Chapter 11: Saturday
The next morning Emily woke to the smell of pancakes and bacon. A stab of pain went through her chest. She curled just a bit tighter, trying to keep her tears from falling.
The blanket was pulled away. Sonya's bedhead and sleep blurred eyes looked at her with concern.
"What's wrong?"
"Bull. You can't lie to me, I may not have coffee yet, but I know there's something. Lay it on me."
"I just...I don't know-"
There was a knock at the door, Newt poked his head in. His shaggy blond hair was a mess, but he was carrying a coffee pot and mugs.
"Why don't you ever bring me coffee in bed?" Sonya whined.
"Cuz your an annoying twat. And Emy never gets to have someone gush over her." Newt rolled his eyes. Emily, lowered her head, feeling the sting of tears. She swallowed a few times. Chuck placed his furry head in her lap, whining, looking at her with his big sad eyes.
"Man, he really buggen' likes you." Newt gave he a smile and handed her a coffee, but frowned. "What's wrong, Love?"
"Well I was gonna get an answer when you rudely interrupted, but you brought coffee. So your forgiven." Sonya stuck her tongue out at her twin.
Newt pulled out Sonya's desk chair, and sat down. It was weird seeing Newt out of his skinny jeans and sweaters, seeing him sitting cross legged messy bed hair and pajama pants and hoodie holding a coffee mug. She just smiled sadly.
"It's just overwhelming. I guess feeling...jealous. I could have had a family. But...the world is messed and cruel. Your mom is the opposite of Ava. But...I guess you can't miss what you never had."
"Understandable. Ava is a cold heartless bit-"
"Sonya! Language!" Newt scolded. Sonya just rolled her eyes.
"Whatever Mama Newt, you know its true."
"Yes, and why do you think I brought coffee? I would bloody imagine this house is a buggen' shock to the system compared to what she's used to."
"Yeah...not since dad..." She broke off, and sniffed.
"Tell us, Love. What did you and your dad do?" Newt asked gently. Emily fiddled with the handle of the mug. Them let go and ran a hand over Chuck's head, he was calm right now, and it made her feel better, his head in her lap. His warm weight on her lap. She took a ragged breath and with a small smile she looked up.
"Dad used to have waffle Saturdays. Homemade waffles, cartoons and then the afternoons at the gym. Jorge would come over after, sometimes Alby... and we would have blanket forts and pizza and a movie. Or watching the fights. It was just... I loved it. He did it with Teresa for a bit, the waffles. Dad always tried to get her to come to the gym... and she avoided the movies, she came a few times. But once he got sick it didn't happen. I tried making waffles one time. Ava flipped, I had made a mess in the kitchen. Never made them again."
"You haven't had waffles since your dad got sick?" Sonya asked, her eyes big in shock.
Emily nodded sadly. "Just brought back too many memories. Ava never made an effort, didn't care that I had lost my dad and all the traditions."
"Bloody hell, Emy." Newt's gentle eyes looked so sad.
"So...just a warm mom pulling cookies out of the oven after school...pancakes Saturday morning...maybe a sibling or two, a dog... just feel jealous. I should have had that. I should have had a family."
A tear escaped her lashes. Sonya pulled her into a side hug. Newt got off the chair and plopped down on her other side.
"It's okay Love. You've had the worst homelife for far too long."
"Sorry. I didn't mean to have a pity party." Emily sniffed.
"Girl! You of all people can have a shucken pity party!" Sonya scoffed, she sat up. "Now, we have new traditions to make. You are now the third child to this family. You're an honorary Issac. What do you normally do on Saturdays?"
Emily sniffed, and wiped the tears away.
"Study, the gym and chores."
"Well...How about we chill for the morning and you girls can go to the gym this after noon? I have track practice this afternoon. Pick up pizza for supper, I'll meet ya at home? Mom and dad are going to be gone this evening, some work function."
"Guys...are you sure? I don't want to change anything, or be the case-"
"Stop. Stop right now." Newt frowned. "You are not a bloody charity case! We like you as a person, Love. We enjoy you. You are our buggen' friend! End of bloody discussion. Now. If you would, please join me and my twat of a sister for some fresh pancakes and bacon." Newt stood up off the bed and pulled her up. He was stronger then she expected, and it felt like her arm pulled out.
She sat at the table with Newt and Sonya and their parents. It was a loud and happy table. Emily sat quiet, watching how a loving family interacted. Sonya got her feisty personality for her father, and Newt's quiet gentle side from his mother. She could see how much their parents loved each other. They teased each other, but their eyes sparkled and when they listened to their children they gave them their full attention.
"So Emily." Mr. Issac said, turning his eyes onto her.
Emily gulped, and her face went pink.
"My children say your the step daughter of Ava Paige."
"Yes sir."
"Oh please, no sirs in this house, or Mr. Isaac's. It's Sam, or Sonya or Newt's dad. I'm greeted formally all week at work."
Emily just nodded, she didn't know how to work through this feeling. The only adult she used first names were for Jorge and Ava.
"So...Ava Paige's step daughter. I didn't know she had one until Sonya brought it up."
"She...doesn't talk about me much." Emily said quietly.
"That's unfortunate. For what my children tell me you're quiet brilliant, and help run a business."
Emily's cheeks flamed red. She had never had praise from an adult other than Jorge."
"Not just brilliant, this kid is in the advanced accelerated program from math and Science, advanced program for ELA, and taking extra science classes and business class!" Sonya cried, "Dad you should see her agenda! She had like no buggen' time for sleep!"
Mr. Isaac was smiling at her, a really genuine smile, that reach his dark green eyes.
"What are you planning to do after high school, which those?"
"You should considering med school. Go for doctor." Mr. Isaac suggested.
Emily had never thought about going into Med school for a doctor. It was always nursing. Her heart fluttered. Could she do that? You needed almost perfect grades. She had never had someone suggest she stretch her goals. She wasn't sure how she felt. Encouraged? Scared? It wasn't a bad feeling, it was like...someone saw her value.
"Oh, also forgot she helps run her godfathers business!" Newt added, pointing his fork at Emily.
"No! It's HER business!" Sonya corrected, with a smug smirk.
"Is that so?"
"Ya..." Emily nodded, "My father had it put in trust for me until I'm 18."
"When will that be, dear?" Mrs. Isaac asked.
"Next year. I only turn 17 on Nov 20th"
He hummed, and nodded.
"I've heard about this business as well..." His eyes twinkled as he asked, and he got her talking about the gym, and kickboxing. Once Emily started talking about
"So do you still do tournaments and such?"
"No.." She went quiet, and felt herself shrink, "Used to as a child...But then passed away."
He hummed and nodded, leaving it at that.
The rest of breakfast was full of laughter and chatter. Emily helped clean up, well she tried to anyways. Mrs. Isaac kept trying to shoe her away. Sonya had to pull her from the kitchen.
"It's a thing here. Saturdays mom and dad clean up breakfast usually, they don't see each other much, so they like to talk while doing it." Sonya whispered.
Emily and Sonya had just finished changing and just putting their stuff in Emily's locker at the gym when her phone buzzed. Emily turned it on. It was from an unknown number.
Hey. Where you at?
Somewhere between psychotic and ironic.
LOL. No Seriously?
Depends on who's asking...
Someone who is super awesome with great hair.
Imma need more convincing than that. Srly. Who is this?
It's your Project partner! Come on Rocky, you didn't put my number in your phone?
You never gave me your number. But why do you need to know where I am. Did you loose your GF?
No. I thought we could work on the project..?
Sonya and I are at the gym.
Awesome. Thomas and I will be there in a bit. Don't leave I had some questions for Jorge!
Later gator
"Who ya texting?" Sonya asked, she was leaning on the lockers, waiting for her.
"Oh, sorry." Emily said sheepishly, she slid her phone into the locker and closed it.
"You never answered my question. You had a goofy little grin." Sonya elbowed.
"Oh.." Emily's cheeks went pink, she could feel her whole body blush.
"Oh come on!"
"Minho is coming to ask Jorge some things about the project and he's bringing Thomas."
"Knew it." She smirked, and gave Emily a knowing look, crossing her arms and nodding her head like a matter was settled and her point was proven.
"Knew what?"
"Every time you talk about this project, or that football player is brought up you blush, or smile." Sonya said with a shrug, and grinned a little, "You like him."
"No." She shook her head furiously, denying the accusation. While inside she had turned into a mess. Her stomach had butterflies, her heart sped up, and she felt the blush deepen.
"I don't want to." Emily looked down, fidgeting with the roll of tape.
"But you do."
"Yes. I do." Emily finally sighed, closing her eyes for a moment.
"Only problem is the ice queens daughter." Sonya frowned. "How long would it take others to notice she went missing?"
"Sonya!" Emily gasped.
"Fine. We'll rule out murder. For now. Though I know a good place they wouldn't look for a body..."
Emily rolled her eyes, "Come on, lets go hit stuff."
"Girl! I like the way you think."
Sonya had come to they gym once or twice with her after school, and Emily had shown her around a bit. Today Jorge was going to work with the two of them, and Sonya was beyond pumped. Emily showed her how to tape her hands properly. She brought her over to the bags, and showed her some warms up. Jorge came over and took over with Sonya. Jorge tried to tell her it was a free one on one. But Sonya put her foot down and threatened him.
"Sir, you take the money for a private training session, as it says on the prices out front or Imma bring my lawyer father up in here!"
Jorge chuckled. Sonya definitely got her attitude and stubbornness from her father. Emily had chuckled and shook her head.
Emily put her ear phones in and pulling her sweater hood up, she went at the speed bag. She blocked out the world. It was her, her loud music and the bag. Once she was sweating, she went pulled her big gloves on and went to the bag. Getting her legs involved now.
She felt a tap on her should, she turned and Sonya was grinning at her. She pulled her glove off and pulled her ear phone out.
"Jorge said you could do sit ups on the actually shucken bag!"
"Prove it!"
Yeah? And what do I get?"
"Shucken bragging rights!" Sonya grinned, "And coffee fora week!"
Emily pulled her other glove off and climbed up onto the bag. With a grin at Sonya, she wrapped her legs around the bag and started her sit ups. The first 10 were easy enough. She felt the deep burn in her muscles. Grinding her teeth she got another 5. She climbed off and lay on the ground panting. Her stomach burning, the inside of her legs felt like jellow from holding herself up.
"Damn Rocky that was kinda scary!" A dark haired boy leaned over her.
Emily sucked in a breath and clamped her eyes closed. Sonya was just as bad as Jorge! She was glad her face was already red from excretion.
"You gonna get up?" He chuckled.
"Nope. Leave me, let me die in peace!" She groaned.
He just chuckled. He held a hand out, and Sonya stood behind him with a smug look and her arms folded. Emily let Minho pull her to her feet. She hated Sonya right now, she narrowed her eyes at her best friend. She gave her an innocent look.
"Emily, this is Thomas. Don't know if you guys have actually met."
" that was kinda scary. Didn't know you could do that!" He was looking at her with a mixture of awe and fear. "How long did you take you to be able to do that? Do you think you could take on anyone? Have you had to fight anyone outside the gym?"
"Dude. Slim it." Minho rolled his eyes. "So? You gonna give us a lesson?"
"Yeah, come on. The four of you, up into the ring." Jorge had come up behind them, he tossed Emily some training pads.
"We'll show 'em the easy, beginer stuff."
"Can I see Emily do it? Minho said it was crazy! She was like full on Rocky!"
"Yes!" Sonya yelled over her.
"After this wonderful demonstration, we promise to jump in there. The guys have even changed are are ready to go!" Sonya promised.
"True!" Thomas called.
Sonya winked and shoved her towards the ring. Jorge gave Sonya a knowing look, and they had the same mischievous twinkle. She narrowed her eyes at her godfather.
"Papi, I don't like that look!"
"Just like last time Ma Hija. Put that hood up, put your headphones in, and ignore everything. It's you and me. Come on."
He climbed in. Emily growled. They weren't going to let her out of this. But she did what Jorge suggested. Sonya and the guys, came up and leaned on the ring mat. Jorge helped get her gloves on. Emily shook her arms out, and her neck.
"Okay Millie, just like last time."
He held the mitts up for her.
Jab Jab Cross. Jab Cross Left Hook. Jab Cross Right Hook. Jab Jab Cross left Hook. Jab Jab Cross Right Hook. Cross Left Hook Cross. Cross Right Hook Cross. Jab Left Uppercut Left hook. Jab Right uppercut Right Hook. Jab Cross Jab Cross.
Jorge was threw all the different combinations. But unlike last time, this was faster. After going through it all once, he started to repeat the patters throwing a few ducks in. Then he indicated to use her feet. She started throwing kicks in, Side kicks, push kicks, round house kicks, using her left and her right. He also threw in ducks with the kicks, and combinations, and started circling around, backing up and moving forwards. Like a real opponent would do.
Her mind shut off to the world around her. It was her and Jorge. All noise was gone; just her heavy breathing and heart beat, the blood rushing through her veins. The music blasting in her ears. The endorphins started flowing. The stress melted away, all her anxieties and worries. Her frown turned into smile and it turned into a smirk. She forgot that there was an audience. Jorge slowed down and came to a stop, indicating a break.
Emily was breathing heavily, sweat slid down her temples and back, but she had a grin. Jorge pulled her gloves off. She only remembered she had an audience when she pulled her ear phones out and they were whooping and yelling.
"Holly klunk, she could kick Gally's ass!" Thomas cried, as he clapped. Emily sheepishly came over and collapsed onto the ground. "Is it our turn?" Thomas asked, his eyes huge with excitement.
Minho was grinning at her, it was so big, his eyes had formed crescent moons. He handed her a towel and water. "You never sese to surprise me Rocky."
Emily felt her stomach back flip and her heart skipped a beat. Why did Teresa always get what she wanted? For once in her miserable life, Emily was jealous of the boy she had. Emily had never cared about the boys her bratty step sister dated, but for some reason, this boy, who was looking at her with his intense dark eyes in amusement, she want him for herself. But a horrible sinking feeling settled in her chest. Teresa would cut her into pieces, she would destroy her if she did anything, or tried anything. Not that she would try destroy any relationship, even if it was Teresa. That's not who she was. But she could feel the deep ache, the deep sadness settling over her again.
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