Walking time bomb
I woke up on the ground
I was about to get up when I saw some thing
It was something with green hair
"W who are you"I said
"I'm sure younger brother would come for you"he said and I realized it was amimon
He knocked me out
I woke up in chains in a cage
"WHAT IS THIS!"I yelled
"Please don't scream if you wake up my minons they might devote you then younger brother will never come and I don't think you will be useful to brother if your dead then again if you get hurt he may come faster"he said
"Maybe if I take one of your eye balls or bite your lips off he will come faster" amimon said grabbing my face
I did what anyone would do in my scenario and bit his hand and he backed away
"I see your fiesty well I'll just have to teach you a lesson"he said tearing the skin on my shoulder off and feeding it to one of his minons
"You jack ass"I said using some magic power to cover it with ice
I didn't have enough magic to attack so I would have to wait
"You seem to be helpless if so why don't I let my minions finish you"he said as rin and natsu broke the door down
"(Y/n)! Your okay!"natsu said
"I only wanted younger brother to come or you"amimon said releasing his demons in natsu
"NATSU!"I yelled as one of the demons reared my flesh
I kicked them away
"N natsu please wake up this isn't funny"I said but he didn't
Rins pov
Natsu was laying on the ground and (y/n) was shaking him
"Natsu wake up"she said with tears as the demons surrounded her
Your pov
"NATSU!"I screamed as pure magic surrounded me and got bigger and bigger until it surrounded the whole desserted city we were in
"(Y/N)!"rin said but it was to late
The whole city was blown to pieces along with some area around it
As the smoke cleared I was still shaking natsu and his eyes slowly opened
"Natsu your okay"I said hugging him with tears
I punched him in the shoulder
"Wow you really destroyed things"the green haired jerk said
"The river of light that guides the fairys fairy glitter"I said really fast as his arm was blown off and he had a lot of other scars on him
"Ow"he said with tears
"God what a cry baby"natsu said
"She blew of his arm!"rin said
"So she broke all the bones in my legs before just because I took her cake"natsu said
"Jeez"rin said
"This isn't over brother will not fail he will-"he said but I interrupted him
"Requip"I said as a gun appeared in my hand and I shot him
"He talks to much"natsu said
"Yeah"I said
"You guys destroyed the whole town!"rin yelled
"Oh yeah I forgot"natsu said
"SERIOUSLY!"rin said
"I think we should have a memorial for the guy it's kinda sad"I said
"Yeah we should"natsu said
"Your going to throw a memorial for him after ou killed the guy!"rin said
"your right lets go natsu!"I said jumping on his shoulders and pulling his hair like we did as kids
"Lucky"rin mumbled
"Lets go natsu!"I said pulling his hair
"Okay"he said running
We got to the school and natsu fell
"So tired"he said
"Okay lets go"I said dragging him up the stairs
Then I had a good idea
"Look natsu there's a dragon at the top of the stairs"I said
"WAIT WHERE"he said running up all the steps
I laughed a little
"Looks like he isn't as tired"rin said
"Am I going to have to break all the bones in your body or are you going to go up"I said
He ran up the stairs
I watched them it was hilarious
"Hello (y/n) how is seilah"I heard I voice say
I turned around to be face to face with zeref
"Zeref?"I said
Everything was dead silent
"Here take this"he said giving me a note book(you all know what that is don't you*smirk*)
"What is this "I said
"It's called a death note if you wright a persons real full name in it and know there face they will die sadly oh can't kill me with it because I'm immortal"he said
"So what do I do with it"I said
"What ever you please to do what h and an shinigami will show itself when you touch it"he said
I turned around to see some creature thing she looked cool but was kinda scary she had black hair yellow ish eyes(like rems) a black dress with a skull headband( basically media but minus cat ears and tail and add a skull head band)
"Ahhh f*ck!"I said
"calm down I do not mean to hurt you"she said
"Oh sorry it's just that you surprised me"I said
"Let's get to your room so no one sees you talking to yourself"She said
"Okay"I said
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