Chapter 16: Mama Lee
The big fancy door, with a big frosted glass window flew open. Making Emily jump. Standing in the entrance, framed in the glowing light from the hall light was a shorter Asian lady. Her long hair was twisted up and held by a clip.
"Minho! There you are! You had me worried! You must be Emily. Come in come in." She ushed the two of them into the front entrance. "Minho!" She turned to her son, "You fed the poor girl?"
"Yes mom! We stopped for cheeseburgers!" He rolled his eyes, but he had a small smile, this must be a normal thing.
"Good good. Come in come in, we don't bite. Shoes off, make your self at home."
"Mom! Slim it! You're gonna scare her! Sheesh!" Minho grumbled.
"You slim it young man!" She scolded Minho, she turned and took hold of Emily's hand and almost dragged her down the hall, "This poor girl needs some food and good shower and straight to bed. How is your loved one, dear?"
Emily felt a little overwhelmed by her, she was so bubbly and chatty, but she was warm and kind. She had the same kind sparkling eyes as Minho. Emily looked over her shoulder, Minho was standing in the entrance, his head in his hand and shaking it. He glanced up at her and he gave her an apologetic look. But he finally followed.
"Mom! Seriously..."
"No mom seriously me, this child is too thin." She was sat down onto the counter on a stool.
"I'm okay, really Mrs. Lee. Minho made me eat. I'm full!" Emily reassured her
"She ate just as much as me!" Minho threw his hands into the air.
"Did she now?" Mrs. Lee's eyebrows shot up, "A girl with an appetite! Finally, unlike that last one. you brought home."
Emily had to fight really hard not to snort and giggle. Minho's face went pink.
"The last girl he brought home...she did nothing but pick. Hardly ate. She wasn't a good match for my Minho."
"Mom. Stawp!" He whined, his face going even more pink. "Also we are not dating. She's a friend."
"Technicalities." Mrs. Lee waved a hand. "The last girl you brought into this house was a tooth pick. I never liked her. This one however, you make my son smile when he talks about you."
"Stop! Please I beg you." He grumbled, running a hand down his face, "It was for the freaken project, mom!
"No, please tell me more about his last girlfriend, this is great!" Emily leaned on her elbows on the counter, leaning forwards eagerly waiting for more.
Mrs. Lee grinned mischievously. "I like this one."
The corners of Emily's mouth turned up into a grin. Minho just rolled his eyes.
"Don't encourage her! Now come, I'll show you where the shower is and the extra bedroom." He motioned with his head, and Emily slid off the stool.
"It was nice to meet you Mrs. Lee, and thank you for letting me stay."
"Anytime dear. He doesn't bring girls home or let them stay, so you must be a special one." She smirked at them. Emily's cheeks were now just as red as Minho's.
"Seriously, mom, you are awful."
"Eh," she shrugged. "What is a mother if she can't embarrass her child." Her cheeky grin slipped and she camp closer, she was serious all of a sudden, "Please stay as long as you need dear. Our house is your house."
"Thank you."
"I left some towels and some things on the bed. Good night, Dear." Mrs. Lee turned and went up the stairs, and there was a door closing. Minho groaned, and ran a hand down his face.
"Sorry I should have warned you, my mother is...a little...much sometimes."
Emily pressed her lips together, trying not to smile too much, and hold the laughter in, "She was fantastic!"
Her eyed her suspiciously, "You're going to team up with her, aren't you."
"Oh shuck yeah!"
He rolled his eyes. "Come on, lets get you situated." He led her down the hall. "So we got my room, bathroom, then the spare room."
He opened the door and ushed her inside. The big bed sat in the middle of the room, a closet, a big old rustic looking desk in one corner, dresser and a huge wood bookshelf, a big mirror on the wall, a big fuzzy carpet, the room was cozy and inviting. There was a door that led to a small attached bathroom. Sitting on the bed was a few folded towels, and some clothes folded for her. Emily's eyes filled with tears. She really didn't except any of this, she was prepared to sit in the waiting room chairs all night. It seemed like when she needed it most, Minho came riding in on his horse and rescued her. The day was so overwhelming with wild swinging emotions of the different events.
"Em..?" He asked hesitantly. She hadn't moved from the door, her eyes glossing over with more tears.
"I'm sorry. Today has just been...a lot." She wrapped her arms around herself. He sighed, and came closer, he hesitantly pulled her into a hug, she stiffened slightly. Her touched starved body didn't know what to do for a second. She melted pretty fast. She lay her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. His strong arms wrapped her in a gentle hug.
"I can't even imagine. I'm sorry about everything...I wish I had known sooner, or had paid attention more." He said quietly.
"It was never your problem to deal with."
"It should have been." He growled slightly. "I'll do whatever I can to help, I'm gonna be there for you, okay?"
Emily smiled, he couldn't see it, but she did, she believed him. Maybe it was stupid of her, but she did believe this boy, the popular kid, the sports star, the school star...she believed him. She knew it wasn't smart. How could the most popular boy in the school like her in that way, no one ever paid her any attention. Teresa was going to be a tyrant, and it would probably make her life harder, but she so desperately wanted to believe him. Her empty heart practically begged for someone who wanted to fight beside her, to fight for her.
She took a deep shaky breath. With nerves like she had never experienced before, she unwrapped her arms from around herself, and slowly wrapped them around him. She faintly heard a breath being sucked in, but her heart was beating so hard she hardly heard anything beside her heart. They stayed like that for a while. Neither of them wanting to let go. Her face gentle pressed into his shoulder. He smelt good, it made her heart flutter.
"Come on Rocky, it's almost 2 in the morning, you need to sleep." He said quietly. He gently pulled away, his cheeks and the tips of his ears were pink. "If...if you need anything, my room is across the hall. Everything you need to the shower and stuff is stocked in the cupboards in the bathroom."
" you have an extra phone charger?"
"Yes. That I can grab."
Once Minho had finally said goodnight and left her in the room alone, she went to the bathroom, and in the cupboards and drawers were stocked full of travel sized toiletries. She just about broke down again. Emily changed into the pajama pants that were left on the bed and crawled into the big bed. She snuggled deep into the blanked and was out in a few minutes.
Emily woke to the noise of someone in the kitchen. She rolled over to check her phone. It was 9 am. There were a few messages from Alby and Sonya. She stretched and sat up. She messaged Alby back.
I was out with friends. I wasn't in any condition to answer the phone. I'm sorry! What's going on?
Hey. Jorge came out of surgery at 1am. SRY I never updated. Doc said he was good. They sent me home, and said they would call when he was moved out of ICU.
Well..not home. Ava kicked me out. I'm at Minho's- long story. But I'm good, I'm safe. His mom is awesome. I'll let you know when the hospital calls.
Shuck sakes girl, you scared me.
What happened with J?
No idea. Helped load the car, he was unresponsive on the floor.
Shuck. SRY I wasn't there to be with you! :(
Keep me posted. I need this Minho story later.
She flipped to Sonya's message and typed the same thing to her.
Hey. Jorge came out of surgery at 1am. SRY I never updated. Doc said he was good. They sent me home, and said they would call when he was moved out of ICU.
Well..not home. Ava kicked me out. I'm at Minho's- long story. But I'm good, I'm safe. His mom is awesome. I'll let you know when the hospital calls.
Her phone instantly buzzed with Sonya's reply and it wouldn't stop.
Also I'm glad Jorge is doing good. Sry you were alone and had to deal with that! :( I feel awful, it was like10 min after we left.
Are YOU doing good? (Other than being at hot stuff's house) like emotionally I mean...
Emily had to grin, Sonya was ridiculous sometimes.
Priorities, right?
Minho story first . But didn't you know? He said he talked to Newt. gave him my coffee order..?
Oh. Yeah...that. Newt said he was just checking in on you, you never answered our texts and calls. Minho said he would go check on you. HOW THE SHUCK DID YOU END UP AT HIS PLACE?
He did come check up. Tes wasn't happy. They left. He came back alone. He uh...he found out about Ava & Tes. He saw the bruises, and Ava kicked me out. He insisted I come to his place. You guys aren't home. I had no where else to go.
Well shuck.
What's Crank gonna say about that?
he said it was over. Said he was gonna end it as soon as he could.
Newt says to shot your shot man
🙄 No. He said he's got some stuff to deal with, and said we should deal with my living situation, and Jorge. And I don't really know if it's a good idea. He still has to break up with his current GF.
How could he like me? I'm just... me. There's nothing special, the beaten poor orphan. He's got everything, think of the reputation he'd give up if he went from popular cheer captain to..a nothing me.
He clearly does like you! Everyone can see it. Newt says even Thomas can see it. Probably why Crank is...cranky.
Just friends right now. I have to much other klunk in my life. I don't need boy drama. Also...Sonya, I've never had a BF before. It scares the klunk outta me.
It's no different than a friend, except you get to kiss them. Like they should be a BFF. You should be able to be yourself around them. You need to be honest and feel safe to give your opinions and thoughts. They should make you feel like the most important thing in the world.
If not then... later hater.
When did you become the BF guru?
Since always.
Ha. I need coffee. I'll text you later.
Bye girl.
Emily groaned and got out of bed. She brushed her teeth, and washed her face, but threw her long hair up into a messy bun, she'd deal with that after coffee. She grabbed the hoodie that was left on her bed last night. It clearly was one of Minho's old football ones. She smiled to herself as she pulled it on. She emerged from the room hesitantly and slowly made her way to the kitchen. Mrs. Lee was at the counter chopping vegetables.
"Good morning dear, I hope I didn't wake you." She said without looking up.
"No, I'm an early riser."
"Coffee is over there." She pointed with her knife, to a counter that looked like a mini coffee bar. There was fresh coffee brewing. Emily filled her mug and came back to the counter.
"Can I help?" Emily asked.
"If you really want to, those peppers need to be chopped."
Emily sipped her coffee, and helped chop veggies. Mrs. Lee was hilarious, she told Emily stories of Minho when he was little, many of them would be considering embarrassing. Emily giggled the whole time.
"So what about you, hun?"
"About what..?" She asked hesitantly.
"Well, I wasn't born yesterday, your, godfather- I believe Minho said- is in the hospital, and instead of going to your house, you are in our spare room."
Emily lowered her head, her hands went still.
"My step mother kicked me out. And I'm new to the area. I don't know anyone other than the Isaac's."
"No other family?"
Emily shook her head.
"My mom died when I was a baby in a car crash, and my dad got sick when I was 12."
Mrs. Lee was quiet for a moment. She placed her knife down, and wiped her hands on a towel, and turned to look at Emily, she took the knife from her hands and made Emily look at her. She placed a hand on her cheek. Her eyes had the same gentle but intense look in them as Minho.
"You are always welcome here. Minho was never this insistent to help. Regardless of my teasing, he is protective of his friends, once he has picked his small select inner circle, he wont let them go so easily. And you are the first girl he has asked me and his father to stay the night. Whatever his feelings, you are now part of that inner circle. I know my son. He cares, I can see it. His father can see it. I think even that dark hared sour puss he called a girlfriend...even she could see it."
Emily didn't know what to say. She just stood there, blinking, and then her eyes welled with tears, she bite her lip to keep it from quivering.
"Oh child." Mrs. Lee, her voice was so full of understanding and tenderness, Emily could hardly keep it together. Mrs. Lee pulled her into a hug.
It was the first time a mother had hugged her. She had hugs from Jorge, and she remembered her dad's hugs, but she never had a motherly hug. Emily's emotional damn broke. She cried, she cried hard on Mrs. Lee's shoulder. Mrs. Lee let her cry, she held the back of her head and rubbing her back.
All the bitter feelings of loosing her mother and her father, her hurt and anger having an evil step mother and sister, all the hurt of growing up in the dark shadows of abuse, the fear of almost loosing Jorge, the relief of feeling safe here, and then the motherly hug. She had bottled her emotions for a long time, 5 years almost.
Mrs. Lee let her cry until she was empty. Then slowly pulled away to see Emily's face. She wiped her tears with a small sad smile.
"You don't get hugs like that often do you child?" She asked quietly.
"Never." Emily whispered.
"That will change. And it's not Mrs. Lee. It's Mama Lee."
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