Chapter 17: Guardianship
After her emotional break down, Mama Lee made her sit at the counter and have another cup of coffee. She continued to tell her stories of when Minho was a child. Emily giggled the whole time. The front door opened and banged shut and then Minho came into the kitchen, shirtless, covered in sweat, and breathing heavily. Emily's cheeks flamed up right away.
"Hey sleeping beauty is awake!"
"Sure am, Thunder Cat." Emily looked up with a smirked at him, while Mama Lee laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. Minho's face went white and then pink, he rounded on his mother. Mama Lee held her hand out and Emily high fived her.
"You told her that story?" He cried.
"Oh I've heard all about you. But Thunder Cat is staying, It's already changed in my phone from school project partner to Thunder Cat."
"My own mother, betraying me like this!" He threw his hands into the air, and rolled his eyes, he went to the cupboard and grabbed a cup filling it with water.
Heavy footsteps came into the room, "Minho, you back from your run?" A deep voice rumbled through the house.
"Yep." Minho popped the p.
"You went without me? No fair." Emily pouted.
"Well Sleeping Beauty needed her rest."
"This is the infamous Emily, is it?" The deep voice finally had a body to it. Without a doubt it was Minho's father. They looked exactly the same; same broad shoulders, they were both over 6 feet, same jaw shape, and they both had a way of having a resting intimidation face.
"Yes sir." Emily slid off the stool, she felt awkward in her pajama pants and Minho's old hoodie. But when she turned to face him, Mr. Lee was wearing pajama pants without a shirt, so Emily didn't feel too out of place.
"Emily Fitz" She said, holding her hand out.
Mr. Lee looked her up and down and with an intensity that made Emily nervous. But he cracked a smirk and shook her hand.
"So, your a runner, Emily?"
"Kickboxer, actually."
"And she's really good, wholly shuck, Dad!"
He raised an eyebrow at his son and then looked at Emily.
"And I beat his butt in gym."
"What?" Mr. Lee turned and frowned at Minho, "This little pipsqueak beat my son, the football star?"
" gotta see this girl in the ring! Like I'm pretty sure she could take on Gally!"
Mr. Lee turned back to look at her, and raised an eyebrow. Emily, looked down at her lap, she didn't like the attention, Mr. Lee was intense.
"She's also a super smarty!"
Emily glanced up at Minho, he was smirking at her, his eyes sparkling at her. It was weird having someone brag about her, and be proud of her. It made her face heat up more, and a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach. She didn't know what to do with herself. Minho continued to brag about her, telling his father about her school subjects she's taking and what her goal after school was.
"A fellow math and science nerd!" Mr. Lee nodded in approval, he had sat down in a chair, watching her.
"Yes sir."
"Ever thought of trying to get a job at WICKED?"
"No, I work at the gym, I help my godfather run the gym."
"Doesn't pay much, does it."
Emily shook her head, "No," she said quietly. "But... I love it, and I get to see my godfather, and he needs the help."
"Hard work, loyalty and passion, I can respect that."
Emily smiled a little.
"So kickboxing... do you compete?"
"Used to."
"Not anymore?"
"No, sir, my step mother...doesn't want to pay for it. And
I'm saving for university."
He hummed, and cocked his head, looking at her, with interest.
"Smart, athletic, hard working, polite, an appetite..." he looked at Minho, who was leaning on the counter, his arms and ankles crossed. "Don't let this one go. Your last girl you chose, she was terrible."
"Thanks dad." Minho sassed, with a roll of his eyes, but Emily could see the embarrassment on his face, and so could his mother apparently.
"Okay, enough interrogating the poor girl. And Minho, your sweaty and smell, go shower."
"Would you be up for another run, first? We can keep it short.." Emily suggested.
"Sure Rocky!"
Emily hopped off the stool and went to the spare room, she changed out of her pajamas and pulled her leggings on and her shirt from yesterday and meet Minho at the front door, she slipped her sneakers on, not the best running shoes, but they would do.
"Your ribs are gonna be okay?"
"I've ran with worse." she shrugged.
"Emily Fitz, what the actual shuck?!"
She ignored him and jogged down the drive way, "Come on slow poke, and try and keep up!"
Emily sat beside Jorge's bed. She had messaged Alby the moment the hospital called. He had moved from the ICU to a ward, somehow, in a private room. But she was waiting for him to wake up, they had given him some strong pain meds, and he was having a much needed afternoon nap.
There was a knock on the door, and a nurse walked in, she had a grim look on her face. Behind her there were two police officers. Emily's palms instantly started sweating, and her breathing picked up. Why were there police officers, she didn't do anything...what lies did Teresa make up? Minho had dropped her off at the hospital and was going to go break up with Teresa, and promised he would be back. Alby said he was at training but as soon as it was done he would be over.
"You're Emily Fitz, right?" The female cop asked.
"Yes." She squeaked, her eyes wide in terror.
"You're not in trouble, we just have a few questions to ask you. Would you mind coming with us?"
Emily hesitantly got up and followed the cops and the nurse to a small room at the end of the hall, it had a few chairs and a small table with a box of tissues. The two cops sat down, and motioned for Emily to sit. The nurse waited outside the door. Emily felt her stomach twisting, her heart slammed into her chest, and it was hard to take a proper breath. The male officer was quiet, he didn't say anything, the female did all the talking.
"Emily, you're not in trouble, we just have some questions and wanted to talk to you."
"About what?"
"The man in the room there, what's his relationship to you?"
"He's my godfather."
"Do you live with him?"
"No. With my step mother. I was hoping to move in with him after he was released to help out, he has no other family."
"You want out of your step mothers house?"
Emily went quiet, and shrunk, she lowered her head.
"Do you have any family?"
She shook her head.
"No, both my parents are dead, and no other family that I know of."
"When you were 13 your godfather, Jorge, filed a CPS complaint, is that correct?"
She nodded her head. "Nothing happened."
The cops were quiet for a moment. Emily sat quiet, trying to keep her tears and fears inside.
"Emily, there was anonymous call, made about your well being. Did something recently happen that made you feel unsafe?"
Emily sat still as a statue. Her fight or flight response was trying to take over. She physically felt sick, and close to tears. If she answered honestly she could maybe get away from Ava for good, but if she did and nothing happened, Ava would be even worse. She gulped. She had no idea what to do.
"We can't help, if you don't tell us."
"We told you last time and nothing happened. It just made it worse." Emily looked up at her, narrowing her eyes, her fear flipped to anger. The cop stayed calm. Emily made a split second decision.
"Yeah. Yeah it did."
The cops nodded. "Please explain."
Emily explained everything that had happened, She didn't have proof of the old situations, but she showed them her phone, with Ava kicking her out. They called the nurse back in, the male cop left. The female nurse did a physical exam while the cop took notes, and took pictures of the bruises on her arms and ribs. The nurse left and the other cop came back in.
"Thank you Emily, its very brave to come forward. We will make a formal request to have you removed from the house and care of Ava Paige, and placed with your godfather. He has tried filing for custody for a while according to our records. However we can't let you live somewhere alone, your still a minor. Is there somewhere safe you can stay in the meantime? Until Jorge is cleared and released?"
"I...I think so. Mr. and Mrs. Lee...but I don't want to ask." Emily whispered, shame and guilt washed over her. Maybe she could stay with Sonya. But...Mrs. Lee had been so genuine.
"That's all right, I will." The male cop said, he copied the number down and left the room.
"This evidence will be beneficial in the case. If there is any other picture evidence, please bring it to us. May I also take pictures of your conversation with your step mother?"
Emily brought it up on her phone and handed it over. The male cop came back.
"Yes, they said you are welcome. We will go file this and then come back and take you to your Step Mothers so you can collect your belongings."
Emily sat in stunned silence. Who was the anonymous tip? How did this happen so fast? Emily couldn't wrap her head around this. She was going to be getting out of that horrible house today. It didn't feel real. It felt like a dream. The cops finished taking their notes and nodded to her. They got up and held the door open for her. They escorted her back to Jorge's room. Minho and Alby were there. Minho sprung up at the sight of the cops, worry all over his face.
"Emily? What's goi- omph "
Emily actually ran the few steps, and flung herself into his arms. She wrapped them around his neck. He wrapped her arms around her gently holding her, carful of her ribs. She pulled away and did the same thing to Alby. He didn't know about her ribs and she yelped and pulled away. Hissing in pain.
"Miss Fitz, we will be back in about two hours."
Emily turned back to them, and nodded, "Thank you."
They turned and left. The guys looked confused, while Emily just smiled.
"Ma Hija..."
Emily gasped, spinning. Jorge was awake, and looking at her, his eyes crinkled in a smile. As cautiously as she could she threw herself into his arms. And cried. Again. This time in relief, she was half sitting, half laying, her arms around Jorge while he held her close, wrapped in all kinds of wires and tubes.
"Papi! Don't you ever do that again! You are not aloud to leave me until I'm old!"
"My little Millie...I love you. And apparently I need to thank you."
Emily just nodded, and squeezed him tighter.
"What did the police what?"
Emily sat up, whipping her eyes. She explained what happened, while she twisted the sleeve of Minho's hoodie. Jorge smiled. Minho and Alby went from shocked to anger to relief as well.
"So...I'll go pack what I can and...Minho, looks like were roomies until Papi is discharged."
Minho's face lit up, and he grinned so big his eyes disappeared and dimples showed up. Alby crossed his arms and glanced back and forth between them.
"No hanky panky you two!"
Emily's face went form a big smile to an appalled and embarrassment. Jorge chuckled. Minho rolled his eyes, but smirked, folding his huge arms. They sat talking with Jorge for the next two hours. Emily was actually able to smile, she sat cross legged at the foot of Jorge's bed, and visited, and told Sonya what happened, in all the details. Sonya was full of capital letters and emojis.
The cops showed up again, knocking on the door. Emily said good bye to Jorge, who kissed her forehead and squeezed her hand.
"Take my car, it's just sitting there, might as well use it. Be safe Ma Hija."
"I'll be okay, Papi."
"I know Millie. You always are." His eyes slid to Minho, "Keep her safe."
Minho nodded solemnly, "Always Sir."
Alby also said good bye, he was also going to come help. It was quite the escort she had. Emily drove Jorge's old car to Ava's house. She sat for a second in the car, her fists gripping the wheel so tight her knuckls were white. She clamped her eyes closed, trying to calm her racing heart. Her stomach was already twisting in knots, and her breathing was shallow and sharp.
There was a knock on her window, making her jump. Minho was frowning. She slowly unbuckled and opened the door. He placed his hands on her shoulders giving them a gentle squeeze.
"We're here, you're not alone."
Emily took a deep breath, and nodded. When she opened her eyes there was another vehicle pulling up. Emily's eyes went wide. Mr. Lee was pulling up. Emily looked at Minho, with wide eyes.
"I told you, your not alone."
"Just need a lawyer as an ace!" Emily muttered to herself.
"Isn't Sonya and Newt's dad a lawyer?" He whispered in her ear.
The corner of her mouth pulled up. Mr. Lee got out of his vehicle, striding confidently to the police. Alby hung back slightly, but Minho placed a hand on her back and gently guaded her over to the cops and his father.
"...are alright with Miss Fitz staying with you until her gaurdian is out of the hospital?"
"Yes. She is welcome any time for as long as needed." Mr. Lee nodded.
The cops nodded. And then turned to Emily. "We have a warrant to go and get your things."
Emily just nodded, her eyes dilated in fear, she felt her hands shaking, and they felt sweat. Alby finally came cover, placing a hand on her should, giving it a squeeze. With a nod, the cops took the lead, With Emily following, followed by Minho, Alby and Mr. Lee. They stepped up to the door and knocked. Emily stood shifting from foot to foot, trying to wipe her hands onto her pants. She felt a large hand slid into hers. She gripped it tight.
"You got this Rocky." Minho whispered.
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