Chapter 45: The Demon Queen Arrives.
Authors Note:// My apologies for updating 4 days late, I was sick, I'll make it up to you by giving you 2 chapters this week, are you ready? The hype is about to begin.
~3rd Person POV~
~Ice Make - SILVER~ said the voice as the entire landscape turned pink.
Gajeel was frozen instantly.
"Gray", said Wendy.
"No, it's not Gray", said Romeo as the dust settled.
"This is Devilslayer magic, it has to be Gray", said Wendy as they stare on as he came into view.
"Who the hell are you?", asked Romeo as he stared at them.
"He looks like Gray but that's definitely not Gray", said Asuka.
"Who are you!", said Asuka.
"You needeth know my name, I am an ally, I froze Gajeel for you didn't I", said the boy.
"You smell like Gray, what's going on here!", said Wendy as the boy clenched his fists.
"Wendy! Are you okay!", said Laxus as he joined them.
"Master!", said Wendy.
"Sorry, we were sealed inside Levi's house by Freed's magic, it would seem the enemy is now possessing his body, their target is you Wendy", said Laxus.
"Gajeel", said Jellal as he looked at a frozen Gajeel.
"Pink Ice?", said Laxus.
"You, who are you", said Neptune.
~Water Blast~ said Neptune as the boy instantly froze Neptune's water.
"You froze my attack so easily", said Neptune in shock.
"He said he was an ally", said Wendy.
"You have the magic signature of god Anskhseram, why do you have her blood flowing in your body!", said Neptune as Jellal's son Simon collapsed on the ground.
"Simon!", yelled Jellal.
"Father, it hurts", said Simon as he coughed up blood.
"What the hell is going on!", said Laxus as Arios joined them.
"Sister is....", said Simon in shock.
"Jellal, explain what's happening", said Laxus as Wendy healed Simon.
"My healing magic is having no effect", said Wendy in shock.
"We're losing him", said Asuka.
"Simon and Irene are connected through body link magic, Erza and I put the spell on them when they were kids, it was to keep them safe, if something is happening to the other, then we would know, if it's activating now then something must have happened to Erza and Irene!", said Jellal.
"They're on an escort mission currently, something must have gone wrong", said Laxus.
~Life Perception - said Neptune as Simons' body glowed.
"What is that magic?", asked Jellal.
Neptune's eyes then widened in shock as his body trembled.
"It's a special type of magic us gods can use to see the life span of the opponent, Simon's lifespan is currently 60, this means he will die in exactly one minute", said Neptune.
"No way! Then that must mean Erza and Irene is", said Jellal as tears fell from his eyes.
"Dead", said Laxus in shock.
~Demon Slayers Magic: Frozen Soul~ said the boy as Simon's body was encased in crystallized ice.
"What are you doing!", yelled Jellal.
"Wait, stop!", yelled Neptune.
"What did you do?", asked Wendy.
"This spell freezes a person's existence, take's a lot of magic power, the spell is temporary but for now the boy is safe", said the mysterious boy.
"He's right, even life perception is frozen, this boy successfully froze Simon's time", said Neptune.
"You!", said a voice out of breath.
"Gray", said Wendy as Gray joined them.
"Well look who finally got out of bed today", said Laxus.
"I'm glad to see you're alright Gray", said Neptune.
"You've been so depressed lately, we can all see how much you're suffering Gray but your friends are all here for you", said Wendy.
Gray then approached the mysterious boy.
"I sensed Silver's magic, in what way are you connected to Silver boy? That's why I came here and what is hell is Gajeel doing here!", said Gray.
"We'll have to save the explanation for later, something is coming", said Laxus as magic power filled the air.
"What the hell is this evil magic power!", said Wendy in shock as the sky darkened.
"She's coming", said the mysterious boy.
The entire area was then hit with an intense heatwave.
"What the hell is this heat!", said Neptune in shock.
"She's here", said Gajeel's voice as the ice melted.
"The ice, it's gone!", said Wendy in shock.
Gajeel then laughed as the ice of the Devilslayer dispelled.
"You're out of luck humans, the arrival of the demon queen means your end", said Gajeel as an intense heat filled the battlefield.
"Demon queen?", said Gray.
~Ice Make: Silver: Said Gray and the mysterious boy as pink ice-covered Magnolia.
The pink ice immediately melted as the heat raged on.
"There's heat capable of melting the ice of a devil slayer?", said Gray.
"If she's the demon queen then the ice of a devil slayer should be super effective right?", asked Laxus.
"She's called the demon queen but she's not a demon, she's a God", said the mysterious boy as a raindrop fell onto the battlefield.
"Rain?", said Wendy as it rained heavily.
The rain cooled everyone down instantly.
"This rain!", said Neptune in shock.
"This water magic is combatting the demon queen's heat", said Gray as a figure appeared in front of him.
"Drip Drip Drop", said the mysterious boy as he smiled as Gray's eyes widened in shock.
"Juvia!", said Gray in shock.
"Water witch, what are you doing here!", said Neptune in shock.
"Well it is true that gods are forbidden from entering Earthland, the rules have been erased now, I'm afraid the Demon Queen has killed God Ankhseram", said Juvia as she went into battle mode.
"So that means the gods can freely enter Earthland now", said Neptune in shock.
The rain then suddenly disappeared as a vile magic power entered the atmosphere.
"She's here", said the mysterious boy.
"Juvia who is this boy?", asked Gray.
"You didn't introduce yourself!", said Juvia as she smacked the boy.
"Hi, my name is Greige Fullbuster, child of Juvia Lockser", said the boy as everyone's eyes widened.
"Gray! When did you!", said Laxus in shock.
"Son!", said Gray in shock.
The clouds then parted as a black figure descended from the clouds.
"There's something you need to know about the Demon Queen", said Juvia as everyone's eyes widen in shock.
"The demon queen is someone you know very well", said Juvia.
The ice surrounding Simon then shattered.
"Simon!", screamed Jellal as Simon coughed up blood.
"The entire atmosphere is shaking, it's as if the earth, sky, and land fears her", said Gray.
"No way", said Wendy in shock as the Demon Queen came into view.
"She is the vilest and evilest dark mage in all of history, with only one goal, to destroy the 7 realms", said Juvia as she went into battle mode.
~Character Art: Demon Queen Lucy Heartfillia~
Authors Note: How was that for a chapter? Are you entertained? The next chapter is even more fun. Stay tuned dear readers for the story is about to go on Overdrive. Two hours until the next chapter hits.
To be continued in Chapter 6: Igneel Roars.
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