Gray P. O. V
"You're not going anywhere Natsu", I said as I grabbed his arm.
He stopped and looked back at me.
"Maybe I can stop this if i can talk to my father", he replied.
"Or maybe he'll kill you and still colonize us. I don't want you to end up dead Natsu", I said.
He looked at me and sighed. I heard a knock on the door and Lucy opened it.
"What is it Luce?", asked Natsu.
"You guys need to come see this", she replied.
We followed her to the living room and saw everyone crowded around the Tv. On the screen was a dragon.
"What the hell?", I said.
"That's my family crest", said Natsu.
The picture on the screen changed and a Guy with Blond hair appeared on the screen.
"Citizens of Earth, I'm gonna cut right to the point and tell you why we're here. One, to take back our prince. Two, to colonize this planet. But in order for us to do this, you all must die. Let the attack begin", he explained.
And with those words, the screen went back to normal.
"Guys, prepare for battle", said Erza.
We all ran outside and saw the ships opening fire on the city.
"My father has sent word that this is happening all across the planet. He's sent platoons out to help defend the planet but it's up to us to defend here", said Juvia.
"Then lets get started", I said.
Everyone nodded and went to go defend the city, leaving me, Nagisa, Natsu and Erza. I turned to face Nagisa.
"Nagisa, I need you to stay here here Cana and Makarov and defend the home. And watch Happy", I said.
"Why isn't Happy fighting?", asked Erza.
"Makarov said to keep him out of the fight", I replied.
Natsu yelled for us to take cover as a ship opened fire on us. I created a wall of ice to defend us and Erza shot an explosion at the ship. It hit it and the ship exploded, causing it parts to fly everywhere.
Natsu unfolded his wings and launched himself into the air. He flew towards the city with us right behind him. When we got to the city, people were running around trying to get to safety. A ship flew over us and soldiers dropped from it and onto the ground. They unsheathed their swords and started killing people. Erza rushed forward and jumped into the air. Natsu grabbed her and lifted her into the air with him.
He let go and Erza prepared to strike. When she came into contact with the ground, she used full force and punched it, causing it to fly up in a fiery explosion. The blast took out most of the soldiers but there was stilll a whole bunch left. I created a Gatling Gun of ice and opened fire on them. One by one they fell. Once they were all dead, I dropped my creation and jogged towards Erza and Natsu.
"I hope the others are doing ok", said Natsu.
Yulie P. O. V
I grunted as I shot a root right through the soldiers chest. He slumped forward and I tossed his body into the other soldiers. Another wave of soldiers dropped from a ship and Laxus lit them up using the electricity from the traffic lights. I looked over at Julia and Levy and saw them fighting. Levy was helping the civilians out while Juvia covered them. I felt hands grab me from behind and I was thrown back.
I landed with a thump and looked at my attacker. It was a woman this time. She swung her sword at me and I rolled over to avoid it. I jumped up and tried to avoid her blade. I tripped and I fell again. She smirked and swung her blade at me. I closed my eyes and put my arms up to defend myself. I heard the sound of metal against metal and I opened my eyes.
Levy stood in front of me with her back turned. She was holding a sword and the woman lay a few feet away from her. The woman got back up and rushed towards levy, ready to strike. Levy stepped to her left once the woman was close enough and she sliced her in half. The woman's upper half flew threw the air as the rest of her fell to the ground. Levy looked back at me and came to help me up.
"The more we kill, the more that appears", said Juvia walking towards us.
"Then target the ships or whatever. The faster we do it, the more people we can save", said Laxus.
"That's too risky. The debris from the ships could harm the people", Levy said.
Just as I was about to say something, the ground beneath us exploded. We were thrown a few feet away from our original position and I looked where we were standing. Dozens of soldiers stood before us and at the front of them all stood a man wearing heavy metal armor. He had messy black hair and and had face piercings.
"Fairytail. You all are standing in our way", he said.
I stood to my feet and dusted myself off. I sighed and looked at him.
"You guys aren't taking over this planet. Not while I still have breath in my body", I said.
I started to charge at him and he smirked. Next thing I knew I felt a stabbing pain in my stomach. I looked down and saw a blade protruding from me. I coughed up blood and looked at the Man. His arm was extended towards me and half of it was silver.
His arm had turned into a blade. His arm retracted and I fell to the ground. I heard shouts and the sound of footsteps running towards me before I fell unconscious.
??? P. O. V
"Sir, the Dragon force has joined the battle against Fairytail", said one of my Soldiers.
"Tell them they are not to kill the Prince. He's to face my personal judgement when he is captured", I said.
"Yes King Igneel", said The Soldier.
He bowed and then walked away. I got up from my seat and went to the front of the ship. I looked at the scene that lay before me. My soldiers are going to bring this bworld to its knees. I've decided to kill of this pathetic race and just take the planet.
"Father", said A voice from behind me.
I turned to see my son, Sting and his servant Rogue behind him.
"What is it boy", I said.
"I've located Natsu. Should I go retrieve him?", he asked.
"Not yet. Send platoons 90-98 to retrieve him. We should be able to get him if we overwhelm him", I said.
"Yes father", said Sting.
He walked away with Rogue right behind him. I turned and continued looking at the progress we were making.
Natsu P. O. V
"We're almost to my fathers ship", I said.
"Do you really think you can talk him out of all of this?", asked Ezra.
"I hope so", i replied.
We dropped down from the roof and onto another one. I stopped and looked up at my Fathers ship. I hope I can get him to stop all of this.
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