Chapter 6: Constellations Gather: The 12 Zodiac
Hit me a comment if this chapter left you speechless? ;)
Previously on Fairy Tail:
1. The Ravines of Times collapses sending all remaining mages on the Alvarez battlefield to the Golden Grasslands, Lucy, Erza, Juvia, Gray, Wendy, Happy and Carla meets Mavis and Zeref and finds out about the world of the dead and what it entails, learning about Nilfhiem and the Underworld.
Earthland, Edolas, Celestial Spirit World, The World of the Dead, Nilfhiem and the Underworld.
2. Erza is kidnapped by Neptune and a unknown man who nullifies the mages magic.
3. Irene and August show up and Irene has a plan to infiltrate Nilfhiem and rescue Erza.
4. In order to open the door to Nilfhiem certain conditions must be met, they'll need 9 Dragon Slayers, 7 Celestial Wizards, 5 Elemental Wizards, 3 God Slayers and the magic of God Ankhseram
5. During the battle with Acnologia, the dragon slayers were powerless against him and lost the battle resulting in Acnologia extracting their magic from their bodies making them incapable of using their Dragon Slayer magic.
6. The task is as follows, locate the dragon Slayers and celestial wizards and regroup at the gates of Alfhiem. The remaining group are as follows.
Group 1: Lucy, Gray, Juvia, Brandish, Layla, Anna and Aquarius.
Group 2: Wendy, Carla, Chelia and Happy.
Group 3: Ul, Ultear, Silver, Jellal, Angel, Cobra, Midnight, Racer and Richard.
Group 4: Mavis and Zeref.
Group 5: Eileen and August.
Group 6: Leo
Wendy PoV:
"Wendy run!!", yelled Chelia.
In the blink of an eye, I felt her finger pierce through my belly as I scream.
As I fall to the ground I glimpse Chelia who had been knocked out cold, Happy and Carla were also knocked out cold. They didn't look injured.. she did freeze time and then attacked?
I forgot Dimaria doesn't fight fair... if only I had my magic I would at least be able to do something.
"Chelia! Wake up!", I scream as she kicked me and sent me flying.
"That suffocating defeat. You'll pay with your lives little girls", she says as she slams my head into the ground.
"Stop!!", I beg.
This woman is bent on the idea of killing me... I'm powerless against her.
In one blink she flew into the air as she let off a scream. Someone punched her.
"Wendy!!", yelled Lisanna.
"Lisanna! What are you doing here?", I ask as she picks me up.
"Mira and I felt this dangerous magic power coming from this area so we decided to check it out", she said.
"Mira-san?", I say as something falls to the ground.
As the dust settled I see Dimaria on the ground as she struggled to get up.
"You... you demon", says Dimaria as rises.
"She-devil", says Mira as she set off a huge explosion trapping Dimaria in its blast.
"Sitri form", says Lisanna.
"I move at the speed of Light", says Mira.
"Wendy are you okay?", says Mira as she rushed to me.
It was again at the blink of an eye i see Mirajane fall to the floor.
"Mira!", screams Lisanna.
"No way", I say in fear.
"What the hell happened?", yells Lisanna in disbelief.
"She uses Time magic, she can freeze her opponent's time magic and deliver the final blow", I say struggling to get up.
"Lis...anna... Wendy.... run", says Mira weakly.
"Oh? You're still alive? How unfortunate for you", laughed Dimaria.
Dimaria then took one step towards Mira as she froze.
"My body... it won't move.. what the hell is going on", says Dimaria confused.
"Nice work Libra", says a voice behind us.
I then turned around and saw Yukino, Sting, Minerva, and Rufus.
"Wendy! Are you okay!", yells Sting as he rushes over to me.
"What kind of magic is this?", yells Dimaria.
"Celestial Spirit magic, your magic won't work on spirits", says Pisces as she and Libra prepare for battle.
That's right, time works differently in the Celestial Spirit World so time magic, while time magic may affect the holder of the key it won't affect a celestial spirit.
"We have to do this quickly, we're being summoned", says Pisces (woman).
"Summoned?", says Yukino.
"Let's finish this quickly", says Libra.
Jellal PoV:
"We must rescue Erza", I say enraged.
"Calm down Romeo, this Eileen woman has a plan to infiltrate Nilfhiem", says Ultear.
"Isn't this a weird group", says Angel.
"It's all for love", says Richard as he glowed.
"I understand the situation now", says Cobra.
"See I told you it was him", said an old man's voice.
"Who's there!", yelled Racer.
As the two shadows emerge from the darkness, my body started shaking...
No way...
"We were eavesdropping and happen to hear Erza was kidnapped", said the man.
"Jellal, do you know these people?", asked Meredy.
I completely forgot... this was the land of the dead, of course, they'd be here too.
"It's nice to see Jellal, you look well", he said as a tear escaped my eye.
"No... no way... these are the people....", says Ultear in shock.
"From the Tower of Paradise...", I say as I gulp hard.
Grandpa Rob.... and Simon .......
Lucy PoV:
"Hurry it along will you", says Aquarius.
"We're going the fast we could", I say to her.
"Ooh? Is little Lucy raising her voice at me?", says Aquarius enraged.
"It's nice to see you Aquarius", says Juvia.
"Juviaaaa", says Aquarius in excitement.
Her mood then changed as she stopped and looked ahead with a worried look on her face.
"What's wrong Aquarius?", I ask confused.
"I'm being summoned", she said confused.
"Summoned? By who?", I say.
"The Celestial Spirit King", she says baffled.
"The spirit king? What does he want?", I say in shock.
"Go ahead without me, I'll meet with you shortly", says Aquarius as she disappeared.
The Spirit King? I then got an uneasy feeling as I look into the horizon.
Leo POV:
"Karen what are you doing!?", I yell as I dodge Aries attack.
"I simply want you fighting till the death.", she said laughing.
"Leo, what's going on?", says Aries confused.
"I have no idea", I say trying to dodge all her attacks.
"Lucy us my master so why does Karen have my key", she asked.
"Why do you have her key Karen?", I ask as I face Karen.
She then kicked me across as I fall to the floor.
"Pathetic", she said as she whipped me.
"Stop it!", yelled Aries.
Karen then stopped and turned around enraged.
"You dare speak back to me?", said Karen as she raised the whip.
"Stop it!", I yell.
As she raised her whip to hit Aries, someone grabbed the whip from behind her.
It was Capricorn.
He then hit her as she fell to the ground.
"Capricorn", I say confused as he removed the shackles from Aries.
"Think back... to Tenrou Island when we fought. Remember that magic power", he said.
Tenrou Island... Capricorn was being takeover by him... wait a minute...
"Zoldio..", I say in shock.
"You finally figured it out", says Karen as she rises.
Zoldio was the man that stole human souls and celestial bodies, Capricorn was under his control back then, now it seems he's controlling Karen.
Karen: Open the 12 gates of the Eclipse Zodiac.
12 seals then appeared on her body.
Darkness then filled the air as 12 beings appear.
The Eclipse Celestial Spirits. This was what Lucy was telling back when the Celestial World was almost destroyed.
"What can the three of you do against my dark spirits?", said Karen as her voice distorts.
Open 12 Gates of the Zodiac: said a man behind Karen.
"Who the hell are you!!!", yelled Karen as she turned around.
"Big brother!", yelled Virgo as she ran towards us.
"Wicked!", said Scorpio.
"You're using spirits as your pets. Unforgivable!", yelled Libra.
"Piri Piri", said Gemini as they join us.
"Pada Pada Cancer", said Cancer.
"Good thing we beat that Time magic woman", said Pisces who appeared in human form.
"We have arrived Leo", said Taurus.
"Reporting for duty", said Sagittarius.
"Who's that runt?", said Aquarius as she gave her Eclipse from the death stare.
"You guys", I say in shock.
"You're no match for my Eclipse Celestial Spirits", said Karen as her voice continued to distort.
The man then stepped forward as the earth trembled. His magic power.... was unlike anything I've ever seen... just who is this man... and how could he summon all 12 Zodiacs with ease.
"There's only one celestial wizard that held all 12 keys, when the world of the dead opened back up, the Gate Keys returned into his hands, that's what the old man said, that's why Lucy's keys weren't working", said Aquarius.
"As for us, we just followed Sorano around", said Libra.
"Enough talk. Show them your power Eclipse Spirits! Show them the true power of a Dark spirit!", yelled Karen as she laughed.
"Oh no, you don't!! Libra do it!", yelled the man.
"Gravity magic", yelled Libra as she froze them all.
A huge tremor of magic power then filled the air.
~Survey the heavens, Open the heavens.
All the stars, far and wide...", he chanted as his voice echoed.
"This spell... it's...", I say in shock.
I recognize you now.... old man... I then smiled as I rose up.
"Release your magic power!", I say to the rest of the spirits.
~Show me thy appearance~
~Regulas IMPACT~ I yell.
~With such shine~
~Wool Bomb, Spica Lock~ yelled Aries and Virgo.
~Oh Tetrabiblos,
I am the ruler of the stars~
~Sandbuster, Sand Alberon~ said Scorpio and Taurus.
~Aspect become complete~
~Water Piller, Fire away~ said Aquarius and Sagittarius.
The rest of the spirits combined their attack as that man delivered the final incantation.
~Open thy malevolent gate,
Oh, 88 Stars if the Heavens...
The entire landscape lit up.
"URANO METRIA!", he yelled as the spell hit with direct contact.
"No!!!", yelled Karen.
Zoldio then appeared as Karen fell to the ground.
"Celestial Spirits aren't pets", said the man as Zoldio shivered.
"Stop it!!", he yelled.
That man was the Celestial King's greatest friend.
~Constellations Shine: Rid thee from thy evil: GALAXIA BLADE~, yelled the man as a brilliant light disintegrated Zoldio.
A true Celestial Wizard, known far and wide throughout the human world and the man who taught Anna Heartfillia.
"Yo Leo, it's been a while", the man said as he smiled.
The man who redefined Celestial Spirit magic... Will Neville.
~Fiore: East Forest~
Natsu PoV:
"Don't tell me I'm lost", I say to myself.
Where the hell is everyone and why is this place so creepy. I need to hurry up and find everyone. There's something not right about this place.
The last thing I remember was Acnologia taking our powers away, right now I can't use magic.. which a pain. How the hell will I get my magic back?
I then froze as I felt a presence behind me... this magic power .... this dark magic power...
"Dragon Slayer... I've been looking for you", he said as I turned around.
This man.... he was the master of Oracion Seis.
"Brain", I say on guard.
"No.. not Brain, Zero", he said as his red eyes glow.
"Fire Dragon's Roo...", I say as he punched me hard.
"I don't sense magic power within you. That'll make this easy", he laughed.
I then rose to my feet as he darted towards me. Damn!! I feel so helpless!!!
"Natsu get down!!!", a voice yelled.
I then do as he says as I duck.
~Fire Dragon's Roar~ he yelled as a roar hit Brain.
"Natsu-san!", yelled Frosch and Lector as they ran towards me.
"You're Sabers cats", I say confused.
"We got separated from Sting and Rogue and found this fellow, is this Acnologia?", said Lector as he turned around.
"I'm not Acnologia boy", said the man as he came into the light.
His black hair shuns as fire enveloped his body, he was human.
"I've been looking everywhere for you, he smiled as the flames disappear.
This magic power... no way...
"Igneel..", I say as my eyes widen.
To be continued in Chapter 7: Universe One.
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