Eat some snow!
No one's P.O.V
That night Gray and Gajeel guarded Juvia's room as the ' Beware of Blake and Jenny' patrouille. Lucy and Levy were inside Juvia's room and tried to lower her drunkness with adding some medication.
" You okay?" Lucy questioned.
"Juvia is terribly sorry!" Juvia squeeled and broke open the bedroom door to tackle Gray in a hug.
"Juvia?" Gray questioned as he lowered his arms on her back.
" JUVIA IS SO SORRY TO INTERUPT GRAY-SAMA'S DATE!!!" Juvia cried on his chest as Gajeel sighed and continued to quard the room.
"It wasn't a date Juvia..."Gray sighed and helped Juvia to her feet.
" She is one crazy woman!" Gray laughed as he patted Juvia's head.
" Juvia thinks so too!" Juvia smiled as she turned around to face Gray.
"Hehe- so go to bed bef-" Gray looked shocked down. Juvia had KISSED HIM!?!!?!
" WOW!" Gajeel grinned as Gray blushed bright red and closed his eyes.
Juvia stopped and stared at a flushed Gray Fullbuster. She giggled and ran into the bedroom, Like 7 minutes went by and Gray never left that same spot. Gajeel got annoyjed and asked Natsu to take Gray home. Natsu walked inside and dragged Gray on his legs towards the room.
Juvia P.O.V
I hapily sat down on my bed and stared at a confused Lucy and Levy.
" Juvia just kissed Gray-sama!" I chirped and stopped dead in tracks.
"JUVIA JUST KISSED GRAY-SAMA!?!?!!" I pannicked. Gray-sama's reaction was not good at all!! he just stared at me!!! Lucy and Levy giggled and lay me down.
"It's gonna be allright!" Levy smiled as she lay me down.
" Hai...." I whispered and nuzzled off to sleep.
Lucy P.O.V
the next morning was really good! I woke up and stared around. I was in only my top and undies on Juvia's bed. Juvia and Levy were hugging under the blankets and Erza was waisted in the corner off the room. I opened the curtains and saw the skiresort! I jumped on the bed to wake Juvia and Levy. Juvia immediately jumped up but Levy just lay down and snatched my leg.
"Welll..... Gajeel on a snowboard!" I chirped as Levy blushed and smiled.
"YOOOSHHH!" Erza jumped up and scared everyone in the room.
"What is it?" I smiled.
" I CAN EAT STRAWBERRY CAKE AT THE RESORT!!!!" Erza smiled and pulled Levy out off the bed.
"Shall we take a breakfast?!" I chirped as Juvia smiled and dragged me to the bathroom.
" LET'S TAKE A BATH TOGHETER LUCY-SAN!" Juvia chirped as I blushed and smiled.
We undressed and jumped into the massive bubblebath but....
"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Juvia and I cried in shock as a naked Natsu Dragneel jumped in the bath.
Juvia immediatley became water and hid herself behind me. I JUST SAT THERE!! DO SOMETHING LUCY!
"GET OUT OF MY BATH!!!!!" I groawled as I Lucy kicked him through the door.
Juvia and I jumped out off the bath and grabbed ourself a big towel to share. We ran towards the bedroom but met Gajeel, Jellal, Natsu, Erza, Wendy, Romeo, Gray, Levy and Mira in the livingroom. Gray looked at us and quickly turned around. Natsu was sprawled across the floor and Romeo was looking up to avoid our bodies.
" Kya!" Juvia squeeled when I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the bedroom.
Gajeel P.O.V
Wow... that was weird. I looked at Gray who was blushing wildly and tried to keep in a bloody nose. Natsu jumped up but... He was naked causing Wendy and Levy to scream.
"NATSU!" Erza groawled as He looked down and ran away into the bathroom.
After 5 minutes.
Natsu returned and the door to the bedroom opened. Juvia and Lucy walked out with a flushed face as they sat down on the couch.
"OKAY GUYS!" Mira chirped.
We all looked at her as she explained everything for that evening.
"First we will go skiing and we will end it eating in the woodpecker's cabin!" Mira smiled as we all cheered. The Woodpecker's cabin was a really good restaurant!
" Shall we go then?" Erza smiled as she opened the door. As the door opened Blake, Jake and Jenny fell inside the room. Gray and Juvia looked scared at each other as Gray grabbed Juvia's wrist and hid behind the couch.
"HEY THERE!" Jenny cried but soon the security grabbed them by the shoulders.
" Are you nagging these guests?"
"NO!" Blake cried.
"I'm looking for my boyfriend Gray-sama!" Jenny explained and looked at the group.
"Who is this Gray-sama?" The security guys asked as Jenny stuttered and looked at the group. Gray was not there!
"A-anaano..." Jenny stuttered as the security grabbed the persons and walked off.
" IT IS SAFE NOW!" I smirked as Gray jumped up from behind the couch. Juvia followed his lead with a flushed face.
We traveled down to the skiresort and walked into the van. Mira was the driver and she decided to make sitting arrange ments
Gray P.O.V
I sat down next to Juvia but I couldn't look her in the eyes. Not after what happened...... She stared out of the window and turned to me... CRAP!
" ano...Gray-sama?" Juvia whispered.
"Hmm?" I looked away from her.
" Do you hate Juvia for last night?" She almost cried as I just gulped.
"No offcourse not. You were drunk and it didn't mean anything." I sighed and looked at her, It was hard to say that to such a cute and sweet girl.
"Oh...okay..." Juvia faked me a smile and stared out off the window.
Is she okay? Did I hurt her? Nhaa....
We arrived at the skiresort and walked up to the reception. Juvia was still next to me and stared to the floor. The reception looked like a old wooden cabin! I liked it very much.
" Hello! My name is Ojani! I'll be your skiop instructor!" Ojani smiled and winked at Mira causing Laxus to break his beerglass.
" So these are the rules.... Skiop is a good snowboarding experiance where you snowboard with a partner! The mountains can be very slippy but with a pair off two the snowboard has way more balance!" Ojani smiled.
"I'm gonna beat you!" Natsu smiled at me.
After the explainations We had to pick a partner I was the first one and decided the hardest descision in my life... I chose someone else than the loyal Juvia.
"Ah?" Juvia squeeked silently as I walked towards Lucy and dragged her with me towards the snowboards.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Lucy whispered-shouted at me.
"I wanna win for once!" I smirked at Natsu who shot daggers at me.
I stepped onto the board and rushed off.
Natsu P.O.V
THAT ASSHOLE! I groawled but got pulled away by Juvia. She must be very angry too.
" Gray-sama chose Lucy-san over Juvia!" Juvia groawled as she put me on the snowboard and stepped up in front off me.
"Uhh... Juvia do you know what to do!?" I pannicked when Juvia just smirked at me and rushed at high speed away.
"GOOOO JUVIAAA!!!" I heard Gajeel laughing as Juvia and I rushed off the mountain.
Juvia never liked to be betrayed and was a woman with a goal... Win from Gray!
" Juvia we are going super fast!"I cheered as Juvia smiled and decided to aim for a ramp.
"NO! JUVIA NO!" I screamed when Juvia just jumped over it and spun us around like crazy! Did we just do a frontflip?
We landed right next to Gray and Lucy! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA
" WHAT THE!" Gray screamed when Juvia just smirked and waved at Lucy.
"OHAYO LU-CHAN!!!" Juvia chirped as she climbed onto my shoulders and aimed for the tunnel in front off us.
" WOW JUVIA!!!" Lucy chirped as I smiled and grabbed Juvia's legs for safety.
We rushed into the tunnel as Juvia asked me to fire my flames behind us. I lid my flames and we went in turbo right in front off Gray and Lucy. Gray was very pissed and did the same. Lucy just screamed the entire time.
" NATSU-KUN NOW!!!!" Juvia smiled as I led her to the board and I bend down to lid my flames again.
We rushed off towards a ramp and I tried to stop it but Juvia had other plans! We flew through the sky as we watched Gajeel and Levy waving at us and cheering. Gray was far behind us.
"HAHAHA BETTER STICK TO YOU BADASS WOMAN NEXT TIME!!!!" I laughed as Gray screamed angry names at me in the distance.
Juvia and I finished as Juvia jumped off the board and high-fived me. Gray and Lucy arrived.. Well a very dissapointed Gray and a frozen Lucy. Gray stepped off his board leaving my luce to fall backwards. I ran towards her and caught her.
"How was your little trip?" I smirked as Lucy punched me.
" Just fun." Lucy groawled.
"How was yours?!" Lucy chirped as I lay down and laughed.
"SUPER COOL!!! I WANNA GO AGAIN!!!!" I smiled at Juvia who was talking to Gajeel. I looked at Gray who was eating snow because Erza smacked him for betraying Juvia.
"Well Juvia always liked snowboarding!" Juvia smiled as she helped me up.
"Rain always took me to the snow mountains to snowboard!" Gajeel smirked as Levy playfully pushed him.
"COULDN'T YOU TELL ME?!" Gray groawled at Juvia.
"Juvia never had the chance cause Gray-san went with lucy-chan!" Juvia smirked and walked away leaving Gray to get a face full of Juvia's hair.
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