Part 5
Gray and (Y/N) were walking down the street...well (Y/N) was on his cloud, but they were on their way to the train station as Gray explained the mission to (Y/N).
(Y/N): so we have to protect a train cargo from dark mages.
Gray: Yep
(Y/N): we have to ride a train for 3 hours
Gray: uh-huh
(Y/N): and we're working with the army.
Gray: yep
(Y/N) gave Gray this lazy, annoyed look.
(Y/N): I don't wanna be here anymore.
Gray: come on (Y/N). It's only for a few hours. Just watch out for anything suspicious and take down any dark wizards. Should be easy.
(Y/N): fine... I'm not gonna like it though.
(Y/N) and Gray reach the train station and see some of the magic army troops moving cargo onto the train. There was a large crowd surronding the area watching them.
M.Guard 1: Stand back!
M.Guard 2: We ask all of you to stand back as we secure the cargo.
(Y/N): looks like the army beat us here.
Gray: come on
Gray started to push his way through the crowd while (Y/N) flew over them.
When they both made it through, they were stopped by one of the guards.
M.Guard 3: please stand back. We need to load the cargo to the train.
Gray pulled out the flyer again.
Gray: We're here for the mission.
The guard looks at the flyer for awhile.
M.Guard 3: Sir! The wizards are here!
Then a man started walking towards them. The man had orange hair, and red eyes. He wield this large sword on his back and a necklace that had a medallion with a skull on it. He had many battle wounds on his face but the most noticeable one was a burn mark that covered his entire right side of his face.
Mystery Man: Are you the wizards from Fairytail?
Gray nodded while (Y/N) just looked tiredly at the man.
Ardis: I'm Ardis, the captain of this squad and leader of this operation. I want you two guarding the cart with all the passengers. We'll be in the room with the cargo. If anybody attacks, your job is to protect the people we will handle the threat.
Gray: WHAT!? We came here to protect the cargo, not to babysit the passengers!
Ardis: If you have a problem with it, you can just leave and forget getting your pay.
As Gray and Ardis continued arguing with the magic guard watching, (Y/N) started looking around at the other guards. He noticed some of them stood out of the group. While some of them were organized and look like they knew what they were doing, the ones that stood out didn't seem to know what they were doing and others were just standing around watching them with an evil grin on their face.
(Y/N) had his suspicions, but he wanted to get more proof before he acted. Didn't want another incident like the time he thought the ice cream man was a murderer.
(Y/N) eventually got tired of Gray and Ardis arguing so he decided to intervene.
(Y/N): Gray, let's just sit in the passenger cart. If somebody does attack, we'll just stop them.
Gray was about to argue but noticed the angry look in (Y/N)'s eyes and wisely decided not to argue.
Gray: ...fine.
(Y/N): Good. Now go get your clothes and meet me on the train.
Gray let out a scream of panic as he went to...cover himself up.
1 hour has passed. (Y/N) fell the first 5 minutes.
Gray: 'you could at least stay awake for the trip'
(Y/N) was laying his head against a small version of the cloud he usually rides on. The passengers were whispering about (Y/N). Some of the passengers looked at him in awe and others just sweatdropped at the sight.
You can even hear a camera flash among the whispering.
Gray: sighs Might as well take a nap too. Be awhile before something happens.
Gray got into a comfortable position and fell asleep.
Time skip
Gray and (Y/N) were sleeping peacefully on their seats. Then suddenly there was a huge explosion.
Gray: what was that!?
(Y/N) instantly work up to the sound of the explosion and accidentally teleported a random passenger causing the other passengers to panic at the man's sudden disappearance.
Gray: The train is under attack!
(Y/N): yawn no shit, sherlock.
Bystander 1: WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!
Bystander 2: I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!
All the people were in a panic. People were running around while screaming their heads off. Some people were in a fetal position, crying thinking the end was near.
Gray: Everybody quiet!
Everyone stopped panicking and looked towards Gray.
Gray: Don't worry. We'll handle the threat.
Bystander 1:...we?
Gray: Yea. Me and-
Gray looked to his side only to realize that our lazy protagonist had went missing.
Gray:... I'll help keep you safe. Nobody panic.
Cargo train cart
Ardis was leaning against his sword. He was covered in blood and had many wounds. All the other guards were laying around the burnt floor, either dead or unconscious. The dark mages stood in front of him, laughing at the man.
One mage, most likely the leader of the group, was standing in front of them with a serious expression on his face.
The man very tall and muscular, intimidating man with blonde hair, a steel jaw, and wore a black cloak. His right hand is replaced by a huge steel axe, the handle of which seems to go right through his forearm.
Axe-man: You fool. You really thought you could stand up to me, Axe-Hand Morgan.
Ardis: 'damn it. I can't believe we were tricked so easily. Who would of thought that dark mages would have disguised themselves as magic guards.'
Morgan: Hmph. Pathetic. I expect more from you, commander.
He began to slowly walk toward Ardis.
Morgan: guess you'll die like all the rest.
Morgan raises his axe hand to deliver the final blow.
Ardis: 'I failed. Damn it. All my men are dead. I can't even move. Am I really gonna die here?'
Morgan swung his axe down...and hit the floor leaving a large crack in the ground.
Morgan: huh?
???: man that was close.
Everyone looked toward the voice to see (Y/N) holding an unconscious Ardis.
(Y/N): sorry. Even though I hate the magic army, I can't let you kill this man.
(Y/N) pov
I came toward the sound of the explosion. Only to find a bunch of dark mages. One of them even had a metal jaw and an axe for a hand. What kind of surgery did he go through to get an axe for a hand...with the handle going through the other side?
Anyway, I saved that Ardis guy from getting beheaded. Now everyone is staring at me.
Axe-man: Who the hell are you?
(Y/N): I'm yawns Nevermind.
Everyone gave this look of disbelief... Or surprise. I'm not sure. I'm tired.
(Y/N): yawns are you the guys that caused that explosion?
Axe-man: We don't have to answer to you. Get him men.
Some of the guys started throwing spells at me. Fire, water
, lighting and some other spells. Nothing that could hurt me though. All the attacks were just going through me.
D.Mage 1: Why can't we hit him!?
D.Mage 2: I don't know!?
D.Mage 3: W-we can't beat this guy.
D.Mage 1: Morgan, what do we do!?
Morgan. Like Morgan Freeman? Doesn't look like Morgan Freeman.
Morgan?: move out of my way!
All the mages stood out the way and made a path between me and the axe-guy. He walked up to me and looked down at me.
Morgan?: Do you know who you're messing with boy?
(Y/N): A villain who will only appear in this chapter unless the author let's you come back.
(Y/N): Eisenwald?
The heck is an Eisenwald? The guy started giving some monologue like typical villains do. I didn't really pay attention.
Morgan?: -and that's why I won't be stopped by some lowly wizard who's upset just because I interrupted his nap!
I stood there in shock. So they did it. They were the ones...who interrupted my daily 3 hour nap. The axe-guy swung his axe at me but I caught it.
(Y/N):...You bastards.
I looked at the axe-guy. He had a look of fear on his face. I raise my hand as red flames and lighting surround it.
(Y/N): DON'T interrupt my nap.
I slammed my fist into him and there was huge explosion.
Gray pov
I was getting all the people away from the train, when the cargo cart suddenly exploded.
Bystander 1: What was that!?
Gray: That must have been (Y/N). I feel sorry for whoever was in that. All you guys should start going to town.
I make my way to the cargo cart. Or what's left of it. The top had been completely destroyed, there was burnt marks everywhere, dead guards and dark mages all over the floor, some guy with an axe for a hand on the ground, and (Y/N)...sleeping on his cloud.
I walked towards (Y/N) while carefully making sure I didn't step on anybody.
It wasn't until I had finished yelling, I realized my mistake. I woke him up.
Gray: Sh-
Suddenly I was in a forest. Damn it, (Y/N).
3rd pov (last one I promise)
(Y/N) wakes up after rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
(Y/N): Gray, let me nap will ya...oh he's gone.
(Y/N) looks to his right to see Ardis waking up. Ardis looks around to see all the dark mages knocked out, some of the cargo destroyed and (Y/N) sitting on his cloud.
Ardis: 'what the hell?'
(Y/N): oh you're awake.
Ardis looks at (Y/N).
(Y/N): Are you alright?
Ardis: um. Yea but-
He looks at Morgan, who was charred and laying on the floor with a noticeable punch mark on his face.
Ardis:-what happened here?
(Y/N): Well-yawns- nevermind
(Y/N) then fell asleep leaving Ardis to sit there with a shocked look on his face.
Ardis:...I need a drink after this.
A/N: and done. That's the end of the chapter. I probably should of said this in the last few chapters but some of these characters are not mine. Also the vote for a romantic interest is still going. I have 1 vote for Mira... That's it. Anyway that's it for now. Anything to add Madara? (No.) See you in the next chapter.
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