Chapter 52: Thurder Cat turns 18
Emily lay panting curled up beside Minho.
"I'm...I'm sorry.." she whispered.
"Please stop saying that you're sorry!" He said shifting his head to look down at her, "Em, look at me please."
She lifted her worried eyes to his. They were still dark and he was still breathing hard. He smiled gently at her.
"I told you we would stop if you said to. And we did. Thank you again for telling me."
He pulled the blanket up over her shoulders and pulled her closer. She closed her eyes and buried her face into his slightly sweaty chest. He dug his hand into her messy hair, and just held her as they both caught their breath and slowed their heart rates.
"I think there's a game on," Emily said quietly. "Popcorn and football game?"
"Have I told you how much I love you?" Minho chuckled.
She picked her head up and looked at him with a small smile and shy eyes, "you may have mentioned it."
He grinned even more and kissed her forehead. He sat up and grabbed his sweatpants off the floor. Emily wrapped the blanket around herself as she sat up, her eyes downcast and her cheeks warm.
"Em...I hope you don't feel uncomfortable with me..." Minho said quietly, his eyes looked sad.
"No. Minho, not uncomfortable with you! Just...not or...or what to do. I..." She looked away, feeling the sting of tears, she tried to his behind her hair. Minho got up and crouched infront of her, he gently moved her head to look at him.
"Emmy. Please, I hope I didn't hurt you or make you uncomfortable."
"No." She whispered. "I...I dunno."
"Take to me." He pleaded.
"I feel I'm not being fare to you. We get all worked up, I tell you it's okay, we go further only to freak out and make us stop."
Minho smiled at her, understanding what was bothering her. He moved some of her messy bed head hair from her face. He kept a hand on her cheek, his thumb stroking her cheekbone, gently wiping the tear that broke free from her lashes.
"I'm in this relationship for more then just the kissing and physical stuff. I want your heart and thoughts and secrets. I want to know your fears and your dreams, I want to see you smile and hold you when it's too much. I want to see you succeed in your dreams and goals. At some point we'll get there, I'm in no rush, baby. Okay? Please don't feel like you need to rush. I'm...I'm actually glad you stopped us. I don't want to rush this. And if there is any kind of hesitation we aren't ready and that's okay."
She took a shaking breath. Her big brown eyes searched his.
"Promise?" She whispered.
"Cross my heart." He said firmly. He leaned forward and kissed her gently and then kissed her nose. "I'll get the popcorn and meet you here in a few. Good that?"
She nodded.
He got up and left the room, closing her door gently. She sat for a second getting herself together she took a breath and then reached for her tank top and pulled it on and then pulled his hoodie on and a pair of leggings.
She grabbed her phone and found Sonya's number.
Ugh! I feel like 💩
There was a brief second and she saw Sonya texting back almost right away. The three little dots flashing indicating she was texting.
Girl! What's wrong? Lay it on me Love!
Just...I dunno. I made him stop again.
Like, stop in the name of love, stop it's hammer time or do we need to collaborate and listen?
All 3 good songs.
But no. We got all hot and heavy... I said I was fine and I said yes...and we almost..
but I freaked out..I felt like I was going to panic.
Ok. And did he stop when you said to?
Cuz if not..
Am I coming over to bury a body? Cuz I got a shovel and tarp! And I know a good lawyer! I'm sure Jorge has bail $$
No! He stopped immediately.
He was super sweet! And respectful.
Then I'm not seeing the problem Em.
Just feel..I dunno. Like I'm not being fare to him
If UR not ready. UR not ready. End of story. He gets it. He respects that. U need to be gentle on yourself.
Imma get real with you for a minute.
Alright. Time for some tough love.
U haven't had someone in your life (except Jorge) show you what healthy and proper boundaries are. Or show you heathy and proper love. They took what they wanted and didn't care about you or your feelings. That boy loves you so bloody much.
If you told him you wanted to wait until your married he would absolutely 100% wait. And he wouldn't pressure you otherwise. So when he says stop worrying and he's okay. He means it.
Thx Sonya. UR right. Hard sometimes to get over everything. It's still only been like 6 months of being away from the Crank and wicked witch. It's gonna take time.
I needed a good kick in the butt.
I 💕 you
I know. 😏
If you ever need some tough love again call me. I'll give it to ya.
I know.
Can I ask you something?
How did you know when you were ready with Gally?
Just did. Can't exain it.
I've told ya all the spicy details!
I know. Sry I keep asking.
But don't compare my relationship with yours. Each person and relationship is different. UR sex life with Min is not based on me and Gally or Tommy and Newt or Ben and Teresa. It's not based on expectations of others.
It's you and him. End of story.
Thanks Son.
Sorry for this.
Don't be sorry. 💕
It's what friends are for.
Now. Are you ready for tomorrow?
Yep! I hope it's gonna be great.
He's gonna live it!
There was a knock on the door and Minho came in holding popcorn and drinks.
Gotta go. See ya tomorrow
Emily put her phone on the night stand and came over.
"Everything okay?"
"Yep. Just had to ask Sonya something." Emily gave him a small smile.
They snuggled up and Minho turned the game on. Emily was finally understanding the game and now that she was she could tell at the reffing, not as much as Minho, but he nodded in approval when she did. It was a good evening. His parents came home just at the end of the game and asked how the evening was.
"It was great mom!"
"Last day as a child!"
Minho grinned, "it's going to be great!"
"You still live in this house!" His dad yelled from the kitchen, "you follow the rules of this house! And that wonderful girl of yours is still a minor!"
Minho scoffed and rolled his eyes. He smirked down at Emily. She giggled. He kissed her nose.
Emily woke up very early and was wide awake. Her stomach was twisting with excitement and nervous. She got up and quickly showered and took her time picking clothes, actually put some effort into her hair and makeup. Then went to the kitchen to start breakfast. Mama Lee came into the kitchen and helped set up. Papa Lee silently stomped into the kitchen, and Emily handed him a big cup of coffee and kissed his cheek.
"Morning Papa."
"Morning my dear." He yawned.
He sunk down into his chair at the kitchen table, just as Jorge came in, Emily handed him a cup of coffee and gave him a hug.
"Morning Millie Girl, ma Hija."
"Morning Papi."
Mama Lee and Emily had it all ready by the time Minho sauntered into the dinning room, fully dressed with his hair swooped into his always perfect swoop.
"Happy birthday Thunder Cat!" Mama Lee cried, pulling her son into a hug. She placed her hands on each side of his face and just smiled at her son.
"Happy birthday my boy. I'm so proud of the man you have become."
"Thanks mom." He smiled so genuinely his eyes creased and his dimples showed. His dad pushed from the table and came over also pulling him into a hug and said something to him, all Emily could hear was the rumbles. They both looked solum and serious. Jorge was next and pulled him into a tight hug also saying something quiet to him, Minho smiled. Jorge clapped him on the shoulder nodded and smiled.
The grownups all went into the kitchen, leaving Emily and Minho. Minho stood and his eyes flicked over Emily. She racked a hand through her curled hair and flipped it to the other side. She smirked at him and gently bit her bottom lip. His eyes narrowed slightly.
"Happy birthday Minho." She said quietly, slowly stepping closer.
He let a smirk slid onto his face. He reached out for her hips and drew her closer. He nuzzled her face.
"I love you Em." He said, his voice had a slight growl to it.
"I love you too." She murmured. He pushed up onto her toes and kissed him quick. "Ready for a full day of birthday shenanigans?"
"Absolutely! But what do you have planned?" He asked suspiciously.
"I'm not telling." She murmured again against his lips.
"Hmmm. I'm sure I'll get it out if you." He smirked, and grabbed her waist, making her shriek and squirm away with a wild giggle. "Oh get back here!" He growled and chanced after her. She tore into the kitchen laughing, ducked under Papa Lee's arm and down the hall. Minho right behind her. She managed to dodge around his attempt at grabbing her, but when she tried to sneak past he caught her around the waist and pulled her back.
"Ha. I win." He pulled her closer into his chest, with a cocky smirk.
"Mmm. I let you win. It's your birthday."
"Well... I'm not complaining."
She kissed him again.
"Breakfast!" Mama Lee called.
"Birthday breakfast awates." Emily smiled up at him.
"Smells delicious." He turned to walk down the hall, but Emily grabbed his shoulders and jumped, without hesitation, he grabbed her legs and piggy backed her back into the dinning room.
They spent a long time laughing and chatting at the table. They all helped clean up. Emily then turned towards Minho, hands on her hips with a smirk.
"Alright birthday boy. My turn to surprise you. Now. Hand those truck keys over grab your phone and let's go."
His smirk grew and grabbed his Letterman jacket.
"By guys, have fun! See ya later!" Papa Lee called.
"Bye Papa Lee! Bye Papi J!"
"Bye Dear."
"Bye Millie Girl!"
"Minho! You're now an adult, so here is your birthday debrief!" Mama Lee called from the kitchen. "Do not add to the population. Do not subtract from the population. Do not end up in the news paper, hospital or jail."
"If you do end up in jail, establish dominance quickly!" Jorge called.
Emily laughed nervously, her cheeks pink. Minho howled with laughter.
"Make smart choices!" She called.
"Always Ma! Bye!"
They left the house and Emily went to the truck but Minho followed. She raised an eyebrow.
"I'm driving Super Star, you don't know where we are going!"
"I know. But doesn't mean I can't still open the door." He smirked at her and opened the passenger door.
Emily smiled and kissed his cheek and climbed into the truck. Minho went around to the other side and climbed in.
"Where to?"
"Stop one. Coffee."
"Yes!" He grinned. As Emily pulled out of the driveway Minho turned the music on, and then slid his hand into her leg. Emily's stomach flipped. There was a good set of songs as they drive. Minhos hand didn't leave her leg, it slid a bit higher and then his thumb gently brushing back and forth. Once coffee was picked up they climbed back into the truck.
"Okay Babe, where to now?"
"I hope your ready to get your but whooped!"
"Excuse me?" Minho raised an eye brow.
"You heard me Thunder Cat. Just shush, drink your coffee and DJ until I tell you we're there!"
He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss. And did as she told him. And it was a fun drive. He blasted all the good songs, it wasn't far. Emily pulled into the parking lot and Minho looked at her with a mischievous smirk.
"Girl! Your gonna get your butt whooped!"
"Not if I have back up!" She smirked back and hopped out of the truck. Sauntering into the lazer tag building. Minho hot on her heels. Inside the building, milling about waiting for them was about half the football team and his closest friends.
"Emily!" He cried! And grabbed her wrist pulling her back. She turned with a smirk.
He just looked at her with such love and wonder her heart fluttered.
"You're just the best!"
"I know!" She grinned and pulled away.
"Happy birthday man!" Thomas cried bounding over and slamming into him, closely followed by Newt and Gally and Sonya, Fry, Jeff, Clint and the others from the team.
It took a while for everyone to come say happy birthday. But once they did, and the Lazer Tag guy went over rules and everyone divided into teams he set them free. Emily had never played the game, but the concept was straight forward. Two teams, shoot the other team, don't get shot.
Minho stood with the blue team and looked her dead in the eyes, "your going down, Princess!"
"In your dreams Thunder Cat!" She smiled back, and batted her eyes.
There was a lot of laughter and giggles, a few people tried making strategies, but it was just goofy chaos. Emily had found Minho at one point, he was lurking around the corner, Emily snuck up behind him, she smirked and bit her lip. He spun around, but before he could shoot her she pushed him into the corner and kissed him. He gasped, and forgot his lazer gun, burying both hands into her hair for a second. She forced her tongue into his mouth, making him growl, his hands traveled down and grabbed her butt. He kissed her hard until they both had to break to breath.
"I love you Emily."
"Good." She whispered against his lips. She pulled away, and stepped back and shot him in the chest. Leaving him incapacitated for a minute while his laser gun had to reboot. He gasped. And she turned and ran away laughing while he yelled after her.
"Emily Victoria Fitz! Get your ass back here!" He yelled. "It's my birthday! That was not cool!"
After a wild morning of lazer tag, lots of laughter and broken alliances and sneaky moves and move laughter, everyone was hungry.
"Stop number three, lunch!"
Emily grined up at him. He was still in disbelief that she would kiss him as a distraction before shooting him. He pretended to pout, but when she smacked her arms around his waist and batted her eyelashes at him he relented.
"Fine. I can't stay made at you."
She giggled and rolled her eyes. They waved good bye to everyone and clbed back into the truck. And Emily drove them to the next place.
"Where the shuck are we going? It's like your driving in circles."
"I'm sorry! I got lost!" She cried. "I know where we are now! Almost there! Promise!"
Five minutes later they pulled into the fast food place.
"Emily...this is the place where I took you after Jorge was in the hospital!"
"Yes. And?"
"It's really not that far from our house!"
"Yes. And?"
"Did you really get lost?" He asked suspiciously.
"Nope!" She popped the p. And smirked at him. "Just needed to kill a few minutes. Come on Thunder Cat! Bacon cheeseburgers await!"
"Seriously. Your like the cutest person ever! And I love you so shucken much!"
"I love you too Minho."
"I love you more!"
"I'd step on lego for you!"
"Wholly shuck!" He gasped, his eyes wide."Mary me! Like Imma wife you up so hard one day!"
She just laughed. And hoped out of the truck. Inside the place as everyone from the laser tag game, plus his parents and Jorge and Bear and Alby, Mr and Mrs Isaac. He stopped and his jaw dropped. The inside was decorated and a table was stacked with presents.
"Emily Fitz! Seriously!"
"Keep her around son. Don't ever let her go."
Minho didn't take his eyes off her, "never. Over my dead body!"
Lunch was an event. Papa Lee had rented the entire restaurant for the next two hours. Everyone ate burgers and fries and milkshakes. Emily hung back, letting Minho mingle and do his thing. She just wanted and smiled to herself.
Sonya slid up beside her at one of the booths.
"Em, I haven't seen him this bloody happy since we moved here. Lime seriously you really have no idea what you do to that boy!"
Emily hummed as she watched him laugh and goof off with Thomas, Gally and the other football guys.
"She's buggen' right, Love." Newt flopped into the seat on her other side.
"He's a different person, but in the best way. Like he's always been like this, but more subdued and never like this at school, he was the collected cool sport star. Now he's just a bloody goof."
"He's changed my life too, guys." Emily smiled shyly, she felt her cheeks warm up and she looked down at her lap.
"We know Love." Sonya said gently, she pulled Emily into a side hug. Emily took a deep breath and laid her head on Sonya's shoulder.
"I've never seen two people more compatible than you two." Newt nodded.
"What my dear twin brother is trying to say is soulmates."
Emily couldn't help but smile even more. As she heard that and watch as Minho caught her eye and winked. She loved him so much, it almost hurt. Emily sat with Sonya and Newt and watch as Minho opened presents from his friends and parents.
"It's only mid afternoon! What else do you have planned for the birthday boy?"
"This will conclude the group activities..." Emily smiled, she was quite excited for the second half for his birthday.
Emily birthday board
Minho birthday board
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