Stupid names
Your pov
We just got to practice when we were attacked by a dark guild we kicked there butts but they had something with them
"Nice job child of Mavis"natsu said teasing me
I blushed
"You haven't won we're taking you down"a dark wizard said throwing a orb at us
*time skip*
"Where are we?"natsu said
"It looks like a school"I said looking at the school with skulls
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"I heard someone say.
"Ugh Who is that"I said
"he is almost as annoying as natsu"gray said
Soon a whole crowd was around us
"Guys I think you should shut up"I said
"Fine!"they both said
"HAHAHA! Do you guys wanna fight"a blue haired boy said
"Sure"I said
"By the way I'm black star"the blue guy said
"Tsubaki let's go"Black Star said to a black haired girl
The girl turned into a weapon
"COOL!"I said
"Enchanted sword mode"Black Star said
I took my sleeve up
"FAIRY GLITTER!"I said as the spell took action
*time skip after spell*
Your pov
"I didn't mean for it to affect him that bad sorry I tried to hold back but I should have used less power I thought that it was enough you could handle*I said ashamed.
"I can heal him (y/n)"Wendy said running down to the crater he was in
She started healing him
"How did you do that"a brown haired girl in a coat thing with pig tails said to me
"Nice job (y/n)! You kicked that idiots ass"gray said to me putting his arm over my shoulder
"Gray your naked"I said
"Here"I said giving him a spare I keep"us demon slayers have to stick together"I said
"Demon slayers Who are you guys"pig tails said
"More importantly who are you"erza said
"Oh no she looks angry"gray and natsu said hugging each other
"Lucy hold me erzas angry I DONT WANNA DIE!!!"I said hugging on her
"What are you imbasuls doing picking fights with everyone you come in contact with!"she said
"You wanna fight lady"Black Star said
"No Please don't PLEASE don't do that do you want us all to die!!!"natsu said
"Very Well REQUIP!"she said going into heavens wheel armour
She pointed one hundred swords at him
"If you want to live you will tell us who you are"erza said
"Tell her Black Star just do it!!!"I said
"Fine Fine I'm Black Star That's tsubaki Soul Makarov kid patty and Liz"he said
"Now Who are you"mama said
"I'm (y/n) vermillion this is Natsu Dragneel,Gray Fullbuster,Erza Scarlet,Wendy Marvell and Lucy Heartfilia"I said
"What kind of last name is vermilion it sounds stupid"soul said
"It was the last name of our first master who saved up all by using a spell that cursed her to stay the same but she sadly died"erza said
"If you have a problem with her you will have to go thru me I'll make sure you never judge her again"natsu said
"Sorry about them there rude"kid said
"What's that mark on you guys"party questioned pointing at my (b/p)
"Those are our guild marks"natsu said
"Guilds?"mama questioned
"Yeah guilds"I said
I felt something come from my head I touched my forehead to see it was bleeding in fact everyone in the guild had something wrong with them
"I guess that we must have got injured in the fall"erza said
"Come on guys let's take you inside"mama said helping us
*time skip*
"Would you guys like anything to eat"maka said
"Can I have some fire"natsu said
"I'll take some Ice(demon slayers eat There element right?)"gray said
"Can I have some strawberry cake"erza said
"Can I have water please"I said
"I'm fine thank you anyway "Wendy said
"I'm fine too"Lucy said
"Okay "maka said
Makas pov(you didn't expect that did you)
Those guys are so wired how is he going to eat fire I mean I get ice but fire so weird
"Hey maka"Liz said to me
"Oh hi Liz"I said
"I think those guys are witches"Liz said
"What why"I asked
"Come on how would that (y/n) girl be able to do what she did to Black Star without being one"she said
"I guess your right but we shouldn't jump to conclusions"I said
"Okay just know that I warned you"Liz said
Your pov
Soon a girl with short pink hair
"Come on Jackie let's do this"she said as her friend turned into a lanterns and blew out fire towards natsu and he ate it
"Thanks"he said
Maka handed gray some ice and me some water oh and of course she gave erza strawberry cake
"Hey I just realized something "I said
"What is it"gray said
"Maka kinda sounds like Makarov are master"I said
"You spend to much time around flame brain"gray said
"WHAT DID YOU SAY STRIPPER!!!"natsu yelled
"WHO YOU CALLING A STRIPPER FIRE BREATH!!!!!"gray yelled and they started fighting
"You two need to stop!"I yelled
"Water demon water wall!"I said as a giant wall of water kept them from fighting and every time one of them tried to get thru it hurt them
"You two need to stop we are guests here"erza said
"Ice make arow!"gray said shooting ice thru the wall it wasn't as affective but it hit hit because they were so close
"Fire dragon wig attack!"natsu said sending fire at gray
"You guys are witches???"maka said
"Wait what no"I said
"Then how can you do that"she said
"I don't know"I lied
"Oh well anyway let's get to class "she said dragging me
"Wait where are we going!"I said
"Since your staying here you need to attend classes"maka said with a smile
"We got into class were a guy with a screw loose was dissecting something
"Today we will be dissecting this endangered species "he said
💭 'Is this guy serious' 💭 I thought
"But if it's endangered why are we dissecting it"maka asked
"It's better to do it before there all gone"he replied
*time skip*
"Hey (y/n) do you and your friends wanna come to my place"maka said
"Sure "I said
*time skip*
Me and maka walked to her place I should have probably told the others were I was going but they known I can handle myself
"Oh hi maka "a cat girl in a witch costume said
"Oh hi im Blair "she said
"Hi I'm (y/n)"I said
I felt a presence
"Who is the little blonde girl"maka said pointing at the source
I soon looked and saw it was my mom,Mavis Vermilion
"Hi mom"I said
"Hi (y/n) "she said floating over to a chair
"Why can she float"maka said
"Oh I'm dead"Mavis said
"But Your here"maka said
"My mom specialized in illusions she was able to come with one too"I said "why are you here mom"
"He is here"she said
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