Part 9
3rd pov
(Y/N) was floating through town passed all the destroyed buildings.
(Y/N): 'Man. Gramps is gonna blow a fuse about this one. Just hope the others haven't caused too much damage.'
(Y/N) then started to notice the wind start to speed up and saw a large wind barrier in the distance.
(Y/N): Think I found them. Yawn Better start moving.
He started to make his way towards the large wind barrier.
Erza pov
Damn it! Erigor trapped us in Onibas station and our only hope to escape is injured. I tried forcing him to but its not working. Now Erigor is heading towards Clover to use Lullaby on the guildmasters.
Natsu was trying to force his way through the wind barrier while Lucy tried to stop him. Gray and I were checking on Kage. He was fatally wounded by one of his guildmates and he was our only hope out of here.
Natsu: Damn it!
Gray: Natsu! Stop you're not gonna get through!
???: How about staying quiet?
Everyone: Huh?
We look at the wind barrier to see the shadow of somebody sitting on a cloud.
???: yawn You should keep your voice down, Natsu.
Gray: (Y/N)! Is that you!?
(Y/N): Yea. Who else would it be?
With (Y/N) outside the barrier, we could still stop Erigor.
(Y/N): Stop yelling.
Erza: (Y/N)!
I walked towards the barrier.
Erza: I want you to go after Erigor.
Everyone looked at me in surprise.
Natsu: Wait! What about us!?
Gray: Yea! And how do we know (Y/N) can stop him!?
I ignored them both.
Erza: (Y/N). Erigor plans on using Lullaby on the guildmasters at clover and we're trapped in here. I need you to go after him. We'll try to catch up once we find a way out of here.
The shadow then flies away.
Erza: Alright. We need to find a way out of here.
(Y/N) pov
I was flying towards Clover looking for this Erigor guy. Apparently he plans on killing the guildmasters. So I couldn't let that happened. Erza sounded desperate. Rarely seen her like that.
I could sense somebody up ahead. Must be him. Better finish this quick.
3rd pov
Erigor: The time is upon us. All the ones that have wronged us will now pay!
(Y/N): Can you not do that?
Erigor: Huh?
Erigor turned around to see (Y/N) flying in the air on his cloud.
Erigor: Who are you? Are you one of the Fairy Flies that's trying to stop me?
(Y/N): It's actually fairy tail not fairy flies.
Erigor:...I'm just going to kill you now.
Erigor charged and went to strike (Y/N) with his scythe only for it to go right through him.
Erigor: W-what!?
(Y/N): Did you really think that was going to work?
Erigor flew back.
Erigor: If a scythe won't work,
Erigor faced his hand towards (Y/N) as he made a magic circle.
Erigor: -try some of this!
(Y/N): Can you please stop yelling?
Erigor: Storm Bringer!
A tornado appeared destroying parts of the railroad causing dust to fly up in the air. Erigor smirked at the sight.
Erigor: Hmph. Seems the Fairy Fly has been squashed.
As the dust began to clear, (Y/N) can be seen sitting on the ground looking up to Erigor.
(Y/N):...Are you done yet?
Erigor stared at him in disbelief.
Erigor: I-impossible! Y-you should b-be dead!
(Y/N) seemed to ignore him as he was thinking about something.
(Y/N): 'how did he get up there? And why am I not floating anymore? Where's my cloud?'
(Y/N) looked around in confusion while Erigor stared at him.
Erigor: Y-you got lucky. Yeah. You were lucky enough to survive my Storm Bringer. You won't be so lucky next time. 'I have to be careful. The plan is almost complete. I can't have this fly stop my plan when I'm this close.'
Erigor looked at (Y/N), who was completely oblivious to what was happening.
(Y/N): That's not true author. I just have to beat this guy right.
Thank you. Anyway Erigor summoned another magic circle.
Erigor: Storm Mail
Erigor's body was surronded by wind that was moving at high speeds.
Erigor: Ha! What do you think of this? You little fly couldn't possibly compare to this power!
(Y/N), however, was ignoring Erigor as he was looking around for his cloud. Then he looked at Erigor.
(Y/N): Hey, have you seen my cloud?
(Y/N): My cloud. I was riding it when I got here. Now it's gone.
(Y/N): You destroyed it?
(Y/N):...Well, I can't let you go after that.
Erigor smirked at (Y/N).
Erigor: You think you can beat me. You're nothing but another one of those fairy flies. Besides, I'm wearing my storm mail. If you try to get close, you'll get ripped to shreds.
(Y/N):hmmm, well then-
(Y/N)'s eyes slowly turned red as he glared at Erigor. A large storm began to form. Red lighting flashes through the clouds.
(Y/N): -I'll have to break through it.
(Y/N) set his hand on fire and raises it in the sky and lighting struck down on his hand. The lighting began to swirl around his hand and began to merge with the fire. The attack began to grow in size until it was the size of a building and took the shape of a spear. Erigor widened his eyes at the attack.
Erigor: W-what?
Erigor stared at the attack in fear. Knowing he could die if the attack hit him, he charged an attack of his own.
Erigor: I-i can't lose! Not after coming so far.
He summoned a magic circle as smaller magic circles rotated around it.
Erigor: This is the flying Phoenix magic that will tear anything to ribbons! Emera Baram!
A large vortex of wind shot out of the magic circles. (Y/N) stared at the attack with an unimpressed look.
(Y/N): Spiralling spear
(Y/N) launched his attack at Erigor. The two attacks clashed...would be an overstatement. More like the spiralling spear tore through Erigor's attack and was speeding towards him. As the attack was speeding towards him, Erigor was able to mutter one word before the attack connected.
Erigor: M-monster
The attack connected causing a huge explosion as lighting sparked around the area and the fire burned the ground and melted parts of the railroad tracks. Dust was knocked into the air covering the area.
(Y/N) pov
(Y/N): cough cough probably should of pant held back on pant that attack.
I was breathing heavily and was sweating. I must have used a lot of magic. I'll need to rest for this.
The dust started to clear and I saw the Lullaby flute and a large burn mark on the ground where the wind guy's body was suppose to be. I hope I didn't kill him. That would be bad.
I noticed my vision start to get blurry.
(Y/N): pant pant I have no energy left. Pant pant I'll have to leave it to Natsu and them.
I noticed the ground getting closer as my vision went black.
3rd pov
(Y/N) has fallen asleep.
And that's it. Finally, this took way longer than it needed to be. Thanks for being patient and I hoped you all enjoyed the chapter. (Forget the readers. Come help me with this wall.) Quiet Madara. This is very important. (Sigh why do I bother)
Also the vote for a romantic interest is officially over. The winner is, drumroll please,
Erza with 4 votes.
Mirajane with a close second of 3 votes. And Juvia and Levy falling behind with 2 votes. Anyway that's it for this chapter and now I have to help Madara fix the 4th wall. See you next time.
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