Chapter 62 - Lucifer and Xiaomei ~Recap~
"Hello readers, it is I, the sin of Pride, Lucifer, I'm here to bridge the seven-month gap that writer-san has left, I'm quite certain you've all forgotten about the story so far, so I've come to remind you of the terrifying the demons truly are", I say.
"Oiii, oiii, don't go breaking the 3rd wall like that", said Xiaomei.
"You sure it's not the 4th wall?", I ask.
"No, the 4th wall is talking to the camera", said Xiaomei
"Your only relevance is being the narrator of Edens Zero, how about you go back there, this story isn't Edens Zero", I say to her.
"Let's make a deal, you recap the story so far and I'll recap Edens Zero's story in regards to this book", said Xiaomei.
"I can simply do that myself, I don't need you, go back to your world", I say.
"I am Xiaomei, the fortune teller of Edens Zero, I know all, would you like me to spoil the ending of this book my dear Lucifer?", said Xiaomei with a twinkle in her eye.
"You wouldn't dare!", I say gritting my teeth.
"So you'd like me to tell them that Gray....", said Xiaomei as an "unknown" mystical force stopped her.
"What do you two think you're doing?", said writer-san enraged.
"He's here, the creator of this book", said Xiaomei in shock.
"He has no right to be, he disappeared for 7 months", said Lucifer.
"It wasn't my fault! I lost my account for some unknown reason", said writer-san.
"I don't care", said Lucifer.
"Let's do this, Lucifer will recap the key factors of the book and Xiaomei will recap Edens Zero's part in the book", said writer-san.
"I will not share my screentime, I am the rank 1 of the demons of the Underworld, I fear no one", said Lucifer.
"Fine, I'll just tell them that Makarov...", said writer-san as Lucifer screamed.
"STOP IT! Fine fine, I'll do it, you truly are a vile human writer-san", said Lucifer.
"Thank you, now keep the spoilers to a minimum but please do foreshadow, I like foreshadowing", said writer-san.
"Fine", said Lucifer and Xiaomei.
Lucifer POV ~continued~
The Earthland wizards don't know this but I'll tell you, dear readers, we demons' goal is to revive the Demon King, for that to happen certain seals must be undone, you see, the person that sealed the demon king was God Anksheram, Ankhseram was created by the Demon King, for you see the Demon King possessed the first magic of the world, darkness magic, time passed and he grew quite bored, being the only being in existence, he had the ability to grant any wish but with no one to ask him to grant a wish, he was quite lonely, so he created the thing that would cause his demise, God Ankhseram, he created her to be his wife, Ankhseram was the opposite of the demon king, she possessed Light magic, together they created me, the firstborn child of the universe, but I was a rebel at a young age so they created their second born, my counter, Gaia, mother Earth, restoring balance to the universe but with such great power in one place the universe started colapsing in on itself, in order to maintain balance, God Ankhseram created the gods, Gaia (Earth), Neptune, Uranus, Venus, Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter while my father created the sins, Lucifer, Mammon, Asmodeus, Belphegor, Leviathan, Sathanus and Beelzebub, we were the Seven Deadly Sins. The sins and the gods were always at odds with each other and that fallout gave birth to true darkness, that darkness affected the demon king and he went on a rampage, the demon king was sealed by God Akhseram, the gods, and by us, the sins.
Now, you're wondering, why did the sins help the Demon King away? It's simple, we were promised our own world to live in peace, but little did we know, the world we would be given would be Purgatory, it was not what God Anksheram promised us, for she always feared we would go berserk, just like our father did, for we were the fruits of his creation while the gods were fruits of her creation, we were given the task to guard the Demon King for all eternity but this world had lost its balance over time, Gaia went and created something that would give birth to the same darkness we were trying to stop, the creation of humans, the thought of good and evil had merged together with them, humans were greedy, all they cared about was power and I was happy to give it to them, it was then a plan developed between the sins and I, we would revive the demon king and start all over again, the Demon King will destroy the universe and a brand new universe would be born, in order to do so, certain seals has to be lifted, there are 3 sets of seals of the Demon King.
The first seal is defeating the gods, that's where Fairy Tail came in, they were only pawns but they did what I expected them to do, they defeated the Gods releasing the first seals.
The second seal is the body of the demon king, the Demon King's FACE was sealed in one of the 7 realms, Earthland, the effect releasing this seal means the nullification of all Magic Power in Earthland, the second seal was in a realm called Edolas, the Ear of the demon king, releasing this seal makes you temporarily lose all your senses, the third seal was in a realm called the Celestial Spirit World, the Foot of the Demon King, releasing this seal nullifies all Curses, once this seal is released, we demons won't be able to use our curse magic. The fourth seal was in a realm called Elentir, the Hand of the Demon King, releasing this seal means the nullification of all Spirit Magic. The fifth seal was in a realm called Niflheim, the realm where God Ankhseram resides, the Brain of the Demon King releasing this seal means nothing, in particular, it has no side effects, this seal is the trickiest for the only way to undo this seal is by killing God Anksheram. The sixth seal was in our homeland, a realm called Purgatory, the Nose of the Demon King, releasing this seal meant that demons could walk upon Earthland, and the final seal is being kept where the Demon King is kept and it is the most important of all, the seventh and final seal was the Body of the Demon King, the part that the Earthland wizards don't know is that undoing this seal means you have to defeat the Seven Deadly Sins.
So in other words, in order to truly revive the Demon King, the sins must fall.
"Now Xiaomei, Edens Zero plays a critical role in reviving the demon king, now tell us, what part exactly does the crew of Edens Zero plays in this upcoming war.", I say.
Xiaomei POV:
"I was getting to that demon". I say.
Now, what I'm about to tell you is major spoilers for Edens's Zero so you've been warned.
The battleship Edens Zero isn't a battleship at all, it's a ship that's equipped to travel through time.
The wars between the Gods and Sins gave birth to an infinite number of universes, the Shiki cosmos was one of them, I, Xiaomei reside in the Shiki Cosmos, and our version of the Demon King's name was Ziggy, unlike the original Demon King, The Demon King Ziggy wasn't sealed, which made him grow stronger and stronger, he was able to hop through universes because of his secret weapon, well I can't exactly call it a weapon, it was a person, a person frozen in time, Ziggy and his helpers managed to extract the ether (Edens Zero's form of magic) from that person, that person name was Rebecca Bluegarden, did I mention Shiki is the future Ziggy? About that, Shiki made a decision that ripped the time and space continuum, breaking that rule gave birth to sub-universes, that one decision gave birth to the Demon King Ziggy, Ziggy's plan of action was to travel back to the past and kill Shiki for if Shiki dies, the universe will be saved and if Shiki lives then the universes will be destroyed, Rebecca's body was kept well preserved in a lab where they were able to extract her ether gear, which as you may know now is something like magic, Rebecca's magic is time magic, Rebbecca is the one person Shiki holds deep in his heart, to put it in Fairy Tail's terms, Rebecca is just like Mavis sealed within the lacrima and Ziggy is similar to Zeref trying to use the power of Fairy Heart/Lumen Historie.
Now you see this is where the Fairy Tail and Edens Zero worlds collide, they are counterparts of each other, just like how Edolas has versions of the Fairy Tail characters, Edens Zero is its doppelganger. Shiki's doppelganger is Natsu, Elsie is Erza, Rebecca is Lucy and so it goes. The FAIRY TAIL world is Universe 1, the original universe, consisting of 7 Realms, Ziggy used the Edens Zero to travel through space and time, there are countless copies of Ziggy in every universe. Ziggy had the power to go to every universe and enter the body of that universe "Demon King" but little did he know that Universe 1 (the Fairy Tai Universe) was the body of the Original Demon King who had been sealed hence when Ziggy entered universe 1, he was automatically merged with the sealed original demon king, Ziggy's original body is sealed in the body of FAIRY TAIL's Demon King.
The Crew of Edens Zero's goal is to hop through universes, destroying Ziggy in every one of them but they learned that Ziggy will keep reincarnating until they defeat his original body, the body currently sealed in Universe 1, their goal is to revive the Demon King and defeat him for if they do beat Ziggy, all Ziggy's doppelgangers will cease to exist in every one of their sub-universes and the cosmos' will finally be at peace.
The Crew of Edens Zero arrive in Elentir, Shiki, Homura, Sister, Jinn, Elsie, Justice, and Laguna. This disaster won't end until they all defeat the Demon King.
The battle is entering its final phase for in the next chapter, the Universal War begins.
"You did a horrible job explaining that Xiaomei", said Lucifer.
"Like you did any better?", I say.
"I'm sure you confused the readers", said Lucifer.
"But we failed at writer-san's request for foreshadowing", said Lucifer.
"I am Xiaomei, the fortune teller of Edens's Zero and I'm here to tell you, in the next chapter, a main character dies", I say as I begin to fade.
To Be continued in Chapter 63 - The Galactic War Begins, the Sins Strike.
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