Second Dare {The Creepy One} (Immaturity and Maturity)
*camera explodes*
Cookie: good thing we brought a new camera *sweatdropped*
*Camera turns on and recording*
Cey: Thank God! And were back!
Cookie: Heyo!
Natsu: Hi!
Lucy: Stop ruining the intro!
Happy: Aye!
Cey: Lets just go to the dare:
1) Mira and Lucy have to act like a 3 year old while romeo and Wendy have to act like their parents and call each other cute nicknames 2)I dare everyone to watch corpse party 3)the boys have to act like Barbie and wear blonde wigs and tight dresses and also MAKEUP!! Well that's all hope you like them!! ^_^
Cey: wow.....
Cey: you know what!
Everyone: What?
Cey: Today might be your worst nightmare :D
Natsu: What the-
Cookie: why is there a problem with that? *death glares*
Natsu: N-Nothing.
Cey: Lets watch first!
Cookie: Yeah!
Lucy: I-Is it a scary one?
Cey: um....No *lie*
Cookie: yup!
Natsu: Dont worry Luce! Ill protect you!
Cey/Cookie: Aww~
Mira: you two, that's great way in ruining the moment *sweat drop*
Cey/Cookie: shut up *death glares*
Mira: *gulps*
Cey: *snaps* okay to your places/seats.
Mira: am i the one who's in charge on where they will be seated??
Cey: yeah sure!
Mira: hehe *stars formed her eyes*
Everyone except Mira: *gulps*
Cey: Um heres episode 1?? i think XD
Cey: The dare said everyone gonna watch too i guess (;;-_-) *plays video*
Cey: hope its not creepy as ever *thinks creepy things* *shivers*
Cookie: Cool!
Natsu: So.....The school is haunted??
Gajeel: Your stupid as ever!
Gray: That Yui-sensei has some guts to scare her students...
Lucy: Creepy....
Wendy: Gya!! That little girl (Sachiko) gives me chills...
Erza: full of of hatred and rage.....thats familiar dont you think JELLAL?
Jellal: I was possessed by Zeref so....Its was him.
Cey: nope hes full of sadness *sighs depressingly*
Gray: its like he has two personalities?
Cey: YEAH! the first is good or should i say the sad or the cry baby that natsu calls his big brother *glares at Natsu* and the other is the bad one? Full of rage and hatred. i dont know!
Mira: That Satoshi guy is a Pervert!! *thoughts on the part where Satoshi touches the um...*
Laxus: Its just an accident *sweatdropped*
Romeo: *shivers*
Wendy: Why are the blood and their organs are not censored!?
Levy: i feel a little pity on the little girl...she just wants to make her mother happy...
Lyon: She just wants to make her mom happy *sweatdrop*
Meredy: By killing people?!
Gray: She just thought that killing people makes her mom happy...
Meredy: well she was wrong!
Lucy: The girl is just a little kid *sweatdrop*
Meredy: Unforgivable!
Wendy: Still its giving me chills!
Romeo: You know what i think im gonna skip school tomorrow! :D *grins but scared at school*
Natsu: So that girl is killing children cause she wants to?
Lucy: IDIOT! *Lucy kicks him at the face*
Cookie: i think its kinda good dontya all thi-*looks at everyone and sweatdropped*
Everyone: *pale*
Cey: Thats it! im gonna take a rest for now!! *snap and disappear*
Cookie: um...*sweatdropped at the situation*
(Timeskip brought to you by Cey's clean up group and Natsu trying to grow his little brain by reading?!)
Cey: I'm back!
Everyone: *Asleep*
Cey: Hm...*imaginary lightbulb appeared*
Cey: Cookie!
Cookie: yeah?
Cey: i have a plan!
Cookie: what is it??
Cey: *whispers the plan*
Cey: *camera rolling* WAKE UP YOU SCAREDY CATS!
Everyone: Wha-Wha-WHAT!
Everyone: *groans* what happened?
Cey: you all fainted *sweat dropped*
Cookie: *whispers* Operation commence?
Cey: *Nodded* *lights turning on and off*
Lucy: Whats happening?
Natsu: Laxus we need you! we need electricity here!
Laxus: Shut Up!
*Lights turns off*
Levy: GYAA!! *hugs Gajeel*
Wendy: W-Whats happening? *hiding behind romeo*
Romeo: I dont know!!
Cey: *in the dark no one can see her* *creepy laughs*
Juvia: Juvia is scared help me gray sama!
Gray: J-Juvia?! *blushes*
Cey: Is anyone else here? *disguised*
Natsu: wha- whos there!!
Cey: *removes mask carefully and at the group now pretending* G-G-Guys....
Everyone: What?
Cey: i saw a d-dead body at the hallway and...
*screeching sound*
Cey: *eyes wide open at the front door* S-S-S-S-SA-SA-SA
Natsu: Savory?
Gajeel: Savage?
Gray: Sanctuary?
Natsu: Sanctuary?, you idiot! *laughs*
Gray: WHY YOU!
Wendy: WHA?! WHERE?!
Sachiko (Cookie disguised): *creepy laughs*
Everyone: WAH!!!!!
Cey: AHH!!! *disappears* (hiding from the act and currently holding a camera)
Wendy: Cey nee!
Cey: *changes voice to a trembling one* H-H-Hide!
Everyone except Laxus: Gya!!!
Laxus: wheres the girl!
Sachiko: *laughs* sweat dreams! (i know she didn't speak at the episode wait did she?)
Everyone: Gaaaaahhhh!!!
Lucy: Goodbye everyone!
Natsu: im gonna miss eating food!
Gray: I dont wanna die! Not today!
Wendy: Im sorry!
Romeo: Daddy!
Juvia: *crying creating a storm*
Levy: Good bye books!
Gajeel: Wheres my last meal!!
Meredy: Waahh!!
Lyon: Great! I didnt even experience love!
Meredy: Oh Shut up!
Erza: good bye starwberry cakes!
Jellal: *fainted*
Mira: My ships!
Laxus: Shut up!
Cey/Sachiko(Cookie): I couldnt take it anymore! *laughs*
Everyone: what?!
Cey: you fell for it! *laughs still holding the camera*
Natsu: then who is...
Cey: Sachiko? Oh its-
Sachiko: *removes mask* Hi!
Everyone: C-Cookie san?!
Cookie: your faces were hilarious!! *laughs*
Everyone: shut up...
Cey/Cookie: Make me.
Cey: onto the next dare!
Mira: let us rest for awhile!
Cey: fine. Drink this everyone! *snaps*
Everyone: whats this?? *Looking at the Purple Liquid*
Cey: its just a Magic energy drink or something and Relax its doesnt taste bad! And the good thing is you can think on what flavour on the drink!
Erza: Really?! Then i want Strawberry cake flavour!
Cookie: you mean strawberry flavoured *sweatdrop*
Erza: Its the same! *drinks*
Everyone except Erza: *stares at her*
Erza: Yummy taste like strawberry!
Natsu: really then i want chicken flavoured!
Cey: idiot...Fine!
Natsu: *drinks* ah~! I want more of these!
Everyone except natsu and erza: *drinks*
Everyone: Yummy!
Cookie: i want cookie flavoured xD.
Cey: I want Cookies and Cream flavoured!
(Timeskip for 2 minute)
Cey: We all took a break now back to the dares!
Everyone: *groans*
Cookie: whats the next activity?
Cey: its...*rereads dare*
Cey: Holy cow....Mira, Lucy, Romeo, and Wendy.
Mira, Lucy, Romeo, Wendy: What?
Cey: Come with me, and cookie your in charge for now at the rest.
Cookie: Nice~ *dark aura surrounds her*
Everyone except the four: *gulps*
Cey: we'll be back so don't explode or i don't know when something happens while I'm gone! *snaps*
Cookie: where was i~?
Everyone: *gulps*
(Somewhere over the rainbow xD)
Romeo: where are we?
Wendy: yeah.
Mira: Cey chan?
Lucy: Where is she?
Cey: here i am and here's what you gonna do when were back~ *scary aura surrounds her*
Mira: Lets just get this over with.
Cey: buu~ your gonna regret this!
Romeo: Hai!
Cey: Wendy!
Wendy: Hai?
Cey: Come with me!
(Meanwhile back on the guild)
Cookie: Cmon Natsu!
Natsu: im eating right now not a fashion show!
Cookie: Gray said hes much Cooler than you.
Natsu: Well im the Hottest!
Laxus: Well im gonna shock you both!
Natsu and Cookie: Gya!
Cookie: wait why am i even scared!
Cookie: Universe Dragon Roar!
Laxus: This is not over! *flies away*
Natsu: geez thanks!
Cookie: Now where was i...
Natsu: I should be eating?
Cookie: Yeah! Go and eat--Wait STOP TRICKING ME NATSU!
Natsu: *laughs and runs away*
Cookie: Why you.....
(Back to Cey)
Romeo: What?!
Wendy: No way!!
Cey: Do it or face consequences!
Wendy and Romeo: N-
Cey: Do Or DIE!
Wendy and Romeo: *gulps* No!
Cey: you'll regret this!
Cey: Lucy! Mira!
*snaps making both of them (Romeo and Wendy) disappear and replaced by Mira and Lucy*
Lucy: What the-
Mira: Whoa..
Cey: any last words?
Lucy and Mira: what?
Cey: those are your last words? Fine...
Lucy and Mira: W-Wai-*Cey snaps*
Lucy ( looks like a 3 year old) : Mirajane! Lets play Tag!
Mira (looks like a 3 year old too): Okay!
Cey: *holding her laughter*
Romeo: what just happened?
Wendy: i dont know!
Cey: i forgot to change your memories!
Romeo and Wendy: What?!
Cey: its more fun if you both think like parents and act like parents, both of you need to look like parents too!
Wendy and Romeo: W-Wai- *snaps*
Lucy: *cries*
Mira: I hate you, meanie!!
Wendy (looks like an adult): Honey! Lucy is crying!
Romeo: Pumpkin we need to do something, what's wrong Lucy?
Lucy: Mira *sob* pushed *sob* Mee!! *cries*
Wendy: Now Mira its bad to hurt someone.
Mira: She pushed me first!
Romeo: Why did you pushed her Lucy?
Lucy: *sob* i was just *sob* joking *sob* around!!!
Wendy: Honey do something.
Romeo: uh...uhm...Lets all eat ice cream!
Lucy and Mira: Really?! *grins*
Wendy: yeah! *whispers* good job Honey!.
Romeo: *kisses Wendy's forehead* your welcome Pumpkin.
Cey: Ha~ *wipes her happy tear* anyway let's go back!
The four: Yeah!
Cey: *thoughts* i cant wait to show this video to Cookie and the guild!
Cookie: *shows score* 0
Juvia: 2
Laxus: -10
Natsu: OH CMON!
Theyre doing a contest. I dont know what kind of contest.
Gray: Oh yeah!
Natsu: *grumbles*
Cookie: *laughs* oh your here already?
Cey: No im not here im invisible....
Cookie: Haha, Not funny.
Cey: look at the happy family over there *Points to Romeo and Wendy giving ice cream to the kids that is Lucy and Mira*
Cookie: *laughing so hard*
Cey: i even recorded it!
Cookie: Nice one!
Cey: Now my favourite dare~
All Boys except Romeo: why do we suddenly feel a bad ending is coming to us?
Cey: *laughs creepily* i know you hate dolls...
Natsu: i dont know....
Gray: they're creeping me out.
Laxus: its like they're staring at us.
Gajeel: and its plastic! Yuck.
Cey: well your worst nightmare has come true..
Laxus: I dont have nightmares.
Jellal: End of the World!!?
Cey: Nope worse...
Natsu: then what is it?
Cey: you'll regret that question Natsu.
Gray: Great, Natsu!
Natsu: Whaaat?
Cey: hehe *snaps*
Gray: what happened?
Gray: What? *looks at himself and blushed* WHEN DID I WORE A DRESS?!
Gray: and-*laughs* what are you wearing FlameBrain!
Natsu: Wha-*blushed* WHAT THE HELL!
Laxus: *laughs*
Gajeel: um Laxus...
Laxus: what? *observed his clothes* A DRESS AGAIN?!
Gajeel: *laughs*
Laxus: look at yourself first before you mock.
Gajeel: What the- Mini skirt!
Jellal: *blushes madly* at least im wearing a jacket and some pants...
Cey: *recording* *laughs*
Cookie: *laughing so hard she fainted*
Cey: I cant wait to show this vid!
All boys except Romeo: No!!
Cey: You even have wigs too xD.
Natsu: what- the heck! Why am i wearing this! *tying to remove the blonde wig and the others are doing the same*
Cey: You all cant remove them today you can only remove them tomorrow *laughs*
All boys except Romeo: Demon!
Cey: Gays!
Erza: BURN~!
Levy: *Laughs*
Cey: i have pity on jellal cause Erza would kill me unless....
Jellal: please no!
Cey: Kiss Erza or would you rather wear a tight dress...
Jellal: Fine!
Jellal: Um e-erza..
Erza: what?
Erza: *blushing madly*
Jellal: There!
Cey: Oy cookie!
Cookie: wh-what!
Cey: its Makeup time.
Cookie: really!
Cey/Cookie: hehe.
Cookie: Ill do the blush and the eyelashes!
Cey: Ill do the lipstick and eyelids!
Cey/Cookie: Makeup time~ *evil grins*
All boys except Romeo: Noo!!
Cey/Cookie: Oh shut up!
Cey: Whos first?
Gray: *points to Natsu*
Laxus: *Points to Natsu*
Gajeel: *points to Natsu*
Natsu: *Points to Gajeel and Gray*
Cey: Natsu~
Cookie: I'm in charge on the makeup for Natsu and....
Cey: how about let's makeup them all at once.
Cookie: great idea!
Cey: Bo-*sees all the boys except romeo gone*
Erza: they ran away *sweat drop*
Cey: fine...hard way?
Cookie: *nodded*
Cey: *snaps*
All the boys are now tied up to a chair. Each one of them well except daddy romeo and the happy family.
Cey/Cookie: Makeup time!
Boys: No!!!
Natsu: Why!
Gray: This dress is quite itchy!
Gajeel: wow you didn't strip..
Gray: wait what! Wow.
Laxus: we look like idiots.
Jellal: I hate this dare.
Cey: I luv it!
Cookie: Yeah!
Cey: Till next time!
Cookie: Aye!
*Camera shuts down*
*secret camera turns on again*
Cookie: shh....*winks and points to Natsu*
Natsu: *eats chocolate* what chocolate?
Cey: Why you~
Cey: *snaps* *a human sized doll appeared out of nowhere*
Natsu: *shivers* dolls.
Cey: you'll regret eating my chocolate! *snaps*
Barbie: HI I'm barbie!
Natsu: wh-wha-
Barbie: Let's play dress up!
Natsu: No!!! *runs away*
Barbie: *chases him* cmon! I have plenty of clothes to choose from!
Natsu: why is romeo not wearing this dress thingy!
Cey: oh he's bonding with his family *points to romeo*
Barbie: now don't be stubborn!
Romeo: Sorry I have to help Pumpkin by entertaining these kids *gives teddy bears to Lucy and Mira*
Lucy: Thank you Dad!
Mira: Dad where's mommy?
Romeo: oh she's busy.
Natsu: SO NOT FAIR! *tied up on a chair by barbie*
Barbie: would you prefer Red lipstick or Pink lipstick?
Natsu: No!!
Wendy: Honey I'm back!
Lucy and Mira: Mommy!
Cey: *Laughing so hard she fell on the floor* Best day ever!
Natsu: correction....WORST DAY EVER!
Cey: wow finally you learned something *laughs*
Barbie: Now for the clothes!
Natsu: No!!!
Cookie: *Laughing so hard the camera fell but still working*
*Camera shuts down but recording voices*
Cey: Natsu!
Natsu: I didn't ate your spared chocolate!
Cey: Why you come back here! You have a date with Barbie!
Natsu: I prefer lucy!
Cey: what the-
*Camera explodes*
Cey: Look what you've done!
Cookie: I spent millions for this!
Natsu: not my fault.
Cookie/Cey: you'll regret this!
Natsu: I didn't even do anything! I'm just standing here talking and breathing....
Cey: *killer laughter*
Cookie: *spell power overloading*
Natsu: oh oh....WHY ME!!!
*can hear scary killer laughter at the background and lots of spell casting and yelling*
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!
I spent 2 days for this cause you know busy day -_-
cookies583qwwer hope you like it!
1. 2510 WORDS
2. 2017 WORDS
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