Thanksgiving Special
3rd pov
In the city of Magnolia, the Giving Thanks Festival was going on. A festival where the people celebrate the holiday Thanksgiving. There were many stands up. Some stands giving away food, some have entertainment, and others were holding games for people to play.
Everyone was energetic and excited as they went from stand to stand and-
(Y/N): Zzzzz
...Well. Maybe not everyone. Team Natsu were enjoying the festival while (Y/N) was asleep.
Lucy: I can't believe he's asleep at a time like this.
Gray: It's not that surprising when you know the guy.
Natsu: Let him sleep if he wants to. Let's just go check out those food stands.
Happy: Aye!
Lucy: I wanna check out some of the entertainment.
Gray: I gonna check out some of the games they got.
Erza: I guess since we all have different things to do we should split up. I'll stay with (Y/N). We meet back here in time for the firework show.
Happy: She loves him~
Erza immediately kicked Happy away after he finished his sentence. Everyone watched Happy fly off before he was out of sight.
Natsu: AHHH! HAPPY! Don't worry pal! I'll catch you!
Natsu then ran off in the direction Happy was sent. Lucy and Gray turned towards Erza to see her surrounded by a demonic aura.
Erza: Go.
Lucy/Gray: Aye!
The two ran off towards seperate directions. All the loud noise caused our lazy protagonist to awaken.
(Y/N): yawns what's with all the noise?
Erza: Nothing. Don't worry about it.
(Y/N) looked around at all the stands.
(Y/N): Oh yeah. The festival is going on.
Erza grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and started to drag him from stand to stand.
Erza: C'mon (Y/N)! Let's go!
(Y/N): oh, ok.
The two spent the whole day going to some of the stands. Played some games, ate some food, and watch some people do tricks. The two were walking through the park while (Y/N) was holding all the prizes Erza won from the stands.
Erza: This is fun, isn't it?
(Y/N): Yea. I guess.
Erza: Let's sit here. Maybe we can get a good view of the fireworks.
The two sat down at a bench as (Y/N) set down the prizes on his cloud. The two sat in silence as they waited for the fireworks.
Erza: 'calm down, Erza. You're just out with a friend. Just the two of a festival...under the moonlight...'
Erza's face started to blush at her thoughts and (Y/N) noticed.
(Y/N): Hey, Erza. are you alright?
Erza: Y-yes! I'm f-fine.
(Y/N) had his suspicions but didn't say anything. The two sat in an uncomfortable silence until Erza decided to speak up.
Erza: (Y/N).
(Y/N) looked towards her to see her twiddling with her thumbs. Then she faced him to see a blush on her face.
Erza: W-what are your thoughts on me? Not as a guild member but as a woman?
He definitely wasn't expecting a question like that.
(Y/N):...oh...well uh-
The two looked towards the sound to see the firework display. Other spectators looked at the fireworks in awe as they cheered. The objects blew up in the air in different designs like flowers, stars and even the fairytail emblem.
Erza: ' it's beautiful.'
(Y/N): Oh yeah. I almost forgot.
Erza looked at (Y/N) to see him smiling at her.
(Y/N): Thanks for coming with me to the festival. It was fun.
Erza smiled at his words.
Erza: Yea. It was fun.
The two sat in a comfortable silence as they watched the fireworks show.
A/N: annnnnnd done. Thanks for reading. I just did this chapter to help celebrate Thanksgiving. (Shouldn't you do more important stuff like the next chapter.) Relax Madara. Also I'm thankful that you help me with my work. (Hmph) So I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and if you don't celebrate it... Then have a good day. 'till next time.
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