Chapter 42: Mini Road Trip
"Okay! We got everything?" Sonya called, looking in the rearview mirror. "Snacks?"
Newt held up a huge bag of snacks, "check."
"Music?" Sonya asked,
Emily held up her phone with a road trip play list, "check!"
"Bags packed?"
"Check!" Emily and Newt yelled.
"Everyone has gone pee?"
"Bear? You good boy?"
There was a woof from the back seat.
"Excellent! First stop coffee!"
"Second stop? Football game!"
Newt and Sonya and Emily decided to skip Thursday afternoon and Friday- with the permission of the Isaac's and Lee's and Jorge. They were going to show up at the game for a surprise.
Sonya pulled out of the driveway and they hit the road. It was the first time Emily ever did something like this. She used to go on trips with her dad sometimes, but since he passed she never went on trips. She was always left behind when Ava and Teresa went anywhere. She was okay with it, because it meant a week with Jorge and that was way more fun.
But this was a different kind of road trip. It was only a six hour drive, but it was just the three of them. Jeff and Clint couldn't come, so it was just the three of them. Mama Lee had booked them a hotel for the next two nights. The only condition was she needed to keep up with her homework and check in on a regular basis.
The road trip was amazing. Lots of loud music, snacks and bathroom breaks and giggling.
Sonya and Newt pressured her into telling them everything about her and Minho.
"Really? He's never gone that far? Huh. Didn't know that."
"Well the way his heart races and how nervous he gets...I believe it." Emily said quietly.
"He was the one to stop the other night."
"Aww. That's kinda awesome. Usually it's the other way around." Sonya glanced at her and back to the road, "how are you feeling about it?"
"Good." She paused and then continued quietly, "it actually scares me. I'm glad he's hard sometimes to stop though...he just..makes me so..." She threw her hands around trying to find the right words.
"We get it Love." Newt said gently from the back seat.
Emily's face was pink, but she was glad she was able to talk to someone about this. She didn't have a mom to talk to, and it would be weird to talk to Mama Lee about her intimate relationship with her son.
"I love him so much, he's my safe place..and I trust him completely, and I know without a doubt I would not regret it, but I'm scared."
"Then there is no need to rush it." Sonya said simply. "You both sound like you're on the same page, so... Don't worry about it."
Emily smiled and nodded her head. At the next break it was her turn to sit in the back, Newt drove, Sonya was DJ and Bear sat with his head on her lap. Emily's phone buzzed.
Hey Baby!
Why hello Thunder Cat! How's the bus ride?
Sucks. Frypan is singing Katie Perry at the top of his lungs, Ben is being an ass, Thomas is snoring beside me and Gally has his headphones in and is constantly on his phone.
Well that does sound like a good time.
It's not. I can 100% guarantee you that.
Can I help in some way?
Come snuggle.
That I can not do.
Boo. No fare.
Not my fault, your Mr. Superstar QB. Start sucking and you won't be stuck in the bus. 😜
Well...that's sucky advice.
Not cool bro
I'm a bro now?
No! No you're my baby! My baby girl! I love you! I'm sorry. 💔
I dunno...that hurt Thunder Cat, right in the feels.
No no! I'm sorry my love! My angel! I love YOOOOOU!
I dunno...kinda wanna fight you now.
Come at me!
*Hits you*
With my lips
On yours
Well! If this is how we're gonna fight...Imma fight you all the time! 😍
Dang, Em. I love you so much!
Love you too. But seriously, is it really that bad?
No. It's fine. Just miss your cute little face and your voice. And I'm so done with Ben. Also...
The damn cheer team is here, I don't know how they managed to swing it and I'm SO over this trip already.
Emily's stomach turned with a twist of dread and unease, but she knew Minho and trusted him. And she knew he had some good solid guys were with him. She just didn't trust Teresa.
"Did you guys know the Cheer team went with them?" Emily asked looking up from her phone.
"What?" Sonya whipped her head around.
"Ya, Minho just told me."
"Well good thing we're going then!"
"Is it though?" Emily asked nervously.
"Yes. We're staying inna different place from them, and they don't know we're coming. And they have to be on their best behavior or they're off the buggen' teams." Newt added.
Emily nodded, "yeah...ya your right."
"Did you tell him were coming?" Sonya asked.
"Nope!" Emily smiled up at her friend, "still gonna be a surprise."
Her phone buzzed again.
R u mad?
Why would I be mad?
Cuz she's here.
Minho, that's not your fault! And I trust you!
WHAT? Emily? What's wrong?!
Emily giggled to herself. Newt glanced at her in the rearview mirror. He had a small knowing smirk on his face.
Its rly important!
Like super important.
I need to tell you right now!
Like I need to tell you immediately!
Emily Victoria Fitz tell me right now! What happened?
R u okay?
I love you.
Wholly shuck I love you too baby!
Sonya rolled her eyes when Emily giggled again.
"Are you flirting back there? Come on girl. It's road trip time, you'll see your boo soon."
Emily sighed dramatically and rolled her eyes.
Sonya says I have to go and stop flirting.
Noooo! Come back!
Keep flirting. I misssss you!
Miss you too. Good luck!
Fine! *Sighs dramatically*
There needs to be a sad face with sunglasses, so I can still sad but still look cool.
You always look cool.
Aww Thanx babe!
Emily put her phone away, and enjoyed the rest of the trip with her friends. They pulled into the Hotel late, and checked in, she called the Lee's and Jorge to let them know they got there safely. They all crashed for the night. Emily actually slept quite well. Sonya Emily and Bear shared a bed while Newt had his own, but they stayed up late eating pizza and giggling. The girls got Newt to talk about him and Thomas. And then got Sonya gushing about Gally.
The next morning they slept in, had a late breakfast and then her and Newt went for a long run in the park. It was fun to be on your own with gaurdians that trusted you. They all had showers and then spent the afternoon doing homework in the sun in the park, she had made a promise to the Lee's to not let her grades slip if she went on this shirt little trip. And she was going to keep that promise. If she kept her grades as good as they were she could get a scholarship for sports to help pay for her post secondary.
They three packed up and went back to the hotel to get ready for the game. Emily was buzzing with excitement and nervousness. She had taken one of Minho's old jerseys so she pulled it on, and actually put a little effort into her hair, curling it a little.
Sonya then painted a 7 on her cheek in red face paint. Once they were all ready they loaded up and went to the school field.
The school field was full of students and parents, and all sorts of people. Emily was glad she had Bear with her. He kept close to her leg, there was a lot of people. The three of them found seats at on the bleachers. The rest of the bleachers filled up with the home team fans. It looked like the three of them were the only ones cheering for their team, maybe a few parents sprinkled through the crowd, but not many.
Their team was announced and they came out onto the field. Emily, Sonya and Newt jumped up and cheered and whooped louder than the cheer team. The guys spun around. Their jaws dropped.
Emily grinned so big her cheeks hurt. Minho Thomas and Gally came running. Emily leaned down over the barrier.
"Emily Victoria Fitz! What the shuck are you doing here?" He cried, his face a mixture of surprise and delight.
"Surprise." She reached out and touched his cheek. He jumped up and gave her a quick kiss.
"Best surprise! You didn't have to come!"
"No. But I wanted to." She laughed at his complete shock.
"I love you so shucken much Em!"
"I know. Now go win a football game, Thunder Cat!"
"You got it Princess!" He smirked up at her and jumped up and kissed her one more time. As he ran back to the team he threw his helmet on, with a bit more pep in his step.
"Whoooo! Let's go GLADERS!" Emily yelled.
Sonya leaned over, "The Crank is trying to kill you with her eyes."
"Oh. Well..." Emily glanced at the cheer team she saw her step sister and Brenda leaning together whispering glaring at the three of them. "Not much I can do." Emily shrugged, pretending to be braver then she was feeling. She knew they could do something horrible same with Ben, but for right now, she was here for Minho. And not to worry about them.
The game was another nail bitter. Half time ended with the game tied.
"Shuck sakes thesw games are worse than kickboxing!" Emily whined.
"Well...when you have a personal investment." Sonya laughed.
"I'm going to go grab popcorn, you girls want?" Newt asked.
"Yes!" Sonya called.
The most of the crowed got up to stretch it use the bathroom or grab snacks. Emily sagged into Sonya and leaned her head on her shoulder.
"So. The Quarterback's slut is here."
Emily picked her head up and looked around. Brenda was sauntering over, her arms crossed. She stopped in front of them and looked up. She couldn't do much except throw insults because of the barrier, and the bleachers were raised up.
"Go away." Sonya yawned, and waved a hand like she was showing her away.
"So, just curious how much this little trip costs? I didn't know the little orphan had money? Still mooching money off the most wealthy family in the school?"
Emily blinked a few times and pulled her eyebrows together and frowned at Brenda.
"I guess all you gotta do is sleep with the son...what are you doing with his father? I've heard you got a good mouth, keeping both the Lee men happy with that mouth. He your sugar daddy?"
"Excuse me?" Was all Emily could get out. She was so disgusted with the insinuation she felt bile rise on the back of her throat.
"Just saying. Wouldn't put it past the team mattress to find a sugar daddy to pay for everything. Worm your way into the family through Minho and then keep his dad happy on the side..."
"That is the most shucked up thing I've ever heard!" Sonya said, "and I've heard some shucked up stuff."
Bear sat up and placed his head on Emily's lap whining. Brenda smirked and turned and sauntered back to the team. Emily could only open and close her mouth a bit.
"Hey Em." Sonya turned to Emily, "you know she has no idea what's going on and just trying to get under your skin."
"I know." She said quietly, "but there goes another rumor. It'll spread like wild fire through the school, and by the time I get to school Monday, add that to the list of stuff they say about me."
Emily blinked a few times, trying to keep the hurt tears behind her lashes. She wasn't going to cry. Not here and not now. She was here to enjoy a little trip with her best friends and cheer her boyfriend on. Newt came back handing out popcorn just before the second half started.
The team's came back out. Minho waved at Emily and she waved back.
"You got this Superstar!" She yelled.
The second half wasn't as nerve racking. They were up by two touchdowns. Gay ended sacking their QB a few times, which made Sonya jump up screaming wildly. Frypan got a few good pint returns and Thomas and Minho were a dream team, it didn't matter how covered Thomas was, he always managed to somehow keep hold of the pass. Minho was so calm and collected on the field. Emily was in awe watching him directing the team, keeping them calm. She could see that they trusted him as a leader.
She did notice that he never passed the ball to Ben, much to the frustration of the coach. At one point Ben stormed up to Minho, when the defense was on the field. Emily couldn't hear what he was yelling, but Minho just crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. Once Ben had finished yelling and throwithis hands around Minho said something back and Ben threw his helmet and stormed away, back into the change room and didn't come back.
"Wonder what he said. Ben is obviously pissed." Newt frowned.
"I don't care honestly." Emily said with a shrug.
"Oh I just want the bloody gossip, I could care less about his buggen' feelings."
"Text your boo after the game." Sonya nudged Emily.
The game ended with them winning by 3 touchdowns. The home crowd groaned. Emily Sonya and Newt cheered loud. A few of the fans around them chuckled. Minho came bounding over.
"My good luck charm!" He jumped pulled pulled himself up on the railing.
"Shucken rights." Emily smirked kissing his sweaty face.
"How long are you here?"
"We leave tomorrow morning, bright and early. Six hour drive home. I have training Sunday."
"Okay. We leave tomorrow morning too. See you at home. Babe, this was seriously the best!"
Emily smirked, "well you have surprised me with so many things, it's high time I did something for you."
"Baby, I love you!" He kissed her again.
"Love you too Thunder Cat. I'm proud of you!" He kissed her one last time and hoped back down. He walked backwards to the change rooms and blew one last kiss.
Emily smiled watching him turn and jog away with Thomas and Gally beside him. Emily, Sonya and Newt made their way back to their hotel. Despite Brenda's encounter it had been an awesome little road trip. Lots of junk food, lots of giggles and lots of pictures taken.
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