Chapter 36: Trust
🔥🧀🌶️Cheesy Spicy kissy Scene🌶️🧀🔥
Emily flopped onto her bed, her heart felt overflowing with love and gratitude. She had kicked her boots off, her feet were killing her, but she loved them. She had pulled on a pair of her pajama shorts and Minho's hoodie. She had washed her make up off and pulled her hair our and brushed it out. She lay for a second then rolled off the bed and down the hall, she knocked on Minho's bedroom door.
"It's open!" He called.
She pushed it open just as he pulled his t shirt off. Emily stopped dead, her eyes going wide, and face heating up. She felt stuck. Her eyes glued to his shirtless torso. She could feel the blush, but she couldn't do anything about it. He still wore his jeans, which were low om his hips, Emily swore she was drooling.
"Enjoying the view?"
"Huh?" She asked.
Her brain didn't comprehend what he said. He had stepped closer, a smirk on his beautiful face, his dark eyes darkened even more. He was now standing close enough she could reach out and touch him. And she did. Her fingertips gently brushed his bare skin. She felt all this muscles tense. Her fingers trailed over his torso, up to his chest and shoulders. She glanced up at his eyes and she sucked in a sharp breath. He was looking at her like he wanted to devour her, but also like she was fragile and he wanted to cradle her to his chest. She could fell her knees go week, heart heart picked up its pace, and her stomach had a wild heat explode into her limps.
Minho heard the knock, and called back. He pulled his shirt off, tossing it into the laundry. He froze when he heard a small gasp. He smirked and slowly turned towards the door. Emily was standing in the doorway, her hair in wild wavy curls cascading over her shoulder, she had washed her make up all off and now he could see just her. Her bare toned legs looked so soft, he wanted to run his fingers over her soft skin. Her big brown eyes were wide open and staring at his chest. He felt his heart miss a beat and his stomach back flipped. Her mouth opened, but then closed. She bit her bottom lip. He felt a growl trying to escape.
Shuck she was hot and he wanted to bury his hands in her hair. He must have said something, because she answered in a small confused noise. He slowly stepped closer, hesitant to scare her or hurt her, especially after that weird run in with her step mom. He was now close enough to reach out and tangle his hands into her hair. She slowly reached out and her warm fingers brushed his skin. Everything tensed and a wild shiver ran down his spin. She ran her fingers over his abs and up his chest and shoulders, he shuddered, the growl finally escaped when she glanced nervously up at him. He almost lost all his self control when she looked at him through her long lashes. She was biting her bottom lip, and looking up at him. He let his chest rumble, when her hands went back down his chest and abs. He reached out and slowly dragged his thumb across her bottom lip, pulling it free. She blushed and looked away. Minho's thumb lost her mouth, but he kept it on jaw.
"I really wanna kiss you." His voice came out really rough. He cleared his throat, trying to get it back.
"Okay." She squeaked.
"Not like gentle though.." He took her chin in his hand and turned her head to look up at him.
"Okay." She repeated.
Her eyes fluttered back up to look at him. She was looking at him with such soft yet needy eyes, they were unsure yet she also seemed to know exactly how to make him loose control. Minho finally lost all his self control. In one swift motion he closed the door behind her, and pushed her up against it. She let out a gasp of surprise, before he had his mouth over hers. Her lips tasted sweet, and she smelt delicious, it made his head spin, and his stomach twist and turn. He had his hands clamped around her waist, and his body pushed against hers. He pushed her into the wall as much as possible, but he wanted her closer. He wanted to feel her heart beating as wildly as his, and fell her chest rising and falling as rapidly as his. He wanted to feel her skin on his; hers setting his on fire. He didn't mean in an explicit way, he just wanted to hold her close and kiss her face and neck forever.
She made a small noise when his hand tangled its way into her hair, it was like she just melted into him. Her small but athletic frame fit into his perfect, when she laid her head on his chest, it fit like a puzzle piece. He could hold her tight and not be scared to hurt her, her heart and soul fit to his perfectly. He slid both hands back down to her hips and picked her up, she wrapped her legs around him, her arms tightened around his neck. A hand slid into his hair, and he groaned, when her nails dragged down his scalp. He broke their kiss when she did it again, he tipped his head back, she just kissed his neck instead.
Emily made him breath even heavier. If she asked him a question he wouldn't be able to talk. Minho could feel her lips and tongue on his skin. When she gently bite his neck he moaned her name. When he did her nails dug into his shoulders.
He had his arms wrapped around her hips, he pulled them away from the door and walked them to his bed, kneeling on it he placed her down, she scrambled higher up, trying to still kiss him and pull him with her. He willingly followed. Hesitantly he lay down on top of her, worried he would be too heavy for her small frame, but she wrapped her legs around his hips and squeezed, pulling him closer. He smirked into their kiss again.
"Stop smirking and kiss me! " She whined.
"Bossy little princess." He whispered against her lips.
"It's still my birthday."
"Mmm your right. Birthday Princess, gets all her wishes granted." He growled into her neck.
She gasped when he kissed her neck. He did it again. making her gasp that cute little gasp. She grabbed his shoulders, he smirked and licked her neck. She shrieked and then couldn't figure out of she wanted to giggle or whine. He did it again.
"I licked's mine." He teased.
"Minho! That's so gross!"
"Mmm, I don't think so, you smell good...taste good too!" He tried to do it again, but she wiggled away. "Hey, come back!" He grabbed her and pulled her back, she was wiggling and giggling in between her shrieks. In her feeble attempts to escape, her hood pulled up, exposing her ridiculously toned stomach. He grinned, and kissed her stomach.
"Oh shuck! No! Min! That tickl- AHHH!" he attacked her stomach. She couldn't catch her breath she was giggling to hard, and trying to wiggle free. He was too strong, and held her in place.
They both knew that if she said stop he would, or if they came to close to the line either of them were comfortable with they would stop. Minho wasn't holding her down with a lot of strength, she could sit up if she wanted. She squirmed and wiggled, but didn't really try to get away. Emily trust him with her heart, her secrets, hopes and dreams, and her body and Minho felt honored that she trust him.
He smothered her in wild wet slobbery kisses just to hear her squeal and giggle. He was now laughing too. He ran his tongue up her stomach, to her sternum, and then kissed her all the way back down her back when she twisted onto her stomach. She just giggled harder, twisting back onto her back, her smooshed his face into her stomach.
"Minho!" She squealed again.
"Yes my Birthday Princess?" He murmured against her stomach, he felt her skin break into goosebumps. She lay still for a moment, panting trying to catch her breath. He stopped for a moment. Her hands slowly travelled through his hair, her nails scratching against his scalp, making him groan. He kissed her again, but gently this time. Slowly and softly he left a trail of kisses over her stomach and slowly worked his way higher, up to her sternum and ribs. He had his hands under her, holding her back. He could feel the material of her bra under his hands. His heart was slamming into his chest, he was positive it was lace. He swallowed hard, he felt nervous all of a sudden. He slowly raised his head, to look at her. She was already looking down at him. Her cheeks her pink, he could see her still breathing hard. He was laying between her legs, her hands tangled in his hair but they slid down to his face when he looked up at her.
He couldn't detect what she was thinking.
"Emily..." he said hesitantly. Minh pulled his hands free and crawled higher up, placing both his hands on each side of her face, keeping himself propped up on his elbows. Her hands slid to his back, and ran up and down his back.
"Em, I love you."
"I love you too."
She tightened her arms around his back. He lowered onto the bed beside her, and pulled her into his chest and rolled onto his back, pulling her with him. She buried her face into his neck, her leg wrapped over his waist, and her arms around his chest. He held her tight, content to have her close. He gently ran a hand up and down her bare skin on her leg. He felt her breathing slow down and become even again.
"Can I stay here tonight?" She whispered.
"Of course, baby!" He grinned, "I'm going to change out of these jeans though, I'll be right back." He slowly slid out from under her. He grabbed a pair of sweat pants and went to the bathroom to change. He came back and slid back into bed, and she snuggled back into him. He smiled sleepily. He would never ever get tired of having her snuggled close.
Emily woke up with a smile. Yesterday had be the best day ever. She still couldn't get that one kiss, at the cemetery out of her head. How he kissed her hungerly, yet so gently, with confidence yet hesitantly, he managed to kiss her cautiously softly and slowly, but with a needy hot desire. She would never ever forget it. He was her first kiss, her first boyfriend, and yet she didn't want to try "try" any one else. He was perfect. She didn't want anyone else. He was her calm. He was her stillness and he was her home.
Emily hummed softly. She stretched out her muscles and rolled over. Minho was sprawled out laying on his stomach, his face turned towards her. His long eyelashes brushed his cheek, his lips slightly parted. She giggled and scootched closer, placing her face nose to nose with him.
"Minho." She whispered. He didn't move.
"Minho!" She yelled. His eyes flew open, he yelped, and rolled off the bed and landed with a thud on the ground. Emily rolled over howling with laughter. Minho lay on the floor pouting.
"That was so mean!" He whinned.
"It was hilarious!" She laughed, peeking over the side of the bed.
He rubbed his eyes with his hands and then peeked at her. He reached out, grabbed her wrist and pulled. She yelped, as he pulled her into the ground with him. She landed with an omph on top of him.
"That was mean!" She pouted.
"Payback Baby." He said sleepily.
"Well...all the better to snuggle you." She hummed and snuggled her face into his neck.
He chuckled and wrapped his large muscled arms around her back. She gently kissed his neck a few times. She felt all his muscles tense when she kissed him again. A hand tangled into her already tangled hair. His other hand slipped under the hem of her hoodie. Her skin broke out in goosebumps. His hand lazily stroked her skin, drawing circles on her back. His eyes were closed, her eyes were closed.
It took a few minutes for her muscles to relax. They were both half asleep. His hand was warm, the calasous from football on her skin made her heart flutter. She lay her head down on his chest, and he continue to draw circles on her skin. He slowly ran his hand higher up her back and then back down to the small of her back. Slowly he inched his hand higher amd then back down. He sleepy pulled her hoodie up so he could continue to draw circles. Her bare stomach and now exposed chest lay on his.
They lay on Minho's floor, tangled in the blanket, her hoodie pulled up, his warm fingertips lazily sleepily running up and down her back. She dozed off again. He must have too. They woke up to his phone alarm.
She groaned and sat up, her knees on either side of his hips. She rubbed her sleepy eyes. She didn't see Minho's eyes go wide, her hoodie was still pulled up. He got a full view of Emily and her black lace bra she fell asleep in from her birthday. He clamped his jaw hard and without saying anything, pulled her hoodie back down.
Her hands dropped and her face heated up. She bit her lip and slowly looked down at him, her breath stuck in her throat. He just gave her a small smile and he placed a hand on her jaw, this thumb by her ear, his hand wrapped around her head into her hair.
"I'm sorry Emily."
"No... it's okay. Don't be sorry," she said quietly, "I trust you Minho." She gave him a small shy smile. They stayed still for a moment.
"I...I should probably... probably go get ready."
She headed back to her room to change and get ready for school. Her stomach back flipping and fluttering while she showered, she kept thinking of their soft gentle kiss, how much of a goof he was last night, and then his respect for her just a few minutes go, pulling her hoodie down. She knew she was right in giving Minho her heart and soul and trust.
It wasn't until Minho and Emily were leaving when Papa Lee asked if she was ready for her assessment with Joseph Spint at the gym after school.
Emily stopped and her face went pale.
"Shuck. I forgot!" She whispered, her eyes wide.
He chuckled at her, "you'll do fine. If you perform like you did on Friday, you got this in the bag."
"Thanks Papa."
"We'll be waiting anxiously. Oh I was going to pick Jorge up and we will have supper. Min, you have practice after school?" His mother asked, handing them each a coffee.
"Yep. Football and then I'll pick Em up and we'll come home."
"See you two after then. Make smart choices." Mama Lee called as they left for school.
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