Chapter 35: Birthday Surprises
It took both Emily and Minho a minute to recover from that one kiss. They stood in the middle of the small little cemetery, staring at each other like they just woke up from a dream.
"Wholly shuck," Minho finally whispered.
"Yeah..." Emily whispered back, lifting her hand and gently touching her lips.
Smiles slowly crept onto their stunned faces. Then a small giggle formed in Emily's chest and escaped, she couldn't stop. It kept coming, she giggled until she was laughing and her cheeks hurt and stomach hurt. Minho couldn't help but laugh along with her.
"Best birthday by far." She finally managed to squeak out.
"Good. And it's not over." Minho chuckled, "We ready to go to the next place?"
Emily picked up the now empty cooler, "Where to?"
Minho grinned and folded up the blanket. He held an arm out for her and they walked back to the truck. He opened the truck for her and he put everything int he back and then they headed off to the next mystery destination. It didn't take them long. It looked like a mix of a park with walk ways and paths through the trees, there were benches set up under little archways there were flower gardens and duck ponds There was an old barn that was redone and looked like a coffee place, and store. A big open area that had a sign that said the farmers market times. It was so cute. Something right out of Instagram or Pinterest.
"Minho! This is the cutest place ever!" Emily squealed.
Minho smirked at her. They got out and intertwining his fingers with hers they slowly followed a little path that had fairy lights strung all over the place.
"How did you find this place?" Emily asked, her eyes big taking in all the small little aesthetic details.
"My mom uses this place for photo shoots for her products and stuff."
"Well, I gotta thank Mama Lee."
They spent the rest of the afternoon walking, talking, laughing. The sun had started to set, making the sky colourful with the pastel fluffy cotton candy clouds. They walked over a cute little bridge, Emily stopped and leaned on the railing watching the fading sun on the water. She turned her head, feeling eyes on her and Minho was standing a little ways away, he was sliding his phone back into his pocket, a lazy little smirk on his face.
"Whatcha doing babe?" She asked, tilting her head a bit.
"Admiring the view, and had to take a picture of it."
Emily frowned, "the sunset is that way." She pointed. He shook his head.
"Nope." He popped the p, "I'm looking at the best view."
"Jeeze, Min, you're full of all the cheesy lines, aren't you?" She rolled her eyes, and had to look away because a blush formed on her cheeks again.
"Sure am." He chuckled and stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. "Is it working?" He whispered, his lips tickled her ear, making her squirm a little and giggle.
He tilted her head up with one hand and pulled her close into his chest and he managed to kiss her while standing behind her. He hummed in contentment. Without breaking their kiss, he turned her so she was facing him. She pushed up on her toes a bit more, and deepened their kiss, forcing his mouth open. her hands were at the back of his neck and head, trying to pull him closer. Minho stepped closer, forcing her to take a step back, and she bumped into the railing. He pulled her hips closer, with a small growl. Their lips moved in sync and their tongues tangled together.
They broke apart only when there was a loud scoff and "haven't you turned into quite the easy girl. Throwing yourself at anyone won't you?"
Breathing hard they both looked around. Standing at the end of the bridge was none other than Ava Paige herself. Emily went white as a ghost, and her stomach dropped. She hadn't seen her since the cops removed her almost two months ago. Emily's hands started shacking, her chest was now rising and falling rapidly for an entirely different reason. Minho pulled her closer into his chest protectively. She felt his hand move down her back and then into his pocket, then travelled back up her back. She didn't bother to look, she was trying to concentrate on not breaking down and crying.
"What do you want?" Minho asked.
"To wish my step daughter a happy birthday." Her voice was cold, but there was something else in her voice, it made Emily look up. She looked the same as ever, crisp pressed suit, blond hair pulled back tightly. But she was looking at Emily with a odd greed.
"Are you following me?" Emily managed to squeak.
"Just happen to run into you."
"Really? The same place just outside the city at the same time, on her birthday? You know there is supposed to be a no contact with you." Minho spat, Emily could feel all his muscles tensing and his back was stiff.
"You need to learn to be respectful, boy."
"I'll give respect when it's earned." He growled back.
Emily saw Ava sneer. Her cold eyes flicked to Emily, and a vial smile appeared on her face, Emily whimpered.
"I could care less about fighting for custody of you, you brat." Her voice was as cold as her eyes. She paused dramatically. "Might make it easier... with you out of the picture."
"Make what easier?" Emily asked, her voice was shaking, but she had no idea what was going on, why would Ava come find her and tell her these things now.
"You still have no idea, do you?" Ava asked, an amused smile formed on her face.
"What are you talking about?" Minho asked.
"This doesn't concern you." Ava snapped, her eyes taking in Minho again, "You..." her eyes showed recognition, "you just jump from girl to girl don't you. Get what you want from my daughter and move on. Are you hoping this pathetic orphan is going to give you what my daughter couldn't?"
Minho didn't say anything, not rising to the bait, he just held Emily tighter.
"Either spit out what you're here for or leave." Minho said, his voice was hard.
"You have one more year until your 18."
"I'm aware." Emily said, her voice shaking.
"Would be a shame if you didn't make it, then what would happen to that precious gym and inheritance of yours and all your fathers secrets...would be a shame if you didn't make it." She raised an eyebrow at them.
"Em, come on, lets go." Minho said quietly, he turned away, taking her with him. He had his arm still wrapped protectively around her. He led her away from Ava, back towards the parking lot. As they walked away, Minho held his phone up, and smirked. He dialed someones number and held his phone up to his ear.
"Hey Newt, is your dad there?"
There was a pause, he glanced down at Emily, she was white as a ghost and shaking, her eyes wide and dilated. He glanced behind them, Ava had disappeared. He pulled Emily over to the side of the path, beside a big tree full of lights. He held her close while he talked on the phone.
"Hey, Mr. Isaac, so we just ran into Ava was, she kept her distance, but she came to talk to Emily. Yeah... I can do you better, I have it all recorded..."
Emily's head whipped up.
"Yeah, yeah I can. Sure...yeah I'll send it right away. Okay, thanks. See you later. Yeah...thanks."
Minho hung up. Giving Emily a reassuring smile, he typed some things into his phone, it took a minute then slid his phone into his pocket. He turned to Emily, giving her his full attention now.
"Emily, are you okay?"
She shrugged, not really knowing how to feel. Her mind was turning with everything Ava said, it didn't make scene.
"What did she mean my dad had secrets? Did she threaten to kill me?"
"I have no idea, but she didn't seem in her right mind. Did she ever have problems with drugs or alcohol?"
Emily shook her head, "Not that I know of."
"She seemed like she just wanted to rattle you."
"It's strange, but I feel bad for Teresa, that woman is her biological mother!"
"Yeah...I guess. Sqyhe's an awful person because of that woman...but I'm worried about you! You're still white as a ghost and shaking."
"I'll be okay. Thank you for what you did."
"I'm not one to hit people, woman and my elders, but that woman comes any closer and I'm dropping fists."
Emily looked up at him, trying to form a small smile, "My knight in shinning armor." She wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
"Hmm, my princess needed saving from the evil dragon." He gave her a smile back, he still searched her face in concern.
"I'm okay Minho," She said quietly, placing a hand on his cheek. "Just a bit shaken, she ruined the best birthday ever. Also ruined one amazing kiss." She pouted, sticking her lip out a bit.
"Shuck baby, that lip.." he almost whimpered.
"What...this lip?" She stuck it out a bit more.
"Yeah that one." He growled, he grabbed her roughly, she yelped in surprise, but it turned into a giggle when he kissed her. She smiled and laughed against his lips. He smiled back.
"That's better." He murmured, "Now we still have a bit of time before supper...where were we?"
"Just don't mess up the hair." Emily warned.
"Makeup is fair game?" He pulled away a bit, raising an eyebrow.
"Well, lipstick is gone already..."
Minho gave her a cheek smile, the worry melted into a smug smirk, the concern in his eyes turned dark and needy. Emily's stomach back flipped, her heart slammed into her chest, her weird run in with her step mother was shoved to the back burner. She stepped closer, pressing her chest into his. She kissed his neck and he shivered. She did it again, a little longer and slower. A small gasp left his mouth. He gripped her hips harder. She slowly moved up his neck, kissing and sucking on the tender skin. Emily's hand traveled to the back of his head into his hair.
"Emily..." He moaned. She just hummed, finding another spot on his neck. His breathing was ragged, and a hand slid the the small of her back, holding her as close as possible he held the nap of her neck. He turned his head, breaking her kiss, before she could fully react he pressed his lips to hers.
Emily sat in the truck, in the restaurant parking lot touching up her lipstick. As promised, Minho left her hair alone, but he whined about it a lot on the drive to the restaurant.
"I still wanna tangle my hands in it, though! He pouted.
"Later." Emily smirked, snapping the lid closed on her lipstick.
"Really?" He asked perking up, his eyes had the mischievous glint to them.
She gave him a side eye and a cheeky smile. "Maybe." She teased, checking on last time in the mirror.
"Ooo you're mean."
Emily smirked even bigger. Minho had placed his hand on her thigh again drawing her attention back to him. His playfulness had disappeared again.
"But, Em, your okay now? Really? You still look pale."
"Yeah...I don't want to talk about it...I don't want her to ruin everything. This has been the best day, you have been so sweet and amazing, I don't want the wicked witch to ruin everything! I'll worry and panic about it later."
He searched her face again but he finally sighed, nodded his smile reappeared.
"Okay. Deal. I wanna give you one more birthday present."
"Another one? Jeeze, Min, you've done enough already!"
"One more. I promise." He reached over into the glove compartment, and pulled out a small box wrapped in pretty paper. With with shaking hands she took it from him and he smirked at her and kissed her nose. She took the paper off carefully, and slowly opened the box. Inside was a simple silver bracelet with an infinity knot with two hearts formed int he middle.
*Something like this*
"You stole my heart, Em. You and me tied together...forever. I hope."
"Minho! This is beautiful!"
"Not as much as your smile!"
More tears formed in her eyes, a small cry mixed with a laugh escaped her.
"You're so cheesy! It's so cute!" She laughed, but the tears leaked down her cheek.
"I'm not normally, you just make me so happy and I wanna tell you all the time!"
"Well...I don't mind cheesy. I love it. I love you Minho."
She leaned closer, taking a fist full of his sweater and pulled him closer, "Thank you for everything!" She pulled him closer and kissed him.
"Can I help you put it on?"
Emily held her hand out and he did the clasp. It fit her perfectly.
"Ready for some supper?"
He held his arm out and she took hold of it and left her inside. It was a cute little authentic Italian restaurant, inside was busy and it smelled amazing. The host greeted them and led them to the back of the restaurant where there was a room, she slid the door open and a loud yell made Emily yelp.
Emily held a hard to her chest and one to her mouth. All her friends and her formed family were standing there laughing and smiling. She stood speechless.
Jorge walked up and pulled her into a hug.
"Happy Birthday ma Hija." He squeezed her tight. "Did you have a good day?"
Emily finally shook herself from her surprise and hugged him tight. Burying her face into him.
"Yes Papi, it was perfect!"
He hummed with a smile, his eyes twinkled, "you hold that boy tight. He would move heaven and earth for you."
"I don't plan on it. He is my home, Papi. I love him." She said quietly.
"I know, Millie. I can see it." He smiled at her holding her hands he kissed her forehead. "You are beautiful."
Everyone took turns coming up to greet her. She couldn't get over how many people came, how many people actually wanted to be here for her birthday. Sonya and Gally, Newt and Thomas, Jeff and Clint, Frypan, Nick, Harriet, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac, Mama and Papa Lee, Laurence and Alby were there and of course Jorge and Minho. She stood thunderstruck, her mouth still opening and closing in shock.
"I promised you a birthday party; no big crazy party, just people you trust, no alcohol was your only condition."
"Minho that was so long ago! How did you remember all that?"
"'Cause your important to me." He smiled down at her. Emily's eyes filled with tears, and she threw her arms around him, he hugged her tight, lifting her feet off the ground for a moment.
"Come on, no crying at your own party!"
Sonya came over and made her wear a ridiculous birthday headband, and a big birthday sash, and pulled her over to the chair that was full of balloons. Sonya organized the presents, that people handed her while the waitress took orders, there was already appetizers and drinks all over the table. Minho hung back, leaning on the wall, his ankles and arms crossed, a lazy smirk on his face. But when Emily would look up, he was already looking, watching her with a gentleness and contentment it made her heart flutter every time They would make eye contact and he would smile, her cheeks would heat up and she would drop her gaze, with a small shy smile.
It was the best evening Emily had had. It was the best day, hands down. Minho made it so special, still keeping her tradition with a picnic at her parent's graves, he made new ones. But what made it truly special was he made her feel seen, loved and valued. She couldn't believe that other people gave her birthday presents. Minho handed her a big fancy bag with tissue paper, with a smirk.
"This one is from all of us."
Confused Emily slowly tool the tissue paper out and pulled out a big heavy leather bound book, opening it up it was full of pictures. There were pictures from her wall, but they weren't ripped, they had somehow been restored and re printed.
" Minho, how the shuck did you do this?"
"I talked to Aris, he's a wiz kid with cameras, computer programs and editing!" Minho smirked.
" did you get them..?"
"I can't give all my secrets away!" He winked at her.
She kept flipping through the book, there were pictures from her wall, there were now pictures from the last few months, at school, goofing off with Sonya, at the gym, with Alby at his fights, her and Minho, and pictures that Aris took at the dance. There was still room in the album so she could keep adding. It was so sweet, and thoughtful. She couldn't talk anymore, her throat was tight, her voice was stuck. Tears stung her eyes, the big tears were caught in her lashes.
She felt so overwhelmed with love, it was a strange feeling.
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