❦ Chapter ❽ : Privacy Feeling
Alexandra's POV
❖It was the next day and Ava had told me that she had kicked the guys out for a while . Which I was very grateful for . I was in my room looking through my phone when I heard Ava screaming I rolled a bit to the left and right , I don't wanna stand up Ava probably just saw a bug , but then I stood up when I heard scream again I assumed it was the guys so I took my sword with me .
❖I ran into Ava's room then I heard scream again from the restroom then I run in to see she was in the bath and the guys were staring at her they turned towards me, I pointed my sword at Pierce since he was the nearest . He looked shocked ,yes I had mastered the ability to hide my sword near me without anyone seeing it.
❖"What the hell are you guys doing in here!?"I screamed . "Please calm down"Pierce said as he moved a bit backed . "Get out of here all of you!"I say as I point the sword to his neck . "GET OUT!!"Ava screamed . "Hmmm , actually..."I remembered what happened yesterday and I pull my sword down . "I won't do anything you guys can stay" I say as I smirked at Ava ."Alex I swear if this is because of what I did yesterday I will-".I then see Noi coming through the wall with pants in his head then I noticed ."Did you just walk through the wall?"Ava then screams at me "That's how they got in here genius!" oh heck no my privacy was completely gone after this . "Woah what is she doing?" Noi asked innocently .
❖"If you don't get out I'll-!"but Ava was cut off by Asch "You'll what , you haven't done anything but thrown idle threats our way!"He was being really stupid so I told him "So have you"he got mad I could tell by his glare as he turned over to me "How dare you i'll-"he says as his fireball spawns , I kinda knew he was gonna do that so I had turned on the sink , I grabbed a handful and threw it at his hand . All the daemos got shocked and Rhys said "She knows disarming magic!"added by Noi screaming run . All of them ran their separate ways , then I glare at Asch one more time before he runs out too . I turn to Ava and she's still blushing madly "You look nice Ava" I say winking at her . "Shut up!"she says as she sinks her face down into the water she hates when I tease her like that.
A Little While Later ➠
❖"Okay if we're gonna be your prisoners we need to lay down some ground rules"Ava yells ."As a prisoner you don't get to make rules" Asch states ."Who's the powerful sorcerer , that's right me !" Pierce corrects her "Sorceress" . "Tt puff just ugh " . "Anyways why are you guy coming through our walls?"I asked for Ava. "Once our home is linked through a surface we can enter from any place at will at close proximity " I will literally move apartments if that's the case I want my privacy! "So you guys can come in anywhere in my apartment at anytime?" Ava sweety "he literally just said that?"me and Leif said synchronized. "Alright I can fix that then Alex!" I turn to her "Yes?" . "Bring me my red crayola crayon !"she orders "Yes ma'am " I walk into her room and bring it to her. "This is my magic spell wand called cra-yola , once I marked this door you are bound to only use this spot to enter and exit if you don't use this spot you'll die!". Then the daemos males started complaining.
❖Rhys then said "You can't do that!" Ava responded with a sassy tone "I just did!". "Second of all stop calling us sorceress or prisoners we have a name !"Well I mean Rhys said my name perfectly fine. "Ava and Alex" Pierce responded . "H-how did you ?"Ava questioned "Your friend at the sacred mall said it" . "Okay first off Lorelai isn't my friend she just yells friend at me and reciprocate because i'm apparently an enabler second-"she gets cut off by Noi "Do you know our names?"I don't Ava pays that much attention cause she only said "I know his Rhys and...."I responded for her "Pierce , Asch , Leif , and Noi" I said pointing at each one they all looked taken back "Y-you said my name, heh never heard a human say my name before?"Asch said looking at me , that sounded very shady "What's that supposed to mean?" but before I could get an answer the doorbell rang .
❖ "I'll get it , you guys in the meantime put these clothes on " said Ava . "But where not sure-" I cut him off "Figure-it-out"I say as I was about to walk in my room then I see Mrs.Oates . "Oh hey Mrs.Oates" I say as I get near the door . "Oh hello there Alex and Ava , I've been so worried for you two" . "What do you mean ?"Ava questioned. "I heard you girls screaming , well mostly Ava but it went on all weekend , I was especially worried when I heard Ava screaming for 3 hours straight " I guess that's what was going on when I came home "Why didn't you call the cops then ?" Ava and I said synchronized "Oh that might of been a good idea ."
❖ Ava then answers with sad watery eyes "Mrs.Oates what if I was like dying " I pat Ava's back . "Oh i'm sorry dear my memory goes when I don't have notes on my fridge i'll be sure to make a note for next time but i'm glad you girls are alright" Ava answers with a simple "Heh thanks". "Oh and before I ask about the screaming do you think one of you could take this present to my grandson down the street today you girls always deliver things on time for me and appreciate it so much ?" she says handing us a gift I grab it from her hands and say "Sure no problem Mrs.Oates" .
❖"Oh thank you so much Alex and here my usual payment to you since your so sweet now what were you screaming about I-?" but then the worst happened Rhys and Pierce where behind us "Ava, Alex look i've figured out how to put clothes on!" Rhys says with excitement . Pierce then says "No one so him doing it and he wont tell us!"oh no this looks so weird in front Mrs.Oates "Go away!"I say as I push them back into the living room. Then Asch comes and screams "Prisoners get over here now!"oh god i'm sure Mrs.Oates is thinking this the wrong way . I turn around with a light blush . "Mrs.Oates we have to go now sorry "I slam the door close, she then said some stuff I didn't really wanna hear so I just blocked them out."Oh my god I didn't wanna hear that"I say as I walk away and into the kitchen and put the gift down and my head on the table .
❖Then Ava comes out and says exactly what I was thinking "You guys suck!"."Excuse me?"Asch says with a glare."You heard me your majesty it's bad enough that you guys are taking over our home but now I have to imagine-"I cut her off not wanting to hear what she would say if I didn't "Ava calm done sweety". "Don't speak to me like that , you should listen to the other prisoners advice"Asch says with his glare intensifying .I really had enough with him calling me a prisoner so I walk over to them and told him "Know your place in this world Asch you need our help ,so stop calling us prisoners and instead learn to respect us"
❖I could tell he was angry but also surprised i'm sure no one ever stood up to him before but he was more enraged so he spawned a fireball in his hand and stood near me in a demanding way I took my sword out and put up to his neck we both glared at each other . Everyone in the room looked surprised then Rhys screamed "Your majesty stop!" then a shadow almost pushed me to the floor instead I fell on Asch's chest ,Ava was near us but she fell to the floor instead. We turned to look at the shadowy figure which then turned into a cat but a tresterial looking one
❖."T-that's not a cat I've ever seen " Ava said panicked . Johnny went to the cat and they both started fighting it seemed."Fascinating this spirit looks more like a spirit from daemos while the other looks like one from eurf "Rhys said .I stood away from my Asch and helped Ava up then she asked "Okay wait when you say spirit do you mean cat or ?" . "A what?" Rhys asked confused . "A cat, for example Johnny is a cat and that new creature seems to be a cat too "I say to Rhys ,I guess they have different names for them huh.
❖"What we call them spirits on daemos , usually they bind to someone and act as a guardian of sort but their use is vary ". "So that spirit is a gu-"I was cut off as I felt it cuddle around my leg I kneel down to it size and pet it then I let it go behind me to Asch ."Does that spirit now Asch ?"Noi asked ."It appears so"Pierce responded .Asch starts blushing and stuttering "I-i've never seen this spirit in my life" yeah he's totally seen that cat before maybe he was its previous owner . "It looks like it nows you"Ava said .
❖Asch then fights back "I said I don't know it!". Rhys tries to calm the situation by saying"Maybe it's just taken a liking to you i've never seen this spirit before either".The they start talking more about spirits then I remembered "Hey Ava I have to go deliver the present so imma go put on some clothes and be right back okay"Ava turns and says "Oh right , how about you guys go back to figuring out how to put clothes on to"
❖"Can I see how you do it?"Leif asked me . "No!" I then go into my room and change into my normal clothing I then come out and as I was about to walk out Ava says "Alex take Rhys out with you, since he was one to figure out how to put clothes on the fastest "I turn to look at her with a really look "I'm good Ava I re-"I get cut off by Rhys"R-really?" . The daemos began fighting on who should go and in the end I just grabbed Rhys by the arm and got out of their. As soon as we got out of the door I noticed he had his horns so I stare at them thinking of ways to hide them or excuses for him having them. "What?"he asked . I put my hand on one of his horns and said "Your horns you can't have them out like this"
To Be Continued ↬
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