7 years ago...
Yulie P. O. V
"YULIE!",yelled my Mom from downstairs.
I set my book down and hurried down the stairs. I ran into the Living room to see Mom and Carmine talking. I ran towards Carmine and hugged her tightly.
It's been so long since I last saw her. She and Yuri are always traveling the world. So it was nice to see her. I pulled her away and asked her what brought her home.
"Well, I have some news for you and Mom," she said.
I urged her to quickly tell us her news. She smiled and took her hand out of her Pocket. She raised her hand and Me and Mom gasped. On her finger was the most beautiful ring I've ever seen.
"OHMYGOD.ISHATAWEDDINGRINGOHMYGODIMSOHAPPYFORYOU", I shouted, all of my words falling together.
She explained that Yuri had proposed to her the other day and that she rushed home to tell us the news in person. Me and Mom were ecstatic. Soon I'd have my own little Niece or Nephew.
About an hour later I met up with Gray at the park.
"Hiya Gray," i said as I hugged him.
He greeted me back and smiled. Gray was my best friend. We've know each for practically forever. I used to have he hugest crush on him. That is until he came out to me as gay.
I practically died from the happiness. Y'all don't know how much fun it is having a GBF. Anyways we waiting for our friend Sunny. Sunny was a year younger than us. We were getting together to go practice.
You see, we're special. Like really special. We have abilities. Really strange abilities. It mogt be magic but I'm not sure. All I know is that we have them. I can control plants and stuff, Gray has ice powers and Sunny can start fires with his mind.
Out of the three of us Sunny was the most troubled. His story is probably one of the saddest stories I know of. He doesn't like to talk about it but it's important that people know.
He comes from a really bad family. An abusive Dad and three brothers that don't care about him. Everyday he'd come to school with a new bruise somewhere on his small body. Me and Gray were his only friends.
He and Gray were dating and that seemed to make him Happy. I of course ship the fuck out of them.
"So what are we doing Today," said Gray as the three of us walked towards our spot.
Our spot was in the forest area of the park. It was secluded place that we could practice our powers without being disturbed.
"I want to try something," I said cheerfully.
"Something like what?", asked Sunny.
I smiled and looked at the tree behind him. I concentrated and waved my fingers around. Small brown roots sprang from the ground and snaked they're way to us. One wrapped itself around Gray's leg and he smiled.
"Woah...," said Sunny in amazement.
I smiled at the two of them decided to up things a little. I focused a little harder and more roots shit from the ground. More than I could control.
"WATCH OUT!," yelled Gray as a thick root came crashing down in My direction.
I rolled out the way and looked around in horror. I couldn't control them anymore. I bit of more than I could chew and now someone might get hurt. I watched as a Root shot towards Gray from behind. He dogged out of the way and landed on the ground hard. I looked at him and sighed.
I looked over at Sunny and I gasped. Sitting in his chest was the root that was going for Gray. Sunny gasped and fell to his knees. Gray rushed over and tried to pull the root from his chest. I ran over to help him and together we pulled it out of Sunny. We tossed it to the side and Gray pulled Sunny into his lap.
"Sunny wake up man. Come on Sunny, you gotta wake up," said Gray as tears threatened to spill.
I backed away from them with my hands over my mouth to muffle my sobs. Gray looked up at me with tears streaming down his face. He clutched Sunny's lifeless body close to him and I fell back. I killed him. I killed my best friend and it was all my fault.
I cried silently as Gray lied Sunny into the grave I had made for him. Once he was settled in I used my powers to fill it. Sunny didn't deserve this. Nobody did.
These powers we all had, they weren't a gift. Not at all. They were a curse. And no matter what any of us did we always ended up hurting someone.
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