Chapter 30: Gajeel vs Pluto, the Ultimate Sacrifice.
Important: Authors Note: FAIRY TAIL vs God Ankhseram will conclude in chapter 40. My original plan was to make 100 chapters in this novel but my plans changed, I'm going along with the previous plot I had planned so after this, there will be a book 2, a direct continuation to this one, it's easier to merge book 2 into this one but Ankhseram isn't the final boss so it's unfair to add the next arc into this book. Details on book 2 will come at a later date. In the second of my back-to-back chapters, I give you 2 the content of two chapters in one. I hope you enjoy it.
Juvia managed to defeat Neptune, Lucy defeated Venus, Orga defeated Jupiter, as per the law of the cosmo's when you defeat a god, you take their place as god of their domain, Juvia, Lucy, and Orga are now trapped in Niflheim for all eternity, 5 gods remain, Pluto, the God of Death, Mars, the God of War, Saturn, the God of Battle, Gaia, the God of Fertility and Mercury, the God of Light.
Mavis was told by Pluto about a prophecy and in order for this prophecy to come true, certain events must take place. Let's flashback to what Mavis said in the previous chapter.
"The thing weighing heavy on my mind was what the God of Death said, Pluto told us before he left to go see Ankhseram, he told us a mage from the future came to him with a prophecy, a prophecy that must be fulfilled, he couldn't tell me what the prophecy was but what he did tell me was there was only one requirement he has to do, the mage from the future told him this.... send Gajeel Redfox to the underworld, in order to save the future, Gajeel Redfox must die, was there any truth to his words or is this just a big ploy? After the eclipse disaster, it's hard to trust anyone from the future but the look in his eyes tells me he wasn't lying, I'm able to see through lies and bluffs and this man wasn't lying. Pluto could also see the future, he can see someone's entire timeline."
Team: Gildarts, August, and Cana vs Mars.
"How is none of our attacks hitting", said August.
"Even my strongest attack misses him", said Gildarts.
"I don't sense any magic power coming from him, what's going on?", said Cana.
"Maybe it has something to do with his ability", said August.
"My victory is already set in stone, I am Mars, the god of war", he said as he charged towards them, knocking them all back.
~Gajeel POV~
Location: The Graveyard.
Team: Gajeel, Levi, Lily, Rogue, Jet, and Droy.
"The stench of death is in the air", I say.
"This is unlike anything I've ever smelt before, it's rough on the nose", said Rogue.
"Fitting domain for the god of death", said Lily.
"Welcome to my garden", a voice says.
"My name is Pluto, I am the God of Death, I've been expecting you Gajeel", he says to me.
I'm getting a bad feeling from this guy, he's strong! Even with my unlimited magic power, he trumps that by a million. Just who is this guy, he is the god of death but I sense no ill will from him, it's strange, he looks like the opposite of what I thought he would be, he looks sad.
"If it's okay with you, I'd rather settle this fight without actually fighting", he says.
"The hell do you mean!", I yell.
"Gajeel, calm down", said Levi.
"Is it really that easy?", asked Droy.
"Yes, I promise to let you go if you abide by one request", he says.
"What's the request?", asked Rogue.
"Give me Gajeel Redfox", he says as a chill went down my spine.
Me? Why does he want me?
"I'm sorry man but I don't swing that way", I say as he blushes.
"No you idiot, I'm saying if you come with me, I will let your group live", he says.
"What are you planning to do with him?", asked Levi.
"It's not necessary to tell you that kind of information", he said.
"You will not take Gajeel!", screamed Levi.
"Levi, calm down", I say to her.
What's with her? She was so mad right now.
"Don't joke like that, there's no way we're giving you Gajeel", said Levi.
"That's right, you have to kill us first", yelled Droy.
"Gajeel, you are his target", said Rogue as he stood in front of me.
"There's no way we're letting you take him", yelled Lily.
You guys, this is so touching but something is very wrong here, I've always been the type of guy to run into a fight head-on but at this moment, something tells me if I do that, you will all die, we don't know what this guys magic or ability is but from what I could sense, he could body us in a second.
"Mind telling me what kind of magic you use and what your special ability is?", I ask.
"I use blood magic and black magic, I don't have an ability but I do have a curse", he said.
"What's your curse?", I ask.
"Immortality, no spell, weapon or being in existence can kill me, not even God Ankhseram can lift this curse", he said.
He's not lying, maybe that's why he looked so sad. Whatever the case may be, he's too strong, blood magic, dark magic, and immortality? That's a deadly combo.
"Gajeel, come with me", he said to me.
"Don't you dare!", screamed Levi.
~Solid Script - Purify - yelled Levi as a beam of light shot out at Pluto.
"Nice Levi, light magic can purify darkness", said Droy.
"Levi! No!", I yell.
Pluto got a direct attack from Levi as he fell to the ground as his body caught fire.
"Did we do it?", asked Jet.
"No", said Rogue.
Pluto then got up as his body regenerated, he dusted off his clothes and sighed.
"Come with me Gajeel", he said to me.
~Shadow Dragons Roar~ yelled Rogue as he attacked but the same thing happened.
"No matter what you try, I'm immortal, even the God of the Underworld tried to kill me but failed", said Pluto.
"Wait, you're not the god of the Underworld?", I ask.
"The God of the Underworld is my twin, let's just say I was split into two, I'm in charge of reaping souls and sending them to the underworld, and my brother, Charon, is in charge of keeping the souls there, he is the king there, he delivers punishment to unfit souls, The Underworld is the last realm to the bottom", said Pluto.
"Realms?", asked Levi.
"The Underworld is the last realm, it's where the King of the Underworld, Charon resides, right above the underworld is the second realm, this realm is called Purgatory, souls are trapped there and tortured by high-level demons, above that is the third realm, your realm, Earthland, above Earthland is the fourth realm, Edolas, above Edolas is the fifth realm, Elentir, magic as you know today was created in Elentir, that realm holds enough magic power to power up the rest of the realms for millions of years and the sixth and final realm is this one, Niflheim", he explained.
"What about the golden grasslands?", asked Levi.
'"That area is sort of like, what you humans know as heaven, it's part of Nilfhiem, Nilfhiem is the largest of all the realms", said Pluto.
"That's amazing", said Levi in excitement.
"We're still not giving you Gajeel", said Lily.
"That's right, you can't have him", yelled Levi.
"This is getting boring, we're running out of time", said Pluto.
~Blood Magic - Unseen hand - said Pluto as he pushed his hand forward.
Levi then yelled in pain as she fell to her knees."
"It hurts!", she cried.
"What the hell are you doing!", I yell.
"My hand is currently wrapped around her heart, if you don't come with me, I'll squeeze", said Pluto.
"I'll come with you, please, let her go!", I yell.
"Gajeel no, I won't lose you", she cried.
"Lily, please take care of Levi", I say to him and I walk towards Pluto.
"Gajeel, no", said Rogue.
This is something I must do, this guy isn't playing any games. I stood in front of him as he whispered something into my ear, those words chilled me to my very core, I stood there in silence as he let Levi go as she coughed.
"No way", I say to him.
~Solid Script - Shine - screamed Levi with tears in her eyes.
I immediately step in front of the attack as her attack hit me.
"Gajeel, what the hell are you doing!", she screamed at the top of her lungs.
"I'm so sorry Levi, this is something I must do", I say to her as she gritted her teeth.
"Bullshit!", she screamed.
~Solid Script - she yelled as she continued to fight back.
~Iron Dragons Bind - I say to her with tears in my eyes.
"In order to save the future, in order to save the twin currently in Levi's body, I have to kill you Gajeel", he said to me.
This was what he whispered to me. He used his magic as he showed me my timeline, Levi is pregnant with my twins. I'm going to be a father, no, I was going to be a father, this pain hurt so much, the heart I never thought I had was breaking, I'm so sorry Levi but I have to go. I have to die.
Pluto then trapped me in a magic circle as I screamed in pain, this is it, this is part where I die.
"Gajeel, why are you giving up so easily! Why are you leaving me", screamed Levi trying to fight out of the binds.
Why indeed? If I stay then the future Pluto just showed me will happen, the timeline he showed me will come to fruition and I cannot allow that to happen, if my death saves every human in Earthland, if it saves Levi and my twins, then it's a price I'm definitely willing to pay. I could feel my life force being sucked out. I'm dying.
Someone then appeared as they attacked Jet, Droy, and Lily, they were completely knocked out, who did that?
"Mars", said Pluto in shock.
"Hey", he said.
"What are you doing here?", I ask.
"I came to offer you my assistance", he says.
"Wait, Gildarts, August, and Cana were supposed to be fighting you", I say.
"Oh those weaklings, I already defeated them", he said as my eyes widen in shock.
"No way they would just be defeated like that", I say.
"Beating them was child's play", said Mars.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing, Gildarts was defeated by this man. Just how strong is he? I couldn't sense any magic power coking from him but he looked so strong and intimidating.
"Run Levi!", I screamed.
Mars then pulled out a sword and swung as I see blood splatter on the ground as I stare, damn, I was trapped in this magic circle, this magic circle that was draining my life force.
Rogue jumped in front of the blade as he protected Levi, Mars swung with enough force to send Levi flying back, Rogue fell to the floor as blood gushed out of him. This man, how is he this strong and without magic power?
"One more left", laughed Mars.
He stood in front of Levi as she watched on in fear.
"No! Levi! Stop it!", I scream trying to break out of the magic circle but I couldn't.
As she whimpered in fear I look on with tears in my eyes as Mars got pushed back.
"You will not touch a hair on this woman's body", said Pluto enraged.
Pluto! Pluto saved Levi!?
"Pluto what the hell are you doing!", said Mars enraged.
"Do not touch her", yelled Pluto as he hit Mars with an intense force that sent him flying into the air.
"What you're doing is treason", said Mars.
"To get to her, you have to go through me, you will not lay a finger on Levi Redfox", said Pluto as his magic power rose.
Levi Redfox? What????? From the magic circle, I could feel Pluto's magic, he was mad. Why is he protecting Levi? What the hell is going on?
To be continued in chapter 31: Pluto vs Mars.
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