Chapter 1: The Golden Grasslands
~Lucy POV~
"Lucy, Lucy! Wake up", I heard Juvia's voice say.
I then awoke in my groggy state to find Juvia, Gray, Erza, Wendy, Happy and Carla at my side.
"Wha.. Whats going on?", i say as i rub my eyes.
"Where are we?", says Wendy.
"I've never seen this place before. These fields of gold", says Erza.
"No way... this can't be", I say in shock as i immediately get up.
"What is it Lucy?", says Gray.
"This place... this place is the golden grasslands", i say in shock as the winds blew violently.
"Golden Grasslands?", says Carla.
"I've read about it in books. It's the place your spirit goes when you die", I say.
"Are you saying we're all dead?", says Gray in shock.
"What's the last thing you remember?", asks Erza.
"We used Fairy Sphere against Acnologia", I say.
"Did it fail?", asks Carla
"It would seem so.. are we really dead?", says Gray.
Erza then punched Gray in the stomach as he yelled out.
"What the hell did you do that for?", he yells.
"Did you feel that?", Erza asks.
"Yes", he yells.
"If we're dead then shouldn't we be able to reject pain?", says Erza.
"Good point. What the hell happened?", says Gray.
"Wait...", says Wendy.
"What's wrong Wendy?", asks Carla.
"I sense Ethernanos in the air but there is no magic power within me", she says.
"Strange. I can feel my magic power within me", says Erza.
"Let's test that theory out", i say.
~Open Gate of the Lion: LEO~
Leo's key then lit up but he didn't come.
"Huh? What's going on?", I say.
"Let me try", says Erza.
~Requip: HeavensWheel Armor~ says Erza as she successfully requips.
"Works fine", says Erza.
~Ice Make: Boomerang~ says Gray successfully.
~Sky Dragons Roar~ says Wendy but her magic failed.
"Eh? You to Wendy?", I say in shock.
~Water Nebula~ says Juvia successfully.
"Our Aera seems to be working fine", says Happy as he and Charle flew.
"Why can't we use magic Lucy?", Wendy says.
"I have no idea, Celestial magic and Dragon Slaying magic. What's the connection there?", I say to myself.
"Something strange is going on", says Juvia.
"Indeed. We have to get to the bottom of this", says Erza.
"Wait.. before i blacked out, Acnologia was harvesting my power from my body", says Wendy.
"Does he have something to do with your magic disappearing?", asks Juvia.
"It's possible", says Erza.
"Did Acnologia harvest your power to Lucy?", says Happy as he laughed.
"Shut up cat", I say to him as he snickered.
"Gray-sama your clothes", says Juvia are fawned over Gray.
"It's strange", says Wendy as she looks at a nearby forest.
"What is?", asks Erza.
"This scent. I smell her", says Wendy as she continues to stare at the forest.
"Who?", I ask.
"The first master, master Mavis", she says.
"Master Mavis?", says Gray in shock.
"According to Natsu, she past away", I say.
"Maybe we really are dead", says Juvia.
"Dead people shouldn't have magic power", says Erza as she stares at the forest.
"So the first is in there?", I ask.
"In any case. We should check it out.", says Erza.
"Yeah, maybe she'll know what we're doing here", I say as we head to the forest.
"Hey, if we're here then where is everyone else?", asks Gray.
"Do you smell them Wendy?", asks Happy.
"The only scent I'm picking up is Master Mavis ... but there's someone with her", she says.
"I wonder who?", asks Carla.
"It a familiar scent but I can't figure out who it is", says Wendy.
"Follow that nose", says Happy as we rummage through the forest.
We follow Wendy as we enter the forest, not knowing what to expect, Erza was on guard.. as expected.
We then heard the water running as we made our way to a waterfall.
"The scents getting stronger", says Wendy as we stand at the top of the waterfall.
The waterfall fell into a beautiful lake.
Moments after we see Master Mavis jump out the water as she smiled, she looked so joyful.... and naked.....
What happened next caused our jaws to drop. Out of the water came Zeref with the same smile on his face as he kissed Mavis.
We all stand there with our jaws dropped as they continued to play.
"Oops. Mavis. We have company", says Zeref.
"What? People? Here?", she says as she looked around frantically.
"Up there", says Zeref as he turns around and stares at us.
"You guys!!!", she yelled in shock", as she covered herself in the water.
"There shouldn't be people here", says Zeref.
"Umm.. would you guys mind. We're gonna get dressed", says Master Mavis.
"Sure. We'll make our way down there", says Erza as she looked for a path.
We cut through the forest as we made our way to Zeref and Master Mavis.
"What are you doing here?", she asks surprised.
My key then began to glow as Leo appeared before us.
"Lucy!", he yelled.
"Loke", I yell.
"I don't know how to put this...", he says.
"What's going on?", I ask.
"About an hour ago all 11 Keys of the Zodiac returned to the Celestial Spirit World. The contracts were all broken", he says.
"What? Why? ", I yell in surprise.
"According to the a Celestial Spirit King, you and Yukino died so our contract expired", he says.
"So we really are dead?", says Wendy.
"Lucy... this place", says Loke as he looked around.
"What about it?", says Erza.
"This is the world that lies above the Celestial Spirit World. The land of the dead spirits", says Loke.
"The land of the dead spirits?", I say.
"This place is dangerous, according to the Celestial Spirit King... that man resides here", says Loki
"What man?", I ask.
"God Ankseram, this is his realm", says Leo.
"Ankseram?", says Mavis in shock.
"I think we'd know if Ankseram was here", says Zeref.
"I'm using my life force to stay here. I'm afraid I can't stay here very long", says Loki as his body starts to fade.
"Wait! Why do I still have the keys?", I ask.
"Spirit King's idea", says Loki.
"Ankhseram", says Mavis as she started shaking.
"I don't know what's going on. I'll ask the Spirit King", says Loki.
"Please do, we need an explanation.", I say.
"Takes 5 minutes for us to reach you here", says Loki..
"5 minutes?", I say.
"Your keys may not be able work to summon us but your Stardress should work", says Loki as he begun to fade.
~Star Dress: LEO form~ I say as my Stardress worked.
"So your magic works", says Erza.
"It would appear so but I can't summon spirits", I say.
"I'm sure it'll work out", says Gray.
"We really are dead", says Wendy.
"GOD Ankseram's realm.. I can't believe it", says Mavis.
"We found him Mavis", says Zeref as he gave that sinister smile he wears so well.
.... to be continued in Chapter 2~ Bellsarion
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