Part 10
(Y/N) pov
We were walking down Web Valley. Apparently the others had some guy from the dark guild with them that stole Lullaby and the magimobile. Then he went off to kill the guildmasters and the others chased after and left me on the tracks sleeping. Gramps talked the dark guild guy out of it and the weird flute turned into a giant demon...yes I know. It's weird. Not only that but it was apparently one of Zeref's demons. What were the chances?
They defeated the flute... demon... thing. But accidentally blew up the meeting hall.
They got chased away and picked me up along the way. Which leads us to now. Unfortunately, my cloud was destroyed in my battle (if you can even call it that) against that wind guy. Now I'm walking until I can get another one. We've been walking for days now without any food or
Lucy: Ugh. Don't tell me you got us lost again, Happy.
Happy: What do you mean again!? We weren't lost last time so this only the first time I've gotten us lost, okay!
Lucy: Whatever. Just make it the last time, okay.
Natsu: Maaan, I want some food right now...
Gray: We all do, just talking about it will make us hungrier.
Gray and Natsu then butted heads
Natsu: Look, I can't help it if I'm hungry Frostface!
Gray: Well maybe it would help if you shut your mouth Fire Idiot!
Makarov:ENOUGH! We need some food...
then Erza's stomach chose that moment to growl causing everyone to look at her.
Natsu: I think your stomach is trying to tell you something Erza.
Erza: No it is not! You're hearing things!
Gray: Uuh, suuure. Real convincing Erza.
Then Happy suddenly squealed in joy.
(Y/N): Oi, Cat! Shut up!
Happy: S-sorry. But look!
We looked off the cliff to see a bunch of flying fish.
Happy: Those are winged fish! Those are a legendary delicacy, and from all of the rumors I heard they're super tasty!
(Y/N): It's not pizza but it'll have to do.
Natsu: Sounds good to me.
Erza: Wing fish huh?
Makarov: Well done Happy sniffle you make this old man proud!
Happy then pulled out a fishing rod from... Somewhere.
Happy: Time to fish!
Small timeskip
3rd pov
Team Natsu and (Y/N) were sitting at the edge of the cliff fishing for some Wing fish.
Happy: Fish harder people!
Lucy: Will this fish even taste good?
Natsu: I don't even care at this point as long as it's edible!
Erza: Agreed.
Happy: You guys are going down my belly right now! Happy is going to eat all of you fish!
Not even five seconds pass when Happy puts down his fishing as he looks down at the ground in depression.
Happy: I give up...
Gray: that was fast.
Happy: But we can't catch any.
Lucy: aww come on, you can do it! Don't give up little guy!
Happy looks up at Lucy for a few seconds... before flying away in tears.
Happy: I can't help it if I'm small!
Another small timeskip
One fish.
After all the time they wasted( which was only a few minutes), they were only able to catch one fish.
(Y/N): We wasted all that time on one stupid fish that probably doesn't even taste good.
Natsu cooked the fish with his fire magic.
Natsu: Go ahead Happy, eat it.
Happy: Are tou sure? It wouldn't be fair for everyone else.
Gray: It's too small to split up between all of us. Besides, if we took a bite we would only want more.
Makarov: Hurry up and eat it before we change our minds!
Happy: Okay! Don't mind if I do.
Happy ate the fish in one bite as everyone turned away from the sight with sadness. Happy finished and stood there for a moment.
Happy: GROSS!
Lucy: Are you kidding!?
Gray: We shouldn't have stayed to fish.
Natsu: Yeah cause all that fishing...
Makarov: Just made us hungrier.
(Y/N) then suddenly fell to the ground.
(Y/N): I can't go any further.
Erza walked over to him.
Erza: Come on. Don't give up. A village might be nearby.
(Y/N) looked up and stared at her for a few seconds.
(Y/N): 'I can't move. I'll be stuck here...unless.'
He raised his arms in the air towards Erza.
(Y/N): Carry me.
Everyone: EH!?!?
Erza started to blush at the sudden request but she agreed anyway. She awkwardly picked him up and set him on her back so that they were in a piggyback ride position. Erza blushing at the situation they were in.
Erza: A-a-alright. Let's move.
The group continued on their way.
After walking for who knows how long, the group finally ran into a village.
Erza: A village!
Gray: Houses!
Happy: And that means-
Natsu: FOOD!
Everyone dashed into the village before stopping at the center of it. As they looked around to notice that nobody was there.
Gray: There's no one here...
I just typed that.
Natsu: Maybe they're all just taking an afternoon nap?
(Y/N): that would make sense.
Lucy sweatdropped at (Y/N)'s response.
Lucy: No, it wouldn't.
A moment of silence passed before Natsu and Gray ran towards one of the houses.
Natsu: Feel free to hang around here! I'm gonna find a kitchen to raid!
Gray: Shame on you Natsu for even thinking about robbing this place.
Natsu opened the door for everyone to enter. There was nobody inside but there was a small table, with food on it.
Natsu: All right, food! It looks fresh too!
Natsu picked up the loaf of bread.
Natsu: Thank you for the food!
Natsu went to eat the bread before Erza stopped him.
(Y/N): Quiet you.
Erza: Hold on a moment. There's something strange going on here.
Gray: She's right. Who would leave a table of food just sitting there like this. It also begs the question; If someone cooked the food, then where did they go?
Natsu and Happy were sitting at the table, each with a bread in their hand.
Natsu: Who cares where they went! Ready to dig in Happy?
Happy: Aye!
They were just about to eat, until Erza unleashed a devilish aura.
Erza: Natsu! Investigate the village first.
Natsu: Y-yes ma'am!
Erza: Gray, Natsu, Lucy, Happy, go search the area for mushrooms and anything that looks edible! (Y/N), Master and I will stay in the village to investigate further! And DON'T eat the food in the village.
Natsu/Gray: RIGHT!
They group split off. Natsu and his group heading towards the forest for food while Erza and her group investigated the village.
Erza: We should split up so we can investigate the village faster.
Makarov: Right.
(Y/N): Well, I'm stuck with you anyway so I have to agree.
Erza then went towards a random direction as she carried (Y/N) on her back.
Erza: Can you walk yet?
(Y/N): Not until I get food. I used a lot of energy during the mission.
Erza sighed.
Erza: I keep telling you to learn how to control your magic.
(Y/N): but that's too much work.
Erza: Hard work is what makes us stronger. You should at least train enough where you don't feel tired after 3 spells.
(Y/N): yeah well-
(Y/N) stopped talking and began sniffing the air.
(Y/N): hmmm. I smell eggs.
Erza: Eggs?
(Y/N): Yeah. Smells like it's coming from there.
(Y/N) pointed towards one of the houses as Erza walked towards it. Erza started to open the door.
Erza: this one?
When she opened it, they saw Makarov stirring eggs in a bowl. Erza and (Y/N) grew a demonic aura around them as Erza stood behind Makarov which scared him.
Erza: Master.
(Y/N): That's not fair. Going to eat some of the food while we starve oit here.
Master: Erza, (Y/N). I know what this looks like but I was just r-researching for the village.
Small timeskip
After looking around the village, Erza's group...regrouped.
Erza: The whole village is empty but their is food in every house.
(Y/N): Almost like they all left in a hurry.
Makarov: Where could they have gone?
Erza: Wait, what's that?
They all looked at the ground to see a large line in the ground, many times larger than what's normal.
(Y/N): not sure. Might have something to do with the village being deserted.
They followed the line to the point where another similar line intersects it.
(Y/N): 'another? Maybe a magic circle.'
Then the sounds of growling monsters reached their ears and the lines began to glow a bright red.
(Y/N): oh boy.
Natsu: Hey, What's going on!?
Natsu and the others were running back to town and Happy... had a mushroom on his head.
Erza: I don't know but keep your guard up!
Makarov: No! We need to get to higher ground first!
Gray: Why?
Makarov: Just do it!
(Y/N): 'I can see the comments now.'
They jumped up a cliff that sat above the town, as they watch the town transform into monsters.
(Y/N): So it was a magic circle.
Makarov nodded at (Y/N)
Makarov: That's right. Thoses carvings on the ground were used to make a magic circle. It's a sealing magic known as Alive.
Lucy: What does it do?
Makarov: Exactly as it says, it can turn inanimate objects into living creatures. It appears the people of this town cast this cursed spell, only for it to backfire and get eaten by their own creations!
Lucy: Why would they do that?
(Y/N): because this town belongs to a dark guild.
Natsu: No way.
Erza: While we were investigating, we found a collection of magic tools. Tools that would be used to practice dark magic.
Gray: So they thought of some crazy plan and got their hinds burned for it?
Makarov: But in hindsight, we should probably be thanking them for doing this.
Gray: Why?
Makarov: Because of them this town turned into a basin of living creatures, and that means they can be turned into FOOD!
Lucy: Huh!?
Natsu: Now you're talking! Let's clear this place out! CHOW TIME!
Erza had dropped (Y/N) on the floor and dashed towards the monsters.
(Y/N): oof.
Natsu and Gray then jumped down to join the fight.
Lucy: You guys are crazy!
Natsu cooked his monsters up with his fire while Gray froze his monsters into popsicles and Erza sliced her's into bite size pieces.
(Y/N): that was fast.
Makarov: Yes. They seem to be getting stronger unlike you (Y/N).
(Y/N): yawns not you too. Erza was just talking to me about this.
Makarov: Well it's true. Magic is meant to help us grow, expand and learn new things.
(Y/N): I don't need magic to help me grow. I drink milk.
Makarov: sigh I think you're missing the point.
Natsu/Gray/Lucy: GROSS!
(Y/N): hm?
Natsu: Gramps, there is no way we can eat these things!
Gray: Yeah, you trying to kill us old geezer!
Happy then crashed into the cliff riding a monster chair, knocking off the mushroom on his head. He then started yelling at Natsu and them about not helping him.
Erza: So what do we do now? I'd rather starve than take another bite of that stuff.
Happy got depressed at being ignored while a monster snuck up behind him. The monster screamed alerting everyone.
Natsu: Look out!
Natsu took out the monster with his magic. All the monsters they beat were suddenly back up again and surrounded the group.
(Y/N): hmm? I thought you beat these guys.
Erza: then we'll beat them again!
Lucy: I'll help too! Open, Gate of the Golden Bull. Taurus!
A bull, standing on two legs, wielding a large axe appeared.
(Y/N): Celestial magic?
Everyone, except Makarov and (Y/N), start to fight the monsters. They defeated them only for them to get back up again.
The magic circle started to glow again.
Gray: The magic circle!
Natsu: Are you kidding me?!
The monsters were all being absorbed into the circle, and the rock that everyone was on broke apart. Everyone started falling into the magic circle.
The group were still walking, trying to find Magnolia. Erza was still carrying (Y/N) on her back. If one were to really focus, they could see a slight blush on Erza's face. They would also notice (Y/N) asleep as he rested his head in the crook of her Erza's neck.
While everyone was complaining about the walk, Erza was talking to Makarov.
Erza: Master, what happened back there?
The memory of the dark guild wizards' confession and how Makarov made them promise to never do it again.
Erza: In the blink of an eye you destroyed the magic circle and saved the Dark guild and us from getting flattened by the spell. How DID you do that?
Makarov: I'll explain it to you later,
Everyone's stomachs began to growl.
Makarov:-more importantly...
A/N: nothing to really say except sorry. This came out later than intended but it's done. Anyway hope you enjoyed it. Now if you excuse me. I need to fix and reinforce the 4th wall. See ya next time.
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