Gray P. O. V
"How's he holding up?", I asked Yulie walking to her.
She shook her head.
"He's been in his room all week. He rarely eats anymore and Juvia is even worse", she replied.
"Where is Juvia?", I asked.
"She went Back to Atlantis a few days ago. She said something about mourning before she left", she replied.
I nodded at her answer.
"I think Caileen's suffering more though. Pretty sure he has no feelings for us since we forced him to join the team. And he only had one person in his life that he's ever loved. He doesn't have any parents, no siblings, nothing. All he had was Happy. But now Happy's gone", I said.
Lucy agreed with me and sighed.
"I'll try to talk to him", I said.
Lucy nodded and wished me good luck brides walking away. I turned towards Caileen's door and opened. I walked in and he was sitting at his headboard with his legs pressed against his chest. He was playing with something in his hand. It was small so I couldn't see what it was. He looked up me for a second then went back to playing with the object.
"I don't want to talk to you", he said.
"It'll help", I replied.
I felt my chain tighten around my throat and I was yanked back out of his room. His door shut and I heard the click of the lock. I sighed and rubbed my neck. I picked myself from off the floor and walked into the living room to see Erza, Natsu and Lucy talking to a blue haired boy. Sitting Next to him was Juvia.
They noticed me and Natsu told me sit down with them.
"Gray. I'd like to meet one of the prisoners that was with one of the Strauss siblings. He's come forward and told me interesting news regarding Happy", she explained.
"What's your name Kid?", I asked.
"My name is Nagisa. And your Friend isn't dead", he replied.
"What do you mean he isn't dead. He died because of Mira", I said.
"When we invaded Atlantis. I sensed a tremendous amount of power coming from the boy. He was there at my trial. My power is the ability to sense others with powers and such. And that boy is special, in a way of speaking", he explained.
"Me and Nagisa have discovered what Happy is", Said Juvia.
"What is he?", asked Erza.
"It's rare. Like completely rare. It's only happened once before. But Happy seems to have been blessed with the powers of the Atlantean God of Destruction. Mard Geer. Mard Geer was A God that could literally decimate entire civilizations. It took the other gods over ten thousand years to defeat him", explained Juvia.
"So...What? You think that Happy is gonna raise from the dead and try to destroy everything or something?", I said.
"Happy isn't gonna be the one that comes out of that Grave. Someone darker is going to arise. Mard Geer himself isn't going to appear but Happy is going to have all of his memeories and powers. He's going to try to finish Mard Geers work", continued Juvia.
"What work", I replied.
"Mard Geer was almost done conquering the Human world, but that's when the other gods stopped. But he made it so that if he was ever killed, he's be reincarnated", she finished.
"So we have to stop a god from destroying everything and everyone. Sounds simple enough", said Erza.
"You forgot that Happy, or Mard in this case, has probably has already risen. He could be anywhere", said Lucy.
"Well let's hope that he's still in the grave we put him in", I said.
Just then, Laxus burst through the front door carrying Yulie Bridal Style.
"What happened?", asked Natsu, jumping up from his seat.
"We went to check on Happy's grave and he wasn't In it. Instead he was pulling himself from out of it. But that's not the weird part. He had pitch black hair and he was wearing clothes completely Different from which he was buried in. He attacked us and We tried to defend ourselves. He blasted us with something and Yulie took most of the blast", he said looking down at the Unconscious Yulie in his arms.
"Where is he now?", asked Juvia.
"I don't know. I barely had enough energy to get here", said Laxus.
I turned towards Nagisa.
"Nagisa, can you pinpoint Happy's exact location?", I asked.
"I can try. But I'll need to be in a secluded area away from all of you. Your energy signatures will get in the way", he explained.
"I can help you with that", said Lucy.
They walked off and Erza and Natsu took Yulie from Laxus.
"Come on big guy. I'll help patch you up", I said.
Laxus nodded and I walked off to find the first aid kit.
Neo Happy P. O. V
I stumbled through an alley way, trying to recognize my surroundings. The air reeked of the smell of booze and cigarettes.
Sirens filled the air as police cars flew down the street in front of me. I crossed and stumbled into an alleyway. A drunk couple stumbled by me. They reeked of alcohol and sweat. I made a face of disgust and continued walking.
I heard the sound of a glass bottle clinking on the ground and three guys stepped in front of me. They were obviously drunk.
I paid them no mind and tried to walk past them. One of them grabbed my arm and yanked me back.
"Hey kid, mind helping us out. We ran out of money for drinks and was wondering if you could help us out", said one of them.
"I have no money for any of you", I said.
"Hey guys. Think those are real?", said one of them reaching for the jewels on my jacket.
I grabbed his hand squeezed it. I heard the sound of bone breaking and he screamed. He fell back grabbing his hand.
"Why you little brat", said one of his friends.
He pulled out a blade and slashed at me. I snatched it by the blade and slit his throat. Blood splattered on my face and I got angry.
"How dare you dirty me with your dirty blood?!"
A gust of wind knocked them back onto the ground and I stood over them. I reached my hand out and touched the non dead ones face.
Slowly, the skin started to disappear from his face. It turned into a dust like form and swirled around us. The same happened to the rest of them. Seconds later all that was left were they're clothes. I sighed and stood.
The human was has fallen so far since I've lads been here. I think it's time to help this world be "Reborn".
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