Chapter 50: Christmas with the Lee's
Christmas break was the best Christmas break Emily had had since before her dad brought the Pages into her life. Minho's grandparents had flown in from across the country. And Papa Lee's brother and his family also flew in and were staying in the house. Emily got to experience family and cousins, something she never ever had.
There were a lot of males in the house, Minho's two cousins were also guys who loved sports. And of course they were all incredibly tall and massive. Jin was in grade 12 his senior year, and was the states swim champion and was louder and more charismatic, loving the attention. Kaito was in grade 10 and was very into basketball, and was the quietest of the three.
Grandma and Grandpa Lee and uncle Lee and family stayed in the upstairs suite on the other side of the house. George had officially moved into the basement suite, it was like a full hotel in the Lee's. There was always someone in the house, always food lots of laughter and always conversations, lots of arguing over sports. Emily stuck with Mama and Grandma Lee, and his Auntie in the kitchen. At first Emily felt very uncomfortable around so many people, but she loosened up over time. They of course knew of the situation with Emily and Jorge. The first few days his cousins teased her and Minho but when Papa Lee put his foot down after a panic attack they realized how serious her situation was they become quite protective of her as well. Papa Lee sat the boys down and explained a bit more in detail what was going on, while Minho pulled Emily into her room and helped her with her panic.
"Like they actually attacked her AT school?" Jin asked.
"Yes." Papa Lee growled, "this is more then just some girlfriend in my house, son. This is a shucked situation, police, and lawyers are involved. She was a child in need of a safe home, and then she grew into family. So if I hear of anymore picking on that girl we will have more then just a conversation. Emily and Jorge are part of this family, am I clear you two?"
"Yes. Sorry Uncle Ki. Serioy, we didn't know!"
"I understand. However, you shouldn't be talking about things you don't fully understand. You don't know the full situation and I would remind you Lee's are leaders. And leaders treat others with dignity and respect. That girl will be in this family for a very long time, so get used to her." He leaned back in his chair and folded his huge arms. The two huge boys looked down sheepishly as Minho walked back into the kitchen.
"How's she doing?" Papa asked.
"Sleeping." He snapped narrowing his eyes at his cousins. "She hyperventilated so bad she just about passed out. Bear and Mom are with her."
"What exactly triggered it?"
"His shucked comment about being a gold digger."
Papa growled slightly in annoyance.
"Dude! Seriously I'm sorry! I didn't know!" Kiato cried, he really did look sorry and close to his own panic. Minho's anger washed away.
"Ya, I know. But you have no idea the klunk she's gone through." He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. " I need to go for a run."
"We'll come. And you can explain everything." Jin suggested.
While they ran, Minho told his cousins everything about their situation, how it all played out, what's going on with the school and lawyers, the police, the bullies at school. By the end of his explain borg boys looked like they were ready to knock some heads.
Emily learned that the entire Lee family had the same signature intense cold look of stone, but under the intense eyes and angry glare, they were the softest nicest people.
Minho's grandfather was one of the founders of WICKED, but being one of the wealthiest men in the country he was quite humble. Sure he spared no expense for presents for his children and grandchildren, or their trip, he was a down to earth man. Like his grandson he was very soft and gentle. Emily liked him quite a bit, when he smiled his eyes disappear into half moons, she saw where Minho got it from. He also seemed to love the fact there was a girl in the house. He wouldn't call her by her name it was always "where's my granddaughter?" Or "Good morning my Yeobo." She had to lean into Minho and ask what that ment.
"Means my darling or honey or something similar, it's an endearment. Grandpa really likes having a granddaughter, and you are going to be spoilt rotten by him." Minho whispered back with a smirk.
Grandma Lee was a little more old school and wasn't as relaxed with Emily and Minho being across the hall from each other. And while Grandma Lee was staying in the house, doors had to be open at all times if Emily was in the room alone with Minho, which wasn't often due to the amount of people ways in the house. Minho also hardly ever saw his cousins, so he wanted to spend as much time as possible with them.
His cousins took a liking to Jorge relatively quickly. They would sit at the dinner table and ask question after question about the gym and kickboxing.
"Why don't you guys just come to the gym already?" Emily asked one evening.
"Can we? That's a thing?"
"Absolutely." Jorge nodded. "Em, you can take them show them the ropes."
"Yes! I also wanna see The Spitfire in action!" Jin grinned at her.
"Dude! Did I not show you the video from her fight! She's a shucken beast!" Minho cried pulling his phone out. Emily's face went pink and looked down at her lap.
It was settled, after all the Christmas things, Emily would bring the boys to the gym.
Grandpa Lee had had a meeting with the board of directors at WICKED over who they hired and represented them over proper background checks. He was not happy when he went to the meeting but came back looking happier. He announced at supper that night that Ava Paige was going to be called in for a disciplinary hearing, especially with the evidence against her that Sam Elliott had collected.
"Emily, my Yeobo! It is unfortunate it was left to you to bring these issues to light, but it has made me rethink retirement. I need to show these idiots how to run a company again. Apparently we hire just anyone. I'm terribly sorry." He patted her hand and gave her a look of compassion. "But I'm now personally going to go through the company of employees."
"I'm sorry Grandpa Lee I'm causing you to work more!"
"No no! A solid employee purge needs doing at that company!" He then turned to Jorge, "if there is anything we can do to help gain custody we will do it. You just say the word. I do not want to see my Yeobo back at the hands of that woman."
Jorge had whispered to Emily while they helped clean up supper, "I told you Millie Girl, you have in-laws. Your stuck with this family whether you like it or not." He winked at her as she went pink.
Christmas morning was amazing, she woke up to the smell of a huge breakfast, everyone had matching pajamas, including Jorge, even Bear had a Santa Hat. She was blown away that Grandma and Grandpa Lee had thought of her.
Papa Lee gushed of the slippers she had for him and she just laughed, "you'll get limos to a fundraiser but you won't spend money on new slippers!" She shook her head.
She didn't have a lot of money for gifts, but she put thought and consideration into each one. She got Mama and Grandma Lee matching aprons that had their names on them and for Mama Lee she had found simple yet beautiful mother and daughter necklaces. She wouldn't stop crying.
Minho's face dropped when he opened his.
"How the shuck...when did...where... EMILY!"
"Dude! NO WAY!" Jin cried also just as excited.
"Man! I want me an Emily! Where do I get one?" Kaito cried as he peeked into the box.
She smiled shyly at him, and bit her bottom lip. He looked up flabbergasted.
"I have my ways thank you!" She finally smirked.
Minho finally pulled out of the box a retro
helmet signed by the starting Quarterback at the time, of his favorite football team. It was still in its show case box with the authentication card.
"Seriously! How the shuck did you..."
"I can't give all my secrets away." She smirked at him. She had actually asked Alby if he knew anything about signed merchandise, and he helped her out.
The Lee boys had begged Emily to take them to the gym with her, so the first day the gym opened after Christmas when she was scheduled to meet Jo, Minho, Jin and Kaito tagged along.
"Jeeze, I feel like I'm in some kind of Korean mofia! You guys need to learn to smile! Also your so freaking tall!" She huffed.
"Maybe your just really small?" Minho smirked down at her.
"Travel sized for you convenience." She chuckled.
She greeted Laurence and Jo. Jorge was finally back in the gym, and had taken over running it again. She introduced the boys to Jo and showed them around quick.
"This so cool!" Kaito said, looking up at the pictures of her grandfather and father.
"It's home." Emily agreed.
"So that little blond thing in that picture is you?" He asked pointing.
Emily smiled and nodded.
"You should put a picture of your last match up beside it."
"Not a bad idea." Jorge nodded walked passed them.
"Okay, I'm sure you guys know your way around a gym. So I need to explain how it all works?" Emily asked raising an eyebrow at the boys.
"Nah were good Blondie." Jin chuckled.
"Okay. I'm going to change and meet Jo. You can stay if you like or go, whichever. But training today is about three hours."
"Dang! You really are a beast!"
Emily went to the change room and got read, grabbing her hand wraps she left the change room and just about walked into someone.
As she stumbled backwards, she apologized"Oh shuck, sorry!" She said before she saw who it was.
Looking up her blood went to ice. Staring down at her with a triumphant smirk was Ben.
"Fancy meeting you here."
"What...what are you doing in my gym?"
"Looking for you." He took a menacing step towards her. She backed up, her palms sweating and her chest hurt. "You know, I'm still waiting to take what I want from you. I don't know what Minho sees in you, but you obviously can keep him and his dad satisfied so ..there's something I'm missing."
Emily had no idea what to say, or do. Her mind had shut off and her body was numb. She thought her gym was a safe place, how did Ben slip past Jorge and Minho? Ben stepped even closer to her, her back was flat against the wall. He slammed his hands into the wall on each side of her head.
"I have a message from Ava. And she wants you to know that she's watching your every move, you need to watch your back, you little slut. I'm going to get what I want. I always do."
"Who the shuck are you? Back away from Emily."
Jin and Kaito had stepped out of the guys changing room. Ben whipped his head in their direction.
"A friend. This doesn't concern you. She owes me something now get lost." Ben sneered.
"Except it does." Kaito answered. "Now back off! Or this gets violent." His voice was quite and dangerous.
Ben turned to face them, but he had also taken hold of Emily's arm, keeping her where she was. Jin took a menacing step towards them.
"You know nothing about this-"
Jin was fast, and grabbed Ben's shirt, his fist raised.
"Jin! Ben!" Minho barked.
Minho had stepped into the hall from the change room. "Enough! Get your shucken hands off of her!"
Ben let go of Emily immediately, but Jin still held him in place by the collar of his shirt. Emily's legs finally moved and she fled into Minho's arms. She pressed her face into his chest trying to breath, he held her tight. Jin gave Ben a shove backwards and Kaito stepped up beside of them.
"Don't mess with my family, slinthead." Jin snarled.
"You won't always be here." Ben spat. "Watch your pretty little back, Emily." He turned and left.
Emily finally let the tears fall. Minho held her tighter. Jin and Kaito frowned and looked at Minho, "that's the kid you told us about."
Emily felt Minho nod.
"Guys a creep and a jackass."
"I wouldn't mind following him..."
"I don't need you two with assault charges. But trust me, I understand." Minho growled. He took a shuddering breath, "Em? Did he hurt you?"
She shook her head. Minho pulled away and held her face gently in his hands.
"What did he say?"
Emily sniffed, and threw her hiccups and ragged breathing she told them what happened.
"I don't know how much to take seriously, what's true and what's not! Ava showed up in my birthday and made some kind of threat, and now Ben doing the same I don't know! And why would she ask a high school kid for help in threatening me? None of this makes sense, Minho!"
"I know. I don't either. But we need to tell Jorge and Mr Isaac."
"I need to meet Jo. I'm already late!" Emily whispered, her voice shaking as much as her body.
"Dose he know what's going on? Your Trainor?" Jin asked.
Emily shook her head. "No. He knows Papa Lee is my temporary guardian and Jorge is fighting for custody, but doesn't know anything else about the details with Ava."
"Em, are you sure? Your white as a ghost and shaking." Minho fround.
She took a ragged breath. Her heart was still slamming into her chest and her stomach felt nauseous, but she nodded.
"Ya. I gotta. He scheduled another match for February. I have to train."
Emily pulled away, and with her head hanging and her arms wrapped around herself like she could protect herself, she left the hallway and went to meet Jo.
"Dang man. Okay, I get it. That dude is jacked!" Kaito said.
Minho just growled and went to find Jorge and explain what happened. Safe to say Mr. Issac wasn't happy and neither was Jorge. He reamed Laurence out for letting him in, and made sure every staff member knew what Ben looked like and knew he was never allowed in the gym. Minho, Jin and Kaito stayed and did their own workout, but kept a very close eye on Emily, even though she was with Jo the whole time. After their own workouts and showered and changed they stayed and watched Emily train.
"Seriously man, that girl can fight!" Kaito shook his head as her watched her with the training mits.
"Yeah, she can, but seriously this is nothing compared to watching in the ring! Too bad you can't come watch her match in February."
"Maybe. It is your 18th birthday in February!" Jin grinned. "Maybe we can convince dad. You only turn 18 once!"
Minho grinned. "I'm sure if Em asked Grandpa would fly all you guys here for her match."
"Shucken rights he would! She has your dad and Grandpa wrapped around her finger. And you! Your are so shucked!"
"Right?" Kaito laughed. "Like if you guys were still in highschool I'm sure you'd pop the question."
"Probably." Minho agreed, his eyes never leaving Emily as she kicked, punched and ducked under the training pads.
"You guys have no idea how much I love that girl!"
"Dude, we ain't blind. We can see it!" Jin rolled his eyes and gave Minho's head a playful shove.
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