Filthy Fairies of Fairy Tail
"I got a truth for Natsu and Gray... COVER YOUR EARS KIDS! Boys... Do you have any dirty magazines...?" (FairyTailComments)
{Sky} Alright! This one is usually out of my content range, but I have been told multiple times that it is okay to include some pervy stuff, because everyone who watches Fairy Tail probably has seen worse -
{Sky} No, nobody said. . . that! Why are you even here?!
{Ichiya} I heard something about dirty magazines, so therefore, I was summoned.
{Sky} Okay. . . Literally only Natsu and Gray are supposed to be here. Where are they, anyways?!
{Ichiya} I have no clue. I think I saw them fighting outside, but I'm not sure. Parfum?
{Sky} No parfum! Wait, I see what you're doing! You are NOT allowed to be the star. Now shoo while I try and break up Natsu and Gray. *Shoos Ichiya away with her hands*
{Ichiya} Do I get my own chapter later?
{Sky} MAybe if some one requests it. *Under her breath* If that ever happens. . .
{Ichiya} Let's hope that happens!
{Sky} Haha, yeah! *Under her breath* I'm gonna kill myself. . . !
{Ichiya} Okay, see you soon, have some parfum! *Pulls out an assortment of parfum*
{Sky} No parfum, por favor. . . arigato. . . *Pushes Ichiya out the door*
{Ichiya} Goodbye, my lovely fans!
{Sky} *coughwhatfanscough* Bye! *Shuts the door*
{Sky} Wait. . . I'm forgetting something. Natsu and Gray! *Runs for the door again and flings it open*
{Natsu} Sky, finally! Are we on yet?
{Sky} I was waiting for you guys. . . *grits her teeth*
{Gray} Oh. Well, while you decided not to tell us that, we've been sitting out here. In the rain. Locked out.
{Sky} The door literally said open, and was UNLOCKED the whole time.
{Gray} I told you, Natsu!
{Natsu} I pushed on the door, and it wouldn't open!
{Sky} It specifically said 'pull door' on it.
{Gray} *Hits Natsu on the back of the head* Idiot!
{Natsu} Sorry, it was in Japanese! We do English in this book!
{Sky} I just wanted to keep the Japanese feel. . .
{Gray} We literally never had it in the first place.
{Sky} Just shut up and get inside. *Walks toward the door and opens it for the guys*
{Natsu} Ooh, snazzy.
{Sky} You've been here before.
{Natsu} oh yeah!
{Sky} I love you, but sometimes I question the fact that you have a brain.
{Gray} What was that?
{Sky} What? What was what? I didn't say anything other than how much I questioned Natsu's intelligence! *Sweat drop*
{Natsu} But it sounded like you said that you -
{Sky} *Cover's Natsu's mouth* We'll talk about it later.
{Gray} You're weird.
{Sky} *In thugisa voice* And you'd better not forget it!
{Sky} *In sweet voice* Take a seat!
{Natsu} Are you gonna do the good cop - bad cop thing the whole time?
{Sky} No, not for you, at least. *Eyeballs Gray*
{Gray} What did I do?!
{Sky} I've got my eye on you, sassypants.
{Gray} *Shrugs violently/offended*
{Sky} Anyways~ To the main focus. . . What dirt are you two hiding?
{Natsu} Eh?
{Gray} *Keeps a straight poker-face* Nothing.
{Sky} I have intel, so lying isn't getting you anywhere.
{Natsu} I still have n clue what the question is.
{Sky} Of course. It means, what naked girl pictures are you hiding in your dragon cave?
{Natsu} I don't live in a cave.
{Sky} i KNOW
{Gray} I'm telling you, I have none.
{Natsu} *Chuckles* Me neither.
{Sky} What's so funny?
{Natsu} nOTHING
{Gray} He's lying.
{Natsu} I am not! Gray's lying and he knows it!
{Sky} BOTH of you are lying.
{Gray} You have no proof.
{Sky} Or do I?
{Natsu} Oh no, here comes the glasses. . .
{Sky} *Puts on her nerd glasses* I have had my best agents; Mira, Cana, and Elfman go through every place you've ever lived or temporarily stayed.
{Gray} Are you insane?!
{Sky} Hm. . . Yes. And guess what my 'agents' found?
{Natsu} Underwear. . . ?
{Sky} Actually, I found a stash of your underwear under my bed, but we'll discuss that later.
{Gray} Hold up, are you two having -
{Sky and Natsu} NO
{Gray} Maybe I need some agents. . .
{Sky and Natsu} DROP IT. *Look at each other strangely after jinxing*
{Sky} Anyways. . . Agents, bring in your finds!
{Mira, Cana, and Elfman} Yes boss!
{Mira} *Giggles*
{Elfman} *Nudges his sister* Act serious.
{Mira} *Whispers* Oh yeah.
{Gray} IS THAT MY - I mean, I've never seen any of that in my life.
{Sky} Natsu? See anything familiar?
{Natsu} Actually, no. None of that is mine.
{Sky} Hold up, are those pictures of me in my bikinis?!
{Natsu} *Blushes a little, but keeps a straight face*
{Gray} Oh my Mavis, we have a blusher!
{Natsu} Shut up, man! *Punches Gray's arm*
{Sky} Oooooooh. . . Natsu, you'd better move to Egypt!
{Natsu} Why?
{Elfman} *Cough* Serious!
{Elfman} Don't mock me. *Scowls*
{Sky} Guys, we need to wrap this up soon, so. . . pLEASE SOMEONE CONFESS SOMETHING
{Natsu} I have a confession.
{Sky} Finally!
{Natsu} The bikini pictures of you are mine.
{Sky} Finally, a confession! - Wait, what?! HOW DID YOU GET THOSE?!
{Natsu} Aye sir. . .
{Sky} You used Happy to take pictures of me at the beach and the pool?!
{Gray} Oh no. He's in trouble. . .
{Sky} *To Natsu* We're not done here. *Turns to Gray* Now, you?
{Gray} I've got nothing.
{Elfman} Then what are these pictures of Juvia doing in here?
{Gray} Wha? What pictures of Juvia. . . ?
{Mira} *Sweetly* These ones! *Hold up Juvia's bikini shots*
{Sky} What a perv. . .
{Gray} Hey! What about those shirtless pictures of Natsu on your wall?
{Sky} Natsu never wears a shirt.
{Natsu} It's true. I just have this sick cape thing!
{Mira} your time is almost up!
{Sky} Alright boys, any last confessions?
{Natsu} I ate your soap bars from your shower!
{Sky} Hold up, what?
{Natsu} they looked like food!
{Gray} You're an idiot.
{Sky} Do you know where my soap bars have been?!
{Natsu} *Drools* Yeah. . .
{Cana} Ew, that's messed up.
{Mira} So, I think we'll be ending this -
{Natsu} Wait! One last thing! I may have also drank your shampoo and your mouthwash.
{Sky} Okay, we're gonna end this. . .
{Gray} I think Natsu needs his mouth washed out.
{Cana} It seems like he's already done it himself!
{Sky} Okay, we're gonna end this now. . .
{Natsu} Wait! One more -
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