Part 2
3rd pov
The gang were in a restaurant after the blonde girl invited them to a meal. They were sitting at a table eating food. Natsu and Happy were making a mess while (Y/N) sat there eating his pizza. The blonde introduced herself as Lucy.
Lucy: there goes my 10,000 jewels
(Y/N): thanks for paying. But you didn't have to.
Lucy: It was the least I could do after you broke me out of that charm spell. Oh you guys probably don't even know what I'm talking about.
She then started explaining the magic the "salamander" used. Y/N reached for another slice of his pizza...only to reach none. He just stared at his plate while Lucy talked about wanting to join the Fairytail guild.
Lucy: hey (Y/N) are you okay.
Y/N didn't answer. He just stared at his plate with a gloomy aura. His depressing, empty plate.
Lucy: you want another pizza?
He slowly nod my head.
Natsu: waiter! Can we get another pizza!
Happy: and fish please.
Lucy: whispers great, there goes another 20 jewels. At least he's more controlled than than the other two.
The waiter came with another pizza slice and set it on the table. (Y/N) instantly perked up and started eating the pizza. Everyone else at the table sweatdropped at the sight but (Y/N) just ignored them.
Lucy: anyway, weren't you guys looking for someone?
Natsu explained that they were looking for his dad, Igneel who is a dragon.
Lucy: Why would a dragon show up in the middle of a town?
Natsu and Happy tried to come up with an excuse but couldn't come up with one.
(Y/N):'I thought so...mmm pizza'
Lucy then payed for their food and started to leave...then Natsu and Happy got on their knees to thank Lucy.
It was now nighttime. (Y/N) was floating on his cloud next to Natsu and Happy.
Natsu: man that was some good food
(Y/N): it was a good meal
Natsu: All you ate was pizza.
(Y/N): Again, I say. A good meal.
Happy: Hey, isn't that boat over there where Salamander is having his party.
Natsu looked toward the boat...only to feel sick right after.
Natsu: Don't even mentiom it Happy.
Happy: It's not like we are gonna get on the boat anyway.
(Y/N): yawns I could use a nap
A nearby group of girls started talking.
Girl 1: Isn't that Salamander's Yacht? Oh I wish I could've gone to his party!
Girl 2: Who's Salamander?
Girl 3:You don't know who he is? He's a super famous wizard in town right now!
Girl 1: And he's a part of Fairytail!
This caught both (Y/N) and Natsu's attention.
(Y/N): 'part of Fairytail huh'
(Y/N) and Natsu both stared at the boat... Then Natsu started to feel sick again.
(Y/N): guess I have to stay up a little longer.
Natsu: come on Happy.
Happy: Aye
Happy then grew wings on his back. He picked up Natsu and started to head towards the boat.
(Y/N): Guess I should catch up to them.
(Y/N)'s cloud started to fly at high speeds toward the ship.
Lucy was now standing up to the "Salamander" guy after she found out he was going to take her and some od the other women to Bosco. Then Natsu crashes the party...literally.
Natsu crashed through the roof and dramatically landed on the ground in front of Lucy. Only to get sick and fall to the floor.
Then she noticed Happy and (Y/N) flying above her.
Lucy: wait Happy, why do you have wings and (Y/N) is riding... A cloud?
Happy: I'll explain later, come on.
Happy picked up Lucy and started to fly off with her while (Y/N) jumped off his cloud and landed mext to Natsu.
Lucy: w-wait, what about Natsu and (Y/N)?
Happy: I can only carry one person. Besides they can take care of them selves.
Back at the ship
"Salamander": Prominence whip
"Salamander" attempted to shoot the flying cat down, only to miss and cause fireworks in the sky. Meanwhile (Y/N) was checking on Natsu.
(Y/N): You need to get over your motion sickness.
Natsu: shut...up
Natsu slowly made his way up the stairs as (Y/N) followed until they reached the top.
Natsu: Hey guys...
All the men turned to the two.
"Salamander": hmph still trying to get in my way. Take them down men.
Two of the men charged at them. Then (Y/N) swiped his hand to the side . A red wind appeared and blew the two men off the boat and into the water. This left the other men shocked.
Natsu:The Fairytail Guild...
Natsu barely manages to stand up.
Natsu: You're supposed to be a member.
(Y/N): ummm. Natsu.
Natsu turned towards (Y/N)...only to see a large tidal wave come towards them. It crashed the Yacht back to the port with all of the passengers. (Y/N) was lying on the sand with a tired look on his face.
(Y/N): well then.
Natsu climbed on top of the shipwreck and looked down at "Salamander" and his men.
Natsu: Hey, You! I got some unfinished business with you!
"Salamander" turned to face Natsu as some of his men ran towards Natsu. (Y/N) raised his arm then lowered it. A lighting bolt came out of the sky and striked the men down.
(Y/N): there I did my part. Yawns you take care of the rest Natsu.
(Y/N) climbed on top of his cloud and fell asleep.
(Y/N): Zzzzz
Natsu takes off his jacket revealing his Fairytail mark.
Natsu: I'm Natsu, a wizard of Fairytail and I've never seen you before!
The men noticed his mark and began to panic.
Goon 1: That mark... It's really him!
Goon 2: What are we supposed to do now Bora!?
Bora: Don't call me that you idiot!
Happy: I know him. That's Bora. He was kicked out of the Titans Nose Wizard Guild for bad behavior.
Natsu: I don't know who you are, and I don't care. You're gonna pay for dirtying the Fairytail Guild's name!
Bora: And what are you gonna do about it? Prominence Typhoon!
Bora shot a torrent of fire at Natsu as he stood there taking the blast, resulting in a huge explosion. The girls, who were passengers of the ship, fled away from the scene.
Bora:The bigger the talk, the weaker the man.
Natsu: Ugh! This is nasty! Are you sure you're a fire wizard!
Everyone, except Happy and (Y/N), was shocked at the sight of Natsu...eating the fire. Natsu finished his "meal" and faced Bora.
Natsu: thanks for the meal, poser.
Natsu then activated his magic. He took a deep breath and placed his hands to his mouth.
Natsu: Fire Dragon Roar!
A torrent of flame shot out of Natsu's mouth causing a massive explosion.
Goon 1: now I remember, pink hair, scaly looking scarf, there's no doubt about it. It's the Salamander!
Lucy: What!? He's the Salamander!?
Bora used his magic to fly to the air as Natsu jumped to meet him and the battle between the two wizards began as Happy explained Natsu's magic to Lucy.
The battle ended with Natsu being victorious...and the port being destroyed.
Happy: Master isn't gonna like this.
Natsu: We'll be fine...maybe.
(Y/N): Zzzzz
Happy: that's (Y/N) for ya.
The sound of footsteps approaching got everyone's attention.
Lucy: the army?!
Natsu: Oh crap, we gotta go!
Natsu grabbed Lucy's hand as they started to run away with Happy and (Y/N) flew in the air above them.
Lucy: Where are you taking me!?
Natsu: You said you wanted to be a part of Fairytail, right? Smiles let's go.
Lucy eventually smiles as well.
Lucy: alright let's go!
The gang then began to travel to the Fairytail guild.
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