❦ Chapter ➓ : Never Ending Sad Feeling
Alexandra's POV
❖I decided I wanted to sleep in Ava's room since I like to bother her like this . I'm not a heavy sleeper unless i'm on medicine or really tired so I woke up toLeif and Noi standing over us with weapons in their hands talking about Noi hesitating to kill Ava , then Rhys walks in "What are you to doing here if they wake up their going to kill us "Rhys whisper screams then Leif said "All the more reason for us to kill them first " I grab my sword since it was laying next to me and quickly grabbed Leif from behind with my sword right on his neck "If I were you i'd listen to your friend " I whisper into his ear .
❖I knew Ava would blame me too for waking her up . I could feel him get tense and grow quiet Noi looked scared and quickly backed away Rhys to seemed scared . Then Ava started to groan my eyes widen . "Leave now "I tell Noi and Rhys as I let go Leif pushing him of the bed . Noi and Rhys started walking out but Leif didn't . "Leif we have to get out you'll wake her up "Rhys said to Leif . "Oh please for a human sorceress this human has the flaw of sleeping to heavy-" the Ava's phone started ringing , Sh*t it' s Lorelai , "Leif do something "Rhys cired . Leif grabbed her phone and started banging it on the bedside.
❖"Leif if you don't stop that i'll be banging your head instead "I say taking the phone off his hand "Now get out you idiots !" I whisper scream . The guys quickly run out then Ava wakes up and accidently I answered the phone I stay silent as Ava and Lorelai talk about things the Lorelai suggest Ava to get instagram afterwards Lorelai thought that she hanged up but didn't so her friends started saying some rude stuff about Ava , I got very angry I then pulled Ava into my embrace . Then I heard my name "Your wrong she does have friends remember , Alex" Lorelai said . "Oh that hot looking chick that no guy could get near because of a restriction paper she had " Jake said . " Oh yeah , her dad adoptive dad is hella loaded because he's the vic-" Ava hanged up and to be honest neither did I want to hear more. But I tried to say something positive.
❖ . "Ava, when people throw stones at you, pick them up ,and build something beautiful with them~" I say picking her up close to me , she cries and hugs me leaning into my shoulder . I rub her back "Everything will be just fine okay" I smile at her and she nods wiping her tears away and putting a determined face " I know what I wanna build !"
Couple Minutes later
❖"I swear i'm gonna get ,millions of followers and rub it in their stupid human faces "she says with confidence . "You can do this Ava" I smile at her showing her a thumbs up . She takes picture of herself then Asch and Leif come out . "What are you doing prisoner Ava?"Asch asked confused . "Asch she's wearing her source of power that's enough reason to kill her " he says getting his weapon out , so I took them from him "Hey!" he shouts trying to reach them as I hang them over my head i'm lucky that i'm tall not taller than him but leaning back makes it impossible to get them as I push him forward with another hand . After a while Rhys and the other daemos come out too, Ava then explained to them that she was at war with other humans who didn't care about her existence .
❖"Wow she's so powerful they must not even care because they now she'll just destroy them anyway " Rhys said . "Impressive "Pierce then added . I swear this dude could go through an entire conversation only saying one freaking word . "Yeah something like that , I just hope that this picture gives me 100 likes so I can shove it their stupid human faces!" Ava said posting her picture . "What are likes ?" Noi asked . "Oh likes are peoples thoughts of you and it makes you feel better about- I mean it helps you become more powerful, the more you have!"
❖Asch and Leif looked very interested so much Leif stop trying to get his weapons back , hell if I get the chance i'll probably throw these out the window . "Really now?" Asch said . "Yes really huh ,this isn't right "Ava said confused when looking at her phone. "What?"Rhys questioned . "I posted this picture just 5 minutes ago and I should've been famous by now " Ava that's now how things work sweety , I put on a pity smile . "You can gets someone's power that fast?" Leif asked surprised . "Ugh waiting is to hard ugh I give up , i'm gonna go get into my clothes "she lays her phone on the table and goes into her room.
❖I got distracted so Leif went back to trying to grab his weapon back he leans into me trying to grab his weapons so i just put them behind me into the air . "Give them back to me"he yells "No"I say with a grin . He does something stupid he jumps on me making us both fall to the ground with him pinning me to the floor . And then I hear a picture being taken I turn to see Ava taking pictures of us . "Ava are you serious ?"I say looking at her putting the blades under me so Leif couldn't get them . "Fangirling"Ava responded . "What does that mean?"Rhys asked . "Well it's when yo-"I shoot a deep glare at Ava . "N-nevermind"she says putting her phone away. "Give me back me back my weapons "he said growling at me " Nah I don't trust you with them " I say slightly looking away . "Stop arguing and prisoners you better-" but Asch gets cut off by Ava taking a picture of him and posting it.
❖"Woah Asch got 20 likes already and I've gained followers!?" he looked surprised at what Ava said.She then puts on a mischievous smile while whispering a plan to herself , I couldn't hear her plan but she asked the guys to pose for her so she could take pictures of them ."Hold it sorceress Ava we aren't gonna do anything until you take us out to see the world , we went to the sacred mall on got the human clothes for nothing!"Asch screamed at Ava . "Let me take pictures of you guys and i'll take you all out tomorrow, I promise I won't make any excuses and i'll answer any questions you have , plus we'll even help you guys get into your human clothing" I was to distracted by Leif STILL BEING ON TOP OF ME! That I didn't notice Ava said we'll as in including me . "You finally come around prisoner I knew you'd break under our reign "Asch said looking down at her .
❖"You know what on second that this might not be a good idea-" Ava said continuously but gets cut off by Asch "We will grace you fellow human and allow them to look upon us " Ava then said "I mean you didn't really give me a choice , but okay ". And so it began they started to pose for Ava , Leif and Asch were on competition that whoever would win would take both me and Ava's lifes which is very shady and I was able to get out of under Leifs imprisonment when he once again got distracted . I watched how they all took pictures for Ava from the couch , and everything was going just fine until... "What is the amount of likes for myself against Lefi?"Asch asked."Oh yeah I forgot uh , woah it looks like Asch is ahead of Leif by wow quite a bit "Ava said . "As expected ". "What no way "Leif complained to Asch ."Looks like the honor's of the prisoner's lives are mine Leif , don't worry you just-"But Asch was cut off when Leif ran up to Ava and put her over his shoulder "Wait what-da -"
❖"This contest isn't over Asch and i'm gonna make sure I win "was the last thing Leif said when he jumped off the roof with Ava screaming.
✞ Flashback Image ✞
✞ Flashback Ends ✞
My mind went back to when I saw Lily falling and I did what I couldn't do before
I jumped out for her
To Be Continued ↬
(A/N) Hi I just saw the Oc info and noticed I did a mistake and instead of putting Bi I put Straight I just changed that and I'm announcing it again right now just in case :)
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