"Well~ she did leave me alone with three daemos and Lorelai sooo-"
✭Ava:"Yeah you guys should all come "
✭Rhys:"I'm not sure she seemed very eager to let us stay?"
✭Ava:"Nahh~, it'll be fine trust me!"
✭Ava's Mind:"Yeah I'm totally gonna die but who cares it's worth it"
☚Location Change☛
Alexandra's POV
❖We finally got to the con and I was in the dressing room i'm okay with the maid-outfit now even the ears and tail but what I hate is that we have to work on our week off . "Alex are you ready in their?"Amanda screams through the door."Almost!"I scream back I take off my clothing and put it in the locker then put on the maid outfit .
Maid Outfit
❖I then put on black cat ears and tail ."Okay I'm done "I say as I walk out . "You look so cute Alex"Amanda says as she hugs me ."Thanks Amanda" then Noah comes by "A-Alex you look nice"he says blushing . "Thanks little boss"I tease him and Amanda laughs too "Hey I said to stop calling me that!"he says pouting cutely."Oop anyways me and Alex have to go outside now"she says as she grabs my arm and drags me out .
❖There was a line to get to take our pictures or to meet us . I was okay with pictures since I was a model for clothing , it was my way to make quick cash.
✭No One's POV✭
✭Ava:"Okay guys stay close you will seriously get lost if you don't"
✭Rhys:"Is this the con there's so many humans and creatures"he says looking around
✭Ava:"It's called cosplay their just costumes so don't worry just follow me"
✭Asch:"Is this were the other prisoner is?"
✭Ava:"Yes, this is it"
✭Leif:"Why would she be here?"
✭Ava:"She was kinda forced to do what's she's doing right now"
✭Noi:"What is she doing?"
✭Ava:"Hehe , that's the fun part we just have to look for he- , oh speak of the devil her stand is over their"she says walking over but gets stopped when she sees the huge line
✭Leif:"Um why is there a line?"
✭Ava:"Darn-it , were gonna have to wait a while to get to her"
✭Asch:"Why would there be a line for that?"
✭Ava:"Because people want to take a picture of her"
✭Rhys:"A pic-ture?"
✭Ava:"You don't know what that means?"
✭Ava:"Humans use it to record stuff in a image in this case their recording Alex"
✭Ava:"Because they think she looks nice and not gonna lie her outfit looks great!"
✭Rhys:"What do you mean?"
✭Ava:"You'll see when we get to her"
✭Asch:"This is taking long!"
✭Ava:"We've only been her for a couple minutes plus it's where almost their"
✭Ava:"Ohh speak of the devil we can go now"she says as she walks into the stand with the daemos following
✭Alexandra:"Welcome Master~"she says with a closed eye smile so she couldn't see who it was
✭Ava:"You look cute Alex"
Alex open her eyes in horror the guys were here too , they were all blushing at her attire at the fact that she just called them master.
✭Alex:"Uhhh"she says with a light blush
✭Amanda:"Alex are you gonna offer them a picture and also remember you have to call them master!"
✭Alex:"Ava when we get home you are so dead"she whispers to her
✭Ava:"Hehe, ask me for a picture!"
✭Alex:"Grr , Mas-sters would you like a picture?"she says with a mad face as she whispers it
✭Ava:"I'm sorry I couldn't hear that could you say it louder?"
✭Alex:"*Heavy Breathing* Masters would you like to take a picture !"she says with a fake smile
✭Ava:"Ohh I would love one hey guys would you like a picture with Alex?"
✭Alex:"Ava I sw-"
✭Asch:"I uh Ssure how do I do it?"he says blushing looking at Alex
✭Ava:"Stand close to her"she says pulling out her phone Asch does as told and stood close to her
✭Ava:"Why don't you hold her close?"she says snickering
✭Alex:"Ava I-"she gets stopped by Asch holding her close to his chest.
✭Ava:"And done!"
✭Alex:"Okay you can leave now masters"she says about to push Ava out
✭Ava:"Ah-ah , i'm sure the other guys would like take a picture with you right?'she says as she turns over at them they all nod their heads
✭Alex:"Hehe I'm gonna die"she says with widen eyes and sweat drops on her head
After a couple of minutes Ava took pictures of each of the guys holding her differently and then they were finally kicked out for taking to much time . All the guys walk out blushing .
✭Leif:"I-i have nothing to say for the first time"
✭Rhys:"*Clears his throat*I didn't know Alex was a maid"
✭Asch:"Yeah ,she really looked nice"he whispers the last part
✭Ava:"Well she really isn't she just serves food but this particular place wants the servers with maid costumes on"
✭Asch:"W-what do we do know ?"
✭Ava:"If I were you I would start running away"she says panicked
✭Ava:"She is so gonna kill m-"
She turns around when she hears someone walking out it was Alex in her normal clothing she cracks her knuckles and smiles maniacally at Ava.
✭Alex:"You guys are so dead right now!"she says as she runs towards them
✭Ava:"Everyone RUNN!!"she says running back home
꧁Time Skip ꧂
ꕥ At the Apartment ꕥ
✭By the time everyone got home everyone had a bump on their head except Alex. When they walked in Alex walked to her room and shut the door close.
✭Alex:"If I hear any of you mention what happened today I will cut your tongue off!"she says through the door
Everyone stares at the room in shock.
Alexandra's POV
❖I let my body fall on my bed and bang my head on the pillow . I wanna die so bad right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To Be Continued ↬
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