Chapter 21: Kitchen Dance Party
Emily was thankful for what Minho had done after her ELA class. Her face still felt warm and her stomach still randomly backfliped. Minho forced her to talk to him and he made her feel seen, feel safe and that he cared for her. In the middle of a busy school hall, after awful things were said to him and about him, he laid his reputation on the line and he pulled her into a tight long hug. He didn't let her go until she said she had to go to class. Sure he pulled away to talk to her, but her stayed in her personal space, when he said her full name with his dark eyes drilling into her own brown eyes she just about melted into a puddle on the floor.
"Earth to Emily!" Sonya was waving a hand in front of her face.
Emily blinked and looked around. She gave her friend a sheepish smile. Sonya just raised an eyebrow and smirked.
"Your daydream about that hug, aren't you."
"What? No. Maybe....yes!" She sighed.
Sonya just smirked. She had constantly been on her phone. She was never on her phone this much...but Emily didn't ask, she figured Newt or someone asked to keep them updated.
"Please, Sonya..." Emily pleaded, "I know Newt or someone has asked to keep an eye on me...but I'm okay I just need some quiet. It's been a long day. I need quiet right now."
Sonya relented. And gave her a long hug and then left, leaving Emily alone for the first time all day. She took a deep long breath. Emily had let herself into the Lee's house. She was in a good place, emotionally, considering how awful school had started. Last period of the day was alright. And Sonya quickly ushered her away from the school. Right now, however, she just needed space. As Minho said the key was under the mat. It was weird being alone in someone else's house.
The weird thing...she actually felt like she was home. This place has been her safe place for only a few days, but it felt more like a home than any place in the last 6 years.
Emily changed into a pair of old soft pajama short shorts and pulled on Minho's old hoodie and threw her hair up into a messy bun. She went back to the kitchen table and pulled her stuff out, laying it all out on the table, all her notes and textbooks. Her biology test tomorrow was going to be a tough one.
She studied her notes for a while. Opening her computer finally, she noticed a message from A7. It was sent this afternoon, just before the end of the school day.
Hey I think your advice on waiting on girl 2 sucks klunk. I really think...and call me shucken cliche...but I think I love her.
I want to be around her all the time. I want to make sure she's safe. And happy. I want to take care of her, all the time! She hasn't had someone show her that, and I want to be that someone. I want to hear her voice, even if it's just her complaining. I see her smile and I want to make her smile again, cuz it's so pretty. It hurts me when she's sad. My best friend says I'm screwed. I probably am. But...what do I do? She's going through a lot. We both are, I guess. Ex GF is being a real slint head. But...I don't even care what the ex says or does. I don't care what others think. Only what she thinks- girl 2, only her. Cuz I can't get her out of my head...right from the first day of school.
Emily smiled as she read this new message. This A7 seemed so head over heels, like such a puppy with big heart eyes and it was so cute, it made her smile.
you sound head over heels, full heart eyed emoji for this girl. That's super cute and makes me kinda wanna squeal, even though I know nothing really about you or this girl. Makes me dream of having someone want to be with me like this. She must be a special one. Lucky girl.
I guess, if you really think you and this special girl are at that point, and are good, then go for it shank! ..but make sure this special girl knows she can trust her she has a true friend and confidant. A good friend told me, a boyfriend is a best friend you get to kiss. Prove to her first, you're a bestie. A trusted safe person- not a rebound. But if the time is right, make your move man! All the power to you! Let me know how it goes!
Emily went back to her homework for a bit. Then looked at the time she decided to start making supper for the Lee's. It's the least she could do. She got up and started to snoop through the cupboards and fridge. She cranked her music, her dad's old favorites.
She never would have done this at Ava's house; too scared that she would come home at some point or Teresa bringing home someone from school. Today however something got into her. Maybe it was the extra long hug from Minho. Or that she felt safe at this house or she just finally snapped and she was crazy, either way, she cranked the music even more, started making super and actually danced around the Lee's kitchen.
Minho didn't stay after football practice. He showered, changed and high tailed it out of there. He wanted to get home, for a few reasons. Usually he would stay, chat with Coach, or the other players, today however, he wanted to get home and away from the school. Sonya had left a text saying Emily insisted on being along. Minho panicked for a second, but Sonya's second text said she didn't feel that Em was a danger, or anything, just needed to be alone, which Sonya respected and let her be alone. It was close to 530 and he pulled up. His parents were still out.
Opening the front door the music hit him like a brick wall. He smiled. It was the same song that she smacked his hand away from the volume and turned up in his truck. He kicked off his shoes and walked into the dinning room. Smiling from ear to ear he dropped his stuff onto the chair at the table and stood quietly and watch as Emily sang and danced around the kitchen without a care in the world.
He hadn't seen this side of her before. He loved it. His heart rate spiked and his stomach felt like it was on a wild rollercoaster. She had pulled her long hair up into a messy bun, a few of the long hairs had come loose, she had put her glasses on, she only used to read at school, but he loved when she wore them.
She was also wearing his hoodie; which made him smirk. Of all the hoodies and sweaters she had, she chose his. She turned, oblivious to his presence, and went to the cupboard she had on a pair of pajama shorts and his mouth went dry. She had reached up into the cupboard to grab something and they rode up, not a lot, but enough to make him feel like melting into the floor. She was just so...cute. He wanted to walk over and hug her tight.
He clamped his eyes closed and shook his head, trying to calm his wild heart and racing mind. He opened them a second later to see her turn and finally realized someone was in the house. She froze, her eyes wide and mouth wide open in an almost silent scream. She dropped the bag of pasta and scrambled around and turned the music off. It was silent in the house.
"Ummm." She stammered, dropping her head and looking at the floor immidiatly
"Let me change and I'll come help, don't finish the song!"
Minho raced to his room, and changed out of jeans into his own pajama bottoms and raced back to the kitchen. Emily had her back to him, her head lowered, slowly chopping some veggies. Without missing a beat he slid up beside her took a knife and held it up.
"So? What are we making? And where's the shucken music?"
"Umm... making supper."
"Yes clearly. But WHAT are we making. And again, where's the music it was one of my favorite songs!"
Emily glanced up at him so quickly he almost missed it, "stir fry...have the meat cooking and just chopping veggies..."
"Good that!" He smiled so big his dimples showed.
Minho turned the music back on and joined Emily at the counter. It took a while for Emily to loosen up again. But with Minho being over the top, singing and dancing, Emily finally loosened up a bit.
Her play list was all over the map, and he loved it. A small look into her likes. There was one song he actually made her put the utensils down, cranking the music as loud as it could possibly go. He grabbed her hands and pulled her into the middle of the kitchen. He spun her around and pulled her into his arms.
He hoped she couldn't feel how fast his heart was racing, because he was sure she could hear it over the music. He held her hand, and gently and hesitantly placed his other hand on her waist.
"This okay?" He asked, almost yelling over the music.
She looked up in surprise, but her cheeks had a blush to them. He didn't move, waiting for her answer, if she wasn't okay he'd back off. Her big brown eyes searched his for a moment, she saw the fear the dilated pupils, but they softened pretty quickly, her tensed muscles relaxed. She slowly placed her free hand on his shoulder with a small shy smile, she nodded her head with a yes. He grinned. And showed her a few salsa steps he had leaned from his mom. Emily caught on quite quickly and then it was just a mess of them laughing at each other.
Another song had Emily thinking she lived the gangster life. But Minho was impressed she knew all the words and could lip sync the whole song. Holding the wooden spoon like a microphone she pulled her hoodie hood up, getting into it. She looked rediculous, but she was out of her shell. Her eyes sparkled and she was smiling her head was up, not focused on the ground. He leaned on the counter his arms crossed and watched her with amusement.
This is what he wanted; to goof off, to have fun, laugh, feel safe and comfortable in pajamas in the kitchen. Sure he wouldn't mind wrapping her up in his arms and kissing her but he wanted a friend, that bond with her.
Sure Teresa was hot, and a good kisser. But once they were officially a couple she was as cold and stiff as the fridge door. She never wanted to do anything. It was like she got her prize and then was done. Looking back most of what she had talked about was probably lies and twisted stories. It made Minho hate himself for falling for it. Emily was right, Teresa was a master manipulator, like her mother.
He shook his head riding himself of those awful thoughts and self frustration. The girl of his dreams was right infront of him, no need to worry about past mistakes.
They were in the middle of an epic singing battle when his parents got home. Emily had her back to them and didn't see them come in. He smirked and kept her attention until the song finished, he turned the music down while the Lee's clapped. Emily spun around, her face beat red, she threw a glare at him but she made a big elaborate bow.
"Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week."
"Impressive. Not many people know the words to those old songs." Papa Lee nodded in approval.
"My dad and Jorge."
"Emily! You're a guest in this house, why are you making dinner?" Mama Lee scolded.
"The least I could do. And it's no big deal. I always cook...maybe here it'll be eaten." Emily said. Minho could see her slowly shrinking back into her shell.
"Hey, I helped!" Minho protested.
"Helped make a mess!" Emily shot him a small cheek grin.
"Hey. You dropped it. Not me!" He pointed a finger at her. She raised her head and crossed her arms and stuck a hip out.
"Who was the one doing the YMCA in front of the cupboard."
"Okay, fair point." He glanced at his parents who where watching the exchange. "Let's eat."
"Let me clean up my homework."
The Lee's and Emily sat and ate, it was a chatty table. Papa Lee and Minho talked about football for most of the time. Emily was quiet and listened. Minho kept glancing at her. She had a look of longing, part sadness and part contentment. She was quiet, but her eyes flicked back and forth between his parents when they talked.
He felt a stab of pain. She never had parents who liked eachother. Or parents who where invested in the kids life. She probably didn't even have family dinners. He watched her sit and soak it in. They had finished eating, his mom and Emily started with the dishes, Minho got up to help when his dad leaned back and his dark eyes locked onto Minho.
He knew this was coming, the reprimand about throwing fists. Ben was at practice, but he kept his distance from Minho. His lip was split pretty bad.
"So. The school called."
"As I expected." Minho said, leaning back and folding his own arms. He saw Emily stiffen at the sink, and her hands stopped working.
"Care to explain why you went to the office?" His dad's voice was quiet, and calm, but Minho could hear the disappointment and anger.
"I punch Ben in his disgusting creepy shuck mouth." Minho answered flatly.
His dad didn't say anything but raised an eyebrow, waiting for more if an explanation.
"It was my fault." A quiet voice broke the tension. Minho and his father looked at Emily in surprise.
"The shuck? How was it your fault?"
Emily looked up from the dishes and looked at Mr. Lee quickly before dropping her eyes.
"Teresa started rumors, making me sound like some kind of slut who breaks up couples just so I can sleep around and would do...anything with anybody... I got upset. I shouldn't have, she's done it before. It's not original. Ben said some... inappropriate things. Ben wouldn't stop. Minho warned him. He left me alone the rest of the day after."
Mr Lee was looking at her with such intensity he was surprised she didn't explod.
He finally looked at Minho. Waiting for him to speak.
"Dad, you know Ben has always been like that. You know I tried to talk Coach out of putting him on the team. The way he talks on and off the field, how he treats others... he's not a good person. He had already been inappropriate with Emily - though she gave him an impressive bruise, it was a beautiful right hook, by the way." Minho and Mr. Lee looked at Emily. Her cheeks were pink and she was twisting the sleeve cuff.
"Yeah, he touched me. I punched him. He got nothing, got off free and I got detention."
Mr. Lee growled.
"Anyway," Minho continued, "he tried something else again a few days later, smacking books and coffee out of her hands. He's constantly picking on her, and making inappropriate comments about her in the locker room. Yesterday I had enough, especially after those shucked rumors."
"He stayed away after?" Mr Lee asked.
"Avoided me like the shuck plague." Minho said.
"Yes. After Minho intervened he stayed away."
Minho looked up surprised, he never got off this easily. His dad was looking at Emily with a look he couldn't quite place. But his usual hard look softened slightly. Minho watched his dad, while Emily gave Mama Lee a hug and walk down the hall to her room. Both his parents looked at Minho.
"Normally I do not approve of fists. But, this is an exception." His father said quietly, "that child has been through more than any child should."
Minho nodded, agreeing completely. His mom sat down beside him, her hand on his knee.
"We can both see she feels safe here and with you, don't break that girls heart. Your father and I both like her, and you know how hard it is to win him over. We want her around for a while."
"You and me both mom." Minho gave his mom a lopsided smile.
"Good man."
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