When Changbin came home that day after another lecture, he lay face down on the couch. "I think I met the Only Man today."
Jisung made an inquisitive noise from where he was buried under a pile of blankets and his homework.
"I know, right," Changbin sighed. "Men are ugly trash but him? He's The One, I just know it. It's the freckles and the sunshine smile."
"I don't even know where to start," Jisung gestured with his hands. "One: you are a man. Two: you like men. And three: what am I then? A heater?"
"You're a heater that provides emotional support and eats all our food and can't clean up after himself," Chan cut in. He shoved Changbin's legs off the couch and sat down. "What was that about the Only Man?"
"He's just..." Changbin sighed. "So pretty. And kind. He ordered a hot chocolate at the cafe, who does that? And he just asked me if he could sit with me. His voice is very deep and just as beautiful as him. Is that even allowed? To sit with people during a pandemic, I mean, not having a beautiful voice. I don't know why he wanted to sit with me but I'm so glad."
"I don't know," Chan hummed thoughtfully. "I mean, that bar allowed us to have a small stage there on friday, with limited people attending and mandatory face masks. There's nothing wrong with talking to people."
"Yeah," Jisung agreed. "I talked to one of our new neighbours, Minho. We wore masks, but still."
Changbin stopped listening. In his head, he replayed Felix's smile turning into laughter at something Changbin had said. He hadn't even gotten Felix's number, too occupied with trying not to have an obvious gay meltdown and ask him on a date. You don't ask strangers on a date after meeting only once, after all. Right?
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