Chapter 27: The Attack
*Could be triggering*
Monday was coming too fast. Saturday and Sunday were two of the best days of her life. Saturday evening after his practice and Emily came back from the gym and studying at Sonya's, Minho took her for bacon cheeseburgers. They sat in his truck in the burger parking lot blasting music and laughing at each other.
Sunday was quiet and lazy. They studied and ate snacks. He would look up at her and just watch her, once Emily noticed the attention she would glance up. He smirked and gave her a quick kiss; on her nose or forehead, cheeks or lips. Just one quick peek, but she would blush every time and he would smirk.
He did it for the sixth time, Minho pulled away only for Emily to grab his t shirt and pulled him towards her. His eyes went wide in surprise. She pulled him a little too hard and he knocked his laptop over. He tried to keep it from hitting the floor. He cried out when he tried to stop his forward moment and kept his computer from falling off the bed. Emily shrieked, she fell backwards, but she still had a tight grip on Minho's shirt.
They both toppled off the bed with yelps. Emily landed on her back with an omph. Minho landed over top of her, his arms on either side of her head. His face only inches from hers. Everything stilled. Their breathes mingled together. Minho's chest was heaving, and a heat rose up her chest and neck, making her skin red and splotchy. Her breathing stopped. She was very very aware of all points of body contact.
His eyes bore into hers. She was frozen, she couldn't move. She couldn't look away.
"Hi Princess." He whispered.
"Hi." She breathed.
Her hands still had fists of his t shirt. She slowly released her hands, keeping her hands flat on his chest. Ever so slowly he bent his arms, flexing every muscle. Emily felt his chest muscles tense and flex. His eyes flicked down to her lips. Her hands slid around to his back. Emily pulled him closer, closing the distance. He hovered over her, all his muscles working, his arms shaking slightly.
Emily felt fireworks everywhere inside her.
He shifted and lowered himself down so he was slightly beside her, leaning on his elbow. He pulled her closer. He kissed her harder than he had before. Emily let out a small gasp. When she did, Minho slipped his tongue into her slightly opened mouth. A small moan escaped her. His muscles tensed, the hand on her back put more pressure, pulling her closer. She melted into him. Her hands tightened on the back of his t shirt.
Emily had no idea what she was doing, she was just following his lead. He had the ability to be intense yet gentle. He was confident in what he was doing, yet just as nervous and unsure as she felt. He lay mostly on top of her, but kept most of his body weight off her.
He pulled away enough to breath, but she pulled him back. He set a fire in her chest and it burnt through her body. Her hands slid up to his shoulders, and the back of his neck into his hair. She felt a rumbling growl vibrating in his chest.
There was a knock on the door.
"Everything okay? We heard a thud." Mama Lee called.
Minho ripped away, both of them surprised by the interruption. Minho popped his head up over the bed.
"Yep! Everything's fine! My hoodie hit the floor." His voice was rough, and he was breathing heavily.
"You're not wearing a hoodie!" Emily whispered. He clamped a hand over her mouth.
There was a pause.
Emily licked the palm of his hand. And he yelped pulling his hand away. And wiped it in her shirt.
"Gross!" He whined, but was also trying not to laugh.
"Shhh!" Emily frantic tried to swat his hands, while he tried to cover her mouth again, while she also tried to shush him. Emily wasn't sure if she wanted to smile and giggle or melt into the floor and die from embarrassment. Minho smirked down at her.
"Your hoodie? It was pretty loud." Mama Lee called through the door again.
"I was in it?" Minho called back, he was trying very hard not to laugh at Emily who was beat red, her eyes clamped shut both hands over her mouth trying not to giggle. She was failing miserably.
"Just be careful next time. I don't need holes in my floor!"
"Yes ma'am!" Minho called.
They heard footsteps retreating and they both burst into giggles. Minho flopped onto the floor beside her, they made eye contact and bust into laugher again.
Emily's phone buzzed, waking her up.
Morning Beautiful. :)
Emily smiled. She rubbed her tired eyes, and yawned.
I need to save that and use it as an alarm.
Okay! I can wake you up like that every single day! I don't mind. 😍
You're rediculous.
Rediculously good looking. 😎
Agreed. ;)
Emily put her phone down, stretched and dragged herself to the shower. Once she was done she felt a bit more human. She actually decided to put a bit of an effort into today. While her hair was wrapped in a towel she did her very basic minimal makeup- it's more then she normally would wear. Pulling on her jeans, black tank top and big slouchy brown cardigan. Drying and throwing a few curls into her hair she stood looking in her mirror for a second. Tilting her head back and forth. Frowning she grabbed her phone, snapped a quick picture and send it to Sonya.
👍 Or 👎
What you stressing for?
First day after the dance. First day at school...ppl are gonna know we're dating. Just... freaking out. I hate attention. But also know if I'm holding the QB's hand ppl are gonna look. Just want him to..I dunno. He does so much for me, I wanna at least look like a girl he would date.
Girl. You listen and you listen good.
*Pretend I'm talking in Newt's stern motherly voice.*
You look shucken bloody fantastic in anything. That boy is head over heels for you. And I think the whole thing is your not the normal girl he has dated. And that's a good thing. He doesn't care what you wear. Would probably be even happier with out clothes. But...can't do that at school.
Sonya! 🤦
But still. I wanna make some kind of effort for him. He puts effort in for me. And I don't know what else to do, just not look like a ragga muffin for now. Does that make any sense?
Yes. It makes sense.
You're always a cute little ragga muffin. But yes, the outfit is very cute.
Thanx. I'm trying.
See ya at school.
Emily grabbed her bag and headed for the kitchen. She was filling their coffee mugs when Minho wrapped his arms around her from behind.
"You look beautiful!" He whispered into her hair. And then kissed her temple.
"Little early for the PDA, is it not?" Papa Lee rumbled. He was sitting at the kitchen table finishing a coffee and reading the news on his lap top. Emily glanced at Minho. He had leaned against the coffee counter, his huge muscled arms crossed along with his ankles, her face blushed again. He had his jeans, a tight white long sleeve and his convers sneakers on, his hair was styled in his typical messy yet perfect swoop at the front. Her face flushed even pinker.
"Gotta start the day off right. And when your girlfriend looks like this... can't help it." Minho said with a smirk to his father. Who just rolled his eyes and hummed.
"Football after school?" He asked, changing the subject.
"Yep." Minho popped the p.
"Em? What are your plans?"
"Not sure. Probably go visit Jorge and then come home. I'll start supper. I know how Hangry Mr Thunder Cat All Star is after practice."
"Hmm. Good that."
"Alright, Babe, you ready to go?" Minho asked, pushing off the counter and throwing his football school letterman jacket. He picked up his backpack off the kitchen chair, throwing it over his shoulder and taking the coffee mug Emily handed him and spinning his keys around his finger.
Emily gave Papa Lee a quick backwards hug, a one armed over the shoulder hug,
"Bye Papa Lee say bye to Mama Lee for me."
He chuckled and patted her arm. "Have a good day."
Minho held the door for her and opened the truck door for her. Kissing her check as she passed. And held her hand while he drove them to school. He constantly brought her hand up and kissed the back of her hand or glancing at her with a smirk.
"I'm gonna miss you today." He pouted a bit.
"We have like half the day in classes together!"
"Yeah...but you sit with other people! And also...what about the other half?" He whinned.
"I'm sure you'll live."
"I don't think I will!"
Emily rolled her eyes and went back to sipping her coffee.
"Minho...?" She asked quietly.
She felt his eyes on her for a second before back onto the road.
"Ya, babe?"
"It's...the first day at school...and we're together... Do you think it's going to be weird?"
"Why would it be weird?" He frowned.
"Well people were...I don't know. At the dance they... didn't seem..." She sighed in frustration. She ran her hand through her wavy hair and flipped it out of her face.
"Emmy, are you worried about what people will think and do or say?" He asked.
She looked down at her lap and nodded. Taking a deep breath and letting it out. Minho was quiet, waiting for her to gather her thoughts.
"What if you close your eyes and pretend your talking to A7?" Minho suggested, with a smirk.
Emily smacked his arm, with a mix of a gasp and a scoff.
"Fine. Mr. Unavailable 'Cause He's Mine Now keeps saying he doesn't care about what others think. But he has to a little bit. He's Mr Sports Star, everyone knows who he is. He's Mr cool and collected, suave and charming. For some shucked up reason he picked me out of the crowd...I'm a shy awkward trauma riddled nobody with crippling social anxiety and panic, who is uncomfortable with crowds and attention. How is this gonna work? What if he finally gets tired of me and all my issues? What if he has enough drama with his ex? What if the rumors and lies finally get to him?"
Minho frowned and furrowed his forehead.
" you really think I'd ditch you 'cause some jacked ex girlfriend? Also...we all have our issues and flaws."
She didn't say anything. Minho squeezed he hand gently.
"And. The idiots who are talking still, don't bother to actually get to know you. They don't know you like I do. Or Sonya or Newt... Emmy, the people who know you, who you count as friends...have they ditched you?"
She slowly shook her head.
"And three of them showed up when you needed them most, Alby Newt and Sonya showed up at the Paige's house to help get your stuff, to make sure you were safe. They came to see you before the dance."
"Okay..." She said slowly, nodding.
"People who talk before they know the truth or who gossip...are usually jealous. As they should be. 'Cause my girl is the cutest little Shuckface ever. And I can't wait to kiss her cute little face again."
Emily lifted her head and gave him a small smile. He smiled so big his eyes formed crescent moons and his dimples showed.
The first half of the day was as she expected. There seemed to be a bigger crowd then usual outside on the laws and school steps. Emily took a long shaky breath.
"Babe, I'm here. I ain't leaving. And I see Newt and Sonya, Jeff and Clint. Also Gally and Thomas and Fry. See." Minho indicated with his head. The group of people she had come to trust were making their way through the crowd.
Emily and Minho hopped out. Heads turned and eyes followed. Emily did her best to ignore them all. It would have been easier to melt into the shadows and put her head down. But Minho slid his hand into hers. He leaned towards her.
"Head up my Princess. Or your tiara will slip." His breath tickled her ear, making her shiver and giggle.
The eyes never stopped. The whispered that followed her and Minho down the halls never stopped. Minho had made sure someone was always with her. He said he could care less about what people say about him, but he knew Emily was the main target and he didn't trust the person behind it all. Someone always walked with her to class or to her locker. At lunch she was surrounded with their group. A few of the other football guys tried to join their table but it was now too full.
"Let's just go to the bleachers." Thomas suggested.
"Good idea, Love." Newt said, picking up his stuff and following Thomas. The rest all followed.
Emily sat on the bench infront of Minho, and leaned on his legs. He absentmindedly played with her hair while she sat cross legged and read her textbook, highlighting and making notes in the margins.
A boy with dark red hair and dark eyes sat down beside her.
"Hey...hi. I'm Ricky. Were in the same Chemistry you understand what Mr Brown was saying today?"
"Oh, yeah I do..."
She wasn't sure if this was a genuine question or he was going to try something. Either way she felt tense and uncomfortable, again people never sought her out before, why now? Minho obviously felt her unease too. He became more possessive as lunch went on. By the end he had leaned forwards, his elbows on his knees. One hand held hers, resting their intertwined fingers on her shoulder. The other played with her hair and his chin rested on top of her head.
Ricky's eyes lit up after she answered his next question.
"Oh! I get it. It was that weird middle part of the equation that messed me up. Thanks Emily."
Minho hummed softly and kissed the top of her head. The bell rang and Minho walked her to her class.
"See ya later. I'll come see you before practice."
Emily smiled up at him. She was more than halfway into class when there was a knock on the door, and a kid poked their head in.
"Sorry to interrupt. Uhh, Emily Fitz is needed in the office. It should only take a moment."
Every head turned to her. Emily pulled her eyebrows together and frowned. Why would they need her in the office. The teacher sighed and waved her out. She shrugged. Getting up she left her stuff and followed the kid.
"Any idea why?" She asked.
He shrugged, he looked like a grade 8 kid. He left to go down one hall. Emily shrugged and continued through the maze of halls and stairs. Emily was at the bottom of the last set of stairs when hands grabbed her from behind her. Something was shoved over her head. She yelled but a hand clamped over her mouth.
Fear, panic, anxiety and trauma over road her system. Emily tried fighting back, but the hands were strong. And she was taken by surprise. She felt them pick her up. She wiggled and squirmed. She tried to scream or cry. But the hand over her mouth was clamped so tight it hurt.
Panic bubbled up inside her, absolute pure raw terror. The hands held her tight, they were obviously bigger and stronger. Possibly more than one person. They could easily pull her. She couldn't see anything, whatever was over her head was thick. Tears poured down her cheeks. She did everything she could to get out of the grasp. She was hyperventilating now. Trying to scream and fight and breath.
The person was grunting trying to hold her. She had no idea where she was, or where they were taking her. It was definitely a ways away.
A door finally was opened and she was dragged inside and the door closed. Emily was shoved up against a cold stone wall. She tried fighting back, pushing and struggling. A hand was still clamped hard over her mouth. Emily was sweating from fear and trying to fight back. Her tears ran freely down her face.
Emily knew there was more than one person. She could sense them. She tried harder to fight and get free. Something solid made contact with her cheek. Her head flew to the side, slamming into the wall. Pain exploded through her face. The hands gripped her tighter when she paused in her fighting. Someone else grabbed her wrists and yanked them behind her and tied them with something. And something tied over her mouth, over the bag. A hand gripped her throat, holding it tight. She stilled, as the hand gripped tighter.
A voice hissed in her ear. "We can make your life miserable."
The hand around her throat slid down and grabbed her, and she flinched hard, trying to make the hand stop, but with her hands bound, she couldn't do much. She was slapped.
The school bell rang. There was the sound of thunder from hundreds of footsteps.
"Dammit, you took too long getting her here!"
"It was like a feral cat!"
The voices were harsh and tight, hissing back and forth. Her brain was too focused on trying to survive then if she recognized them or not.
The hands holding her tight slammed her into the wall. Making her head slam again. Emily slid down the wall, sobbing hard through the gage. The door was opened and clicked shut with a snap. Leaving Emily alone. She just curled up, crying shivering and terrified.
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