Chapter 71: The Promise
🔥🌶️ Spiccchhy smichy Kissy Scene 🌶️🔥
🎵 Listen to CARRY ME HOME by Alex Warren, while reading this chapter. I'll link it below.🎵
Emily sat at the edge of her bed, her leg bouncing, she was chewing her lip, and twisting the sleeve of her hoodie. She sat staring at her pile of books, computer and notes, waiting to be packed. Bear was whining, his head on her lap. Emily slowly ran her hand over his head. She could feel her chest becoming tight, she was starting to struggle to breath.
"Puffer...Bear...puffer..." She wheezed.
Bear went to her bathroom and grabbed the puffer off the counter and brought it back to her, just as Minho walked in. He saw her struggling to breath and rushed over. Bear dropped the puffer in her lap. With her hands shaking, she took the puffer, easing the tightness. Minho tucked some hair behind her ear, concern in his eyes.
"Baby, you okay? What happened?"
"They wont be there. Brenda's slipped back into the crowd now that Tess isn't around, she's just another girl in the crowd. The whole school has settled. And you know we wont leave you alone, just like before, but now, those shucken shuckfaces aren't there!"
Emily took another shaky breath. Minho gently pulled her into a hug and kissed her temple. "You'll be okay. I'll be right beside you. So will Bear." her loyal dog woofed, making Emily smile a little. "Other then being anxious, how are you feeling?"
"Umm. Sore." She admitted rubbing her achy chest and stomach
"That walk was too long."
"I hate just sitting. And the Doctor said light activities were good for me!" She protested, "I just can't kickbox for another like 2 months." Emily groaned as she said it, it was so long, and she hated it.
"Emily! You nearly died! Give yourself time to heal!"
"Healing is so boring and slow!" She whined.
Minho sighed in defeat. "Well is there anything I can do for you to help take your mind of tomorrow? You're all ready?"
"As I'll ever be." It was Emily's turn to sigh.
"How about a movie and snuggels?"
She nodded. He kissed her nose and stood up, and gently pulled her to stand, "Go have a shower, get ready for bed and I'll get it all set up."
"Thanks Min."
"Anything for my Princess."
He steered her into the bathroom with a small smack on the butt. He closed the door for her and she sighed again. She hated looking at herself in the mirror now. The big gash on her face had healed, leaving a white scar, and then there was the huge jagged incision scar from her emergency surgery, the swelling from everything had finally gone down, finally leaving her stomach flat again. Her last ultra sound and CT scan showed everything had healed. Yet she was still very sore and was on very strict orders, light duties only. She wasn't even allowed to carry her backpack with too many textbooks for another 3-4 weeks. The puncture marks from her synthetic lung surgery left scars on her chest, her full left arm was still weak and stiff from being in a full cast for the last 6 weeks. The bruising on her arms and hands from all the IV's was finally fading. But she just didn't feel like herself. She was uncomfortable in herself. She was frustrated and angry. She hid it all behind her smile. She was good at that, hiding her hurt and fears and personal disgust.
She turned away from the mirror before she broke down and cried and climbed into the shower.
Emily and Minho lay on his bed watching a movie. He had been very gentle and careful, he never pushed her to be physical or intimate; they had kissed, he played with her hair, held her hand, snuggled, but that was as far as they went. He always seemed hesitant, her rationale side of her brain said he was being cautious and didn't want to push her, but her heart and feelings told her it was because of all the scars and he was exhausted with her emotionally.
She lay snuggled close to Minho, her head on his chest, her leg tanged around his. She wasn't really watching the movie, she was laying with her eyes closed, enjoying his touch. He was slowly trailing his fingers up and down her back. Rubbing her back wasn't enough after a while and he slipped his hand under her shirt and gently ran his fingers all over her back, pulling her shirt up. Her skin broke out in goosebumps. She hummed quietly in satisfaction.
She shifted her head, and snuggled her face into his neck. It was his turn to hum. They lay snuggled as close as possible. She slid a hand under the hem of his shirt, and ran it up his chest and rested it over his heart. Emily could feel his heart beat picking up. She ran her fingers in gentle circles over his chest. Minho pressed her lower back, and she slowly scootched closer, pressing as flat as she could to his side, his leg now wrapped tightly between hers. His hand then slid from her lower back and slid to her but. Emily's stomach exploded with butterflies.
She started to kiss his neck gently. She heard a sharp intake of breath. She felt her stomach flip flop again and she kissed a little higher, craning her neck she kissed as high as she could and left a small trail of kisses back down his neck. His one hand squeezed her but gently.
"Emmy...." He groaned.
"Hmm?" she hummed, as she started to now suck on his neck. Her hand on his chest slowly trailed down his abs, tracing his muscles and following his V line with her fingers.
"...shuck..." he moaned, and squirmed a little. "Emmy...shuck!"
She smiled against his neck, he couldn't get a full sentence out. He was breathing heavily, all the muscles in his torso were tensing, he shivered as she traced his V line again, lower this time.
"Dammit woman!" He cursed. "What kind of sorcery is this?"
"The female kind." She whispered. As her fingers trailed even lower.
"Mmm. The best kind." He panted. His voice was deep and rough. "I'm going to roll over and kiss you now."
He slowly and cautiously rolled and faced her, he pulled her closer and his free hand tipped her chin up and he closed the distance, kissing her deeply. Making a squeaky little gasp escape. He had kissed her a lot while she was in the hospital, and at home recovering, but nothing like this. Not needy and desperate with longing, never like this in a very long time. Emily instantly felt a fire in the pit of her stomach. She buried a hand into his hair pulling his head closer, she tried to lift her leg and drape it over his hip, but a sharp pain in her stomach made her flinched. Minho pulled away, concerned.
"Can't move like that." She whispered. "Too much ab work."
"Then don't. Emmy don't hurt yourself. I'm sorry, I'll stop." He propped himself up on an elbow panting.
"No...I don't want to stop! I just...I hate this!" She clenched her jaw and looked away, tears pricked her eyes. She clamped her eyes closed trying to keep the tears from slipping out. "I hate it. I hate this. I hate having to deal with this because someone else was an ass! I hate dealing with pain and anxiety and everything else 'cause someone else did this to me. I hate the way I look. I hate the way I feel. I hate how everyone looks at me with pity and feels like they have to baby me! I hate everything!" Emily rolled over, her back to Minho and curled up, tears sliding passed her eyelashes.
She felt Minho shift, he got up off the bed, she heard him walk across his room to the closet and then then back. He sat back down on the bed behind her, and curled up around her, his arm around her, protectively.
"I love you Emily. I'm not leaving you, I'm staying and I'm fighting with you. Remember? Your fight is my fight. I love you for you. For your heart and soul, your mind and your smile and your laugh, I think your beautiful, a shucken smoke show. I love your scars, they show your resilience and how strong you are. It shows you're a fighter." He moved her hair and kissed her neck. He continued to whisper, his lips tickling her skin. She was struggling to keep the silent tears inside. The ragged breathing was starting to hurt. "I promised a few times I'm not going anywhere.'s a physical reminder for that promise. Just like the bracelet."
Her took her hand and Emily opened her tear filled eyes, he had taken her hand and slid something on her finger.
"Minho? What the shuck?" She whispered, completely shocked.
"It's not an engagement ring. But it's a physical reminder of my promise. I'm yours. Forever and always."
On her left hand sitting on her ring finger was a simple silver band twisted around a band of diamonds.
"You're the beautiful sparkling one in the band." He whispered, "you and me. Wrapped together. Forever."
The damn broke inside of Emily. She finally cried. She hadn't allowed herself to cry in the hospital, not like this. Not full blown emotional breakdown sobs. In the hospital she told herself she was alive and that was enough.
But it wasn't. The car crash did a lot more than just damage her physically. She had worked hard to get over the psychological damage Ava, Tess and Ben did to her, and she felt like she had gone right back to square one. Fighting all her demons and more, this time.
"Baby..." Minho said quietly, he gently rolled her on to her back and wrapped his arms around her. "I love you. So much sometimes, it hurts. I want to show you all the love. Forever. I don't care what everyone else says, they can keep telling me we're too young... Shuck that klunk. I love you. And I'm going to wife you up so hard!"
"But...but..." She choked on her tears, "I'm such a broken ugly mess."
"You're not broken. Or ugly. You're beautiful. And you're MY mess, remember? And I love my beautiful spicy disaster. No one is perfect, Emmy." He gently swept some hair from her face, "I choose you. And I'll keep choosing you. Over and over."
She lifted her hands and held his face. He regarded her with such love and tenderness she felt a few pieces of her broken heart heal back together.
"I love you." He whispered and brushed his lips o her scar on her forehead. "I love you." He whispered again and gently kissed the scars on her chest from her lung surgery. "I love you so, so much." He whispered again, gently pulling her shirt up and slowly and tenderly kissed the long jagged scar Emily hated with a burning passion. His warm lips left a fire on her skin.
He shifted, so he was kneeling over top of her, his hands on either side of her head. Emily ran her hands up his chest and neck and hd his face. I dipped his head, and bent his arms, kissing the tears from her cheeks and each eye. He looked down at her, like she was something beautiful and fragile that he needed to charish.
"I can't take the hurt or pain away, I wish I could. But I'll remind you each time you feel like that, I'll remind you how much I love you. I'll remind you how beautiful you are. How much I admire you. And why I'll pick you in this life and the next and any other life. I'll pick you up and carry you home. Until the end of my days."
Emily had fresh tears running down her temples into her hair.
"I love you." She whispered finally. "I'm sor-"
"No." He cut her off, "Stop saying your sorry. It's not your fault. You're healing. It's part of the process. And I'm right beside you."
Emily gave him a small teary smile. He smiled back, his eyes disappeared into half moons and then he lowered his head to kiss her. He stopped right before he did, his lips brushed hers as he spoke.
"Do you like it?"
"I love it. When did you pick it up?"
Minho pulled back just enough to see her properly. He reached for her hand and brought it up, kissing her knuckles where the ring now sat on her finger.
"The day you woke up. On my way home, I stopped and pick it up. I was waiting for the perfect moment."
"And that was now?"
"When I'm breaking down in a giant mess?"
"Yes." He answered simply.
Emily was confused. How could this huge muscles up, star quarter back, Mr Polarity, the king of the school, be so soft and gentle and sweet and kind and respectful. How could he find her in all the girls to choose from, he picked her, the hot mess. She was the little orphan from a broken and abused home. She was picked on and bullied, she was a weird science geek. And yet...he had stuck by her side.
"You needed a promise reminder."
"... Emily."
She slid her hand to the back of his head and pulled him down. He allowed her to pull him, but he hovered over her so he wouldn't squish her still tender torso. He kissed her back hungerly. His tongue deep in her mouth. Her eyes fluttered closed and she lost all sense of time and dates and places. The fire in the pit of her stomach burned bright again. She wanted more. She needed more.
With one hand still buried in his hair, she slipped her other hand under his shirt, running her hand up and down and around his back. He shivered as she did it again. He broke their kiss and looked her dead in the eye, both breathing hard.
"Are you okay if we keep going?"
"Yes. The Doctor told me it was safe. Everything is healed, I'm not bleeding anymore. The WICKED experimental treatments worked faster and better then they all thought. And it's past the healing time. I just can't do anything...wild."
"Okay. Just tell me okay..."
Emily nodded her head and then pulled Minho's head back down and kissed him hard until her head spun and she couldn't breathe. When she broke the kiss to gasp he tugged his own shirt off in a swift fluid movement. Then pulled her shirt up and kissed her scars. It led from below her pant and all the way up the middle of her stomaxh and stopped just under her rib cage. Her entire body was trembling, her limbs felt on fire. He tugged her shirt off gently and dropped it on the floor.
Minho slowly and gently came back and kissed her, she let a few gasps out when his tongue swirled her sensitive skin. Her fingers dug into his hair. He slowly kisses back down, keeping his hands on her chest, he kissed back down her scar and cautiously tugged her pj pants off. She was breathing hard, her hands now burried in his hear as he kissed lower and lower.
She was gasping and moaning quietly as he is lower and left small gentle kisses on the inside of her thighs.
"Minho..." She whimpered quietly.
"Princess..? You okay?" He asked, his voice was so rough a s gravelly she almost fainted, his dark eyes looked so lustful right now she shivered.
"Yeah...ya, in okay..." She managed to squeak.
"I'm...gonna keep going until you tell me to stop..."
"I don't...want you too." He pressed his lips back to the inside of her thigh.
"Good. I don't wanna stop...." He whispered against her skin. Emily whimpered. She could feel his smirk. He did it again.
Emily made some kind of whimpering moaning again. If she could have, she would have arched her back into him, but her sore middle didn't allow such movement, instead she just kind of laid there at the mercy of Minho and he was doing to her. She tangled his fingers into his hair.
He shifted again and he eyes shot open and then rolled, her eyes fluttered closed and was not aware of anything else. Colours filled her eyelids, her breathing was panting and gasps, and a few curses.
Her head was pushed back into the bed, her fingers tangled more into his hair.
"Minho!" She cried.
He raised his head, making her whine and crawled up her body.
"Please Minho....please..." She whimpered.
"Absolutely Princes." He growled.
She was nervous at first, but Minho was slow and gentle, despite how dark and needy his eyes were and how lustful he was looking at her. He kissed her firmly, keeping both their moans quite.
Minho had pulled his sweat pants back on, and then gently and slowly helped Emily get redressed. He had such a soft look on his face. Her heart fluttered again. He gently picked her up.
"Time to carry you to bed, my princess." He whispered into her hair.
"Will you always carry me?"
"I will carry you home, whether it's tonight or fifty-five years down the road."
Emily smiled and laid her head on his chest, her sleepy eyes slid closed. He laid her down in her bed beside Bear. He kissed her forehead.
"Always, my Princess!"
He slid into bed behind her and gently pulled her closer.
"I love you." She hummed sleepily.
"I love you, too. Always."
"Promise?" She murmed.
"Promise." He whispered, as he snuggled his face into her hair.
The promise ring Minho gave her
This is the song link.
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