Chapter 10: The Gods of Ankhseram
Ankhseram appeared.... in a glowing orb right in front of Acnologia, Eileen, and August, the truth has been revealed, Acnologia is the Prince of Nilfheim.
Third Person POV:
"Father", says Acnologia.
"You're no son of mine", says Ankhseram enraged.
"I'm still the sole prince of Nilfheim, whether you like it or not I'm the successor to the throne", says Acnologia.
"You'll never get the throne, you don't have the power to stand against me", says Ankhseram.
"When I finally destroy Earthland, I'm coming for you", says Ancologia.
"Come... and I will erase your pitiful existence dragon", says Ankhseram.
"I'll be there", says Acnologia amused.
"So I take it you'll help us?", says Eileen.
"If it means getting revenge on my father as well as returning to Earthland for total domination then I'm in", says Ancologia.
"Wizards of Earthland, if you dare come to Nilfheim, you will be cut down, you know not of the power of the God's of Ankhseram, I seek Eileen Belserion", says God Ankhseram.
"You get her you get all of us", says August.
"Then this war!", says Ankhseram.
"Bring it", says Acnologia as Ankhseram's orb disappeared.
"Come, we don't have the time, we must hurry to Fairy Tail", commanded Eileen.
"I smell a dragon", says Acnologia as he turned around.
"A war? Sounds amusing", says God Serena as he walked towards us.
"Serena!", says August.
"I've been looking for you dragon", says Serena as he looks at Acnologia.
"The dead should stay dead", says Ancologia as Serena gritted his teeth.
Serena then charged towards Acnologia but Eileen blocked his attack.
"Eileen! What the hell are you doing!?", yelled Serena.
"We must hurry to Fairy Tail, Zeref has summoned us", says Eileen.
"I'm dead... what do I care?", says Serena.
"Do you want another chance at life, God Serena?", says Eileen as Serena raised an eyebrow.
"That's impossible", he says.
"Not in this case, if we go to Nilfheim and back to Earthland your soul returns to your body unharmed.", says Eileen.
"No way!", says Serena.
"The outcome of this war will determine if we get back to Earthland or not, Ankhseram is a formidable foe, I don't think anyone in Earthland can defeat him and then there's the Gods of Ankhseram, their appearance will cause you to tremble, all that unlimited magic power.... this is a battle we may lose but there are wizards in Earthland that may be able to do it", says Eileen.
"A second chance of life huh? I'm down with that... but do we really need his help?", says Serena as he looks at Acnologia.
"Killing my father and the total destruction of Earthland, it's like killing two birds with one stone", says Acnologia.
"Then let's go", says Eileen as they march forward.
All the groups then headed back to Fairy Tail, Warren's telepathy reached everyone as the messaged was relayed to meet at the guild hall.
Angel's group successfully got Princess Hisui from the Kingdom as they all headed back to Fairy Tail.
Group: Angel, Cobra, Midnight, Richard, Racer, Hisui, Rob and Simon.
Mavis' group charged straight towards Fairy Tail, they met up with Lyon, Toby and Yuka along the way, it was a tearful reunion between Lyon and Ul.
Group: Mavis, Zeref, Warrod, Hades, Gajeel, Lily, Levi, Jet, Droy, Jellal, Ultear, Meredy, Ul, Silver, Kagura, Millianna, Wally, Sho, Cana, Gildarts, Rustyrose, Asuma, Kain, Zancrow, Jura, Hyberion, Wolfhiem, Lyon, Yuka and Toby.
Wendy's group met up with Grandine and found Ichiya, Ren, and Hibiki as they headed towards Fairy Tail.
Group: Wendy, Carla, Chelia, Happy, Mirajane, Lisanna, Yukino, Sting, Minerva, and Rufus.
Natsu's group head towards Fairy Tail.
Group: Natsu, Igneel, Lector, Frosch, Rogue, and Orga.
Eileen's Group successfully retrieved Acnologia as they headed towards the guild.
Group: Eileen, August, Acnologia and God Serena.
Little did they know an unknown presence was headed towards the guild as well. The war of Ankhseram, it was all to rescue Erza, little did we know a sinister plan was in motion. This historic battle... we lost so much .... even the light that guided our guild was gone... thinking back on it now, we never should have gone to Nilfheim, if we didn't then he would not have died...
Everyone returned to Fairy Tail, it was all smiles, Yukino and Sorano reunited again, Wally finally reunited with Richard and Kagura met with Simon, that wasn't all, Grandpa Rob reunited with Makarov and Porlyusca. Igneel, Grandine, Metalicanna, Skiadrum, and Weislogia also came to Fairy Tail in search of the dragon slayers to perform the Transference spell. The dragons saw Acnologia as they attacked him but the fight was broken up by Eileen.
Eileen POV:
All they keys necessary to open Nilfheims gate is gathered here, at the Fairy Tail guild hall. This battle will be the most fearsome! A lot of lives will be lost, the goal is to retrieve Erza but it wouldn't be that easy if push comes to shove Ankhseram will come after us himself but he will first call together the Gods of Ankhseram to assemble and attack us, The gods of Ankseram are the most troublesome, their magic power is unlimited and they are very strong, they are to be taken seriously, one wrong move will mean your demise. Nilfheim is my homeland so I have increased knowledge about them...
The first is Mercury, he goes by Hermes, he is the God of Light, he possesses Light Magic and has the ability of Instant Regeneration. Defeating him will be a task.
Second is Venus also known as Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love and Lust. She possesses Fire Magic, her strong lava melts anything it touches, she possesses a wide variety of fire, she also has an ability called Lustful. She can instantly make any man fall for her, she can control their mind, body, and soul and once the opponent is defeated, her ability stays with the person she commanded, you will be compelled to her forever, this ability has a flaw though, it doesn't work on women. She is the strongest of the 9, her level of power is not to be taken lightly.
The third is Earth, also known as Gaia, Mother Nature, she possesses the magic of all four elements, Water, Wind, Fire, and Earth. Gaia also possesses the ability of Instant Regeneration, she can also control the climate.
The fourth is Mars, also known as Ares the God of War, he is dawned in an unbreakable armor and he created the magic you know today as Requip, Ares doesn't use magic and he is an excellent tactician with brute strength and wits.
The fifth is Jupiter, also known as Zeus, the God of Lightning, he moves at the speed of light, he possesses two magic, his primary magic is Lightning magic but his secondary magic is Fire, his power is beyond compare.
The sixth is Saturn, also known as Chronos, the god of Space and Time, you met her already, she is a formidable foe and a master swordswoman, she has the ability of teleportation and her time magic is the real deal she is a savage killing machine but we have a time magic user of own, Ultear Milkovich, your power will be needed to defeat Chronos.
The seventh god, Uranus, also known as Ouranus the God of Wind, he possesses wind magic and can also bring forth natural disasters and can control the climate, he is a master of healing and regeneration.
The eight is Neptune, also known as Poseidon, he possesses water magic and ice magic and he is the smartest person alive, he's known for his experiments on people to enhance them, once you are put under his spell you will never leave his side. He is the leading scientist of Nilfheim and his power is infinite.
The final one is the most brutal man in existence, Pluto also known as Hades the God of Death, he uses Black Magic and his ability is Necromancy. I cannot perform a strategy to defeat him, not even the light can overcome him, he is the vilest person you will ever meet, he is the creator of the curse of Ankhseram...
Erza POV:
I woke up in a giant jail cell with magic shackles on my hands, I was unable to use magic, my body was okay, it seems they didn't do anything to me, there was no one around and I was alone in that cold cell. Did they take me to Nilfhiem and who was that man? The man that took me... he seemed so familiar... its like I met him prior to this, his magic power was off the charts and I'm sure it was him who undid my Requip.
The door then opened as the man appeared... it was him... the man who undid my Requip. Speak of the devil.
"Who are you?", I asked as the man smiled.
What was this sinister smile..... what were these intentions he's hiding?
Third Person PoV:
"Master Neptune, you summoned me?", says a woman as she entered Neptunes Laboratory.
"Wake up Leviathan, a war is on the horizon and I have a special task for you", says Neptune.
"What is it, master?", she says.
"When I met the Earthland wizards, there was a woman who caught my eye, she swam through my water like it was nothing, with her magic power that human will be able to withstand my experiment. When they arrive at the gates of Niflheim, bring her to me", he commanded.
"Are you planning to use... that on her?", says the woman in shock.
"Juvia of the Great Sea, she'll be the perfect specimen for this experiment", says Neptune with a sinister smile.
"It will be done", says the woman.
"Thank you, goddess Amphitrite", says Neptune as Amphitrite raised her head.
"Pluto... those Earthlanders are coming", says Saturn as she clenched her fists.
"I'd prefer not to fight", says Pluto.
"Well I don't mind a little blood on my hands", says Saturn as she laughed.
"This will be a long battle...", says Pluto as he looked up into the sky.
"Zeref is with them", says Saturn as he immediately gazed at her.
"The black wizard Zeref is coming", says Pluto in shock.
"Yes", says Saturn with that wicked smile of hers.
Pluto's magic power instantly rose as the flowers around them started decaying.
"Zeref Dragneel... I will kill you with my own hands", says Pluto enraged.
"Who are you!", yells Erza.
"You look just like her", said the man as he gritted his teeth.
A bright light then shuns as it disappeared.
"What was that light!", yelled Erza.
"I deactivated the camera's", he says.
"Why did you?", asked Erza.
"Erza Belserion, you are your mother's daughter", he said.
"They mistook me for my mother. If you knew that then why would you take me?", she asked.
"You look just like her, we took you as leverage, your mother, and your Earthland friends are all coming here", he says.
"NO way! The guild is coming!", yelled Erza.
"Earthland is coming, when they arrive here they will be slaughtered, even your boyfriend Jellal", he says.
"How do you know so much about me?", asked Erza.
"I've kept my eye on you, in case you were foolish enough to return here", he says.
"Return?", I ask.
"Nilfhiem is your homeland Erza", the man says.
"Just who the hell are you?", says Erza.
"I am captain of Ankhseram... my name ... is Asra Knightwalker", he says as my eyes widen.
"Knightwalker?", says Erza as someone knocked on the door and entered.
He had bright blonde hair and wore armor and carried a large sword.
"I've done what you asked father", I summoned all 9 God's", says the guy.
"Good work son", he says.
"So this is Eileen huh? The woman charged with Treason", says the man as he stared me.
"Who are you", says Erza as she rises.
"My name is Aster Knightwalker, son of the captain", he says.
"Another Knightwaker.. what does this mean?", says Erza in shock.
Erza POV:
These two seemed so familiar, where have I seen them before? Azra'sThe captain's magic power is fearsome but I barely sense any magic power from Aster. Just what the hell is going on?
To Be Continued in Chapter 11: Open the Gates to Niflheim.
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