Chapter 28: Police Report
Emily had no idea how long she was there, huddled on the ground against the cold stone wall. But her tears had stopped and dried. Emily somehow managed to work through the panic attack. It took her way longer than the other night with Minho. She had learnt immediately after her father's death, that people weren't going to be there for her, she had learned to cope with her anxiety and panic on her own. With her chest still heaving and right Emily curled up tighter. She hadn't been able to undo her wrists or the gage, and she couldn't get the stupid bag off her head.
The door was open.
"Emily? You here? Oh shit!" A deep voice cried. She couldn't fully place it. Emily flinched, and whimpered.
"It's Gally, I'm coming over, okay? I'm not going to hurt you."
There was a moment of quiet and silence. Then heard heavy footsteps. Her body was shaking and fresh tears formed in her eyes.
"I'm gonna take this thing off, okay?"
She felt him move her head and untie her gage and pulled the bag off her head. Gally cursed.
"I'm going to untie your wrists now."
Gally undid her wrists. She pushed herself up finally able to see what was going on. She was in the big sports closet beside the gym and lockers. Rows of sports equipment everywhere. Emily pulled her knees up to her chest trying to make herself even smaller, trying to hide. She had her head in her arms.
"Hey man...yeah found her." Gally had puled his phone out and called someone. "No...Sports equipment room. it's bad."
Emily peeked through her arms and with her blurred vision she saw Gally glance at her.
"Were gonna need the Director or someone....yeah of course I'll stay."
Another sob tried to choke its way up. Gally hung up the phone, and just stayed crouched in front of her, giving her space. He didn't say anything. It was quiet except Emily's ragged panicked breathing and her sobbing. The door burst open again.
"Gally! Where is she?" Minho's voice was pure panic, his head spinning around trying to find them. He turned and cursed, he threw himself down onto the ground and pulled her into his lap. She screamed and flinched when she was touched. She tried to fight the new set of hands. Half her brain knew she was safe and it was just Minho, but the PTSD trauma riddled part of her mind screamed she was in danger again. She flailed and tried to wiggle free. But Minho was stronger and wrapped her up, and held tight. A hand firmly pressed her head to his chest.
"Go get Coach and Miss Mary. and the Director." Minho growled.
Emily could feel his body vibrating with anger. He pulled his phone and sent a few text. And then he held it up to his ear. Emily could hear it calling someone.
"Hey, hi. Dad? ... no, everything is not alright. Em was just attacked at school. No, i don' Yeah I have her now....okay. Yeah...okay, thanks. See you soon. Can you call mom and Jorge? Thanks."
He put the phone down and held Emily tighter again, she had stopped fighting when he started talking. She had her head pressed into his chest. He slowly rocked side to side, holding her tight. His humming made his chest rumble and it helped. It was calming. Her wild ragged breathing wasn't to shallow anymore. Emily huddled in his lap. He didn't say anything, holding her tight and rocking her gently. She cried, her body shook. He didn't move until there were more footsteps. Emily didn't want to see, she didn't want to move. Her arms where pulled in tight to her body. And she turned her body and tried to huddle closer to him, she had her face pressed into Minho. She didn't want people around.
Emily heard many voices, they all talked over each other. She whimpered and tried again to make herself smaller. Minho tightened his grip.
"Shhh, Emmy, I got you. I have you now." He whispered. She clenched his shirt so tight her knuckles where white. He continued to gently rock back and forth. She Emily had no idea what was going on, she just wanted it to stop. It was loud, someone had turned the lights on and it was blinding, it hurt her eyes, and made her head hurt more. Someone was talking to Minho now, it was a quieter voice, and it was closer.
"The school is aware of her situation and she is staying temporary with your family, is-"
"-I called my dad. He's on his way."
"Okay good. Director Janson has called for an ambulance."
Emily whimpered. Minho's hand cupped the back of her sore head. At some point the ambulance showed up with a police car. The paramedics showed up. Emily did not want to move or answer questions. She shook her head, she didn't want to leave the one person in the mass of people around that she fully trusted.
"Can I just carry her over?" Minho finally asked.
"You can, yes." one of the paramedics said.
"Okay, Emmy, I'm going to move and pick you up. I'm going to bring you to the ambulance, they need to check you okay?"
Emily just whimpered. Minho somehow managed to get to his feet and hold her at the same time. He had an arm under her knees and one under her back, and held her close. The one paramedic covered her with a blanket. Minho followed. By this time there was a large crowd of students, it was the end of the school day, so it was almost the whole school now. Emily hadn't moved her face away, hiding it in Minho's chest and behind her hair. A few of the teachers had to shive the kids back so they could get through. It's not everyday an ambulance and a cop car show up at the school. Minho was growling. They got to the ambulance just as a few more adults showed up.
"Dad! Mom!" Minho called, making Emily flinch. "Sorry Em." He whispered.
They shoved through the crowd and hurried over. The paramedics opened the back and motioned them inside. Minho climbed in, still holding Emily, and gently placed her down on the stretcher. Her knees pulled up and her face hidden in her arms and her knees.
"I'm sorry son, you're going to have to leave." The one paramedic said to Minho, who started to protest. His mother laid a hand on his arm.
"Minho. They are just doing their job. I'm right here, I wont leave her. We'll call you back as soon as I can."
Emily heard him growl, "Fine."
The doors closed. Mama Lee sat down beside Emily and placed a hand on her back. It took a long time to convince Emily to let the paramedics check her. Emily held Mama Lee's hand like a life line. She had a nasty bruise on her cheek, giving her a swollen black eye as well, and a small concussion from her head slamming into the wall. She also had ringer bruises on her arms and bruising on her neck.
"They touched me." She whispered so quietly. Mama Lee froze, her eyes wide. The paramedics had to write everything down.
"Anything else? Did they hurt you in any other way? Force anything?"
"No. Whoever it was just grabbed me over my shirt."
There was a knock on the ambulance door. Mr. Lee, Mr. Isaac and two police officers were standing there. They did their best to fit, in the end Mr. Isaac and Mr. Lee and one paramedic had to stand on the ground, and listen.
"Emily Fitz? You need to tell us what happened."
Emily whimpered. Mama Lee, placed her hand on her back, and gently pulled her closer.
"They are just here to do their job and help you." She said gently. "Papa Lee and I are here because we are your temporary guardians, and Mr. Isaac is here because he is the lawyer trying to help you get out of that horrible situation, and if this is related, then he needs to know. He also has Jorge on the phone."
Emily picked her head up. Her red tear filled eyes looked at her.
"Papi?" She whispered.
Mama Lee nodded, and then motioned for the phone. Mr. Isaac passed the phone over and Emily took it with shaking hands.
"Papi?" She whispered.
"Oh thank goodness, Millie! What happened? Are you Okay?" He sounded so worried and relieved.
Emily burst into tears. Mama Lee took the phone gently and turned it to speaker.
"Millie, baby girl, you need to tell me what happened!" His voice said.
Through her crying and hiccups and shaking voice, she told Jorge what happened, she knew everyone was listening, but it was easier to just talk to Jorge. The cops asked a few more questions. But she wasn't able to tell who the voices belonged to, she never saw faces. She didn't know the kid who called her from class claiming she was needed in the office.
"The boy who found you?"
"Gally...and Minho."
The two boys were called over and they were questioned.
"We were supposed to meet up, and with all the klunk going on, her step mother and sister causing trouble I got worried. She never went back to her class. I went to ask the office, they hadn't called her at all. They didn't know what I was talking about. I texted a few friends and we went to look for her. Gally found her."
The cops turned to him.
"She was tied and gaged." He reached into his pocket and took his phone out.
"You took pictures?" The one cop asked.
"It's not my first time with an abusive parent and bullies." Gally said quietly, "So yes, I took pictures for proof. There is a time stamp on there and I can send them to whoever needs them."
Emily heard Minho curse.
"Send them to me, please son." Mr. Isaac said.
The cops asked to the paramedics to now take pictures of all her bruises, it was going into her file for Mr. Isaac. They closed the ambulance doors again, and with Emily shacking and white as a ghost, shame washing over her in waves, the paramedics took pictures of everything and with their report they handed it all to the cops, who left with Mr. Isaac. The three of them went to talk to Director Janson in his office. Emily sat huddled in Mama Lee's arms.
"Millie?" Jorge's voice was quiet now.
"Ya?" She squeaked.
"Kim and Ki will take you back to their place and I'll come as soon as I can. Probably tomorrow morning."
"I'll come get you now. Minho can drive them home and I'll come get you now. She needs you right now. You're up for leaving?"
"Yes. I'm fine, if you don't mind."
"Millie, I'll see you as soon as I can. You're safe now with the Lee's. Sam Isaac will let us know what's going to happen after this. Right now you need to go home."
"Okay." She whispered, that's all she wanted, was to go home.
Papa Lee went to find his son. Mama Lee stayed until they were ready to leave. Emily didn't want to leave anywhere. She knew there was still a large crowd out there, and she really didn't want to be the center of it.
"Hey." Minho appeared at the door. He was white as a ghost. Sonya and Newt were also there.
"Are they done with Em? Can we go home?"
"Yes. You take your girl, I'll bring your truck around, dad is going to pick up Jorge from the rehab center. Sonya, Newt, are you coming over as well?"
"If you don't mind, Mrs. Lee."
"That's up to Emily."
Emily just shrugged. Minho nodded at them. He held his arms open and she slowly unfolded herself and got up. Her legs where shacking, and she felt sick to her stomach. She got to the steps of the ambulance and he held her hands when she climbed out. Mama Lee went to bring the truck around.
"I got you now." He pulled her into a hug, she buried her face into his neck. He held her tightly, she had her arms held tight to her chest. His hand cupped the back of her head, holding her as close as he could. Her legs felt so weak and shacky. He gently pulled away only to pick her up. He saw the truck.
"We'll meet you guys at home."
She had hardly said anything since the attack. She had thrown all her shields back up, she had retreated back into her shell behind her walls. Minho kept her close, Emily could see his worried look, but right now she couldn't worry about anyone, she had to just survive. They got home, and somehow she got to her room. Mama Lee helped her out of her ripped tank top, and into a big t shirt, leggings and Minho's hoodie, she was there manly to monitor her and make sure she was okay. Mama Lee gently brushed Emily's hair out, and put it into a loose braid. She opened the bedroom door, Minho was pacing back and forth.
"Okay, I think she needs quiet and to feel safe. We'll wait and see what Mr. Isaac says and what the school is going to do."
Minho nodded. He looked at Emily, who was sitting on the bed, just staring at the wall. She felt empty. Fight or flight was still high, but she felt empty. She vaguely heard the conversation behind her by the door.
"Why is all this happening to her? Mom, I just want to protect her from everything! What do I do?"
"Be there. Be her safe place, she clearly trusts you. Be gentle, be patient. She has been through so much, her brain has been rewired to just survive, trauma, neglect, mental physical need to rewire her brain and this is going to take a lot of time."
There was a pause, she heard a sigh and sniff.
"I just want to keep her safe. How do I do that at school? I thought she was gonna finally be okay. But it seems like I made it worse."
"Minho, you did not make it worse. You did nothing but show that girl what it means to be seen and valued. Now she needs you. Come to the living room."
Minho came over and crouched in front of her. Her eyes looked glassy and vacant. Minho winced, the bruise on her face looked painful.
"Hey..Emy?" He asked quietly.
She jumped like he scared her.
"Emy...what can I do for you right now?" He asked quietly, gently taking her hand. She finally looked at him, and her broken eyes almost broke him.
"You." She whispered, "I just want you."
"Okay, come on. We'll go to the living room and wrap up in a blanket, and hot chocolate and throw on a movie, I'll play with your hair and I'll snuggle you so hard."
He stood up and gently pulled her off the bed. And gently down the hall and onto the big couch. He pulled her dad's old blanket around her, and pulled her onto his chest. He finally felt calm. She was home safe, and she was snuggled on his chest. He loved having her head laying on his chest, he had grown very used to it and it had only been a few days. He wrapped his arms around her and held her, gently running his finger tips up and down the back of her neck.
Sonya and Newt showed up, they came to sit on the couch without a word. Just being there. Minho let out the breath that he felt like he had been holding since the second he found out she hadn't come back to math.
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