Chapter 56: Dumb Teen Desicion
"Minho! Come on!" Emily yelled.
"I can't find my keys!" He yelled back.
"The ones I'm holding? The ones you asked me to grab from the kitchen counter half an hour ago when we should have left?"
Minho left his room, holding his bike helmet, with a sheepish grin. "Ya, babe, those ones!"
She rolled her eyes. "It's a good thing you're pretty." She laughed.
"Shucken rights!" He grinned.
"Be safe you two!" Mama Lee called. "You know which plane they are coming on?"
"Yes mom!" Minho called as he grabbed Emily's hand and pulled her to the front door.
"I have it all written down!" Emily called back.
Grandpa Lee, Jin and Kaito were coming for a few days. They wanted to watch Emily's fight and Grandpa Lee had a few meetings with WICKED and the legal team, so it was a perfect excuse. It was also spring break, and Minho's cousins wanted to come visit. Minho wand Emily were headed to the air port to pick them up. Grandpa was going to use the truck, and Minho wanted to show off his bike, so he was going to drive him and Emily home.
She had the music blasting in the truck, Minho drive right in front of her. He must have had good music going, and he was in a goofy mood, excited to see his cousins, because at every stop light he would stop and dance. He had his black riding pants and a black t shirt, boots and black helmet, with a tinted visor. Emily had to make a big effort not to stare too much. Dang he was fine.
She shook her head and laughed as he continued to dance. A car full of girls pulled up beside him, and Emily watched as they rolled down the window calling to him and giggling. Minho turned and pointed at Emily in the truck, and made a heart with his hands and blew a few kisses. Emily's face went red but she caught them and blew a kiss back. With a shake of her head. The girls in the car scowled and rolled the window up.
They got to the air port and parked, Emily grabbed her jacket and helmet from the back seat, for the ride home. She intertwined her fingers with his and together they headed into the air port.
They only had to wait about 20 minutes before their plane landed. Emily saw them coming down the escalator.
She laughed as she saw Jin pushing his way through the crowd and ran towards her his huge arms held wide. Emily laughed and ran towards him. He hugged her tight and spun her around.
"Kaito, it's good to see you!" Emily smiled. She let go of Jin and gave Kaito a big hug.
"Emily, my Yeobo!"
"Grandpa!" Emily grinned. And threw her arms around him as he hugged her tight and patted her back.
"Uhhh? Hello!" Minho cried, holding his arms tight folded across his chest. "This is my family and I'm the one being ignored?!"
"Ya. That's right!" Jin sassed, "we like your girlfriend better then you!" Turning his back and hugging Emily again.
"Ya. Minho, she's so much cooler than you!"
"Uhh, hello! I'm the one with a motorcycle!" Minho scoffed rolling his eyes.
"What?" Kaito cried, "no way! So cool!" He gave Emily a playful shove out of the way, and he gave Minho a great big bear hug.
"Kaito! Where do your loyalties lie?" Emily shook her head.
"With the coolest person!" Kaito rolled his eyes, "clearly!"
Emily and Jin laughed. Minho and Kaito talked about the bike as they waited for their luggage. Grandpa hooked his arm with Emily and they all followed Minho and the boys out to the vehicles. Grandpa leaned in and was asking her all kinds of questions about school and the gym. Emily was happy to answer.
They got the guys stuff loaded into the back of the truck and Emily handed the keys to Grandpa and pulled her jacket on.
"Awww no fair!" Kaito complained.
"Very far man. She's a cute backpack. She rides princess seat each and every time."
Emily had put her helmet on, Minho pulled her closer and she held onto his waist as he did up the chin strap. And then made sure her mic was working. He pulled her face closer by the chin of her helmet. He looked at her for a moment. He tapped his helmet with hers and then Minho swept her up and placed her down on the tiny back seat of the bike as he got on.
"Dude. You two are like over the top gage me cute." Jin rolled his eyes.
"You're just jealous my man."
Minho climbed on and revved the bike.
"Don't make me regret this Minho Lee!" Grandpa scolded.
"See ya at home!" Minho grinned mischievously and slapped his visor down. Emily leaned forwards and wrapped her arms around his waist. Minho weaved through traffic with no problems.
"You okay with some zoomies, babe?" Minho turned his head to ask.
"Are you just showing off for the guys?"
"Maybe a little."
"Okay, just warn me before." Emily shouted over the noise of the wind and traffic.
"Hold tight."
He grabbed her hand and pulled it around his front and patted her hands. His signal to hold on tight. She did and Minho revved and sped up. She didn't mind too much, but sometimes too fast and being reckless made her really nervous. Minho was definitely showing off for the guys. And she was starting to feel uncomfortable. Emily sighed in relief when they got home.
After super and everyone was unpacked and settled Jin and Kaito were begging to see the bike again. And try it.
"Emmy, baby, you're okay if I take them out?"
"Yes. Just promise you won't replace me as your favorite backpack."
"Never ever, baby." He had snuggled his face into her neck. She giggled and rolled her eyes. She pushed his head away, feeling her cheeks burning. "Go. Go have fun. Just be safe. Please, Minho?"
"Gross! Ewww! PDA!" Kaito cried.
Minho winked and kissed her quickly and then raced out the door after his cousins, like a big kid he was. Emily chuckled and followed behind and closed the door after them. Mama and Papa Lee had taken Grandpa out. She messaged Jorge and asked if he wanted to watch a movie. A few minutes later he popped up from his basement suit. They made popcorn and watched a movie.
Emily kept glancing at her phone, hoping for a message from Minho. But her phone had been silent all evening. Emily tried to relax and not worry, but she was starting to stress. Bear had cued her several times. But she knew she was anxious and worried. She shoved it all down and pretended to be fine. She was good at that; pretending. She swallowed hard and forced a smile. The movie ended and Jorge kissed her forehead and went to his suite and to bed. Mama and Papa Lee came home with Grandpa.
"Still not home?" Papa Lee asked.
Emily shook her head.
"I'm sure their fine." Mama Lee sighed, checking her watch.
"He hasn't checked in?" Papa Lee growled.
"No." She whispered, she forced a thin lipped smile. "I'm sure he's fine...."
"Kim? He hasn't told you he was late?"
"No...Ki. He's also an adult now." Mama Lee said, though her own words were laced with worry and concern.
They both glanced at Emily was was twisting the sleeve of her hoodie quite aggressively. Bear had crawled into her lap and stayed there.
They also went to bed. Emily stayed up and waited. She waited on the couch. She eventually changed into a pair of sweat pants and one of Minho's hoodies and pulled her father's blanket from her bed and curled up in the couch to wait.
She must've fallen asleep at some point because she heard the garage door and then the truck and bike engines. She peeled her exhausted eyes open and slowly sat up. Checking her phone for the time, she frowned and looked at the time again.
That couldn't be right. She checked her phone a third time. 330am. And there was no text from Minho. Or Jin or Kaito. Feeling suddenly angry she crossed her arms and waited. The garage door banged opened and there was wild fits of giggles.
"Dude, you gotta get him to bed!"
"I know! You're parents are gonna be pissed!"
"Nah, their's grandpa who's gonna be pissed."
"What about Emily?"
"Uhh, hopefully she went to bed and I can sneak in."
"Dude...I don't think that's gonna happen."
Emily sat on the couch, in the dark living room, and glared in their direction. She could see the garage door. And she could see Jin looking at her.
"EEEEEMMMILY!" Kaito cried. He stumbled and slammed into the wall. "Hey! Who put that wall there?"
"Dude! Seriously. You're an idiot." Jin laughed rolling his eyes. Emily got up off the couch. Kaito tried to stand up straight and lean on the wall but he missed and fell forwards.
"You gotta get him to bed." Minho grumbled and tried to haul him up. "And keep him quiet!"
"Dude! I don't feel so good!" Kaito cried. And without warning threw up all over the floor.
Emily ran for the sink and grabbed the paper towel and cleaner and garbage bags. She crouched down and started to mop up the mess.
"Where were you guys?" She asked, still mopping up the puddle of puke. "I was worried...Min, you didn't say anything."
"I didn't want you to worry." He shrugged holding his cousin up.
"What? A quick text saying you're gunna be late and we're safe wouldn't make me worry. But radio silence...Minho it's 330 in the morning!"
"Emily...were fine!" Minho waved a hand.
"Really?" She asked, looking up at the three of them. "I'm cleaning up puke. And by the look of it...he's drunk."
"We took Minho for a drink for his birthday." Jin admitted. Minho smacked him, giving him a sharp look.
"What?" Jin gasped, "we did."
Emily wasn't sure if she was upset or worried, frustrated, relieved or angry. She knew Minho was an adult. She knew he could make his own choices. Have a drink or two, but what bugged her was the silence and then now it felt like he was trying to hide something.
"That's fine. As long as one of you was sober and drove everyone home."
There was a silence for a split second and then, "ya...ya. Absolutely Emily." Jin nodded vigorously.
"Minho is really faaaaaaast!" Kaito suddenly said.
"Dude!" Minho groaned.
"Like...he's super speedy man! Flash! Gotta call him flash! Here one second and then over there another!" His wild hand gestures made Emily have to duck her head. She picked up the bag full of puke and paper towel.
"Can you take this to the garbage outside for me?" She asked Minho, and handed the garbage bag to him. Then turned to Jin, "you should get him to bed." She indicated to Kaito, who was now trying to hug Emily.
"You're so short. Like teeny tiny little thing! Minho's right! Super tiny! Pocket sized!" He gasped, "she's travel sized!"
Jin sighed and guided Kaito up stairs. Emily went to the sink and washed her hands. Minho came back and was grinning sheepishly at her.
"I'm sorry for making you worry."
"Who drove?" She asked, not looking up from washing her hands.
"Uhh. Me and Jin. Kaito can't he's too young."
"I could smell alcohol on Jin. Was he behind the wheel?"
"He was fine."
She looked up sharply. She studied him for a second.
"How many did you have?"
"They took me out for my 18th birthday, they missed the party." He paused, and then added, "I'm an adult!" He sounded really defensive.
"Which is fine, Minho." Emily said, her voice was strained, a forced calm. And she tried to stay calm but her hands were shaking.
"Is it? I can see your shaking." Minho pointed to her hands as she shut the water off.
"Yes. As long as you weren't behind the wheel after you had these drinks."
He stepped forwards and grabbed her hips, "You worry too much, baby." He nuzzled his face into her neck.
"Don't undermine me Minho." She snapped, pulling away from him. She wrapped her arms around her, guarding herself.
Minho threw his hands up in a gesture of mock surender, "I'm not!"
"Then don't tell me I worry to much or I'm over reacting."
"Come on. Let's go to bed. We're both tired."
"Ya it's 330 in the morning!" She huffed.
"We didn't mean to stay out late. Honest."
Minho gently pulled her down the hall. Emily went to her room with Bark. Minho watched her until the door was closed and then turned and exhaled heavily, and ran a hand down his face with a groan.
The next morning she woke up to the sounds of breakfast being made. She rolled over with a groan. Her phone was buzzing away. Frowning in confusion she sat up and picked up her phone.
Hey squirt. Ready for the match tomorrow? Can't wait! Some big scouts are coming to watch!
There was also a message from Jo,
Hey, so here's the plan for today.
And he sent her a link with the itinerary for today at the gym. She flipped to the the next message. Her phone was blowing up with social media messages. Confused she opened the app wanting to know what had everyones attention. What she saw made her blood freeze and then boil and then freeze again.
And the random girls all commenting didn't bother her... it was what was happening and that Minho lied about it. Emily didn't know if she wanted to slap him, scream, cry or rag. She settled on shock. She somehow managed to get out of bed and changed, and into the kitchen.
"Morning Emily dear."
"Morning mama."
Emily went for the coffee.
"A late night for you." Mama Lee said.
Emily just hummed. And poured some coffee. She sunk onto a stool at the counter.
"Boys got home late. And Kaito was..."
"Drunk off his ass and you cleaned it up. I know dear."
Emily glanced up. She was always shocked that Mama knew everything always. Nothing ever went unnoticed by her. Emily nodded.
"Jin...seemed functional."
"Seemed and are. Very different." Emily said sharply, glaring at her coffee.
"Yes. Yes they are." She paused and reached a hand overtop and laid it down over Emily's. "And you know that better than anyone."
Emily debated whether she should show Mama Lee the video or not. And then Kaito's words from last night came back, "Minho's really fast."
Emily's eyes filled with tears and her hands shook. What if she lost him last night? Two nights before the biggest match of her possible carrier. Scouts and collage reps were coming and he goes and does something like that. She could feel the worry and anxiety dissolving, replaced by this anger. She was angry. And angry at Minho for lying.
Emily was quiet all morning. The guys slept all morning. Emily studied for exams and then had an early lunch and headed to the gym. Papa Lee dropped her off. After the truck insident she didn't go to the gym alone. Minho was supposed to come with her, actually Jin and Kaito were also supposed to come, but they hadn't shown themselves yet. So Papa Lee said he would drive her if Jorge would drive her home.
Emily's head wasn't in the practice. It was supposed to be an easy one, tomorrow was her match, but she couldn't even get into it.
"Emily, your mind is somewhere else. This combination is behind stuff."
"Sorry Jo. I...I didnt sleep well last night." She admitted.
"Well...let's call it. Go to bed early tonight and get some sleep."
Emily just nodded. She trudged to the change room and had a long shower in the hot water. Jorge closed the gym and locked up and drove her home.
"Millie, what's on your mind?"
Bear whinned from the back seat.
"See. Bear agrees with me. Now spill. It's just you and me."
Emily was quiet, putting her emotions into words was never something she was good at- maybe because she was never aloud to. So it took her a while to sort it out. Jorge never pushed her.
"Minho lied. Jin took him for drinks for his birthday. Which is fine. Whatever. But he lied and was reckless and it hurts!"
"Elaborate. Lied about what?"
"They came home Kaito was drunk off his ass. Threw up all over the floor. I cleaned it up. I know Jin had a few drinks and then drove! And I know Minho had a drink, probably more. Definitely more from the smell of his breath last night and got behind his motorcycle and drove."
"And you know for sure?" Jorge asked.
Emily pulled her phone out and pulled up Kaito's social media page.
She played the video for Jorge. She watched his face for a reaction.
Minho was on his bike, on the highway outside of town, with no gear, on his bike going as fast as he could, he was flying down the highway. You could hear Kaito screaming as he filmed. Jin was driving the truck beside the bike until the bike out stripped him. Minho winked and smirked for the camera, slapped his visor down and then speed away with a wild reev of the bike.
"Dude! Birthday boy is faster then the flash! You can out run a cop! This is amazing!"
"Look at him go! Look! Look how fast he's fly! Faster then last time!" Jin screamed.
"Come on! Faster man, were loosing him!"
It was hard to tell what Jorge was thinking, but Emily wanted to cry and scream.
There's dumb teen decisions. But then there's desicions that could cost their lives or someone else's. And that was how Emily lost her mother. By someone's stupid descion.
Uh oh. Trouble in paradise.
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