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Chapter Three: Haesel
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The journey to Coccham was long and arduous. Eawynn found herself chastising Finan on multiple separate occasions – atleast once every few hours. And now she was truly beginning to second guess her decision to accept Uhtred's protection and live with them on his estate in Coccham.
There was a new face amongst the group - Sihtric Kjartansson. Another Dane. Eawynn thought him a bit scrawny, his arms were certainly not as large as Ragnar's.
stop thinking of that brute's muscles, Eawynn thought to herself with a sigh.
Sihtric seemed to be kind. And kindness meant everything to Eawynn. He did not bother her as much as Finan did. Atleast not on purpose, anyway. She was lucky enough to have her own horse now, having been gifted a beautiful brown horse from the lord she has now chosen to serve.
It was not special by any means; not like she knew any better. She did not have a horse of her own growing up, but often helped tend to others who lived nearby. She loved animals and found that horses were the best to work with. They were smart, as well as strong.
"Are you going to give her a name?" Sihtric spoke up from his steed to her left. He directed the horse to maintain the same speed as Eawynn, and as Finan - the Irishman never leaving her right side throughout their journey.
"I have not thought of one yet." She admitted. She leaned forward, as careful as she could to remain upright, and ran her hand along the horses neck, raking her fingertips through its mane.
"What about-"
"Whatever you are going to suggest, Finan, my answer will surely be no."
Sihtric grinned widely. "You enjoy this?" He asked her.
"Enjoy... what?" Eawynn raised a brow as she focused her eyes on the Dane.
"Going toe to toe with Finan!"
"Aye, she enjoys it a little too much if ya ask me." Finan grumbled, his lips forming a frown though with how much his beard has grown - refusing to let Abbess Hild cut it for him - one could barely notice the change in his demeanor.
"He is right, Sihtric. After all, I had no brothers or sisters therefore I had no one to bother growing up. So, bugging the Irishman to the point of exhaustion is quite fun!" She laughed softly and nudged her horse forward just a bit to put more distance between them.
"What about it?" Finan called out to her.
"My horse. She will be called Haesel."
Finan nudged his own horse to catch up with Eawynn. "Strong name for a strong horse. Back in Irland we believe that haesel wards off evil spirits."
"Aye," Eawynn mocked the man's accent. She giggled softly as Haesel sped up without being instructed to do so. "It seems you are the evil my horse is protecting me from, Irishman!"
Sihtric laughed. "This girl. She is funny. I think I will enjoy getting to know her."
With a roll of his eyes, Finan grumbled and continued on the path to Coccham.
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Life in Coccham started out extremely fast-paced. Uhtred was the new lord in charge, and he was doing his best for his family and the people of Coccham. Pagan beliefs aside, Eawynn knew now that Uhtred was a good man. She had never known that in her life.
Eawynn was grateful to have her own home, wedged between the homes built for Finan and Sihtric. She had a feeling she would never get too far from either of those fools.
The seasons changed while work was being done within the city walls and before long, a soft trickle of snow began its downfall, coating the ground and anything else in sight.
With a slight skip in her step, Eawynn made her way to the stables to give Haesel a carrot that she had left over from the stew she made that morning.
Gently brushing Haesel's neck with her fingertips, brushing through her mane and providing soft kisses to her nose, Eawynn fed the horse the carrot before turning to leave and noticing Sihtric standing in the doorway.
"How long have you been standing there Sihtric? Have you been spying on me?" Eawynn teased, tossing her hair back behind her shoulders and tugging up the hood of her cloak in order for her hair to be free from the moisture falling from the sky above them.
"Just long enough to see how sweet you are on your horse." Sihtric teased back, turning to start walking alongside Eawynn as she exited the barn.
"Will you be joining us in the hall tonight? Uhtred said that he and Gisela have news to share. The ale will flow free, and the food will be good."
Eawynn smiled. "Yes. I will join you, but you know every day the ale flows free, and the food is good. But do not ask me to carry you home after you have drunk too much. Remember last time?"
Sihtric blushed. "Yes, you brought me to Finan's bed instead of my own. I still do not think I can look him in the eye." He cried dramatically. Both of them laughed as they walked towards the hall.
"What's so funny?" Finan called out, running to catch up to the two with his thick furs hung around his shoulders for warmth.
It took much convincing on Eawynn's part, but Finan agreed to let her help him trim the hair on his head as well as his face.
"You should not let yourself get like that again. It will only bring back memories of that bastard, Sverri." She had told him, tugging on his hair tightly with one hand and slicing the strands with a knife held in the other. "You are no longer that man, Finan."
Finan had remained silent as she spoke, thinking back to his time on the slave ship. "Aye, lass, I will always be that man."
The sadness and desperation in his voice had caused her to pause, though she still kept a firm grip on some of his hair. "Well, if you truly believe that I cannot stop you. After all, I did not know you then."
"Lady Eawynn has just reminded me that I am not permitted to get into a drunken stupor again or else I shall end up in your bed again." Sihtric sighed.
"Sihtric, please, just call me Eawynn. To be quite honest, I am no longer a lady of Mercia. I will never be again. Eawynn is just fine."
"Ya better not end up in my bed." Finan growled, though laughter soon bubbled up in his throat before escaping through his lips as he threw his head back at the memory. "Though, you will not find me in my own bed tonight."
"Oh?" Eawynn turned to look at him. "Haven't you spent all of your coin on those whores already?"
Finan blushed as Sihtric burst out into laughter, skipping a step or two as he entered the hall. "She has got you there, my friend!" He called back to Finan behind his shoulder, already reaching forward to grab himself some ale.
"Jealous, my lady? Because you will always sleep alone in that cold bed of yours?" Finan nudged her playfully as she swatted at him.
"Must you always be so crude, Irishman?"
With that, Finan ventured off to grab himself some ale and take his spot to Uhtred's right. Eawynn joined the table and sat to Sihtric's left.
"Wynn, I'm glad you joined us tonight." Gisela spoke up from behind her husband, a small smile forming on her lips as she nodded over to her friend.
"Yes, you have been hiding from us lately, Lady Eawynn." Uhtred teased.
"Not hiding, lord. But I am sorry if you feel offended in any way." Eawynn smiled with a nod. She reached over to pick up her ale and take a sip.
"It's been peaceful with you in hiding." Finan smirked.
"Finan, must you always tease poor Wynn?" Gisela tutted, now sitting closest to her husband as she plucked a piece of chicken from his plate to feed herself.
"Aye. I must." The dark-haired man grinned, looking over to Eawynn who stuck her tongue out at him.
Conversations broke off amongst everyone at the table, Eawynn divulging stories of her childhood to Sihtric, who also knew what it was like to grow up without the love of a father. It was sad to say but their similarities were sad ones. But because of them, they got along greatly.
It was later in the night that Gisela announced that the good news was that she was with child. Eawynn was almost certain that blood trickled from her ears at the loud whooping coming from the men around her congratulating their lord on his upcoming heir.
"You will make the most beautiful mother, Gisela." Eawynn whispered to her friend as she held her in a tight embrace.
Eawynn ensured she congratulated Uhtred when his men finally decided to leave him alone. After turning from him, her eyes met Sihtric who was stumbling through the doorway after Finan.
Shaking her head at them, Eawynn knew if she tried harder to push the thoughts of either men visiting the whorehouse she would just think about it more. The only other friend she had here was Gisela, and life in Coccham was different than life in the nunnery.
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As promised, Eawynn made herself useful around the village. She was training with the local midwife and healers as she told Gisela she would. Gisela and the impending birth of Uhtred's heir was what pushed her to make this decision.
The men were gearing up to leave on a mission once more, and The Mercian girl wanted to be able to assist the wounded whenever they returned. Finan said it was bad luck to think about healing the wounded before any battle even took place, but Eawynn knew she wanted to just be prepared.
"How long do you think you will be away?" Eawynn glanced between Finan and Sihtric as they packed their horses up with whatever they needed for the road.
Her hands made busy with brushing Haesels coat, cleaning off any dirt and debris left over from the ride she had just come back from. Gisela was close to delivery and frankly Eawynn, more than anyone else, was more nervous for Uhtred missing his child's birth.
"Hopefully not long, my lady." Finan responded first, his hands holding onto the top of his chest plate as he stood beside his own horse, watching her.
"Wynn, do not worry about us." Sihtric moved to hug the girl from behind, laughing softly as she wiggled out of his grasp. "We are warriors. But Finan, now he is clumsy. So, you may need to prepare your supplies to put him back together when we return."
Eawynn laughed at the way Sihtric taunted Finan. She glanced at the Irishman and based off the smile on his face, she knew he was not offended in any way.
"Aye, that's right. Make fun of the Irishman." Finan groaned.
Sihtric mounted his horse and nudged him forward, leaving Eawynn and Finan alone.
Eawynn busied herself with finishing her task of cleaning up Haesel before she realized Finan was standing there, still watching her intently.
"May I ask why you're staring at me?" she questioned, still refusing to make eye contact with him.
"Just wonderin' what you're to do around here without me to bother."
"You are insufferable, Finan. But I suppose you do have a point." She smiled and leaned over to give Haesel another gentle kiss to her cold, wet nose before tossing the brush she was using back into the stable. The moment she turned around to look at him, he was already walking towards the city gates.
A small part of her wanted to run after him and give him a kiss, strictly for luck, but she immediately shook her head to rid herself of those thoughts as she led Haesel back to the stalls. By the time locked the door and started back in the direction of the hall, the city gates were just about shut.
"Come now." Gisela called from the steps, one hand gesturing towards Eawynn while the other rested on her swollen belly. "Let's keep you busy so you stop looking at the gate with that look upon your face."
"I do not know what you are talking about, Gisela." Eawynn tutted, helping the very pregnant woman through the doors and into a seat. It was only when Gisela started opening her mouth to respond that Eawynn rushed off, yelling over her shoulder that she was going to get some nourishments for the two of them to share.
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