Ice skating
Your pov
We finally got to the ice skating ring and Natsu and rin were having trouble
"You guys okay"I said
"No this is so hard!"natsu said
"Yeah how can you do this"they said
"Well I am a ice wizard you want me to help you guys"I said
"Yeah!"they both said
"Here natsu lets go"I said putting his arm over my shoulder
"Lucky"rin mumbled
"Rin I never knew you liked natsu like that"I joked
"What no way!"rin said
I laughed and held natsu's hands
I looked at him and he was motion sick
"Well I guess I'll just have to start with rin"I said but noticed gray was helping him
We were getting ice cream
Thanks again gray
"Hi (y/n)"yukio said
"Oh hi"I said
"Can I ask you a favor"he said
"What is it?"I asked
"If you and rin get together please take care of him"yukio said
"W w what isn't rin already dating that half naked shura girl"I said
"No he is not she is like 26 actually if anything I think rin really likes you"he said
I am now the right color to be apart of erza's hair
"So will you do it "he asked
"Yes of course"I said
He hugged me
"Thank you"he said
"No problem"I said
I walked over to the others
"Ehh where's the booze!"Erza said
"Oh no"I said and looked over the Cana and shura
"You bastards"I said
"We put some booze in everyone's ice cream except yours and yukios
"Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe"NATSU said rolling on the ground
"Where did (y/n) sama goooooooo"anae said with tears
"Hahahahahahahahahahaha"levy said pulling gajeels hair
Gajeel was passed out
"Looks like some one can't hold there licore"I said
While I was watching this craziness I was pinned to the wall
"What the ---"I said put I was cut of by rin putting his finger on my mouth telling me to shut up
(Ready fans!!!!)
He pulled me closer and I could hear fan girl screams in my head he laid his lips on mine and I felt like I was going to pass out
He wrapped his tail around me and carried me bridal style to a couch he put me down on it and sat down and pulled my head on his shoulder
He went to sleep
'Seriously'I thought
"(Y/n) yay"I heard NATSU mumble after he tested his head on me
"Thank god I don't have to use that bathroom"I mumbled to myself as gray joined whatever this is
"I wanna lay on you too"sora mumbled laying on me
I saw the bon person whatever his name is
"Help me"I said and he nodded and grabbed some pillows
He slid on pillow were rin was holding me with his tail and one under natsu's head one where gray was and one where sora was
"wait I had a genius idea"I said taking out two markers
I have one to him
"Looks like your not all that nice after all"bon said
"Please I knew two of these guys since I was young I kinda got mixed in there pranks"I said as I drew the fairy tail symbol on rins forehead
"There going To be so angry when they wake up"bon said drawing a mustache on sora
"So if they don't like the graffiti they shouldn't have went to sleep"I said as bon went over to do erza but I stopped him
"If you wanna live don't do it on erza she is terrifying when she is mad "I said horrified
He didn't do it
"Thank you now let's do everyone else"I said
"Yeah"he said with a light blush
I went over to natsu and drew a panda face on him(like the one gray did before they went to edolas)
"Wait I have a idea"bon said taking natsu's shirt off and making him hug gray
"Oh god yes"I said
We kept drawing on people's faces when they started waking up
Natsu looked at gray and gray looked back and they screamed
"Who's the wish guy that drew on are faces!"rin said looking at the fairy tail symbol on his forehead and the cat wiskers
Me and bon laughed
"You wanna fight"rin said
"Sure"I said laughing
We were outside I was still laughing
"Your going to pay"he said
"River of light that guides the fairys FAIRY GLITTER!"I said as the spell worked it's magic and he passed out and there was a giant crater
"BON QUICK GET THE MARKERS"I said and he came down and we drew on his face more
"I wanna fight her two she drew on my face"all the guys said except bon and rin because rin was passed out
"Sure why not"I said
Natsu came at me with his fire dragon fire fist
I dodged and kicked him in the head and gut then sent him flying back
"ICE MAKE lANCE"gray said
I dodged and ran on the lance and knocked him out
"She is barley using any magic power but she took out three people so far and her magic power is capable on destroying a whole town why isn't she using it"erza said
Eren ran at me with his blades
I stood still with my eyes closed
When he attacked I disappeared and went behind him and kicked him in the back knocking him out two
"Why is she going to hard on them"mama asked erza
"She is absolutely serious but she hasn't used tamagotchi on them well expect rin but she wasn't trying hard "erza said
"ME NEXT"black star said and I knocked him out almost instantly
"Oh I see your strategy "mavis said
"What strategy"erza said
"She is saving her magic for a reason she is planning something big"she said
"Are you guys going easy on me because I don't find it nice"I said
Soul and make ran to me
Mama tried to use genie hunter but I caught the blade and knocked both of them out
A bullet went by my head and I dodged
"Hi yukio"I said
"Lets go"he said trying to shoot me but I dodged
"That's my girl your not a s class wizard for nothing! Go (y/n)!"Eliza and anae cheered
Yukio tried to shoot but missed and almost hit anae and eliza
"Ice make shield!"I said blocking the bullet
I was pissed
"Oh no erza help I don't wanna die!"Lucy
"REQUIP"I said going into one of my armpits I only can use when something happened
I know how to REQUIP but I'm not as good as erza and I have less armour
"Oh no "Mira Jane said turning into her haphlas demon form
"(Y/n) calm down"Mira Jane said
"REQUIP "erza said turning into her strongest armour
"Everyone hold her back"erza said as gray used ice to hold my feet to the ground and my fellow fairy tail members held me back
I soon calmed down
"No wonder she is in the running for the strongest wizard in the guild it took so much magic power to hold her back and he was barley using any of hers"laxus said
I got rid of my armour
Me and yukio shook hands and ended this fight
"Okay who wants to watch a Movieline and yukio said
"I don't see why not"erza said and we all went back
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