Chapter 44: First Fight
The morning of the fight Emily woke up with a start, wide awake and her heart slamming and her stomach twisting. She lay still, trying to keep herself calm. Every muscle in her body was tense and coiled. She heard Minho breathing beside her. She tried not to wake him, but when she rolled onto her back she saw his eyes flutter open.
He gave her a sleepy smile. Her heart fluttered.
"Hmmm. Morning Sleeping Beauty."
She gave him a tight lipped smile. But his rough morning voice made her stomach backflip. Emily rolled to face him and he pulled her in tight. Drawling small circles on her back. She took a ragged breath and slowly let it out, relaxing her muscles. She dozed back off for a bit. It amazed her how calm she could feel when he held her.
Mama Lee made a big breakfast and even though Emily could hardly get food down, she still ate. Emily kept walking from room to room, not really knowing what to do with herself. Finally after she wandered back into the living room looking lost, Minho out his homework down and dragged her and Bear outside for a walk.
"It'll help keep your mind busy."
Minho intertwined their hands and he took them on a long walk. She was quiet for a long time. Her mind racing through all her training and different scenarios. Minho eventually got her talking about other things, and it slowly morphed into laughter and goofing off. They didn't really talk about anything, but they talked and laughed at everything. Emily smiled up at him, he had wrapped an arm over her shoulders, and her arm around his back, Bear walking and smelling everything. They stopped and grabbed a coffee to drink on their way back.
"So. What's Christmas like for you?" He asked.
She shrugged.
"Did you stay with the Pages or go to Jorge's?"
"It depend. If the Wicked Witch booked a trip, I'd stay at Jorge's. But she didn't like that I enjoyed myself there. So usually it was me sitting watching Teresa open presents and I'd make breakfast and dinner."
He frowned.
"No pictures with Santa?"
She shook her head.
"No skating? No Christmas lights?"
Again she shook her head.
"Well I know our next date night!"
"Shuck ya! Maybe the group will wanna go skating at the park with us, and then we can grab coffee and go look at all the Christmas lights."
"Ya?" He looked back down at her, his signature smirk plastered on his beautiful face.
"Have I told you your the best boyfriend ever?"
He chuckled, "You may have mentioned it once or twice." He grinned and kissed her temple. His eyes lit up, "oh! And we gotta wear ugly Christmas sweaters!"
"Well that seems like a must!"
"I knew you'd agree."
They had made it back to the house and he pulled her to her room and gently pushed her to the bathroom.
"Shower and get ready." He kissed her forehead and left her room.
Emily turned the water on and took a long shower, trying to keep herself loose and not anxious about the match. She got out and waiting for her on her desk was a big smoothie with a note.
Know your nervous, but still gotta put some nutrients into that cute little body.
She smiled, cranked her music and while she got dressed and packed her bag, double and triple checking she had everything, she slipped on the drink. She pulled her leggings on and an old Fitz Fighting Gym shirt she had made into a crop top. A knock on the door interrupted her small single dance party.
"It's open!"
Mama Lee walked in with a smile.
"Ready for hair?"
"You bet."
She sat Emily down in a chair in her bathroom and started to braid her hair in two super tight braids. Her hair was done, her bag was packed and triple checked, there wasn't much else for her to do. With shaking hands she picked up her gym bag and went to the kitchen.
"There she is! My little Rocky." Minho beamed. He had on his jeans and a Fitz Fighting Gym t shirt. It was tight, showing off his broad shoulders. He had rolled the sleeves up showing off his large biceps.
"You still have that?" Emily chuckled, looking him up and down.
"Shucken rights I still have it! The shirt I got on the day I fell in love."
"Wait...what?" Emily stopped.
He gave her a sheepish smile.
"Yeah..." He pulled her into a hug. "I know. I... wasn't very smart. And I'm sorry. And it wasn't fair to anyone at the time." He took a shaky breath, "even though she was a bully and an abuser and a horrible person...I should have done something long before I finally broke up with her. But yeah...that first day working on our project, seeing you at the gym, and then talking with you after...I knew I'd never be able to get you out of my head."
"Well...I'm glad you didn't act on those feelings until you broke up with The Crank."
"At least I did one thing right." He said sadly, with a shrug, "Em, there are a lot of things I regret...but that...her...she tops the charts."
Emily placed a hand on his cheek.
"You have done a lot of things right." She whispered, "the last is the past. We don't need to talk about it anymore."
"I don't deserve you." He whispered into her hair.
They stayed in the middle of the kitchen holding each other until someone cleared their throat.
"Well that was a slightly awkward conversation to witness."
Emily pulled away, her face flushed pink. But her surprise over rode her embarrassment. Leaning on the wall by the front entrance was Alby, his arms and ankles crossed, a smirk on his face.
"Alby! What are you doing here?"
"I'm your ride Squirt!" He smirked, opening his arms.
Emily bounded over and wrapped her arms around him. He chuckled, patting her back.
"It's like you didn't see me last night." He chuckled.
He pulled away, holding her at arms length looking her over.
"You ready? You look ready!"
"I guess... as I'll ever be!" She whispered, suddenly extremely nervous, her stomach twisting and turning.
"You'll be fine Squirt." He grinned at her with a knowing smile, "nervous are good."
Emily hugged Minho tight, "I'll see you there. You got this!"
"We'll be there cheering the loudest, in the front row!" Papa Lee added, him and Mama Lee had come to say goodbye. Emily threw her arms around both of them.
"Go get em tiger!" Papa Lee nodded seriously.
Emily stood in the training room, her hands wrapped, changed and ready to go. She was doing her best to listen to Jo and Jorge give last minute instructions.
"Millie Girl, you're going to be fine. It's just like practice."
"Except I'm being judged, and there's a ref and a huge crowd!"
"Once you're in the ring, your training will kick in. I have full confidence in you." Jo smiled and patted her shoulder.
He helped put her gloves on and then tap them around her wrist. Jorge helped slip her mouth guard in. There was a knock on the door and the lady in charge called them to the ring.
She took a shaking breath and followed her coaches down the hall. Music was blasting in the arena and the noise of the crowd was just about deafening. She instantly spotted her people. Relief swept through her. The Lee's, all the Isaac's, Gally, Thomas, Jeff and Clint and Frypan were all there.
The ref did a once over, making sure she was gloved and taped properly, she wasn't wearing anything she shouldn't and her equipment was good. The doctor came and applied a thin layer of Vaseline over her cheekbones, and eyebrows. If a cut were to open, it helps keep the blood out of her eyes.
They nodded, indicating she was good. Emily turned to Alby. He was already holding his hands in fists ready for their pre-fight ritual.
"You got this Squirt. Hit hard. Hit fast. Don't die."
She nodded.
"For Dad."
"For Vince."
Emily climbed into the ring to wild cheers. She tried to keep herself loose and her muscles warm. She knew her opponent, her and No had gone over some of her fights and made a strategy plan. She was also fairly new to competing, but she was good, she had only lost one fight.
She came into the ring, Emily had a hard time hearing the announcer. Her hearing was muffled. She saw the red call them forwards.
"Red corner, you ready?"
Emily's opportunity nodded, trying to stare her down.
"Black corner, you ready?" Emily nodded.
"Good. You know the rules. Let's keep this a clean fight. Touch gloves."
They did. And immediately backed up.
Emily's hearing went out. She couldn't hear anything, the only sound was the thumping of her heart, the pounding of blood rushing in her ears and her breathing. She saw her opponent circling, trying to get a feel for Emily and how she worked how she moved. Emily had her gloves up.
Emily saw her move forwards, the bright red gloves swinging. Emily ducked, her hands up. Emily was shorter, easier to duck under. She blocked one punch and threw her own, into the stomach of her opponent.
She backed up, trying to catch her breath, they circled eachother again. They both exchanged a few punches. Emily got a solid kick to her shoulder. But a few seconds later Emily saw her foot swinging towards her and then pain exploded through her ribs.
Sucking in a sharp breath she backed up. Her side throbbed, making breathing difficult. She heard the ten second warning. With sheer determination, she threw a few more fists, she managed to land a good upper cut right as the bell rang.
The ref stepped between them. Emily went back to her corner. She waved the stool away. Bet leaned heavily on the rope.
"Ribs." She panted.
Jorge put ice on her side making her suck in a sharp breath, and wiped her sweaty face down with a cloth
"You're doing good Mill." Jorge smiled at her.
Alby squirted her water into her mouth.
"Okay, Kid, your doing good. Keep moving. She after every kick she switches to southpaw. Use that, she exposes her mid section. Your shorter and faster."
Emily nodded, understanding.
"Get in and get out. In and out. You're quicker and shorter. You got it kid."
The bell rang and round two started. Emily circled, gloves up. As Jo said she tried a swift kick, and then switched stances. She tried it again but Emily blocked and sent a powerful jab to her ribs. She flinched hard bending slightly. Emily sent another right hook to her exposed face. Her opponent managed to get herself back up, gloves up. Emily backed up and circled. At one point Emily was backed up into the ropes, all she could do was keep her hands up and keep her self protected.
"Come on Em! Keep moving!" She heard Alby yelling. "To the ribs! The ribs Em!"
Emily kept one hand up and slammed her other one into her opponents side. She stumbled back a step or two. It gave Emily enough room to sneak out and get back into the middle of the ring. Emily swung her fists. Right. Left. Right hook. Emily saw a little spurt of red. A cut opened up on her opponent's face, above her eye. It already made a mess of her face, she kept blinking the blood away.
Emily felt another kick to her already bruised ribs. Emily grunted as the pain shot through her again. The bell rang ending round two.
This time she used the stool. Her ribs throned, making the gasping breaths shoot pain.
"Okay Kid, three more minutes. Keep those ribs protected."
"No shuck." Emily gasped.
Jorge held ice on her ribs and back of her neck. Again, Alby had her water, and Jo wiped her down and gave her encouragement and pointers.
"Her cut is going to keep bleeding, if you can keep on that side of her she'll have a hard time seeing your swings coming."
Emily nodded.
Emily had sweat dripping down her temples and down her back. Her ribs throbbed with every wild heavy breath. Her lungs were burning with the exhaustion. Her opponent had blood dripping down the side of her face mixing with the sweat. She was also breathing hard. Her kicked weren't as quick and sharp. Her swings weren't as accurate. Emily seemed to be better conditioned. If her ribs didn't hurt so much, she could be doing circles around her.
Emily knew she had to land a few more good shots.
"Millie! Keep moving forward Baby Girl!"
She heard her dad's voice in her head. His deep rich calming voice, yelling instructions back when she was 10, fighting in the ring with Alby.
In and out. Jo's instructions from earlier.
Emily was shorter, faster and better conditioned. She shoved the pain of her throbbing ribs down and with a wild yell, Emily sprung forwards, ducking under a right hook. Emily sent a few quick jabs to her torso. Making her opponent stumble backwards, the breath knocked out of her.
Emily jumped backwards as she tried to kick her. She missed drastically. Emily leapt forwards again and with her quick fists she hit him again and again, until she was trapped in the corner. Emily had a burst of adrenaline, she heard the 10 second warning. All her opponent could do was hold her arms up over her face.
Emily spun around and sent her foot into her opponents wide open stomach. The bell rang. The match was over.
Emily stumbled over to her corner, sucking air. She had her arm clamped over her side. Now the pain came. The full pain. Ice on her side made her wince and gasp. Jorge took her mouth guard and Alby got her gloved off and handed Emily her water.
The ref called the girls back to the middle. Emily fist bumped her opponent. Who gave her a nod of respect.
"After going to the judges scores. They have scored 26/27. 26/27 and 25/28 with the win going to EEEEEMILYYYYYYYY SPITFIRE FIIIIITTZ!"
The ref threw Emily's hand in the air. It was only now that she heard the crowd, they were going wild. Emily's mouth dropped open. She threw her other hand into the air.
She turned to her opponent and gave her a sweaty hug.
"Good fight kid."
Emily grinned, "you too."
Emily turned to her corner. Jorge, Joseph and Alby were whooping. Emily was jumping and celebrating. They all wrapped her in a giant sweaty group hug. Alby lifted her up and she threw a fist in the air.
She couldn't stop with wild goofy smile. She couldn't believe she actually won. Not by much, but she still did. Alby put her down, and she climbed out of the ring and ran straight to Minho. She jumped into his arms and he held her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist. He beamed up at her.
"I'm so shucken proud of you!"
He kissed her and she threw a fist in the air to the wild roar of the crowd behind them.
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