Chapter 36: Year x817, The Next Generation of Fairy Tail.
~SPECIAL Authors Note: Today we celebrate 4 years of this novel, 4 years ago I wrote chapter 1, and stopped a year later and resumed recently thanks to the positive feedback, to celebrate this milestone, I'll give you a look into the next arc and a glimpse into the future from Arios perspective, I will now reveal what really happened in Year x817 and the fate that befalls our heroes. I hope you're ready for a WILD RIDE. This is the most favorite chapter I've ever written, I hope you like it, happy 4-year anniversary FAIRY TAIL vs God Ankhseram.
~Arios Pov~
My name is Arios Redfox, son of Gajeel Redfox and Levi McGarden, there are a few details I didn't tell Mavis or well, I couldn't tell her, for this piece of information will rock the magic world to its very core.
Location: The FAIRY TAIL Guild
Year x807
Arios Redfox - Age 11
"What a mission?", I say to the guild master.
"You're at that age now, where your power will unlock, maybe a real-life battle will trigger your magic", he says.
He was right, I'm 11 and I still haven't unlocked my powers, my sister is the same age as me and she already has her powers, she uses the same magic as my mother, Solid Script magic, so maybe I can wield the power of my father? The late Gajeel Redfox's Iron Dragon Slaying magic. My father, Gajeel was killed in the battle of Ankhseram, in order to save my mother, he died, I wish I got to know him, even my mother died, or so I was told, now I'm a child of the Fairy Tail guild, they are my family.
"Did you space out?", asked the master.
"Sorry", I smiled as he shook his head in disbelief.
Master always took care of me, he was a big father figure in my life. He's the one person I look up to, the closest thing I had to a father.
"Sorry, Master.", I say.
The 9th Guild Master of Fairy Tail and Rank #2 of the Ten Wizard Saints - Laxus Dreyer.
"What are you staring at? Huh? You wanna fight?", she said as she charged towards me.
Nashi Dragneel, daughter of Natsu and Lucy, her past was just a tragic as mine, everyone knows the name, E.N.D, E.N.D wasn't slain in Niflheim, Lucy used her one command to return everyone to Earthland, everyone alive who arrived in Niflheim at the time of the battle was sent back to home, even those that died in Niflheim, like Natsu, my father wasn't one of those people and when the God of Death kills you, your soul is lost forever so that command didn't apply to only him. When Natsu came back, a few years later, while Lucy was pregnant with Nashi, E.N.D was revived, it took our entire guild to stop him, we lost almost half our guild trying to seal him, Gray eventually sealed Natsu, but the only option... was Iced Shell, Lucy left the guild after that, at this current age, Lucy Heartfilia, the purest of them all, is now known as Lucy of the Dark Arts, Lucy became the enemy of our guild and one of our strongest antagonists. Undefeated, even till this day, the second of the Darkness Trio, was her...
"Stop bullying Arios dumbass", says Greige.
"The hell did you call me bitch?", says Nashi as they started fighting.
The second of the Darkness trio was his mother, Juvia Lockser, she joined Lucy on her journey to revive Natsu and Gray, who would have ever thought that Lucy and Juvia would become enemies of Fairy Tail and the third and final mage of the darkness trio was the darkest of them all...
"Stop them!", yelled Gale.
Gale Redfox, my twin sister, we were 11 at the time but I didn't know what I knew then, that Gale Redfox was the vessel for the strongest demon of hell. Our story is also tragic, my mother Levi made a blood pact with the demon Mammon, he was one of the seven princes of hell, she promised him a vessel if he could bring Gajeel back to her, so after she gave birth to us, she followed through with his request but Mammon lied to her, he didn't bring Gajeel back because his soul was lost forever and when a human makes a blood pact with a demon, the human has to follow through with it, my mother was prepared to give her life away but a cruel twist of fate was about to reveal itself, the body the demon took wasn't my mother but the demon chose Gale as it's vessel, since then Levi has been asleep, master called it the eternal slumber, it was a new type of magic that had no cure, it was the first case in existence, the theory was that when you make a blood pact with a demon, it trigger's "Eternal Slumber", from which there were no awakening.
"Cease this fighting immediately!", she yelled as she beat Nashi and Greige to a pulp.
Irene Fernandez, daughter of Erza and Jellal, she uses Enchantment magic and possessed an insane amount of magic power and earned the nickname, Enchantress.
"Would you guys be quiet, Arios is about to go on his first quest", said Erza.
Erza Scarlet, Rank #4 of the Ten Wizard Saints.
"This is an escort quest, the princess of the Northern Continent Mori, her name is Arya Schier, she's here from the annual world gatherings of leaders, Hisui, queen of our Eastern Continent of Fiore, Ajeel, king of the Western Continent of Alkatashia, Saraya, queen of the Northern continent Mori and Rashant, king of the Southern continent of Caishen, you need real-time battle's of you're to unlock your power", says master Laxus.
"Seems like an important mission and yet you're sending me?", I say shocked.
"You're the one who's always complaining about having no magic abilities, I can give it to someone else if you'd like", said master Laxus.
"No no no no no no no, I'm ready", I say with stars in my eyes.
"Don't worry, I'll be there with you", said Erza.
"You're going to?", I say in excitement.
"Erza, Arios, Nashi, Greige, Irene, Gale, you guys will accept this mission, I got three more wizards joining you, Kagura and Rufus's daughter, Mia and Sting, and Yukino's daughter, Isabella", said master Laxus.
"No way, we're joining Mermaid Heel and Sabertooth on this quest?", I say in excitement.
And just like that, we were in front of her, the goddess of my dreams.
"Hello, my name is Arya, princess of the Mori continent, it's nice to meet you", she says as she smiled.
"Beautiful", I say as the words slip out my mouth.
"Idiot", said Erza as she hit me on the head.
"Ignore him, he's a weird one", said Kagura as she hit me on the head too.
"It's fine", said Arya as she turned red.
It was that day I met the love of my life, Arya, meeting her was the beginning of my adventure, fate's wheels started turning that day, the day I met her. Her eyes glistened and her voice was like an angel stroking my ear. Soon after we escorted her to Fiore's royal palace, we were attacked by some bounty hunters, they wanted to capture her and offer a huge ransom, I was ordered to stay back with her while Erza, Kagura, and the others fought them off, I was left with Yukino's daughter Isabella and my sister Gale to guard her. Isabella may not look it but her magic power was insane, she was a powerful celestial spirit mage, so I was in good hands.
As I stood next to Arya, admiring her perfect green hair and those sparkling eyes, the room became darker as I felt a chill in my spine. Out of nowhere, Lucy and Juvia appeared in front of us.
"No way, we didn't sense them at all", said Gale as we went into battle mode.
"How the hell did you guys break our time seal?", said Juvia.
"Yes, we were certain we froze time", said Lucy.
"I'm a time mage, I use time magic, it's ineffective against me", said princess Arya.
"No way, you possess such arcane magic!", I say in shock.
"You two are dark mages, my magic will be effective against darkness", said Isabella.
~Open Gate of the Lion - Leo~ said, Isabella.
~Open Gate of the Scales - Libra ~ she continued.
"Such a young wizard opening 2 gates at once? Time truly has changed, we really are in a new generation", said Juvia as Lucy's eyes widen in shock.
"I'll be borrowing your water", said Isabella as she grabbed my pouch containing my drinking water.
~Open Gate of the Water Bearer~ she yelled.
"Aquarius", said Lucy as she gritted her teeth.
"How could a child like you open 3 gates at once", said Juvia in shock.
"Lucy", said Aquarius.
"Please come back home to Fairy Tail", said Leo.
As a tear rolled down Aquarius' cheeks, Lucy hugged her as Aquarius smiled.
"Unfortunately", said Lucy as she smiled.
"Lu...", said Aquarius as she fell to the floor.
"I have to ties to that place anymore", said Lucy with her hands covered in blood.
"Aquarius!", yelled Isabella.
~Dark Magic - Dimension Drag - said Lucy as everything went black.
Isabella fell to the ground as her spirits disappeared.
"No way, there's no magic power coming from her", I say in shock.
"She's dead", said Arya in shock.
"Stand behind me, I say to Arya as she blushed.
Juvia then grabbed me by the hair as she slammed me to the ground.
"Arya! Run!", I yell.
"Idiot, we're not here for the princess", says Lucy as she grabbed Gale.
"Gale!", I say in shock.
~Black Magic - Soul Release - said Juvia as Gale's body covers with darkness.
"What the hell are you doing to her!", I yell.
"No way, my time magic isn't working on them", said Arya.
"We're immune to time magic and all arcane magics", said Lucy as she slammed Arya to the wall.
"How long do I have to stay in this body?", said Gale as she joined them.
"Gale?", I say in shock.
"Just a little bit longer Mammon", said Lucy.
"Mammon?", I asked.
"Sathanus, Sloth, it's nice to see you again", said Gale.
Mammon, Sathanus, and Sloth? They are the sins. I read about them in a book somewhere in the guild library, it was one of the first Master, master Mavis's books, The 7 Deadly Sins of hell. What the hell is happening!
Gale then stabbed Arya as she fell to the floor, her blood quickly ran, if this continues, she'll die.
"No!", I scream from the top of my lungs.
"No use screaming, you're inside of my Reject barrier, no one from the outside can come in here", said Juvia.
Magic, the first magic was...
"Love", I say.
"What?", asked Gale with a puzzled look on his face.
"There's magic power building up inside him at a rapid speed", said Lucy in shock.
"Impossible, I sealed this boy's magic, there's no possible way he could break that seal on his own", yelled Gale.
"You sealed my magic?", I said in shock.
"Gale is my vessel, I've always seen everything she saw, no one can sense my shadow dwelling inside her because I've completely merged with this girl, she is now me, I sealed your magic because you possess a very dangerous magic", said Gale in shock.
"This boy possesses dangerous magic?", asked Lucy.
"Yes, the was born with it, the first human since the creation of magic born with the magic of the original creator, it's called Magic ONE, the first magic ever created, don't worry, until that seal is lifted, he won't be able to use his full power, right now, he could only use about 1% of it", said Gale.
What is happening, this power building up inside of me, its magic?
"Summon the spirits", said a voice in my head.
"Who's that? Who's there?", I ask.
This was a man's voice, I've never heard it before, who is it?
"Right now, there's celestial spirit magic in the air, it's coming from Isabella's body, use her magic power and summon the zodiac!", it said as the voice disappeared.
Celestial Spirit Magic? Is that my magic.
Lucy, Juvia, and Gale all attacked at once as my body started glowing, the radiance of my light caused the barrier to crack. That's it, light is a natural deterrent to darkness.
~Open, 12 gates of the Zodiac~ I yell as they all appear.
No way, how the hell did that work!
~Regulas Impact~ yelled Leo as he broke the barrier.
"Arios!", yelled Erza as the zodiacs attacked Lucy, Juvia, and Gale.
"Lucy! Juvia!", said Erza enraged.
"Seems our cover is blown, we'll have to take Gale with us", said Lucy.
"No you won't!", I scream.
A dark aura then covered the battlefield as they disappeared instantly.
"Gale!", I scream.
"Princess!", yelled Kagura as she rushed to Arya.
"No way, she has no pulse", said Kagura in shock.
"Isabella doesn't have a pulse either", said Erza.
"How the hell did this happen!", screamed Kagura.
"Erza... san", I say as I fell to the ground.
Everything was black after that.
"I was asleep for a week!", I say in shock.
"Yes it would seem the huge amount of magic power released from your body caused a massive strain to your physical and mental state", said Master Laxus.
"We've been waiting for a week to find out what happened, explain everything to us", said Erza.
"Gale", I say with tears in my eyes.
I then explained everything to them.
"The Sins? Are they demons like the Tartaros demons?", asked Erza.
"No, I'm afraid they're real demons from hell, and from what I read, there's supposed to be 7 of them", I say.
"No way, 7 high-class demons like them!", said Erza in shock.
"That's not all, they are immune to all magic, except light magic", I say as their eyes widen.
"No way, there's currently 3 of them, using Lucy, Juvia, and Gale as their vessels, so that means they'll need 4 more wizards to use as their vessels, I wonder what the requirements are to be chosen for the vessels, its something that all three possess, nevertheless, we need to warn everyone", said Erza.
"If that's the case, there's a war coming, we have to prepare for battle", said Laxus as he and Erza rushed outside.
I walk to the window as I open it, I felt the wind blow on my face, this cold harsh wind, this violent wind ushered the start of a new era, the demon era is about to begin.
I then felt a sharp pain in my chest as I cough, the pain of my first heartbreak came, it's because of you Arya, that I unlocked my powers, in order to save you, it was triggered, yet I couldn't save you.
"Arya", I said as tears fell from my eyes.
"Why are you staring into space and looking all depressed", said a voice as I turned around.
"Arya", I say in shock.
"Yo", she said as she smiled.
"What? How!", I say as my eyes widen.
"How am I alive? Well, when the demons disappeared, I froze my body, I rewound the time of my body, to a time where I didn't get hurt, so basically, I rewound time of my body to 10 minutes earlier.", she explained.
"How is that even possible!", I say in shock.
"Time magic is limitless", she said.
I then hugged her tight as I burst into tears.
"I'm so glad you're safe, I promise, I'll always protect you Arya", I say to her as she stood there in shock.
"You're warm", she blushed as she hugged me back.
And so, 10 years had passed.
Year x817
The year that chaos descended. Using the bodies of Erza, Laxus, Gildarts, and Jellal, the demons succeeded in reviving the sins, at that time we didn't know their true goal, for their true goal was to sacrifice their lives to summon the demon King, Satan, the Devil, the king of demons, whatever you want to call him, that was their goal, to which they succeded. The demon king visited me in a dream one night, seems he was drawn to my magic, he whispered something into my ear that sent chills down my spine.
"Don't trust Ankhseram, think very carefully about it, the god of creation, responsible for reaping the souls of humans and controlling who dies, the curse of Ankhseram is a curse, only demons can curse someone, that's the job of the demons, not even a god can copy curse magic, the god of creation is supposed to maintain balance in the realms", said the demon King.
"What do you mean?", I asked.
"I am the God of creation and Ankhseram is the king of the demons", he said to me as he vanished.
How was I supposed to react to that? The god of creation, Ankhseram has been the Demon King all along? How does he expect me to believe that pack of lies, he was trying to get me to dethrone God Ankhseram but I didn't fall for it. After the demons invaded, we lost 95% of the worlds mages, the remaining mages and I came up with a plan, I would copy Arya's time magic and she would send me back to the past and to redo the future, once I copied her time magic I could freely go back to the future, the plan was to manipulate Ankhseram to summon the mages from Earthland to Niflheim, this plan took 1,000 years, thankfully, time in Niflheim is different, you could spend 1,000 years in Niflheim and still return to Earthland at the sam time you left, and since Lucy and Juvia were one of the first mages to be taken over by the vessels of the sins, I had to come up with a plan to trap them both in Niflheim, I paired Juvia up with Neptune and Lucy against Venus.
The first time I met Ankhseram, a chill went down my spine, after having no magic power for 11 years, I developed the skill of being able to see inside someone's magic power and aura and God Anksheram's aura was black.
"I am the God of creation and Ankhseram is the king of the demons", he said to me as he vanished.
~End of flashback.
Is what the demon King said true?
I explained my plan to the God of Earth Gaia, I explained everything and we came up with a counterattack.
"You use copy magic?", she asked.
"Yes", I say to her.
"That is incorrect", she says in shock.
"What do you mean?", I ask.
"You don't copy people's magic, you're able to use all types of magic's in existence", she said as my body started shaking.
We now go back to our current time, Uranus and Mercury remain, can Wendy and Shelia defeat Uranus, and can Sting and Cobra defeat Mercury before it's too late? I leave one more surprise before I go.
Location: Hell
"Wake up! Wake up!", said a voice as he opened his eyes.
"Finally, you're awake, Gajeel", said Natsu as he blew a sigh of relief.
"Salamander, where are we?", asked Gajeel.
"This is hell, the place where the demons reside", says Natsu.
"Like the Tartaros demons?", asked Gajeel.
"No, those were demons created by Zeref, these are true demons, what was the last thing you remember?", asked Natsu.
"I was killed by Pluto or was it, my son, he reaped my soul and I woke up here", said Gajeel.
"He reaped your soul, he didn't kill you, he sent you to hell, just like me", said Natsu.
"What does that mean?", asked Gajeel.
"I don't know but we have to get out of here, this place is dangerous", said Natsu.
"It sure is", said a voice.
"Who the hell are you", yelled Gajeel.
"I am Mammon, the sin of Pride, nice to meet you", he smirked with an evil glint in his eyes.
To be continued in chapter 37: Sting and Cobra vs Mercury.
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