❦ Chapter ➏ : Problematic feeling
✭No One's POV✭
✭Asch:"Leif go get both prisoner "
✭Rhys:"Are you sure that is a wise decision ?"
✭Asch:"What do you mean?"
✭Rhys:"Ms.Alex almost killed us for going into Ava's room"
✭Leif:"I don't think she can right now"
✭Leif:"You didn't notice how she looked?"
✭Asch:"Yeah I saw it too"
✭Noi:"Oh about how she looked very weak?"
✭Leif:"Yeah , she look exhausted "
✭Rhys:"Well last night I saw her healing herself by eating something called medi-cine"
✭Asch:"So she is injured , how?"
✭Rhys:"She seemed to try and avoid the topic as much as possible , so I don't know"
✭Leif:"Why don't we just wake the other human up and tell her to do it?"
✭Rhys:"Yeah that seems more reasonable, now then Lief go get Ava"
꧁Time Skip ꧂
ꕥ After Leif Woke Up Ava ꕥ
✭Rhys:"Yeah prince Asch would li-"but he was cut of by Ava bursting into laughter
✭Leif:"She mocks us?"
✭Ava:"No ,no it's just you said ass "
✭Rhys:"Asch perhaps you can explain "
✭Asch:"Ugh fine ,teach us your human ways now"
✭Rhys:"Asking like that isn't going- '
✭Ava:"If I do will you guys leave?"
✭Asch:"Faster than you can imagine"
(Really Remix Begin!)
✭Ava:"Really , really?"
(Game Over)
✭Ava:"Killjoy,look when I woke up I was kinda hoping you would've robed me and left by now I wasn't expecting you guys to stay"
✭Leif:"Why would you hope for that?"
✭Ava:"Because losing a few hundred dollars isn't worth the stress of-nevermind , you really are about this human thing huh"
✭Asch:"Assimilate us now, and also get that other human!"
✭Ava:"You mean Alex?"
✭Asch:"Yeah , the prisoner"
✭Ava:"*Sigh* Give me a minute"
✭Ava makes her way to the entrance to Alex's room and sees on note on it . She reads it to herself .
✭Ava:"How could you leave me with the stress of handling 5 hot demon guys?"she whispers to herself
✭Asch:"What's taking so long prisoner"he says walking over to her
✭Ava:"Alex can't come with us right now"
✭Pierce:"Is she alright?"
✭Ava:"I'd be lying if I said yes, but there isn't anything I could do for her other then leave her alone"
✭Leif:"Why don't just heal her with your magic?"
✭Ava:"Her injuries don't work like that"
✭Rhys:"Give her medi-cine , she was eating that last night"
✭Ava:"The medicine is kinda another reason she isn't feeling good right now"
✭Rhys:"What do you mean I thought it would heal you?"
✭Ava:"Not really her medicine kinda just sleeps her body the pain is still there you just don't feel it as much but it has bad side-effects to it sometimes like right now for example"
✭Rhys:"Hm, Impressive"
✭Asch:"Ugh just assimilate us human!"
✭Ava:"Jeez fine , but first off I must use my magic power to conjure you up some human-clothing"
✭Rhys:"Is what we're wearing right not suitable?"
✭Alex:"Humans don't wear that unless there's a special occasion"
✭Everyone gasps as they noticed Alex came out of her room.
⇐𝟙𝟘 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕦𝕥𝕖𝕤 𝔼𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕣⇒
Alexandra's POV
❖"Assimilate us now, and also get that other human!" . Ugh why does Asch have to be so loud in the morning , please don't come and drag me out of bed . I roll over a little to the side a little bit to much because I fell . "Darn it gravity !" I whisper scream to myself . I might as well get changed I do feel better after all . I turn over to my bed and see the sword . Should I bring it Nahhh ? I change my clothing into something long and comfortable .
❖"Ugh just assimilate us human!". Geez ,why can't he be quiet I feel like if someone would stay with him for more than a hour you'd probably have a ear malfunction . I slightly open my door quietly so . "Jeez fine , but first off I must use my magic power to conjure you up some human-clothing" I seriously love her wizardry voice it's so funny , but I contain my laugh like a good spy. "Is what we're wearing right not suitable?" asks Rhys , I guess I might as well answer him properly "Humans don't wear that unless there's a special occasion" . They turn to me surprised and shocked . "Alex are you sure you should be out of bed " Ava says as she rushes towards me . "I can walk i'll be alright"I say as I rub the back of my head." I grow impatient prisoners !"I grow impatient of you Asch but I don't say anything . "You don't have to come Alex, if you don't want to ".
❖"I'm fine Ava , but why on earth are we buying them clothing?"I say as I lean forward to her asking for a response. "Because you our pri-"but Asch gets cut off by Ava "They'll leave if we teach them how to be humans". "That'll be hard, I mean the smartest of their group doesn't know anything of earth or even how it's pronounced " I whisper into Ava's ear she giggles at my statement . "What's so funny prisoners?" . "*Cough-Cough* your stupidity *Cough-Cough"" I say as I glance at him with a smirk . "WHA-"
❖"Ava do you even have money to afford clothing?" I say as I completely ignore Asch's glare towards me ."Well~"she says as she walks over to her piggy bank . "This here is-" but then Asch takes her piggy bank "Your magic is mine!"."Whatda give me back my damn swear jar!"Ava says angrily as she "tries" to reach her piggy bank . "Pierce smash it !"he says throwing it in the direction of the the blue horned daemos, well know I know his name is Pierce . Anyways I really wasn't fond on wasting money cause i'm hella broke (even though my adoptive dad is rich) so wasting money on a new piggy bank wasn't going to happen . I get in the way of the throw and catch instead I sigh "Here you go Ava" I hand it back to Ava .
❖"Forgive us" Rhys tells us, I just nod to him and help Ava to take the money out of the piggy bank
( I know you might be asking aren't you supposed to break a piggy bank in order to get the money out? Well...
I'm kidding... it's because it's different type of piggy bank one where you can take off the snout and get the money out).
❖"Wait I had 150 bucks in this thing hell yeah , oh wait does that count grr okay 151 now?"Ava says as she counts the money, "Ava let's just go sweetheart"I say as I pat her back."Right, now i'm going to take you guys to a very sacred place to us humans"she speaks in her wizard tone again.As we walk towards the door I hear Ava whisper to herself "Why am I playing along with this , this is the stupidest thing I've ever done "
꧁Time Skip ꧂
ꕥ At the Mall ꕥ
❖When we left I heard Asch ordering two of his men to stay behind . "This is a mall human come here to gather casting supplies in order to make our homes more comfortable".After a while Ava showed them the convenient store and a thrift store .I know the reason she likes them is because their the only ones she can afford due to her lack of money and job I don't blame her being a adult is hard but I've learned to cope to be honest I've been through worst. "How does this help?"woah Asch didn't scream or seemed mad when he asked us for information "Simple , here's where you can get human clothing."Then Pierce said "Those female humans are trying to use their blinding magic on us again" I was confused then I saw girls taking pictures of the guys .
❖"Those are female condors they think you guys are cosplaying due to your display of clothing speaking of condors-" then I remembered , I looked at my phone and I start to panic , SH*T our maid cafe was participating in this we were supposed to cosplay as animal maids and let others take picture of us the boss had texted me about this earlier today!! . Then I heard it " Oh my god Ava and Alex!!" Lorelai was helping us with this event if she sees me she'll force me to go with her but I didn't feel like working today so I did what any responsible adult would do when faced with a problem ...... I ran away .
✭No One's POV✭
✭Asch:"Why did prisoner Alex run away?"
✭Ava:"I don't kn-"
✭Lorelai:"Darn-it Alex ran away !"
✭Ava:"Heyyy , Lorelai what you doing?"
✭Lorela:"Well I'm participating in the maids cosplay thing in Alex's work but she's supposed to be cosplaying too!"
✭Ava:"No wonder she ran away"
✭Lorelai:"Not to worry we sent the boss's child to go get her from home"
✭Ava:"Wait you did what!?"
✭Asch:'What's going on?"
✭Noi:"I have no idea"
To Be Continued ↬
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