Chapter 60 - Wendy's Origins, the Curse of Darkness
~Sky God's - Spear~ said Boreas as he pierced Wendy's body as she yelled out in pain.
"I am Boreas, god of the Dragon Gods", said Boreas as Wendy's blood stained the battlefield.
"Stop it!", yelled Natsu as he rushed towards Wendy.
"Goodbye, my dear daughter", said Boreas.
~Sky God's - Crushing Fang - said Boreas as split Wendy's body into.
"Wendy!", cried Irene as a tear escaped her eye.
"You killed her, you bastard!", said Irene enraged.
"Wendy!", screamed Natsu as he attacked Boreas but was easily swatted away.
"I hope this proves my level of power to you humans, I am not someone you can defeat", said Boreas.
"What's your goal?", asked Irene.
"I'm not sure yet, I'm still making up my mind, do I side with the demons and wipe out all of existence or do I side with the humans and wipe out the demons, I've been asleep for a very long time", said Boreas.
"You said you were going to tell Wendy about her origins", said Irene.
"I plan to", said Boreas.
"What do you mean? You killed her!", asked Natsu.
~Dragonslayer Secret Art: Milky Way~ said Boreas.
"That's Wendy's spell", said Natsu.
"From what I recall, that's a spell that can bring back the spirits of dragons long gone", said Irene.
Wendy then appeared in spirit form along.
"Natsu-san, what's going on?", said Wendy.
"Her spiritual form?", said Irene.
"This is Milky Way", said Wendy confused.
"I'm the one who created this spell, I can revive dead dragonslayers, your spell is different, you can revive dead dragons.", said Boreas.
"No way, just who are you?", said Natsu.
"I'm Wendy's father, my name is Sussano Marvel", said Boreas.
"You did say you were going to tell me about my origins", said Wendy.
"I promised your mother to not tell you anything", said Boreas.
"My mother!", said Wendy.
"Start from the beginning", said Irene.
"You humans were wondering why I have magic power huh? Spirit Power and Magic Power were destroyed by Face and Hand, the honest truth, is I have a fourth type of power that's not common in this universe", said Boreas.
"Impossible, there are only three types of power", said Irene.
"It's very possible, my power is called Ether more specifically Ether Gear, it's sort of like what you humans would call a magic core, I was sent here from another universe, there are countless universes and I've forgotten what my mission was, I remember everything else but it's like my mission was wiped from my head, there's only one possible explanation for that", said Boreas.
"What would that be?", asked Wendy.
"Someone messed with the future in my universe and there's only one person who would do that but I've forgotten her name", said Boreas.
"So you've forgotten why you were sent here", said Irene.
"Yes", said Boreas.
"Wendy can help you", said Irene.
"She can?", asked Boreas.
"Her healing abilities are unlike anything in the universe but you killed her so...", said Irene.
"What about my origins?", asked Wendy.
"When I was sent here, I met a woman, she helped me, she showed me the ropes and she understood my situation, we both fell in love with each other, her name was Marina, we lived in a kingdom called Dragnoff, Marina was born there, it was a place humans and dragons lived together in peace, we laid low there for a while, Marina used Enchant magic and I used Sky Magic.", said Boreas.
"Dragnoff! You were there, I was the queen of Dragnoff", said Irene in shock.
"Wow, such a small world", said Boreas in shock.
"Marina you say?", said Irene as her eyes widen in shock.
"You knew her?", asked Boreas.
"She was my closest helper, I enchanted my magic into her, her body was frail even though she used healing magic and but she was like a sister to me, so one day I enchanted some of my magic into her, the enchant magic was a small amount", said Irene in shock.
"She told me the queen gave her some of her magic, Wendy was conceived that night", said Boreas in shock.
"So because of that, all our magics merged together and went into Wendy!", said Irene.
"Wow, it makes sense now", said Boreas.
"Wendy, the sky dragonslayer, born with my wind magic, her mother's healing magic, and my enchant magic, how ironic, the girl who had my powers was able to defeat me that day, it all came full circle", said Irene.
"When Wendy was born, her body couldn't take the strong magic power, we found a specialist, but this specialist was a demon living here in the human world, from a distant place called Galuna Island, he was able to seal 60% of her magic power using curse magic inside her, the curse was called The Curse of Darkness, darkness slowly eats away at the magic power, it's not a power Wendy could unlock herself so she was born with a handicap, Wendy has a curse seal inside of her.", said Boreas.
"When I ate Face's residual power I went into Dragon Force, I could never explain it but when a strong magic power enters my body, I immediately go into Dragon Force, could it be that it's reacting to that magic sealed within me?", asked Wendy.
"It all makes sense now, when I took over your body back during the Alvarez ordeal with Erza, your magic power was equal to mine which I found confusing, I couldn't understand why such a tiny dragonslayer had power equal to mine, it would seem that when you took over my body, the seal transferred to my body temporarily, it's soul-link magic, your body isn't cursed, it' your spirit itself that's cursed", said Irene.
"A regular wizard can unlock 100% magic power, a dragonslayer could unlock 200% magic power but Wendy can unlock 300%, if her curse seal is broken, she could be the strongest mage in existence, enough to defeat the demons, one day I found the Sky Dragon Grandine and asked her to look after Wendy, I explained the situation to her and she understood, she looked after Wendy and trained her while I searched for a cure, this curse slowly eats away at your magic power over-time but it seems your magic power kept growing and judging from that story Irene just told us, when she entered your body, she saved your life, her overwhelming magic power entered your body, it was as if a piece of Irene was returned to her, your enchant magic became whole that day because it was Irene who gave you Enchant magic subconsciously to begin with, she saved your life Wendy", said Boreas as Irene and Wendy stare at each other in shock.
"I can't believe what I'm hearing", said Irene.
"It's like all the missing pieces of my life suddenly came rushing back", said Wendy.
"That's not all, years later I found a cure", said Boreas as they all stare in shock.
"No way", said Irene.
"My first clue was a man named Brain, he was the founder of the Bureau of Magical Development but it turned out that place was a lie, they would harbor the power of strong children, it would seem they needed the power to unlock forbidden magic called Nirvana, during the time of my visit, there was a girl there, from her charts, her name was Ultear, before U left I enchanted some of my magic into and she was able to overpower the system and destroy the entire place, since that was a dead-end, I headed to the Northern Continent for answers, during that time I became a Dragon God, in all my years and studying of this world I suddenly became the strongest Dragon God, Selene didn't like that, I was foiling her plans, she convinced the other Dragon God's I was dangerous and sealed me away but not before I got a critical piece of information, the cure was right there in the northern continent, flying right above our heads", said Boreas as the atmosphere went cold.
"Flying above your heads?", asked Natsu.
"The moving castle, Plutogrim, the cure was in the dark guild Tartaros", said Boreas as everyone's eyes widen in fear.
"Tartaros!", said Natsu in shock.
"Not the guild itself but there's someone in the guild that can remove the seal inside Wendy", said Boreas.
"Tartaros was destroyed", said Wendy.
"That's the only cure I found", said Boreas.
"Who was this person?", asked Irene.
"His name was Silver Fullbuster, the Ice Demonslayer, he has the ability to break any curse set by a demon", said Boreas as Natsu stared on in shock.
"Gray", said Natsu.
"Who's that?", asked Boreas.
"Gray Fullbuster, he's Silver's son, Gray now possesses Silver's magic", said Natsu.
"Gray can save Wendy", said Irene.
~Dragonslayer Secret Art: Heaven's Gift~ said Boreas as Wendy's spirit disappeared.
"What are you doing?", asked Natsu.
Wendy then got up coughing as everyone looked on in shock.
"Once someone's spirit is still here, I'm able to revive them from the dead", said Boreas as Wendy fully healed.
"All her scars are gone", said Irene.
Wendy then fell to the ground as everyone watched on.
"She fainted!", said Natsu.
"No, it's not that, I put some of Lucifer's curse power into her, it's likely it's reacting to the seal of darkness, we have to find Gray now!", said Irene.
"Hang in there Wendy", yelled Natsu.
"How the hell are we gonna get back to Earthland, Selene's body is out of magic power and Boreas can't use Enchant magic!", said Irene.
A strong wind then blew ahead as a ship approached.
"What now!", said Irene.
"The calvary has arrived", said Boreas.
"You were expecting someone?", asked Irene.
"I have no memories of them but I do have a memory of the strongest battleship in the Sakura Cosmos", said Boreas.
"It shaped like a dragon", said Natsu.
"This is, the warship of the Demon King, Edens Zero", said Boreas.
To be Continued in Chapter 61 - The warship of the Demon King, Edens Zero
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