Everything hurts
"What?"I said
"Yes it's true "she said
"How did it happen"I asked
"For demons being born two people have to die your father was a great man but when you Where born he was sent away I was with him during that journey when out of nowhere he was burning to death by blue flames I was trying to put out the fire but couldn't he asked me to protect you and i agreed to be your guardian even though I didn't have a choice so I will make sure you live"she said
"But it wasn't his fault and if we kill him we will be just a as bad as he is"I said
"Your right"she said
"Okay let's get back to the fight and stop are chat"she said
{this whole time you ave been fighting while this talk went on in your mind so don't worry your not just standing there BACK TO THE FIGHT}
I swung my sword back and forth at him every time he tried to hit me I dodged
"Stop dodging!"he yelled
I didn't listen I just fought him
"Stop dodging so I can fight you!"he said
I stopped dodging it was my worst idea
He hit me right in the arm and chest with his fire
"(Y/n)!"anae said running at me
"Are you Okay"gray said
"Y y Yeah"I said but the fire was still going
"We need some water quick!"anae said
Seilah and me split and it hurt more
"Here I got some water"she said putting it on me
'It hurts so bad'I thought
"Don't worry (y/n) it will be okay"Anae said
"YOU COUlD HAVE KILLED HER!"seilah screamed running at him and tried to kill him
I couldn't deal with it so I ran
Once I got far enough I tried to fly but couldn't
I fell to the ground and my wings dissapeared
I stayed in the corner I could barely move
"(Y/n)?"my mom,Mavis said
I looked at her with tears in my eyes
I hugged her and she hugged back
Time skip*
I started to fell worse
"Come on you need to rest"Mavis said
"I'm fine "I said trying to get up but failing
"No your not"Mavis said
"No really I'm fine"I said
"Ugh Fine I'll go tell the guys your fine"she said
"Thanks mom I'm just going to walk around"I said
"I'll be at my dorms by 11:30 30 minutes before midnight if I don't come back don't worry"I said
"Okay But If you don't you will be sorry"she said as she left
I started walking around it made me feel better
I heard a noise
"Who's There"I said
"Demon slayer shadow swords"I mumbled as two swords appeared in my hands
"H h Hey it's just me"someone familiar said from the shadows
"Sorry about my brother"yukio said
"Oh hi yuki"I said as the swords faded away
"Are you Okay"he asked
"Yeah it just hurts really bad"I said
"Can I try to find a way to heal you"he said
"Uh sure"I said showing my burns
"Is there anywhere else"he asked
"Y Yeah"I said
"Where is it"he asked
"Dont freak out"I said as i showed my wings
"That looks bad"he said wrapping my wing with medical tape
He covered my wounds with it
"Thanks"I said
I tried to retract my wings but it hurt
"It's going to hurt"he said
"Great how am I going to hide them now"I said
"I don't know why don't you show them?"he said
"I am just a little self conscious about myself and I think people will call me a freak"I said
"Don't worry it will be okay"yukio said
"But still"I said
"Here just try to do it"he said
"O o okay"I said as I tried to retract them and it work
"Hey it worked"I said happily
"Yeah let's get back to the school"yukio said
*time skip!*
We got back to The place and everyone was drunk
"Okay Who was the dumbass that let the girls get drunk
"Me gotta problem"a girl with pink and yellow hair said half naked with marks on her
"That's shura"yukio said
"She reminds me a lot of a different half naked drunk girl"I said
I saw a couple of other new kids
"Who are the rest of the people"I asked
"Oh that's renzo bon And shiemi"he said pointing at a pink haired guy a guy with a yellow thing and some blonde chick
"Ehh where's the booze!"erza said
"Hey yukio what's up"rin said super drunk
"You too!!!"I said
"Hey come on let's drink"he said wrapping his arm around me
"No I'm underage"I said
"Who cares So is she"he said pointing at Wendy
"Ugh Fine"I said and he handed me a Can
"Are you really going to do this"yukio said
"Of course not"I said spilling the beer on him
"Whoops"I said
"Great now I smell like booze"he said
"You smelled like booze from the beginning "I said pushing him off me
"This is like every girl night we invite Cana too"i said
Soon we heard a crash outside
"What's that???"I said walking outside
"Ow That really hurt"Cana said
"Are you Okay "levy said
"Quit whining"gajeel said
"LEVY CHAN!!!"I yelled running at her
"(Y/N) CHAN!!!"levy said running at me and we hugged
"I missed you levy Chan!"I said
"I missed you too"She said
"Wait how did you get here"I asked
"We just did we found this orb on the ground and it took us here"gajeel said eating iron
"We're the booze in this place good thing I brought some"Cana said drinking from a barrel
"Let's go inside"I said taking them in
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