The guys are back
We were just hanging out when the door broke down
"Who wants to challenge the great blackstar!"blackstar said
"Oh hey guys your back some more people came while you Where gone"I said
"Hey blue kid where's all the booze"Cana said
"I don't think there is any booze here"tsubaki said
"Oh hey Mira Jane what's up!"Cana said drunk
"I'm tsubaki"she said
"Oh hey when did Wendy turn into a boy"Cana said
"I'm blackstar "blackstar said
"And Who are those guys"she said
"That's kid,maka,soul,Liz and patty"blackstar said
"When did lucy get so short"Cana said to patty
"Okay Cana your drunk that's not Lucy"I said
She went behind me and squeezed my boobs and ran away while all the guys had nose bleeds for some reason
"Guys What are you looking at?"I asked and noticed Cana pulled my shorts down
"KYAH! CANA YOUR SO DEAD!!"I yelled pulling up my shorts
"Yeah right"she said
"(Y/n) Chan are you okay"levy said
"Yeah levy Chan"I said
"When did all these new people come"maka said
"Oh three of them are from are guild this is levy,Cana and gajeel"I said pointing at levy Cana Who was drinking a whole barrel of alcohol and gajeel Who was eating metal
"And these guys are not from here this is yukio,rin,bon,shiemi,Shora And renzo"natsu said
"Oh "maka said
"The rin Guys is really annoying"I said
"Hey"rin said with flames around him
"Wanna fight"I said
"Yeah!"He said and I knocked Him unconscious
"requip"I said as a fire extinguisher appeared in my hand that I normally keep for natsu and got rid of his fire
"Wow (y/n) did you have to hit my brother so hard"yukio said
"Yes it's revenge for him burning me twice this isn't even the beginning"I said
"Wait he burned you twice "bon said
"Yeah his flames are stronger than natsu you need to step your game up natsu"I said
"I'll fight him once he wakes up!"natsu said punching a wall and breaking it
Erza knocked him out
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