What happened
I woke up in the infirmary with Wendy over me
"What happened"I said getting up but it hurt so much
"You need to rest you used a lot of magic power"Wendy said
"I'm sorry I'm so weak"I said
"Your not did you know what happened?"she asked
"N n no"I said
"When you were being held back you attacked every one near you you ended up exploding a judge area of land with magic power and that wasn't even all of it"Wendy said
"Great I'm a explosive"I said joking and she laughed
"Are you Okay that guy burned you"I said
"I'm fine put you should be worried about yourself during that time rin's Fire was burning you half to death"she said
"It was???"I said
"Yeah I'm surprised you lived"Wendy said
"Wow my own little sis thinks I'm not strong"I said pretending to be hurt
Even though we were never sisters or related I treated her like my younger sis since she never had a family since her dragon left her I decided to be a family figure to keep her sane and she is now like a sister to me
"Come on Onee Chan I didn't mean that"Wendy said
"Yeah I know "I said
"But god this hurts"I said
I heard a knock at the door
"Oh it's rin"Wendy said
"How do you know?"I asked
"He has been coming here ever since you got in here"Wendy said about to open the door
"I think it's better if we don't let him in "I said
"But if I don't He will probably burn the door down"Wendy said
"He won't do it"I said I was wrong
The door started to burn with blue flames
"Come on!"I said as I grabbed the fire extinguisher and put it out
Then the window started burning with natsus flames
"Wendy you get that window I'll get this one"I said
Wendy opened the window and pushed natsu out after saying something to him
Soon the flames out to out of control and he burnt the door down
"What the hell!"I said
"Solem script iron"I said as the burned down door replaced it's self with iron then I forgot
Gajeel is here
Gajeel ate the iron
"Come on gajeel!"I yelled as he left
"Water demon slayer water wall!"I said as a purpleish water walk appeared
He couldn't get thru
"Hey you Okay"Wendy said
"Yeah I'm just angry at Gajeel for eating the iron that I was trying to block him with"I said making sure that iron brained idiot could hear
"NO REGRETS"Gajeel shouted
"(Y/n)"maka said at the water wall
"Yeah"I said
"Can I Come in"she said
"If I break the wall he will probably come in"I said
"Ice demon slayer hold"gray said as rin was covered in ice
"Come on man this burns really bad"rin said
"That's the point"gray said
"Open"I said as the wall split in two letting them in
"What did you guys wanna talk about"I asked
Gray made his hold on rin brake
"Bastard"I said and he smirked and rin ran inside
I got onto the window sill
"Wait don't jump"they said
"Watch me"I said as I jumped out
I waited till the last second and said
"Sky demon slayer sky wings"I mumbled as magic power shaped like wings shot me up in the air and on the roof
The wings slowly faded away
"It's weird you have wings but you don't use them to fly"yukio said he was sitting on the roof
"Yeah I know I guess I don't want people too know"I said sitting next to him
"I heard what happened to your parents I'm sorry for your loss"he said
"It's Alright it just had to happen there is nothing that could change it"I said even though I wanted to cry but I had to stay strong so I don't end up dying in this cruel world
"Yeah"he said"I know your from a different place what's it like"
"It's Actually quiet nice some times there's always something happening but not in a good way there are tons of nice people though"I said
"That's cool"He said
Soon we heard a giant noise outside
"Who's that?"I questioned
"Here hop on"I said
"Okay" he said blushing
I took out my wings and flew down
As soon as someone came I put them up
"Who is that"yukio said as we got closer to the crater
There were four people one was Mira there was one guy with black hair and reddish eyes and a girl with long grayish hair and a guy with black hair and a robe
"Hey you guys Okay"I said
"(Y/N)!" GET AWAY FROM THAT MAN!!"mavis screamed at me
"So your mavis's daugther"He said getting up
"Hello my name is zeref"he said
"(Y/N)!"seilah screamed coming to me
"You need to go quick"she said
"Why"I said
"He is dangerous "seilah said with tears in her eyes
"I find it great that you found someone that means a lot to you seilah and since I am nothing but misfortune and sorrow I will be leaving so I can't hurt anybody else with my curse"Zeref said as the trees around him died as he left
The others started to get up
"Mira are you Okay!"I said helping her up
"Yes (n/n) Chan "she said "are you okay"she said sweetly
"Who are those two people are they new people?"I asked looking at the two people that came with her
"Oh no I have no clue who they are"Mira said
"Hey kid who are you"gajeel said to the little girl then she turned around crying
"Gajeel don't be rude"levy said
"I'm not Why is she crying"gajeel said
"Probably because of that ugly mug"natsu said
"What was that salamander!"gajeel yelled
"Hey are you okay sorry about them there idiots"I said comforting the little girl
Before i knew it she started hugging me
"Uhhh"I said confused
"That guy with metal in its face is scary"she said
"Don't worry he's not that bad Well his singing sucks"I said
"No it doesn't!"gajeel said
"Anyway what's your name"I asked her
"I i I'm Shiro"she said
'Oh my f*cking god she is so CUTE!!!'I thought
"Is the other guy your father?"I asked
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