Part 23
(Y/N) pov
The battle between Fairytail and Phantom Lord raged on. Phantom Lord attempted to take us out with the Jupiter cannon but Erza was able to block the first shot. Then Me and Natsu took out the Jupiter cannon and met up with Gray and Elfman. Oh and we beat one of the elemental four. I think his name was Toto guy.
Anyway, Phantom began to prepare a magic circle that could potentially wipe out the city. Now everyone is trying to find the power sources to this mech and take it out. Well, everyone but me. I got something bigger to take care of. But there is one problem...
This is place is huge. And that's an understatement. I'm pretty sure I passed the same room at least three times.
Speaking of rooms, they have a lot of those. Some, I question the purpose of. Like a room filled with slime. Or a room filled with a bunch of plushies. Or a room filled with erotic novels... That was an interesting one. One of the was called "Icha Icha". I couldn't read the author's name because it was smudged. So all I got was "Ji..i.a".
Where was I? Oh yea. Anyway so I'm still floating around this place.
(Y/N): If I could just find one of those phantom guys, then I can make them lead me.
Just after I said that I found one of the phantom members. Just my luck.
P.member pov
Wait what? My point of view? I wasn't prepared for this! Could of gave me a warning! Or put my actual name at least! Way to put me on the spot, author.
(Shut up! And stop breaking the 4th wall or I'll have your head)
So I'm just minding my business. Walking around our fortress while everyone else is fighting I mean, its not like I can join the fight. My arm broke in the battle when those fairies attacked our guildhall. That damn Lazy ass no name with the weird lightning was zooming around the place taking out guild members. Then BAM, bastard kick my arm so hard it bent the other way.
Now I'm out of battle. Doesn't matter though. We got the elemental four and from what I heard their guild master and that Titantia lady is out for the count. This victory is as good as ours! So what if they took out our cannon, we got Gajeel. Sure, he's a huge asshole(don't tell him I said that) but he's strong. And if I ever see that damn lazy ass again, I'm gonna-
???: Oh hey I found someone.
Who the hell is interrupting me at a time like this!? Can't they see I'm monologuing!?
Me: What do you want!?
I turn around to see... Dear god.
Lazy-ass: Great you can help me.
Me: W-why would I-I h-help you!?
Then he went quiet. This is my chance to escape. I slowly back away then-
Me: Ack!
-he grabbed me by the neck and pulled me towards him so I can look him in the eye. His eye turned to a dark red. That or the lack of oxygen was making me see things.
Lazy-ass: Why not?
Lightning traveled up his arm and was a little too close for comfort if you asked me! It was a threat.
Me: M-maybe I can be of assistance.
Lazy: Good. Now I'm so I want you to lead me to your master.
Master Jose? He started to carry me under his arm like I was a sack of potatoes or something.
Me: W-why would you want to go to him?
His eyes glowed red again.
Lazy: Business.
3rd pov
While that situation was happening, both Elfman and Gray managed to defeat two of the elemental four. With three of the elemental four down, the Giant mecha thing (I still don't know what it's called) slowed down. Now Elfman, Gray and Mira (who got caught up in the battle) went off to find the last elemental four member.
Now we join Natsu, who was running down a hall trying to find Lucy, after learning that she was captured... Again.
Natsu: Damn it (Y/N)! I can't believe he actually left us! And at a time like this!
Happy: He said it was important. Maybe he went to go finish his fight with Gajeel.
Natsu: I don't care where he went! Anyway I just realized something. If we beat Jose, that means that this whole fight ends right?
Happy: Well yeah but Jose is as strong as Master Makorov.
Natsu: Well someone's got to beat him since Gramps is out of action!
Happy: You just had to remind me didn't you? I'm bummed out now!
The dragonslayer gave his cat a headpat.
Natsu: Don't worry! We're gonna win Happy!
Natsu's words filled Happy with...
Happy: Aye!
The two continued running until they reached a large room with a staircase in the middle. They were about halfway into the room when a gust of air sent them flying back.
Natsu: What the!?
???: How sad...
Wind began to gather in the room before revealing Aria, one of the elemental four.
Natsu: You're one of the Element four aren't you?
I just said-err type that.
Aria: That's right. I am Aria, the strongest of the Element 4. I came here in hopes of hunting myself some dragons.
Natsu: You're a wind wizard aren't you? I've faced your kind before!
Happy: He's alot stronger than Erigor!
Natsu: I've faced (Y/N) too and he uses wind magic.
Happy: you never beat him.
Natsu: Who's side are you on anyway!?
Aria: Two friends fighting... How sad...
Natsu: SHUT UP!
With his fist on fire, Natsu jumped toward Aria to punch him only to be blown away by a wind attack.
Aria: I should warn you. I'm the one who drained your master of all his magic energy. It was such a sad sight to see... Boohoo.
Hearing the news, Natsu becomes angrier which increases the heat of his flames.
Natsu: Oh yeah. Thanks for telling.
Natsu lights both his hands on fire.
Natsu: Now I can pay you back for it!
Natsu charges at Aria. Aria sends another wind attack at Natsu. Natsu put his burning fist ahead of him and makes the flames hotter causing the wind to redirect around him.
Natsu: Gotcha now! Fire dragon iron fist!
Natsu punches Aria across the face which sends him flying. Before Aria can hit the ground, he disappears into thin air.
Aria: Not bad, Salamander. That was a good dad it didn't work.
Natsu: where'd you go? Show yourself!
Aria: As you wish.
Aria appears behind Natsu, a wind attack at the ready. Natsu turned around and punch him in the face. It's not very effective. Aria then blew Natsu into a wall. Natsu gets back up.
Natsu: What kind of strength is that?
Aria: You have endured my attacks and you are still standing. Impressive.
Natsu: You haven't seen anything yet!
Before Natsu could power up an attack, Aria attacked first.
Aria: Air space: Sever!
Natsu was then strucked by multiple air attacks from Aria. He was sent backwards, landing on his feet.
Natsu: ENOUGH OF THIS! Fire Dragon's Roar!
Natsu launched a torrent of fire at Aria. Aria avoided the attack by turning into thin air.
Happy: He disappeared again!
Aria: I'll be ending this with a gift. I will allow you to join your master in his suffering!
Aria appeared behind Natsu to deliver the final blow. Natsu couldn't move in time and juat watched as Aria was about to remove his magic energy.
Aria: Air Space: Drain!
Natsu was enveloped in a bright light before screaming in pain as his magic was forcefully ripped from his body.
Aria: So sad... Your magic is going to be completely removed from your body.
Aria was crying as Natsu was being drained of power.
Natsu: My...Magic! More screaming
Happy: NATSU!
Aria was then kicked in the face, interrupting the draining process. The person who kicked Aria was revealed to be Erza... And she looked pretty pissed off as a dark aura seemed to surround her.
Natsu: E-erza! S-should y-you even b-be up right now?
Erza said nothing but glared at Aria, which scared Happy into jumping into Natsu's arms.
Happy: She looks angrier than usual!
Erza: So you are the on who did that to (Y/N)...and our guildmaster.
Aria: Erza Scarlet. How unfortunate... It seems the great Titania is going to lose her head along with her friend, the Salamander.
The dark aura now taking the shape into a demonic creature.
Erza: My friend suffered greatly by your hand, I WILL AVENGE HIM!
Natsu: What happened to Gramps!?
Aria: Now that I have an opponent that isn't injured and is worthy of fighting me, it's time to unleash my full strength!
Aria takes his bandages off, revealing his eyes. They were pink, but his iris was separated into four different sections.
Aria: Prepare to face Zero, the airspace of Death!
Erza requipped a sword.
Erza: A spell that absorbs light? Tell me! How can you do this!? How can you sit there and take lives so easily!? Scoundrel!
Aria: Perhaps it is best that you come and see for yourself Titania!
Erza charged at Aria. Aria fired his airspace magic at Erza... Only for her to cut right through Aria's space magic. Which I'm pretty sure is impossible but whatever.
Erza was beginning to close the distance and changed into her Heaven's wheel armor. Once she was close enough, she took down Aria with one good slice from her sword.
Happy: She beat hum in one hit!
Natsu: Erza really is dangerous!
Erza: You don't hold even a candle to (Y/N) or the master's strength. You'll only be remembered as a coward who was defeated by me.
Aria: so...sad.
With the defeat of Aria, the Phantom's giant thing stopped charging the spell to eliminate Magnolia. Erza then collapsed out of exhaustion, and Natsu caught her before she hit the ground.
Natsu: I got you Erza!
Afterwards, a loud scream covered the entire Guild Hall.
Natsu: That scream... Lucy?! They got her... I have to save her!
Erza: N-natsu...
Natsu: Erza!
Erza: Unleash... Your strength. You still have dormant strength inside you... Believe in yourself... Be steadfast and wake it... Now is the time... Protect Lucy... Protect our guild... GO NATSU! You're meant to surpass me!
Natsu set Erxa down and did what she asked. He looked into himself and found a reserve of magical energy to keep going, he exerted so much power the people protecting the guild hall felt it.
In a small treehouse, Makarov was recovering in a bed, until his eyes gently opened.
Makarov: Natsu...
The Pink haired lady, who seemed to be watching over him, realized he was awake.
Pink hair lady: Makarov? How are you feeling?
Makarov started to get up.
Pink hair: Not yet. You still need some rest.
Makarov ignored her and got out of bed anyway, then he started to walk away.
Makarov: Since when do I listen to you? Porlyusica.
Porlyusica: A surprisingly fast recovery, for someone at your age.
Makarov started to put his clothes back on.
Porlyusica: Do you want to rush to your death?
Makarov: I have to take that risk. My children need me. Thank you for your help.
Makarov then left the treehouse.
A/N: That's it. Nothing to say here. See you later. Say bye Madara. (No.)
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