Chapter 64: Celebration
Emily held Mama Lee's arm and Sonya's hand most of the game, she had many heart attacks and near death experiences during the game. She lost her voice somewhere in the third quarter. And her hands were red from clapping. (Newt took pity on her and got her a bell she could ring instead.) The game was so close. It was touch down for touch down.
Thomas was taken out of the game right at the end of the 3rd. The defensive tackle hit him too high, and made his head rattle too much. He went straight back for a concussion check and hadn't come back until just now. (Newt was quite anxious for a while. Bear had qued him to anxiety.) And Ben kept fumbling the ball. Minho was relying on Winston the other receiver, a kid named Henry, their running back. Minho had also ran the ball a few times himself. Sliding across the first down mark. Frypan had hit each kick in and punt with no problems. Defense was doing everything possible to disrupt the plays from the other team. Gally smacked the ball a few times causing an incomplete pass, he also sacked their quarter back a few times, much to the joys of Sonya.
Now, with only 1 minute left in play, the teams were tied. Thomas was back on the field. They had to get from their 40 down the field to score a touchdown or get in field goal range for Fry, to win it. The statium went Minho a chance to call the next play in the huddle.
They all lined up, Minho stood waiting, calling the play, changing the cadience, trying to get the other side to jump.
The ball was snapped and Minho caught it. He scanned the field, saw his guy wide open, he threw it. The ball was caught and Henry was immidiatly tackled. And hard. He held the ball, but Henry didn't get back up. A time out was called and the athletic trainers came out. The stadium was silent holding its breath. Minho and a few others took a knee, waiting, hoping their guy was okay. The water boy came running and passed out some water. It was an aganizing few minutes. But they got him up, and they helped him hobble off the field to a round of applause and cheers.
Ben took Henry's spot. They huddled up. They had made it to centre field. They needed at least another twenty yards to make it into field goal range.
They lined up. Minho yelling the play in code words. The ball was snapped. It looked like he had passed it to his one running back, but when he went to throw it, he handed it off to the other one. He ran, was almost tripped up but stayed on his feet and pushed for the first down.
"Move move move!" Minho screamed. The offensive line scrambled to line up and snapped the ball quickly. Every player was covered. Minho had to spin from the safety of the pocket as it collapsed, he pumped a few times, faking a throw, but he decided to just run it himself, getting another 8 yards.
"Come on! Come on!" Emily muttered, she had no nails left. The entire stadium was on their feet. Willing their team to get the yards by cheering.
Minho called a quick time out as they lined up. They gathered around and calmed them down, went over the play. Emily saw them all clap and went to line up. A few guys shuffled around, changing positions, trying to throw the defense off. Minho called for the snap. He caught it. Faked a hand off and then threw the pass straight down the middle. Thomas came out of no where, reached one hand up...two hands up. His opponent right ontop of him. They came down hard, in a tangle of arms and legs.
Thomas popped up, yelling in victory, slapping his helmet. They were only inches from a touch down now. And with only 10 seconds left.
They lined up. Emily grabbed Mama Lee who clung back. Both holding their breath. Minho had the ball and as his line of guys pushed the defense back, Minho lunged forwards. A quarter back sneak. A massive dog pile happened, offense and defense piled ontop of each other.
Emily gasped. She had nail prints in her cheeks. Her heart was hammering. She couldn't swallow her mouth was so dry.
The ref peeled guys off, one at a time and then his hands went into the air.
The crowd exploded. It was so loud Bear put his head down and whinned. Everyone jumped up and down and screamed.
Frypan and the kicking team came out and put the field goal home. Winning the third championship in a row. Emily felt like her chest was going to explode. Mama Lee was crying, and cheering. Papa Lee let his usual dignified self go and he was jumping and whooping.
The team came pouring onto the field. School colours; red, black and white confetti rained down. Cheerleaders appeared on the field. Minho, Thomas and Gally dumped the icey cooler of Gatorade over the Coach.
It was a huge calibration. It took a minute for Minho to break away and he came running to the bleachers, shoving a cheerleader or two out of his way, making Emily bite her lip to keep from smirking. Climbing the front and under the railing he pulled his mom into a hug.
Emily watched with a huge smile, and wished she had a mom to celebrate her accomplishments with. She was so proud of him, her chest felt like exploding, her face hurt from smiling. Emily let him have his moment with his parents. They had been there for his entire football carrier. This was a moment for the family. Until Minho grabbed her waist and pulled her into a hug with his parents.
"I'm so proud of you!" Emily grinned up at him.
"Did you doubt me Princess?"
"Never, Thunder Cat."
The players were called back to the field and the championship trophy was handed to the coach and then to Minho who hefted it high into the air with his helmet in the other hand. The crowd, if possible went even louder. Emily was surprised the stadium walls didn't come apart with the noise.
The celebration on the field lasted for what felt like forever. Minho had jumped down and helped Emily down. The parents, significant others and friends were allowed on the field now. Pictures were taken, kisses were exchanged. There were scouts now on the field, talking to the coaches. Introductions were made. Minho held Emily's hip tight and wouldn't let her go, even though she whinned about how stinky and sweaty he was. She didn't mind too much.
She waited for Minho outside the change rooms with Sonya and Newt and Rachel. The stadium had emptied out. Parents had gone home. Jorge took Bear back home for Emily. Emily couldn't wipe the smile off her face. Everyone was chatting and laughing, replaying the different moments in the game.
The door opened finally and Ben came sauntering out. His watery blue eyes locked onto Emily immidiatly. He never got the chance to say anything because Gally and Thomas came out the changing room doors, followed by Frypan and Minho. Ben glared at her and he slunk away.
"Hey baby!" Minho wrapped her up in a tight hug.
"Mmmm. You smell better."
"Thanks! I showered." He ran a hand dramatically through his hair.
"I can tell!" She giggled.
"So? We ready to go?" Minho asked the group.
"Yeah." Emily nodded, she felt a clench in her stomach, a wave of heat and panic hit her. But she swallowed it down. This celebration was for Minho and the team. She would be okay for Minho. This was for him.
"We won't stay long." He said quietly, like he could feel her shift.
"It's okay Minho. I have people I trust. And now you have a designated driver."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. I told you before, drinks are fine. Just I choose not to. And I'm not going to judge you for it. Just give me the keys when we get there and I'll drive whoever needs home."
"As long as your okay."
Minho looked at her for a second longer, just making sure she was actually okay. Then kissed her nose and nodded.
"Then let's go!" He grinned.
Minho parked the truck on the street. Emily hesitated. She held her hand out and Minho dropped the key into her hand. She slid it into her pocket and then got out. Sonya, Gally, Thomas and Newt got out from the back. They squished, but Emily figured it was safer to take one vehicle so she could drive them home.
Minho was by her side in an instant. He placed an arm around her shoulders, and pulled her protectively into his side.
"Em...if you want-"
"No. Minho it's okay. This is a celebration for you and Thomas and Gally..Fry, Winston...the guys worked hard. You worked hard. Let's go celebrate your victory."
She smiled up at him, yet she could feel the heaviness and the tightness in her chest. Minho did so much for her. She was going to be strong for him tonight and go to the party.
The party was at one of the other football players, a kid in grade 11. His parents came for the game and went straight to the air port. So the house was adult free (Emily's first reason to worry.) Somehow the party was already in full swing. And it was full. It wasn't just the football team getting together. It looked like all of grade 12 was there along with half the grade 11 and 10 kids. (Emily's second reason to worry) And looked like each kid had a drink or red cup in their hands.
Minho walked through the front door, with Emily by his side, and their group behind them. The moment the door was opened a loud roar went up, everyone stopped and cheer Minho. Hands grabbed at him, ripping him away. And then Thomas and Gally, and hefted them up onto shoulders.
Emily stumbled back into Sonya and Newt. They caught her and got her back up onto her feet as the crowd surfed around the three football stars.
Emily slid into the back and into the corner. She already had her arms wrapped tight around herself. Sonya and Newt were beside her, watching as they boys were hailed as kings and hero's. Minho had such a wide smirk and he was waving and fist pumping.
He hadn't forgotten her, he was just enjoying the moment. And Emily smiled watching how the kids around him viewed him. He really had no idea how they all treated him like the royal king of the school.
"I'm gunna grab a drink. Be right back." Sonya yelled over the noise and then disappeared.
Newt hooked her arm and indicated with his head and led her outside to the back yard. Which was no better, but it was outside and the cool air helped. Emily had seen highschool parties in movies and tv shows, but she had never been to an actual one. She was one, never allowed to go, and two, she never had a reason to go. But there were kids everywhere. On the roof, on the deck, on the grass, a few kids were jumping into the pool. One kid was doing wild tricks off the roof with his skateboard.
There seemed to be intoxicated teens everywhere. She was glad Newt hadn't left her. He had his arm still hooked with hers.
"Do you want a drink?" Newt asked.
"No. I'm driving."
"No, Em, Love, they have other things here too. Coke, water..."
"Oh. Well then maybe some water."
Newt pulled her over to an area where there was a huge ice chest full of drinks. Emily grabbed a bottle of water and Newt grabbed some pop.
"Not drinking?"
"Nah. Did my fare share last year. It's over rated. Besides, I have a feeling tonight your gonna need some buggen' help."
"Thanks Newt."
He shrugged with a smile. "Just don't leave your drink unattended."
"Got it."
Emily wasn't sure what to do. Her and Newt sat on the deck railing, kind of away from the main group. They were laughing and chatting about Thomas's spectacular catches when someone shoved Emily hard in the back. She lost her balance. With a scream she hit the water below. The icy pool water hit her with a shock. She wasn't expecting it and her scream made her swallow a bunch of water. Her lungs burned and she felt the panic. Her jeans weighed her down, her shoes and hoodie made it nearly impossible to swim, she felt her lungs restricting. The panic got worse and she swallowed more water.
A hand grabbed her and yanked her up. She broke the surface of the water. Emily couldn't process what was happening right away. Two sets of hands hauled her out of the water and back onto the patio. Someone shook her slightly. And then with her lungs burning and her eyes rolling, she rolled over and threw up the water she had swallowed.
"There ya go Em. Get it all out."
Emily coughed and sputtered. It took her a second to recognize who it was beside her. Thomas and Newt were crouched beside her. Frowning slightly she looked up. Sonya, Gally and Minho has jumped on two other guys, throwing a few punches. Sonya was cursing so bad a sailor would blush.
Emily coughed a few more times, Minho and Gally hadn't stopped the fight, a few more punches were thrown before Frypan and Nick pulled them apart. Minho spun and shrugged off Nick and scrambled over to Emily. Who was now a wet and soggy mess. He cupped her face pure furry was stamped on his, but it melted and softened.
"Emily!" Minho's voice shook, his eyes wide in panic. "Emmy, are you okay?"
"Wet." She managed to sputter. "What happened?"
"You were shoved into the pool by some idiot."
"Yes. Clearly..."
"Are you okay?"
"Wet. Cold. Not expecting all." She shivered.
"Come on, I'm sure they have towels here." Minho and Newt helped her up. There was a bunch of kids standing around the two who were just pulverized. Sonya was still screaming at the guys, Gally had his arms clamped tight around her.
Rachel appeared out of the crowd and helped Minho get Emily through the house and upstairs to the bathroom. Rachel grabbed some towels from the hall cupboard, while Minho shoved a few kids out of the bathroom who were sitting and smoking by the window.
"I'll go see if I can find some clothes. I know the family, they have a younger sister...she might have something. Just a second." Rachel smiled gently at Emily.
She closed the door and left Emily and Minho. Emily shivered and peeled her soaking wet hoodie off, leaving her in a white t shirt that was now clinging to her. She also peeled that off and dropped it into a pile. She had kicked her sneakers off and fought to get the soaking wet pants off that were sticking to her skin. Minho handed her a towel and she did her best to dry off. She shivered as she did.
" I gotta ask how misserbale your first party is?" Minho asked sadly.
"It was...doable. Until I went for an unexpected swim."
"We came out just as the idiot shoved you. He picked the wrong girl. No one messes my Princess."
"Thanks Minho."
Minho took the towel and wrapped her up with it and pulled her close trying to warm her up.
"I'd give you my t shirt...but then it gives an unwanted show to all the other shuckfaces."
"Hmmm. Aren't you nobal." Emily smirked up at him.
There was a small knock on the door. Minho let Emily go and opened the door a crack. Rachel was there holding a stack of clothes she had forged.
"Okay, so, not the greatest selection, she's a lot younger... but it's dry at least. Sorry." Rachel appolagize.
"Thank you so much Rachel! You've been so sweet!" Emily smiled at her. She nodded and left the bathroom.
Emily looked through the clothes. No way she would be able to fit the pants. She tried the shorts but they were also too small. She was left with a black skin tight body con dress. It was maybe mid thigh length with no straps. She pulled it on with some cursing, and then sighed in defeat. It was the only thing that fit- sort of. It was short. And she felt very exposed.
"I know this isn't you, and I can tell your uncomfortable, but damn girl. You look good!" Minho smirked at her.
"That's cuz there's nothing to this dress and it's pretty much painted on!" She grumbled.
"You can pull it off..."
"Uhh in which scenes?" Emily raised an eye brow looking at Minho, who looked confused for a second before he gave her a cheeky smile. Emily continued, "Like you think I look good in the dress due to my body type or you want to see me actually take it off?" Emily asked, feeling a slight spike in confidence as Minho ate her up with his eyes.
"Both?" He replied slyly.
Emily rolled her eyes.
"Well looks like this is all I got...." Emily turned around and pulled her wet bra off as well, the dress was so tight and form fighting she didn't need one. She turned to the mirror and did her best to get ride of the racoon eyes and make up smears. Her hair was a disaster but she would deal with it later, so instead she just threw it up into a messy bun. Groaning she put her wet convers back on and turned to Minho who had watched patiently the whole time.
"Do you wanna leave?" He asked.
" still wanna stay, just...I'll maybe stay with a wall or something behind me and away from pools."
"I'll take your wet stuff to the truck."
"I'll find Sonya and Gally."
He nodded and opened the door again. Minho and her parted at the bottom to the stairs. Emily felt uncomfortable, but now in her dry clothes she noticed guys did a quick double take. Girls narrowed eyes followed her.
Emily found Sonya and Gally, Jeff, Clint, Fry Rachel, Newt and Thomas in the kitchen. The crowd all seemed to be unsure of who she was, so they all stepped out of her way. Emily bit her lip. And slid up to Sonya.
"Can I borrow your jacket?" She hissed, her arms crossed tight over her chest.
"Okay first girl, Where'd you find that?" Sonya looked around, and then looked her up and down. "and second, yes." She shrugged off her jean jacket and handed it to Emily who slipped it on and felt a little better.
"Thanks. Rachel did her best to find me something dry."
Minho came back a few minutes later and slipped a hand around her waist and pulled her infront of him and then back into his chest. Minho leaned against the counter and Emily was pressed into him, his arm wrapped possessively around her. He had pulled her elastic out, letting the damp curls fall around her shoulders.
"I like your wild curls." He whispered in her ear, making her shiver with his warm breath tickling her.
People gave them odd looks for the first little bit. As Minho laughed and joked and talked with anyone and everyone who came by, he also sipped his second drink, but refused to let Emily go. His hand on her hip or wrapped around her or draped over her shoulder- his fingers intertwined with hers. Or his fingers played with a strand of hair absentmindedly.
She had a horrible thought that everyone saw her as some weirdo before, in her oversized hoodie and glasses, someone they feel they could pick on. But she changed her clothes, and with Minho being really handsy, they either left her alone, or tried to be extra polite. Like now with the shirt right dress, her necklace visible, Sonya's jacket... she now looked like a girl the star Quarter back, the superstar popular King would date. Only now that she looked the part she was worth of some weird form of highschool respect. They were nice to her, because now she fit their expectations.
Emily wondered if Minho secretly hoped as would dress like this more often...instead of his hoodies and jeans or leggings and gym shirts. After being bullied by popular kids for so long she didn't ever want to be associated with them. But she was dating the schools most popular kid. Sonya's words from a long time ago came floating back.
"You have a killer body most of the cheer team would die for. Own it. Rock it!"
Emily shifted and shrugged the jacket off and handed it back to Sonya. She gave Emily a questioning look but didn't say anything. She pulled it on as she walked passed going for another drink. Minho also looked at her with a slightly raised eyebrow.
"Ya you sure are!" He whispered in her ear.
Emily smiled up at him and turned to face him, Minho slid his arm around her back and slid his hand down slightly to the small of her back and pulled her closer.
"I love you." He murmed and kissed her forehead.
The crowd and wild party around her faded, and it was just her and Minho. He gently tucked a damp curl behind her ear. His thumb brushed her cheek.
"I'm so lucky I get to call you mine." He said, ignoring the party and the drunk kids around him.
Emily just smiled shyly up at him. "I think I'm the lucky one Thunder Cat."
Emily's after the swimming pool incident
Long long chapter today.
(3586 words to be exact!) But I kept you all day from a chapter.
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